Dec 23, 2013, 11:50:55 PM (10 years ago)

update language files

21 edited


  • extensions/Subscribe_to_comments/language/ca_ES/plugin.lang.php

    r15641 r26141  
    2121// | USA.                                                                  |
    2222// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    23 $lang['Invalid email adress, your are not subscribed to comments.'] = 'Adreça de correu electrònic no vàlida. No està inscrit als comentaris.';
     23$lang['Invalid email address, your are not subscribed to comments.'] = 'Adreça de correu electrònic no vàlida. No està inscrit als comentaris.';
    2424$lang['Notify me of followup comments'] = 'Notificar-me en cas d\'haver-hi nous comentaris';
    25 $lang['Please check your email inbox to confirm your subscription.'] = 'Revisi el seu correu electrònic per confirmar la seva inscripció.';
     25$lang['Please check your email in-box to confirm your subscription.'] = 'Revisi el seu correu electrònic per confirmar la seva inscripció.';
    2626$lang['Return to item page'] = 'Tornar a la pàgina anterior';
    2727$lang['Subscribe'] = 'Instriure\'s';
    3131$lang['Unsubscribe'] = 'Donar de baixa';
    3232$lang['You are not subscribed to any comment.'] = 'No està inscrit a cap comentari';
    33 $lang['Your subscribtion has been validated, thanks you.'] = 'La seva inscripció ha estat validada. Gràcies.';
     33$lang['Your subscription has been validated, thanks you.'] = 'La seva inscripció ha estat validada. Gràcies.';
  • extensions/Subscribe_to_comments/language/cs_CZ/plugin.lang.php

    r24384 r26141  
    2 $lang['Please check your email inbox to confirm your subscription.'] = 'Prosím nyní zkontrolujte vaši email schránku a odsouhlaste vaše přihlášení k odběru.';
    3 $lang['Invalid email adress, your are not subscribed to comments.'] = 'Byla zadána neplatná email adresa, nebyl jste zařazen k odběru komentářů.';
     2$lang['Please check your email in-box to confirm your subscription.'] = 'Prosím nyní zkontrolujte vaši email schránku a odsouhlaste vaše přihlášení k odběru.';
     3$lang['Invalid email address, your are not subscribed to comments.'] = 'Byla zadána neplatná email adresa, nebyl jste zařazen k odběru komentářů.';
    44$lang['Successfully unsubscribed your email address from receiving notifications.'] = 'Vaše email adresa byla úspěšně odstraněna ze seznamu odběratelů pro upozorňující zprávy.';
    55$lang['Unsubscribe'] = 'Odhlásit';
    66$lang['Subscribe'] = 'Přihlásit';
    77$lang['Notify me of followup comments'] = 'Upozorni mě na následující komentáře';
    8 $lang['Your subscribtion has been validated, thanks you.'] = 'Vaše přihlášení k odběru bylo potvrzeno, děkujeme vám.';
     8$lang['Your subscription has been validated, thanks you.'] = 'Vaše přihlášení k odběru bylo potvrzeno, děkujeme vám.';
    99$lang['Subscriptions of'] = 'Odběr z';
    1010$lang['Unsubscribe from all email notifications'] = 'Odhlásit se z odběru upozornění ze všech komentářů';
    1616$lang['Comments notifications'] = 'Komnetáře jsou oznámeny';
    1717$lang['Confirm subscription'] = 'Potvrď předplatné';
    18 $lang['Confirm your subscribtion to comments'] = 'Potvrď přihlášení ke komentářům';
     18$lang['Confirm your subscription to comments'] = 'Potvrď přihlášení ke komentářům';
    1919$lang['Followed on'] = 'Následováno na';
    2020$lang['Manage my subscriptions'] = 'Spravovat má přihlášení ';
    4444$lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on'] = 'Požádal jste o odebírání mailem komentářů o';
    4545$lang['%s has subscribed to comments on %s.'] = '%s odběr komentářů byl přihlášen na %s.';
    46 $lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s'] = 'Požádal jste o odběr komentářů e-mailem na %s';
     46$lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s.'] = 'Požádal jste o odběr komentářů e-mailem na %s';
    4747$lang['You are currently subscribed to comments on %s.'] = 'Jste právě prihlášen k odběru komentářů na %s';
    4848$lang['Global subscriptions'] = 'Celkové odběry';
  • extensions/Subscribe_to_comments/language/da_DK/plugin.lang.php

    r21615 r26141  
    3939$lang['You are not subscribed to any comment.'] = 'Du er ikke tilmeldt nogen kommentarer.';
    4040$lang['You have been added to the list of subscribers.'] = 'Du er blevet føjet til listen over tilmeldte.';
    41 $lang['Your subscribtion has been validated, thanks you.'] = 'Tak, din tilmelding er godkendt.';
     41$lang['Your subscription has been validated, thanks you.'] = 'Tak, din tilmelding er godkendt.';
    4242$lang['all albums of the gallery'] = 'alle albummer i galleriet';
    4343$lang['all pictures of the album <a href="%s">%s</a>'] = 'alle billeder i albummet <a href="%s">%s</a>';
    5252$lang['Comments notifications'] = 'Kommentarnotifikationer';
    5353$lang['Confirm subscription'] = 'Bekræft tilmelding';
    54 $lang['Confirm your subscribtion to comments'] = 'Bekræft din tilmelding til kommentarer';
     54$lang['Confirm your subscription to comments'] = 'Bekræft din tilmelding til kommentarer';
    5555$lang['Followed on'] = 'Fulgt den';
    56 $lang['Invalid email adress, your are not subscribed to comments.'] = 'Ugyldig e-mail-adresse, du er ikke tilmeldt kommentarer.';
     56$lang['Invalid email address, your are not subscribed to comments.'] = 'Ugyldig e-mail-adresse, du er ikke tilmeldt kommentarer.';
    5757$lang['Manage my subscriptions'] = 'Håndtér mine tilmeldinger';
    5858$lang['Not found.'] = 'Ikke fundet.';
    5959$lang['Notify administrators when a user take a new subscription'] = 'Notificer administrator når en bruger tilmelder sig noget nyt';
    6060$lang['Notify me of followup comments'] = 'Notificer mig om opfølgende kommentarer';
    61 $lang['Please check your email inbox to confirm your subscription.'] = 'Kontroller din mailadresses indbakke for at bekræfte din tilmelding';
     61$lang['Please check your email in-box to confirm your subscription.'] = 'Kontroller din mailadresses indbakke for at bekræfte din tilmelding';
    6262$lang['Return to item page'] = 'Tilbage til element';
    6363$lang['Subject'] = 'Emne';
    7272$lang['Subscriptions of %s'] = 'Abonnementer hørende til %s';
    7373$lang['You are currently subscribed to comments on %s.'] = 'Du har i øjeblikket abonnement på kommentarer vedrørende %s.';
    74 $lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s'] = 'Du har bedt om at tegne abonnement via e-mail på kommentarer vedrørende %s';
     74$lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s.'] = 'Du har bedt om at tegne abonnement via e-mail på kommentarer vedrørende %s';
    7575$lang['&#9733; : registered users'] = '&#9733;: registrerede brugere';
    7676$lang['All album photos'] = 'Alle albumfotografier';
  • extensions/Subscribe_to_comments/language/de_DE/plugin.lang.php

    r21680 r26141  
    3 $lang['Please check your email inbox to confirm your subscription.'] = 'Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihren Posteingang, um Ihre Abonnementanfrage zu bestätigen.';
    4 $lang['Invalid email adress, your are not subscribed to comments.'] = 'Ungültige E-mailadresse, Sie haben Kommentare nicht abonniert.';
     3$lang['Please check your email in-box to confirm your subscription.'] = 'Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihren Posteingang, um Ihre Abonnementanfrage zu bestätigen.';
     4$lang['Invalid email address, your are not subscribed to comments.'] = 'Ungültige E-mailadresse, Sie haben Kommentare nicht abonniert.';
    55$lang['Successfully unsubscribed your email address from receiving notifications.'] = 'Ihr Abonnement wurde erfolgreich deaktiviert. Sie erhalten keine weiteren Benachrichtigungen.';
    66$lang['Unsubscribe'] = 'Abmelden';
    77$lang['Subscribe'] = 'Anmelden';
    88$lang['Notify me of followup comments'] = 'Bei weiteren Kommentaren benachrichtigen';
    9 $lang['Your subscribtion has been validated, thanks you.'] = 'Danke, ihr Abonnement wurde bestätigt.';
     9$lang['Your subscription has been validated, thanks you.'] = 'Danke, ihr Abonnement wurde bestätigt.';
    1010$lang['Subscriptions of'] = 'Abonnements von';
    1111$lang['Unsubscribe from all email notifications'] = 'Alle E-mailbenachrichtigungen deaktivieren';
    1818$lang['Comments notifications'] = 'Benachrichtigungen für Kommentare';
    1919$lang['Confirm subscription'] = 'Abonnement bestätigen';
    20 $lang['Confirm your subscribtion to comments'] = 'Bestätigen Sie Ihr Abo für Kommentare';
     20$lang['Confirm your subscription to comments'] = 'Bestätigen Sie Ihr Abo für Kommentare';
    2121$lang['Followed on'] = 'Nachverfolgung an';
    2222$lang['Manage my subscriptions'] = 'Meine Abonnements verwalten';
    5353$lang['Subscriptions of %s'] = 'Einschreibungen auf %s';
    5454$lang['You are currently subscribed to comments on %s.'] = 'Du bist eingeschrieben für Kommentare auf %s';
    55 $lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s'] = 'Du hast eine Einschreibung via E-mail für Kommentare auf %s angefragt. ';
     55$lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s.'] = 'Du hast eine Einschreibung via E-mail für Kommentare auf %s angefragt. ';
    5656$lang['&#9733; : registered users'] = '#9733; : registrierte Benutzer';
    5757$lang['All album photos'] = 'Alle Album Fotos';
  • extensions/Subscribe_to_comments/language/el_GR/plugin.lang.php

    r21707 r26141  
    2626$lang['Comments notifications'] = 'Κοινοποίηση σχολίων';
    2727$lang['Confirm subscription'] = 'Επιβεβαίωση εγγραφής';
    28 $lang['Confirm your subscribtion to comments'] = 'Επιβεβαιώστε την εγγραφή σας στα σχόλια';
     28$lang['Confirm your subscription to comments'] = 'Επιβεβαιώστε την εγγραφή σας στα σχόλια';
    2929$lang['Followed on'] = 'Ακολούθησε το';
    30 $lang['Invalid email adress, your are not subscribed to comments.'] = 'Άκυρη η διεύθυνση σας e-mail, δεν εγγράφεστε σε σχόλια.';
     30$lang['Invalid email address, your are not subscribed to comments.'] = 'Άκυρη η διεύθυνση σας e-mail, δεν εγγράφεστε σε σχόλια.';
    3131$lang['Manage my subscriptions'] = 'Διαχείριση των εγγραφών μου';
    3232$lang['New comment on'] = 'Νέο σχόλιο σχετικά με';
    3535$lang['Notify administrators when a user take a new subscription'] = 'Να ειδοποιούνται οι διαχειριστές όταν ένας χρήστης λαμβάνει μια νέα συνδρομή';
    3636$lang['Notify me of followup comments'] = 'Να ειδοποιούμαι για παρακολούθηση σχολίων';
    37 $lang['Please check your email inbox to confirm your subscription.'] = 'Παρακαλούμε ελέγξτε τα εισερχόμενα email σας για να επιβεβαιώσετε την εγγραφή σας.';
     37$lang['Please check your email in-box to confirm your subscription.'] = 'Παρακαλούμε ελέγξτε τα εισερχόμενα email σας για να επιβεβαιώσετε την εγγραφή σας.';
    3838$lang['Return to item page'] = 'Επιστροφή στη σελίδα του στοιχείου';
    3939$lang['Subject'] = 'Θέμα';
    5252$lang['You have been added to the list of subscribers.'] = 'Έχετε προστεθεί στον κατάλογο των συνδρομητών.';
    5353$lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on'] = 'Ζητήσατε να εγγραφείτε μέσω e-mail σε σχόλια σχετικά με';
    54 $lang['Your subscribtion has been validated, thanks you.'] = 'Η εγγραφή σας έχει επικυρωθεί, σας ευχαριστούμαι.';
     54$lang['Your subscription has been validated, thanks you.'] = 'Η εγγραφή σας έχει επικυρωθεί, σας ευχαριστούμαι.';
    5555$lang['all albums of the gallery'] = 'όλα τα λευκώματα της γκαλερί';
    5656$lang['all pictures of the album <a href="%s">%s</a>'] = 'όλες οι φωτογραφίες του λευκώματος <a href="%s">%s</a>';
    6464$lang['this album'] = 'αυτό το λεύκωμα';
    6565$lang['this picture'] = 'αυτή η εικόνα';
    66 $lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s'] = 'Ζητήσατε να εγγραφείτε μέσω e-mail για σχόλια σχετικά με το %s';
     66$lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s.'] = 'Ζητήσατε να εγγραφείτε μέσω e-mail για σχόλια σχετικά με το %s';
    6767$lang['You are currently subscribed to comments on %s.'] = 'Αυτήν τη στιγμή είστε συνδρομητής σε σχόλια σχετικά με %s.';
    6868$lang['Subscriptions of %s'] = 'Συνδρομές του %s';
  • extensions/Subscribe_to_comments/language/en_UK/plugin.lang.php

    r21608 r26141  
    33$lang['Comments notifications'] = 'Comments notifications';
    4 $lang['Invalid email adress, your are not subscribed to comments.'] = 'Invalid email adress, your are not subscribed to comments.';
    5 $lang['Confirm your subscribtion to comments'] = 'Confirm your subscribtion to comments';
     4$lang['Invalid email address, your are not subscribed to comments.'] = 'Invalid email address, your are not subscribed to comments.';
     5$lang['Confirm your subscription to comments'] = 'Confirm your subscription to comments';
    66$lang['Successfully unsubscribed your email address from receiving notifications.'] = 'Successfully unsubscribed your email address from receiving notifications.';
    77$lang['Not found.'] = 'Not found.';
    8 $lang['Your subscribtion has been validated, thanks you.'] = 'Your subscribtion has been validated, thanks you.';
     8$lang['Your subscription has been validated, thanks you.'] = 'Your subscription has been validated, thanks you.';
    99$lang['Already validated.'] = 'Already validated.';
    1010$lang['You are not subscribed to any comment.'] = 'You are not subscribed to any comment.';
    11 $lang['Please check your email inbox to confirm your subscription.'] = 'Please check your email inbox to confirm your subscription.';
     11$lang['Please check your email in-box to confirm your subscription.'] = 'Please check your email in-box to confirm your subscription.';
    1212$lang['You have been added to the list of subscribers.'] = 'You have been added to the list of subscribers.';
    1313$lang['the picture <a href="%s">%s</a>'] = 'the picture <a href="%s">%s</a>';
    3333$lang['New subscription on %s'] = 'New subscription on %s';
    3434$lang['Subscribe to comments on %s'] = 'Subscribe to comments on %s';
    35 $lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s'] = 'You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s';
     35$lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s.'] = 'You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s..';
    3636$lang['To activate, click the confirm button. If you believe this is an error, please just ignore this message.'] = 'To activate, click the confirm button. If you believe this is an error, please just ignore this message.';
    3737$lang['Want to edit your notifications options?'] = 'Want to edit your notifications options?';
    5151$lang['&#9733; : registered users'] = '&#9733; : registered users';
    5252$lang['No result'] = 'No result';
     53$lang['<b>%s</b> wrote on <i>%s</i>'] = '<b>%s</b> wrote on <i>%s</i>';
     54$lang['Apply action'] = 'Apply action';
     55$lang['Choose an action'] = 'Choose an action';
  • extensions/Subscribe_to_comments/language/es_ES/plugin.lang.php

    r21725 r26141  
    2121// | USA.                                                                  |
    2222// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    23 $lang['Invalid email adress, your are not subscribed to comments.'] = 'Email incorrecto, no se ha suscrito a los comentarios.';
     23$lang['Invalid email address, your are not subscribed to comments.'] = 'Email incorrecto, no se ha suscrito a los comentarios.';
    2424$lang['Notify me of followup comments'] = 'Notificarme de próximos comentarios.';
    25 $lang['Please check your email inbox to confirm your subscription.'] = 'Por favor, revisa tu buzón de correo electrónico para confirmar la suscripción.';
     25$lang['Please check your email in-box to confirm your subscription.'] = 'Por favor, revisa tu buzón de correo electrónico para confirmar la suscripción.';
    2626$lang['Return to item page'] = 'Volver a la página anterior';
    2727$lang['Subscribe'] = 'Suscribir';
    3131$lang['Unsubscribe from all email notifications'] = 'Cancelar todas las suscripciones por email ';
    3232$lang['You are not subscribed to any comment.'] = 'No estas suscrito a ningún comentarios';
    33 $lang['Your subscribtion has been validated, thanks you.'] = 'Tu suscripción se ha validado, gracias.';
     33$lang['Your subscription has been validated, thanks you.'] = 'Tu suscripción se ha validado, gracias.';
    3434$lang['%s has subscribed to comments on'] = 'se ha suscrito a los comentarios de';
    3535$lang['Allow users to subscribe to global notifications'] = 'Permitir a los usuarios suscribirse a las notificaciones globales';
    3737$lang['Comments notifications'] = 'Comentarios de las notificaciones';
    3838$lang['Confirm subscription'] = 'Confirmar la suscripción';
    39 $lang['Confirm your subscribtion to comments'] = 'Confirme su suscripcion a los comentarios';
     39$lang['Confirm your subscription to comments'] = 'Confirme su suscripcion a los comentarios';
    4040$lang['Followed on'] = 'seguido de';
    4141$lang['Manage my subscriptions'] = 'Administrar mis suscripciones';
    6464$lang['this album'] = 'este álbum';
    6565$lang['this picture'] = 'la imagen';
    66 $lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s'] = 'Usted ha pedido suscribirse a los comentarios en %s';
     66$lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s.'] = 'Usted ha pedido suscribirse a los comentarios en %s';
    6767$lang['You are currently subscribed to comments on %s.'] = 'Esta inscrito a los comentarios en %s.';
    6868$lang['%s has subscribed to comments on %s.'] = '%s se ha registrado a los comentarios en %s';
  • extensions/Subscribe_to_comments/language/fi_FI/plugin.lang.php

    r24607 r26141  
    2727$lang['You are currently subscribed to comments on'] = 'Olet tilannut ilmoitukset kommenteista';
    2828$lang['all pictures of the gallery'] = 'kaikkiin gallerian kuviin';
    29 $lang['Your subscribtion has been validated, thanks you.'] = 'Kiitos, tilauksesi on vahvistettu.';
     29$lang['Your subscription has been validated, thanks you.'] = 'Kiitos, tilauksesi on vahvistettu.';
    3030$lang['Want to edit your notifications options?'] = 'Haluatko muuttaa ilmoitusasetuksiasi?';
    3131$lang['Return to item page'] = 'Palaa kohteen sivulle';
    3939$lang['New comment on'] = 'Uusi kommentti kohteeseen';
    4040$lang['Manage my subscriptions'] = 'Hallitse tilauksia';
    41 $lang['Confirm your subscribtion to comments'] = 'Vahvista kommenttien tilaus';
     41$lang['Confirm your subscription to comments'] = 'Vahvista kommenttien tilaus';
    4242$lang['Confirm subscription'] = 'Vahvista tilaus';
    4343$lang['%s has subscribed to comments on'] = '%s on tilannut kommentit kohteeseen';
    4444$lang['You have been added to the list of subscribers.'] = 'Sinut on lisätty tilaajiin.';
    4545$lang['Comments notifications'] = 'Ilmoitukset kommenteista';
    46 $lang['Invalid email adress, your are not subscribed to comments.'] = 'Virheellinen sähköpostiosoite. Kommentteja ei tilattu.';
     46$lang['Invalid email address, your are not subscribed to comments.'] = 'Virheellinen sähköpostiosoite. Kommentteja ei tilattu.';
    4747$lang['Subscribe'] = 'Tilaa';
    4848$lang['Subscribe to comments on'] = 'Tilaa kommentit kohteesta';
    5151$lang['Followed on'] = 'Seurataan liittyen';
    5252$lang['You are currently subscribed to comments on %s.'] = 'Olet tilaajana %s:n kommenteissa.';
    53 $lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s'] = 'Olet pyytänyt %s:n kommenttien tilausta sähköpostitse';
     53$lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s.'] = 'Olet pyytänyt %s:n kommenttien tilausta sähköpostitse';
    5454$lang['comments on a picture'] = 'Kuvan kommentit';
    5555$lang['comments on all pictures of an album'] = 'Albumin kaikkien kuvien kommentit';
    6969$lang['No result'] = 'Ei tuloksia';
    7070$lang['Notify administrators when a user take a new subscription'] = 'Ilmoita ylläpitäjille kun käyttäjä tekee uuden tilauksen';
    71 $lang['Please check your email inbox to confirm your subscription.'] = 'Ole hyvä ja tarkista sähköpostisi varmistaaksesi tilauksesi';
     71$lang['Please check your email in-box to confirm your subscription.'] = 'Ole hyvä ja tarkista sähköpostisi varmistaaksesi tilauksesi';
    7272$lang['Stop receiving notifications'] = 'Lopeta ilmoitusten vastaanottaminen';
    7373$lang['Subscribe to comments on %s'] = 'Tilaa kommentit liittyen %s:n';
  • extensions/Subscribe_to_comments/language/fr_FR/plugin.lang.php

    r21609 r26141  
    3 $lang['Please check your email inbox to confirm your subscription.'] = 'Veillez consulter votre boite mail pour confirmer votre inscription.';
    4 $lang['Invalid email adress, your are not subscribed to comments.'] = 'Adresse email invalide, vous n\'êtes pas inscrit.';
     3$lang['Please check your email in-box to confirm your subscription.'] = 'Veillez consulter votre boite mail pour confirmer votre inscription.';
     4$lang['Invalid email address, your are not subscribed to comments.'] = 'Adresse email invalide, vous n\'êtes pas inscrit.';
    55$lang['Successfully unsubscribed your email address from receiving notifications.'] = 'Inscription aux commentaires annulée avec succès.';
    66$lang['Unsubscribe'] = 'Se désinscrire';
    77$lang['Subscribe'] = 'S\'inscrire';
    88$lang['Notify me of followup comments'] = 'Me notifier des nouveaux commentaires';
    9 $lang['Your subscribtion has been validated, thanks you.'] = 'Votre inscription a été validée, merci.';
     9$lang['Your subscription has been validated, thanks you.'] = 'Votre inscription a été validée, merci.';
    1010$lang['Subscriptions of'] = 'Suivis de';
    1111$lang['Unsubscribe from all email notifications'] = 'Ne plus recevoir aucune notification';
    1818$lang['Comments notifications'] = 'Suivis de commentaires';
    1919$lang['Confirm subscription'] = 'Confirmer l\'inscription';
    20 $lang['Confirm your subscribtion to comments'] = 'Confirmez votre inscription aux commentaires';
     20$lang['Confirm your subscription to comments'] = 'Confirmez votre inscription aux commentaires';
    2121$lang['Followed on'] = 'Inscrit depuis';
    2222$lang['Manage my subscriptions'] = 'Gérer mes suivis';
    5252$lang['Subscriptions of %s'] = 'Inscriptions de %s';
    5353$lang['You are currently subscribed to comments on %s.'] = 'Vous êtes inscrits aux commentaires sur %s.';
    54 $lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s'] = 'Vous avez demandez à vous inscrire aux commentaires sur %s.';
     54$lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s.'] = 'Vous avez demandez à vous inscrire aux commentaires sur %s.';
    5555$lang['First subscription'] = 'Premier abonnement';
    5656$lang['Last subscription'] = 'Dernier abonnement';
  • extensions/Subscribe_to_comments/language/hu_HU/plugin.lang.php

    r21885 r26141  
    3333$lang['Notify administrators when a user take a new subscription'] = 'Adminisztrátorok értesítése, amikor egy felhasználó feliratkozik valamire';
    3434$lang['Notify me of followup comments'] = 'Értesítsen a további hozzászólásokról';
    35 $lang['Please check your email inbox to confirm your subscription.'] = 'Kérjük ellenőrizd a postafiókod, hogy érvényesítsd a feliratkozásod';
     35$lang['Please check your email in-box to confirm your subscription.'] = 'Kérjük ellenőrizd a postafiókod, hogy érvényesítsd a feliratkozásod';
    3636$lang['Subscriptions of %s'] = '%s feliratkozásai';
    3737$lang['Successfully unsubscribed your email address from receiving notifications.'] = 'Sikeresen leiratkoztál az értesítések fogadásáról.';
    4444$lang['Validate'] = 'Érvényesítés';
    4545$lang['You have been added to the list of subscribers.'] = 'Hozzál lettél adva a feliratkozottak listájához.';
    46 $lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s'] = 'Kérvényezted, hogy feliratkozz az emailben érkező hozzászólásokra ehhez: %s';
    47 $lang['Your subscribtion has been validated, thanks you.'] = 'A feliratkozásod érvényesítve lett, köszönjük.';
     46$lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s.'] = 'Kérvényezted, hogy feliratkozz az emailben érkező hozzászólásokra ehhez: %s';
     47$lang['Your subscription has been validated, thanks you.'] = 'A feliratkozásod érvényesítve lett, köszönjük.';
    4848$lang['all pictures of the album <a href="%s">%s</a>'] = 'az album összes képe <a href="%s">%s</a>';
    4949$lang['the album <a href="%s">%s</a>'] = 'az album <a href="%s">%s</a>';
    6363$lang['comments on an album'] = 'hozzászólások egy albumon';
    6464$lang['Comments notifications'] = 'Hozzászólás értesítések';
    65 $lang['Confirm your subscribtion to comments'] = 'Erősítsd meg a feliratkozásod a hozzászólásokra';
     65$lang['Confirm your subscription to comments'] = 'Erősítsd meg a feliratkozásod a hozzászólásokra';
    6666$lang['First subscription'] = 'Első feliratkozás';
    6767$lang['Global subscriptions'] = 'Globális feliratkozások';
    68 $lang['Invalid email adress, your are not subscribed to comments.'] = 'Helytelen email cím, ezért nem iratkoztál fel a hozzászólásokra.';
     68$lang['Invalid email address, your are not subscribed to comments.'] = 'Helytelen email cím, ezért nem iratkoztál fel a hozzászólásokra.';
    6969$lang['Last subscription'] = 'Utolsó feliratkozás';
    7070$lang['Manage my subscriptions'] = 'Feliratkozásaim kezelése';
  • extensions/Subscribe_to_comments/language/it_IT/plugin.lang.php

    r21621 r26141  
    2121// | USA.                                                                  |
    2222// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    23 $lang['Invalid email adress, your are not subscribed to comments.'] = 'Indirizzo mail errato, non sei sottoscritto ai commenti';
     23$lang['Invalid email address, your are not subscribed to comments.'] = 'Indirizzo mail errato, non sei sottoscritto ai commenti';
    2424$lang['Notify me of followup comments'] = 'Notificami sui commenti successivi';
    25 $lang['Please check your email inbox to confirm your subscription.'] = 'Controlla la tua posta in arrivo per confermare la sottoscrizione';
     25$lang['Please check your email in-box to confirm your subscription.'] = 'Controlla la tua posta in arrivo per confermare la sottoscrizione';
    2626$lang['Return to item page'] = 'Ritorna alla pagina degli argomenti';
    2727$lang['Subscribe'] = 'Sottoscrivi';
    3131$lang['Unsubscribe from all email notifications'] = 'Rimuovi la sottoscrizione da tutte le notifiche mail';
    3232$lang['You are not subscribed to any comment.'] = 'Non hai sottoscritto alcun commento';
    33 $lang['Your subscribtion has been validated, thanks you.'] = 'La tua sottoscrizione è stata confermata, grazie.';
     33$lang['Your subscription has been validated, thanks you.'] = 'La tua sottoscrizione è stata confermata, grazie.';
    3434$lang['Allow users to subscribe to global notifications'] = 'Consenti agli utenti di iscriversi in forma aggregata';
    3535$lang['Already validated.'] = 'Già convalidato.';
    3737$lang['Comments notifications'] = 'Notifiche commenti';
    3838$lang['Confirm subscription'] = 'Conferma l\'iscrizione';
    39 $lang['Confirm your subscribtion to comments'] = 'Conferma la tua iscrizione ai commenti';
     39$lang['Confirm your subscription to comments'] = 'Conferma la tua iscrizione ai commenti';
    4040$lang['Followed on'] = 'Iscritto dal';
    4141$lang['Manage my subscriptions'] = 'Gestisci le mie iscrizioni';
    6464$lang['this album'] = 'questo album';
    6565$lang['this picture'] = 'questa immagine';
    66 $lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s'] = 'Hai richiesto di iscriverti via email ai commenti su %s';
     66$lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s.'] = 'Hai richiesto di iscriverti via email ai commenti su %s';
    6767$lang['You are currently subscribed to comments on %s.'] = 'Sei attualmente iscritto a commenti su %s.';
    6868$lang['Subscriptions of %s'] = 'Sottoscrizioni di %s';
  • extensions/Subscribe_to_comments/language/lv_LV/plugin.lang.php

    r21622 r26141  
    2121// | USA.                                                                  |
    2222// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    23 $lang['Please check your email inbox to confirm your subscription.'] = 'Lūdzu pārbaudiet savu e-pastu, lai apstiprinātu savu pierakstu.';
    24 $lang['Invalid email adress, your are not subscribed to comments.'] = 'Nekorekta e-pasta adrese, jūs neesat pierakstījies komentāriem.';
     23$lang['Please check your email in-box to confirm your subscription.'] = 'Lūdzu pārbaudiet savu e-pastu, lai apstiprinātu savu pierakstu.';
     24$lang['Invalid email address, your are not subscribed to comments.'] = 'Nekorekta e-pasta adrese, jūs neesat pierakstījies komentāriem.';
    2525$lang['Successfully unsubscribed your email address from receiving notifications.'] = 'Jūsu e-pasta adrese sekmīgi izņemta no paziņojumu saņēmēju saraksta.';
    2626$lang['Unsubscribe'] = 'Atsacīties no pieraksta';
    2727$lang['Subscribe'] = 'Pierakstīties';
    2828$lang['Notify me of followup comments'] = 'Paziņot man par tekošajiem komentāriem';
    29 $lang['Your subscribtion has been validated, thanks you.'] = 'Paldies. Jūsu pieraksts ir validēts.';
     29$lang['Your subscription has been validated, thanks you.'] = 'Paldies. Jūsu pieraksts ir validēts.';
    3030$lang['Subscriptions of'] = 'Pierakstīšanās';
    3131$lang['Unsubscribe from all email notifications'] = 'Atsacīties no visiem epasta paziņojumiem';
    3737$lang['Comments notifications'] = 'Paziņojums par komentāru';
    3838$lang['Confirm subscription'] = 'Apstiprināt parakstīšanos';
    39 $lang['Confirm your subscribtion to comments'] = 'Apstiprināt parakstīšanos komentāriem';
     39$lang['Confirm your subscription to comments'] = 'Apstiprināt parakstīšanos komentāriem';
    4040$lang['Followed on'] = 'Sekot līdzi';
    4141$lang['Manage my subscriptions'] = 'Pārvaldīt manu parakstīšanos';
    6666$lang['%s has subscribed to comments on %s.'] = '%s ir parakstījies(usi) komentāriem uz %s.';
    6767$lang['You are currently subscribed to comments on %s.'] = 'Jūs patlaban esat pierakstījies(usies) komentāriem uz %s.';
    68 $lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s'] = 'Jūs estat pieprasījis(usi) parakstīšanos(abonešanu)komentāriem uz %s pa e-pastu';
     68$lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s.'] = 'Jūs estat pieprasījis(usi) parakstīšanos(abonešanu)komentāriem uz %s pa e-pastu';
    6969$lang['Subscriptions of %s'] = 'Parakstīšanā no';
    7070$lang['New comment on %s'] = 'Jauns komentārs uz %s';
  • extensions/Subscribe_to_comments/language/nl_NL/plugin.lang.php

    r21649 r26141  
    2121// | USA.                                                                  |
    2222// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    23 $lang['Invalid email adress, your are not subscribed to comments.'] = 'Ongeldig emailadres, u bent niet geabonneerd op commentaar.';
     23$lang['Invalid email address, your are not subscribed to comments.'] = 'Ongeldig emailadres, u bent niet geabonneerd op commentaar.';
    2424$lang['Notify me of followup comments'] = 'Wilt u geïnformeerd worden over opvolgend commentaar ?';
    25 $lang['Please check your email inbox to confirm your subscription.'] = 'Raadpleeg aub uw inbox om uw abonnement te bevestigen.';
     25$lang['Please check your email in-box to confirm your subscription.'] = 'Raadpleeg aub uw inbox om uw abonnement te bevestigen.';
    2626$lang['Return to item page'] = 'Keer terug naar de itempagina';
    2727$lang['Subscribe'] = 'Abonneer';
    3131$lang['Unsubscribe'] = 'Uitschrijven';
    3232$lang['You are not subscribed to any comment.'] = 'U bent geabonneerd op geen enkel commentaar.';
    33 $lang['Your subscribtion has been validated, thanks you.'] = 'Uw inschrijving is goedgekeurd, dank u wel.';
     33$lang['Your subscription has been validated, thanks you.'] = 'Uw inschrijving is goedgekeurd, dank u wel.';
    3434$lang['%s has subscribed to comments on'] = '%s is geabonneerd op commentaar over';
    3535$lang['Allow users to subscribe to global notifications'] = 'Laat gebruikers zich abonneren op algemene berichten';
    3737$lang['Comments notifications'] = 'Commentaar-berichten';
    3838$lang['Confirm subscription'] = 'Bevestig abonnement';
    39 $lang['Confirm your subscribtion to comments'] = 'Bevestig uw abonnement op commentaar';
     39$lang['Confirm your subscription to comments'] = 'Bevestig uw abonnement op commentaar';
    4040$lang['Followed on'] = 'Gevolgd op';
    4141$lang['Manage my subscriptions'] = 'Beheer mijn abonnementen';
    7777$lang['Subscriptions of %s'] = 'Registreren van %s';
    7878$lang['You are currently subscribed to comments on %s.'] = 'U bent geregistreerd om opmerkingen te geven op %s';
    79 $lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s'] = 'U heeft zich via email geregistreerd om opmerkingen te geven op %s';
     79$lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s.'] = 'U heeft zich via email geregistreerd om opmerkingen te geven op %s';
  • extensions/Subscribe_to_comments/language/pl_PL/plugin.lang.php

    r21623 r26141  
    2121// | USA.                                                                  |
    2222// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    23 $lang['Please check your email inbox to confirm your subscription.'] = 'Sprawdź skrzynką pocztową aby potwierdzić subskrypcje.';
    24 $lang['Invalid email adress, your are not subscribed to comments.'] = 'Niewłaściwy adres e-mail, nie zostałeś subskrybowany.';
     23$lang['Please check your email in-box to confirm your subscription.'] = 'Sprawdź skrzynką pocztową aby potwierdzić subskrypcje.';
     24$lang['Invalid email address, your are not subscribed to comments.'] = 'Niewłaściwy adres e-mail, nie zostałeś subskrybowany.';
    2525$lang['Successfully unsubscribed your email address from receiving notifications.'] = 'Usunąłeś ten adres e-mail z listy subskrybentów.';
    2626$lang['Unsubscribe'] = 'Nie subskrybuj';
    2727$lang['Subscribe'] = 'Subskrybuj';
    2828$lang['Notify me of followup comments'] = 'Powiadamiaj o odpowiedziach.';
    29 $lang['Your subscribtion has been validated, thanks you.'] = 'Twoja subskrypcja została potwierdzona, dziękujemy.';
     29$lang['Your subscription has been validated, thanks you.'] = 'Twoja subskrypcja została potwierdzona, dziękujemy.';
    3030$lang['Subscriptions of'] = 'Subskrypcje';
    3131$lang['Unsubscribe from all email notifications'] = 'Zakończ subskrypcję wszystkich powiadomień';
    5454$lang['Comments notifications'] = 'Powiadomienia o komentarzach';
    5555$lang['Confirm subscription'] = 'Potwierdź subskrypcję';
    56 $lang['Confirm your subscribtion to comments'] = 'Potwierdź Twoją subskrypcję dla komentarzy';
     56$lang['Confirm your subscription to comments'] = 'Potwierdź Twoją subskrypcję dla komentarzy';
    5757$lang['Followed on'] = 'Podążając za';
    5858$lang['Notify administrators when a user take a new subscription'] = 'Powiadom administratorów gdy użytkownik się zapisuje';
    7272$lang['Subscriptions of %s'] = 'Subskrypcje %s';
    7373$lang['You are currently subscribed to comments on %s.'] = 'Już subskrybujesz komentarze do %s.';
    74 $lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s'] = 'Zleciłeś subskrypcję komentarzy do %s';
     74$lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s.'] = 'Zleciłeś subskrypcję komentarzy do %s';
    7575$lang['&#9733; : registered users'] = '&#9733; : zarejestrowanych użytkowników';
    7676$lang['All album photos'] = 'Zdjęcia z całego albumu';
  • extensions/Subscribe_to_comments/language/pt_BR/plugin.lang.php

    r21648 r26141  
    2727$lang['this album'] = 'esse álbum';
    2828$lang['this picture'] = 'essa foto';
    29 $lang['Invalid email adress, your are not subscribed to comments.'] = 'endereço de correio eletrônico inválido, você não tem assinatura para comentar.';
     29$lang['Invalid email address, your are not subscribed to comments.'] = 'endereço de correio eletrônico inválido, você não tem assinatura para comentar.';
    3030$lang['Manage my subscriptions'] = 'Gerencie suas assinaturas';
    3131$lang['New comment on'] = 'Novos comentários';
    4141$lang['You have been added to the list of subscribers.'] = 'Você foi adicionado a lista de assinantes.';
    4242$lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on'] = 'Você requisitou assinatura por e-mail para comentar';
    43 $lang['Your subscribtion has been validated, thanks you.'] = 'Sua assinatura foi validada, obrigado.';
     43$lang['Your subscription has been validated, thanks you.'] = 'Sua assinatura foi validada, obrigado.';
    4444$lang['all albums of the gallery'] = 'Todos os álbuns da galeria';
    4545$lang['all pictures of the album <a href="%s">%s</a>'] = 'Todas as fotos dos álbuns <a href="%s">%s</a>';
    5252$lang['Comments notifications'] = 'Notificação de comentários';
    5353$lang['Confirm subscription'] = 'confirma assinatura';
    54 $lang['Confirm your subscribtion to comments'] = 'Confirma sua assinatura para comentários';
     54$lang['Confirm your subscription to comments'] = 'Confirma sua assinatura para comentários';
    5555$lang['Followed on'] = 'Seguido por';
    5656$lang['New subscription on'] = 'Nova assinatura';
    5858$lang['Notify administrators when a user take a new subscription'] = 'Notifique os adminstradores quando um usuário fizer uma nova assinatura';
    5959$lang['Notify me of followup comments'] = 'Notifique-me para outros comentários';
    60 $lang['Please check your email inbox to confirm your subscription.'] = 'Por favor verifique sua caixa de entrada de correio eletrônico para confirmar a assinatura';
     60$lang['Please check your email in-box to confirm your subscription.'] = 'Por favor verifique sua caixa de entrada de correio eletrônico para confirmar a assinatura';
    6161$lang['Return to item page'] = 'Retorne a página do item';
    6262$lang['Subject'] = 'Assunto';
    7272$lang['Subscriptions of %s'] = 'Subscrições de %s';
    7373$lang['You are currently subscribed to comments on %s.'] = 'Você está inscrito para comentários em %s.';
    74 $lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s'] = 'Você pediu para se inscrever por e-mail aos comentários sobre %s';
     74$lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s.'] = 'Você pediu para se inscrever por e-mail aos comentários sobre %s';
    7575$lang['&#9733; : registered users'] = '&#9733;: usuários registrados';
    7676$lang['All album photos'] = 'Todas as fotos do álbum';
  • extensions/Subscribe_to_comments/language/pt_PT/plugin.lang.php

    r21705 r26141  
    2121// | USA.                                                                  |
    2222// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    23 $lang['Invalid email adress, your are not subscribed to comments.'] = 'Endereço de correio electrónico inválido, não é subscritor dos comentários.';
     23$lang['Invalid email address, your are not subscribed to comments.'] = 'Endereço de correio electrónico inválido, não é subscritor dos comentários.';
    2424$lang['Notify me of followup comments'] = 'Notificar-me de comentários subsequentes';
    25 $lang['Please check your email inbox to confirm your subscription.'] = 'Por favor consulte a sua caixa de correio electrónico para confirmar a sua subscrição.';
     25$lang['Please check your email in-box to confirm your subscription.'] = 'Por favor consulte a sua caixa de correio electrónico para confirmar a sua subscrição.';
    2626$lang['Return to item page'] = 'Regressar à página do item';
    2727$lang['Subscribe'] = 'Subscrever';
    3131$lang['Unsubscribe'] = 'Cancelar subscrição';
    3232$lang['You are not subscribed to any comment.'] = 'Não está subscrito a nenhum comentário.';
    33 $lang['Your subscribtion has been validated, thanks you.'] = 'A sua subscrição foi validada, obrigado.';
     33$lang['Your subscription has been validated, thanks you.'] = 'A sua subscrição foi validada, obrigado.';
    3434$lang['%s has subscribed to comments on'] = '%s subscreveram para comentários nos';
    3535$lang['Allow users to subscribe to global notifications'] = 'Permitir aos utilizadores subscreverem notificações globais';
    3737$lang['Comments notifications'] = 'Notificações de comentários';
    3838$lang['Confirm subscription'] = 'Confirmar subscrição';
    39 $lang['Confirm your subscribtion to comments'] = 'Confirmar a sua subscrição para comentários';
     39$lang['Confirm your subscription to comments'] = 'Confirmar a sua subscrição para comentários';
    4040$lang['Followed on'] = 'Seguido em';
    4141$lang['Manage my subscriptions'] = 'Administrar minhas subscrições';
    7272$lang['Subscriptions of %s'] = 'Subscrições de %s';
    7373$lang['You are currently subscribed to comments on %s.'] = 'Está actualmente subscrito aos comentários em %s.';
    74 $lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s'] = 'Solicitou a subscrição por e-mail aos comentários em %s';
     74$lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s.'] = 'Solicitou a subscrição por e-mail aos comentários em %s';
    7575$lang['All album photos'] = 'Todos os albuns fotográficos';
    7676$lang['&#9733; : registered users'] = 'Utilizadores registados:&#9733;';
  • extensions/Subscribe_to_comments/language/ru_RU/plugin.lang.php

    r21657 r26141  
    2121// | USA.                                                                  |
    2222// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    23 $lang['Please check your email inbox to confirm your subscription.'] = 'Пожалуйста, проверьте ваш электронный почтовый ящик, чтобы подтвердить подписку.';
    24 $lang['Invalid email adress, your are not subscribed to comments.'] = 'Неправильный электронный адрес, вы не подписаны на комментарии.';
     23$lang['Please check your email in-box to confirm your subscription.'] = 'Пожалуйста, проверьте ваш электронный почтовый ящик, чтобы подтвердить подписку.';
     24$lang['Invalid email address, your are not subscribed to comments.'] = 'Неправильный электронный адрес, вы не подписаны на комментарии.';
    2525$lang['Notify me of followup comments'] = 'Сообщите мне о новых комментариях';
    2626$lang['Return to item page'] = 'Вернуться к списку';
    3131$lang['Unsubscribe'] = 'Отказаться от подписки';
    3232$lang['You are not subscribed to any comment.'] = 'Вы не подписаны на комментарии.';
    33 $lang['Your subscribtion has been validated, thanks you.'] = 'Ваша подписка была подтверждена, спасибо.';
     33$lang['Your subscription has been validated, thanks you.'] = 'Ваша подписка была подтверждена, спасибо.';
    3434$lang['%s has subscribed to comments on'] = '%s подписан на комментарии';
    3535$lang['Allow users to subscribe to global notifications'] = 'Разрешить пользователям подписываться на все комментарии';
    3737$lang['Comments notifications'] = 'Уведомления о комментариях';
    3838$lang['Confirm subscription'] = 'Подтвердить подписку';
    39 $lang['Confirm your subscribtion to comments'] = 'Подтвердить подписку на комментарии';
     39$lang['Confirm your subscription to comments'] = 'Подтвердить подписку на комментарии';
    4040$lang['Followed on'] = 'Followed on';
    4141$lang['Manage my subscriptions'] = 'Управление подпиской';
    7272$lang['Subscriptions of %s'] = 'Подписки %s';
    7373$lang['You are currently subscribed to comments on %s.'] = 'Вы сейчас подписаны на комментарии %s';
    74 $lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s'] = 'Вы запросили подписку на комментарии %s по email';
     74$lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s.'] = 'Вы запросили подписку на комментарии %s по email';
    7575$lang['&#9733; : registered users'] = '&#9733;: зарегистрированных пользователей';
    7676$lang['All album photos'] = 'Все фото в альбомах';
  • extensions/Subscribe_to_comments/language/sk_SK/plugin.lang.php

    r21693 r26141  
    2121// | USA.                                                                  |
    2222// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    23 $lang['Please check your email inbox to confirm your subscription.'] = 'Prosím skontrolujte si svoj mail na potvrdenie odberu.';
    24 $lang['Invalid email adress, your are not subscribed to comments.'] = 'Neplatná emailová adresa, neboli ste zapísaný do odberu komentárov.';
     23$lang['Please check your email in-box to confirm your subscription.'] = 'Prosím skontrolujte si svoj mail na potvrdenie odberu.';
     24$lang['Invalid email address, your are not subscribed to comments.'] = 'Neplatná emailová adresa, neboli ste zapísaný do odberu komentárov.';
    2525$lang['Successfully unsubscribed your email address from receiving notifications.'] = 'Úspešné odhlásenie Vašej emailovej adresy z prijímania upozornení.';
    2626$lang['Unsubscribe'] = 'Odhlásiť';
    2727$lang['Subscribe'] = 'Prihlásiť';
    2828$lang['Notify me of followup comments'] = 'Upozorniť ma na nasledovné komentáre';
    29 $lang['Your subscribtion has been validated, thanks you.'] = 'Vaše prihlásenie bolo potvrdené, ďakujeme.';
     29$lang['Your subscription has been validated, thanks you.'] = 'Vaše prihlásenie bolo potvrdené, ďakujeme.';
    3030$lang['Subscriptions of'] = 'Prihlásený';
    3131$lang['Unsubscribe from all email notifications'] = 'Odhlásenie zo všetkých emailových notofikácií';
    3737$lang['Comments notifications'] = 'Komentáre sú oznámené';
    3838$lang['Confirm subscription'] = 'Potvrdiť odoberanie';
    39 $lang['Confirm your subscribtion to comments'] = 'Potvrdiť prihlásenie ku komentárom';
     39$lang['Confirm your subscription to comments'] = 'Potvrdiť prihlásenie ku komentárom';
    4040$lang['Followed on'] = 'Nasledované na';
    4141$lang['Manage my subscriptions'] = 'Spravovať moje prihlásenia';
    6868$lang['Global subscriptions'] = 'Celkové odbery';
    6969$lang['%s has subscribed to comments on %s.'] = '%s bolo zapísaných has subscribed to comments on %s.';
    70 $lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s'] = 'Požiadali ste na odber komentárov mailom na %s';
     70$lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s.'] = 'Požiadali ste na odber komentárov mailom na %s';
    7171$lang['You are currently subscribed to comments on %s.'] = 'Ste práve prihlásený na odber komentárov na %s';
    7272$lang['Subscribe to comments on %s'] = 'Prihlásiť sa na odber komentárov na %s';
  • extensions/Subscribe_to_comments/language/tr_TR/plugin.lang.php

    r21619 r26141  
    2626$lang['Comments notifications'] = 'Yorum bildirimleri';
    2727$lang['Confirm subscription'] = 'Aboneliği onayla';
    28 $lang['Confirm your subscribtion to comments'] = 'Yorum aboneliklerinizi onaylayın';
     28$lang['Confirm your subscription to comments'] = 'Yorum aboneliklerinizi onaylayın';
    2929$lang['Followed on'] = 'Takibinde';
    30 $lang['Invalid email adress, your are not subscribed to comments.'] = 'Geçersiz e-posta adresi, yorumlara abone olmadınız.';
     30$lang['Invalid email address, your are not subscribed to comments.'] = 'Geçersiz e-posta adresi, yorumlara abone olmadınız.';
    3131$lang['Manage my subscriptions'] = 'Aboneliklerimi yönet';
    3232$lang['New comment on'] = 'Yeni yorum:';
    3535$lang['Notify administrators when a user take a new subscription'] = 'Bir kullanıcı yeni bir abonelik aldığında yöneticileri bilgilendir';
    3636$lang['Notify me of followup comments'] = 'Takip eden yorumlarda beni bilgilendir';
    37 $lang['Please check your email inbox to confirm your subscription.'] = 'Aboneliğinizi doğrulamak için lütfen e-posta adresinize ait gelen kutusunu kontrol ediniz.';
     37$lang['Please check your email in-box to confirm your subscription.'] = 'Aboneliğinizi doğrulamak için lütfen e-posta adresinize ait gelen kutusunu kontrol ediniz.';
    3838$lang['Return to item page'] = 'İlgili sayfaya dön';
    3939$lang['Subject'] = 'Konu';
    5252$lang['You have been added to the list of subscribers.'] = 'Aboneler listesine eklendiniz.';
    5353$lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on'] = 'e-posta ile yorum aboneliği isteğinde bulundunuz:';
    54 $lang['Your subscribtion has been validated, thanks you.'] = 'Aboneliğiniz doğrulandı, teşekkürler.';
     54$lang['Your subscription has been validated, thanks you.'] = 'Aboneliğiniz doğrulandı, teşekkürler.';
    5555$lang['all albums of the gallery'] = 'galerinin tüm albümleri';
    5656$lang['all pictures of the album <a href="%s">%s</a>'] = 'albümdeki tüm resimler <a href="%s">%s</a>';
    6464$lang['this album'] = 'bu albüm';
    6565$lang['this picture'] = 'bu resim';
    66 $lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s'] = '%s \'deki yorumlara e-posta yoluyla abonelik isteği yaptınız.';
     66$lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s.'] = '%s \'deki yorumlara e-posta yoluyla abonelik isteği yaptınız.';
    6767$lang['You are currently subscribed to comments on %s.'] = '%s \'deki yorumlara abone oldunuz.';
    6868$lang['Subscriptions of %s'] = '%s \'deki abonelikler';
  • extensions/Subscribe_to_comments/language/uk_UA/plugin.lang.php

    r21734 r26141  
    2121// | USA.                                                                  |
    2222// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    23 $lang['Invalid email adress, your are not subscribed to comments.'] = 'Невірна електронна адреса, Ви не підписані на коментарі.';
     23$lang['Invalid email address, your are not subscribed to comments.'] = 'Невірна електронна адреса, Ви не підписані на коментарі.';
    2424$lang['Notify me of followup comments'] = 'Повідомити мене про нові коментарі';
    25 $lang['Please check your email inbox to confirm your subscription.'] = 'Будь ласка, перевірте вашу поштову скриньку, щоб підтвердити підписку.';
     25$lang['Please check your email in-box to confirm your subscription.'] = 'Будь ласка, перевірте вашу поштову скриньку, щоб підтвердити підписку.';
    2626$lang['Return to item page'] = 'Повернутися на сторінку елемента';
    2727$lang['Subscribe'] = 'Підписатися';
    3131$lang['Unsubscribe from all email notifications'] = 'Відписатись від усіх повідомлень по електронній пошті';
    3232$lang['You are not subscribed to any comment.'] = 'Ви не підписані на жоден коментар.';
    33 $lang['Your subscribtion has been validated, thanks you.'] = 'Ваша підписка була підтверджена, спасибі вам.';
     33$lang['Your subscription has been validated, thanks you.'] = 'Ваша підписка була підтверджена, спасибі вам.';
    3434$lang['%s has subscribed to comments on'] = '%s підписався на коментарі';
    3535$lang['Allow users to subscribe to global notifications'] = 'Дозвольте користувачам підписатися на глобальні повідомлення';
    3737$lang['Comments notifications'] = 'Повідомити про коментарі';
    3838$lang['Confirm subscription'] = 'Підтвердити підписку';
    39 $lang['Confirm your subscribtion to comments'] = 'Підтвердити вашу підписку на коментарі';
     39$lang['Confirm your subscription to comments'] = 'Підтвердити вашу підписку на коментарі';
    4040$lang['Followed on'] = 'Підписаний на';
    4141$lang['Manage my subscriptions'] = 'Управляйте власними підписками';
    7171$lang['Subscriptions of %s'] = 'Підписки %s';
    7272$lang['You are currently subscribed to comments on %s.'] = 'Зараз Ви підписані на коментарі на %s';
    73 $lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s'] = 'Ви просили підписатись по електронній пошті на повідомленя на %s';
     73$lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s.'] = 'Ви просили підписатись по електронній пошті на повідомленя на %s';
    7474$lang['New comment on %s'] = 'Новий коментар на %s';
    7575$lang['&#9733; : registered users'] = '&#9733; : зареєстрованых користувачів';
  • extensions/Subscribe_to_comments/language/zh_CN/plugin.lang.php

    r21701 r26141  
    2525$lang['Comments notifications'] = '评论通知';
    2626$lang['Confirm subscription'] = '确认订阅';
    27 $lang['Confirm your subscribtion to comments'] = '确认订阅评论';
     27$lang['Confirm your subscription to comments'] = '确认订阅评论';
    2828$lang['Followed on'] = '跟随';
    29 $lang['Invalid email adress, your are not subscribed to comments.'] = '无效的 email 地址,您无法订阅评论。';
     29$lang['Invalid email address, your are not subscribed to comments.'] = '无效的 email 地址,您无法订阅评论。';
    3030$lang['Manage my subscriptions'] = '管理我的订阅';
    3131$lang['New comment on'] = '新的评论';
    3434$lang['Notify administrators when a user take a new subscription'] = '当用户有新订阅时,通知管理员';
    3535$lang['Notify me of followup comments'] = '当有后续评论时,通知我';
    36 $lang['Please check your email inbox to confirm your subscription.'] = '请检查您的 email 收件箱来确认您的订阅。';
     36$lang['Please check your email in-box to confirm your subscription.'] = '请检查您的 email 收件箱来确认您的订阅。';
    3737$lang['Return to item page'] = '返回项目页面';
    3838$lang['Subject'] = '标题';
    5151$lang['You have been added to the list of subscribers.'] = '您已经被添加到订阅列表中。';
    5252$lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on'] = '您希望通过 email 订阅评论';
    53 $lang['Your subscribtion has been validated, thanks you.'] = '您的订阅已经生效,谢谢。';
     53$lang['Your subscription has been validated, thanks you.'] = '您的订阅已经生效,谢谢。';
    5454$lang['all albums of the gallery'] = '画廊中的所有相册';
    5555$lang['all pictures of the album <a href="%s">%s</a>'] = '相册 <a href="%s">%s</a> 中的所有相片';
    7272$lang['Subscriptions of %s'] = '%s的订阅';
    7373$lang['You are currently subscribed to comments on %s.'] = '你目前在%s订阅了评论';
    74 $lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s'] = '你请求在%s通过电子邮件订阅评论';
     74$lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s.'] = '你请求在%s通过电子邮件订阅评论';
    7575$lang['&#9733; : registered users'] = '&#9733; : 注册用户';
    7676$lang['All album photos'] = '所有相册照片';
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.