
#31 2011-01-03 22:11:05

Translation Team

Re: [Norway] Search translator

A new list translated

$lang['Piwigo configuration'] = 'Piwigo konfigurasjon';
$lang['Piwigo administration'] = 'Piwigo administrering';
$lang['Edit album'] = 'Rediger album';
$lang['Group management'] = 'Gruppe behandling';
$lang['User list'] = 'Bruker liste';
$lang['Modify informations about a picture'] = 'Endre bilde informasjon';
$lang['Thumbnail creation'] = 'Lag miniatyr bilder';
$lang['Database synchronization with files'] = 'Database synkronisering med filer';
$lang['Pictures waiting for validation'] = 'Bilder som avventer validering';
$lang['all'] = 'alle';
$lang['pictures without thumbnail (jpeg and png only)'] = 'bilder uten miniatyrer (kun jpeg og png)';
$lang['height must be a number superior to'] = 'høyde må være et nummer høyere en';
$lang['width must be a number superior to'] = 'bredde må være et nummer høyere en';
$lang['for the file format'] = 'for fil format';
$lang['No missing thumbnail'] = 'Ingen manglende miniatyrbilder';
$lang['Picture unreachable or no support'] = 'Bilde ikke tilgjengelig eller i feil filformat';
$lang['GD version'] = 'GD versjon';
$lang['Miniaturization parameters'] = 'Miniatyr parameter';
$lang['generated in'] = 'generert på';
$lang['Results of miniaturization'] = 'Miniatyr prosess resultat';
$lang['General statistics'] = 'Generell statistikk';
$lang['max time'] = 'maksimum tid';
$lang['average time'] = 'gjennomsnitlig tid';
$lang['min time'] = 'minimum tid';
$lang['number of miniaturized pictures'] = 'antall miniatyrbilder laget';
$lang['total time'] = 'total tid';
$lang['for this file format'] = 'for dette fil format';
$lang['unit mode'] = 'singel modus';
$lang['Unlocked'] = 'Opplåst';
$lang['unset'] = 'ubestemt';
$lang['Update albums informations'] = 'Oppdater album informasjon';
$lang['Update images informations'] = 'Oppdater bilde informasjon';
$lang['Synchronize'] = 'Synkroniser';
$lang['reduce to single existing albums'] = 'reduser til enkelt eksisterende album';
$lang['Choose an option'] = 'Velg et alternativ';
$lang['display maximum informations (added albums and elements, deleted albums and elements)'] = 'vis all informasjon (tillagte album og elemter, slettede album og elementer)';
$lang['Piwigo version differs on the remote site'] = 'Piwigo versjon er forskjellig fra den eksterne side';
$lang['Version of create_listing_file.php on the remote site and Piwigo must be the same'] = 'Versjoner av create_listing_file.php på ekstern side og Piwigo må være den samme';
$lang['listing.xml file was not found'] = 'listing.xml fil ikke funnet';
$lang['listing.xml file was not found on the remote site. This file is generated by choosing the "generate listing" command in the Site manager'] = 'listing.xml fil ikke funnet på ekstern side. Denne filen

er generert med "generer liste" kommando i Side behandler';
$lang['Error list'] = 'Liste med feilmeldinger';
$lang['Errors caption'] = 'Feil legender';
$lang['Detailed informations'] = 'Detaljert informasjon';
$lang['File/directory read error'] = 'Lesefeil i Fil/katalog';
$lang['The file or directory cannot be accessed (either it does not exist or the access is denied)'] = 'Fil eller katalog kan ikke nås (enten eksisterer den ikke eller tilgang er nektet)';
$lang['a picture filetype requires a thumbnail. The thumbnail must be present in the sub-directory "thumbnail" of the album directory. The thumbnail filename must start with the configured thumbnail prefix

and the extension must be among the following list :'] =
'Filtypen for bilde krever et miniatyrbilde. Miniatyrbilde må ligge i grunn-mappen "thumbnail" i album mappen. Miniatyrbildets filnavn må starte med det konfigurerte miniatyrets prefix og tillegget må finnes

iblandt følgende liste :';
$lang['missing thumbnail'] = 'manglende miniatyr';
$lang['albums deleted in the database'] = 'album slettet i database';
$lang['elements deleted in the database'] = 'elementer slettet i database';
$lang['images candidates for metadata synchronization'] = 'bilder klare for metadata synkronisering';
$lang['elements informations synchronized with files metadata'] = 'element informasjon synkronisert med filenes metadata';
$lang['errors during synchronization'] = 'feil under synkronisering';
$lang['albums added in the database'] = 'album lagt til i databasen';
$lang['elements added in the database'] = 'elementer lagt til i databasen';
$lang['elements updated in the database'] = 'elementer oppdatert i databasen';
$lang['Search for new images in the directories'] = 'Søk etter nye bilder i mappene';
$lang['added'] = 'lagt til';
$lang['Metadata synchronization results'] = 'Metadatas synkroniserings resultat';
$lang['only perform a simulation (no change in database will be made)'] = 'Utfør kun en simulering (ingen forandringer blir gjort i databasen)';
$lang['[Simulation]'] = '[Simulering]';
$lang['directories + files'] = 'mapper + filer';
$lang['only directories'] = 'kun mapper';
$lang['synchronize files structure with database'] = 'Synkroniser filstruktur med databasen';
$lang['synchronize files metadata with database elements informations'] = 'synkroniser database elementer med filers metadata';
$lang['even already synchronized elements'] = 'også allerede synkroniserte elementer';
$lang['Used metadata'] = 'Metadata brukt';
$lang['The name of directories and files must be composed of letters, numbers, "-", "_" or "."'] = 'Navnet til mapper og filer må kun bestå av bokstaver, tall, "-", "_" eller "."';
$lang['wrong filename'] = 'feil filnavn';
$lang['Upload'] = 'Last opp';
$lang['user "%s" added'] = 'bruker "%s" lagt til';
$lang['User status'] = 'Bruker status';
$lang['user_status_admin'] = 'Administrator';
$lang['user_status_generic'] = 'Generisk';
$lang['user_status_guest'] = 'Gjest';
$lang['user_status_normal'] = 'Bruker';
$lang['user_status_webmaster'] = 'Webmaster';
$lang['Virtual album'] = 'Virtuelt album';
$lang['Waiting'] = 'Avventer';
$lang['default'] = 'Standard';
$lang['Toggle \'default group\' property'] = 'Reverser \'Standard gruppering\' egenskaper';



#32 2011-01-03 22:17:22

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [Norway] Search translator

Thanks :-)

a new list

$lang['Advanced features'] = 'Advanced features';
$lang['Specials'] = 'Specials';
$lang['Overall'] = 'Overview';
$lang['Year'] = 'Year';
$lang['Month'] = 'Month';
$lang['Day'] = 'Day';
$lang['Pages seen'] = 'Pages seen';
$lang['Pictures'] = 'Pictures';
$lang['Time'] = 'Time';
$lang['IP'] = 'IP';
$lang['Element'] = 'Element';
$lang['Section'] = 'Section';
$lang['Tags'] = 'Tags';
$lang['Save page visits by guests'] = 'Record pages visited by guests';
$lang['Save page visits by users'] = 'Record pages visited by users';
$lang['Save page visits by administrators'] = 'Record pages visited by administrators';
$lang['An information email was sent to group "%s"'] = 'Information email sent to group "%s"';
$lang['Send an information email to group members'] = 'Send an information email to group members';
$lang['Group'] = 'Group';
$lang['[%s] Visit album %s'] = '[%s] Visit album %s';
$lang['Hello,'] = 'Hello,';
$lang['See you soon.'] = 'See you soon.';
$lang['Discover album:'] = 'Discover album:';
$lang['Mail content'] = 'Mail content';
$lang['none'] = 'none';
$lang['high'] = 'high';
$lang['other'] = 'other';
$lang['Element type'] = 'Element type';
$lang['Image id'] = 'Image id';
$lang['Summary'] = 'Summary';
$lang['%d line filtered'] = '%d line filtered';
$lang['%d lines filtered'] = '%d lines filtered';
$lang['%d guest'] = '%d guest';
$lang['%d guests'] = '%d guests';
$lang['Hour'] = 'Hour';
$lang['guest'] = 'guest';
$lang['default values'] = 'default values';
$lang['High filesize'] = 'High resolution filesize';
$lang['Guest cannot be deleted'] = 'Guest cannot be deleted';
$lang['Default user cannot be deleted'] = 'Default user cannot be deleted';
$lang['Purge history detail'] = 'Purge history details';
$lang['Purge history summary'] = 'Purge history summary';
$lang['Check integrity'] = 'Integrity check';
$lang['Anomaly'] = 'Anomaly';
$lang['Correction'] = 'Correction';
$lang['Automatic correction'] = 'Automatic correction';
$lang['Impossible automatic correction'] = 'Automatic correction impossibl';
$lang['Correction applied with success'] = 'Correction successfully applied';
$lang['Correction applied with error'] = 'Correction applied with error';
$lang['%d anomaly has been detected.'] = '%d anomaly has been detected.';
$lang['%d anomalies have been detected.'] = '%d anomalies have been detected.';
$lang['%d anomaly has been corrected.'] = '%d anomaly has been corrected.';
$lang['%d anomalies have been detected corrected.'] = '%d anomalies have been detected and corrected.';
$lang['%d anomaly has not been corrected.'] = '%d anomaly has not been corrected.';
$lang['%d anomalies have not been corrected.'] = '%d anomalies have not been corrected.';
$lang['Go to %s or %s for more informations'] = 'Go to %s or %s for more informations';
$lang['the forum'] = 'the forum';
$lang['the wiki'] = 'the wiki';
$lang['%s value is not correct file because exif are not supported'] = '%s value is incorrect because exif are not supported';
$lang['%s must be to set to false in your local/config/ file'] = '%s must be set to false in your local/config/ file';
$lang['Main "guest" user does not exist'] = 'The main "guest" user does not exist';
$lang['Main "guest" user status is incorrect'] = 'The main "guest" user status is incorrect';
$lang['Default user does not exist'] = 'The default user does not exist';
$lang['Main "webmaster" user does not exist'] = 'The main "webmaster" user does not exist';
$lang['Main "webmaster" user status is incorrect'] = 'The main "webmaster" user status is incorrect';
$lang['User "%s" created with "%s" like password'] = 'User "%s" created with "%s" as password';
$lang['Status of user "%s" updated'] = 'User "%s" status updated';
$lang['add new elements to caddie'] = 'add new elements to caddie';
$lang['No display'] = 'No display';
$lang['Classic display'] = 'Classic display';
$lang['Hoverbox display'] = 'Hoverbox display';
$lang['Thumbnails'] = 'Thumbnails';
$lang['Mail address is obligatory for all users'] = 'Mail address is mandatory for all users';
$lang['Minimum privacy level'] = 'Minimum privacy level';
$lang['Privacy level'] = 'Privacy level';
$lang['Level 0'] = '---';
$lang['Level 1'] = 'Contacts';
$lang['Level 2'] = 'Friends';
$lang['Level 4'] = 'Family';
$lang['Level 8'] = 'Admins';

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#33 2011-01-03 23:20:08

Translation Team

Re: [Norway] Search translator

a new list added

$lang['Advanced features'] = 'Avanserte funksjoner';
$lang['Specials'] = 'Spesial';
$lang['Overall'] = 'Oversikt';
$lang['Year'] = 'År';
$lang['Month'] = 'Måned';
$lang['Day'] = 'Dag';
$lang['Pages seen'] = 'Sider sett';
$lang['Pictures'] = 'Bilder';
$lang['Time'] = 'Tid';
$lang['IP'] = 'IP';
$lang['Element'] = 'Element';
$lang['Section'] = 'Seksjon';
$lang['Tags'] = 'Tags';
$lang['Save page visits by guests'] = 'Lagre sider besøkt av gjester';
$lang['Save page visits by users'] = 'Lagre sider besøkt av brukere';
$lang['Save page visits by administrators'] = 'lagre sider besøkt av administratorer';
$lang['An information email was sent to group "%s"'] = 'Informasjons email sendt til gruppe "%s"';
$lang['Send an information email to group members'] = 'Send en informasjons email til gruppe medlemmer';
$lang['Group'] = 'Gruppe';
$lang['[%s] Visit album %s'] = '[%s] besøk album %s';
$lang['Hello,'] = 'Hallo,';
$lang['See you soon.'] = 'Vi sees senere.';
$lang['Discover album:'] = 'Utforsk album:';
$lang['Mail content'] = 'Mail innhold';
$lang['none'] = 'ingen';
$lang['high'] = 'Høy';
$lang['other'] = 'andre';
$lang['Element type'] = 'Element type';
$lang['Image id'] = 'Bilde id';
$lang['Summary'] = 'Resymé';
$lang['%d line filtered'] = '%d linje filtrert';
$lang['%d lines filtered'] = '%d linjer filtrert';
$lang['%d guest'] = '%d gjest';
$lang['%d guests'] = '%d gjester';
$lang['Hour'] = 'Time';
$lang['guest'] = 'gjest';
$lang['default values'] = 'standard verdi';
$lang['High filesize'] = 'Høy oppløsning filstørrelse';
$lang['Guest cannot be deleted'] = 'Gjest kan ikke bli slettet';
$lang['Default user cannot be deleted'] = 'Standard bruker kan ikke slettes';
$lang['Purge history detail'] = 'Tøm historie detaljer';
$lang['Purge history summary'] = 'Tøm historie sammendrag';
$lang['Check integrity'] = 'Integritets sjekk';
$lang['Anomaly'] = 'Unormal';
$lang['Correction'] = 'Rettelse';
$lang['Automatic correction'] = 'Automatisk rettelse';
$lang['Impossible automatic correction'] = 'Automatisk rettelse umulig';
$lang['Correction applied with success'] = 'Rettelse er gjennomført';
$lang['Correction applied with error'] = 'Rettelse er gjennomført med feil';
$lang['%d anomaly has been detected.'] = '%d en unormalitet har blitt oppdaget.';
$lang['%d anomalies have been detected.'] = '%d anomalies have been detected.';
$lang['%d anomaly has been corrected.'] = '%d unormalitet har blitt rettet.';
$lang['%d anomalies have been detected corrected.'] = '%d en unormaliteter har blitt oppdaget og rettet.';
$lang['%d anomaly has not been corrected.'] = '%d unormalitet har ikke blitt rettet.';
$lang['%d anomalies have not been corrected.'] = '%d unormaliteter har ikke blitt rettet.';
$lang['Go to %s or %s for more informations'] = 'Gå til %s eller %s for mer informasjon';
$lang['the forum'] = 'Forum';
$lang['the wiki'] = 'wiki';
$lang['%s value is not correct file because exif are not supported'] = '%s verdier feil da xfif ikke støttes';
$lang['%s must be to set to false in your local/config/ file'] = '%s må være satt til false i din local/config/ file';
$lang['Main "guest" user does not exist'] = 'Hovedbruker "gjest" finnes ikke';
$lang['Main "guest" user status is incorrect'] = 'Hovedbruker "gjest" brukers status er feil';
$lang['Default user does not exist'] = 'Standard bruker finnes ikke';
$lang['Main "webmaster" user does not exist'] = 'Hovedbruker "webmaster" finnes ikke';
$lang['Main "webmaster" user status is incorrect'] = 'Hovedbruker "webmaster" brukers status er feil';
$lang['User "%s" created with "%s" like password'] = 'Bruker "%s" laget med "%s" som passord';
$lang['Status of user "%s" updated'] = 'Bruker "%s" status oppdatert';
$lang['add new elements to caddie'] = 'legg nytt element i kurv';
$lang['No display'] = 'Ingen visning';
$lang['Classic display'] = 'klassisk visning';
$lang['Hoverbox display'] = 'Sveveboks visning';
$lang['Thumbnails'] = 'Miniatyrbilder';
$lang['Mail address is obligatory for all users'] = 'Mail addresse er obligatorisk for alle brukere';
$lang['Minimum privacy level'] = 'Minimum privat nivå';
$lang['Privacy level'] = 'Privat nivå';
$lang['Level 0'] = '---';
$lang['Level 1'] = 'Kontakter';
$lang['Level 2'] = 'Venner';
$lang['Level 4'] = 'Familie';
$lang['Level 8'] = 'Administrator';



#34 2011-01-04 06:53:35

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [Norway] Search translator

Thanks :-)

a new list


$lang['Reinitialize check integrity'] = 'Reinitialize integrity check';
$lang['Check all'] = 'Check all';
$lang['Uncheck all'] = 'Uncheck all';
$lang['Check automatic corrections'] = 'Check automatic corrections';
$lang['Apply selected corrections'] = 'Apply selected corrections';
$lang['Ignore selected anomalies'] = 'Ignore selected anomalies';
$lang['Refresh'] = 'Refresh';
$lang['The anomaly will be ignored until next application version'] = 'The anomaly will be ignored until next application version';
$lang['Correction the anomaly will cancel the fact that it\'s ignored'] = 'Corrected  anomaly will no longer be ignored';
$lang['%d anomaly has been ignored.'] = '%d anomaly has been ignored.';
$lang['%d anomalies have been ignored.'] = '%d anomalies have been ignored.';
$lang['Plugins which need upgrade'] = 'Plugins to be upgraded';
$lang['Plugins up to date'] = 'Plugins up-to-date';
$lang['Plugin versions can\'t be checked'] = 'Plugin which version cannot be checked';
$lang['Current<br>version'] = 'Current<br>version';
$lang['Available<br>version'] = 'Available<br>version';
$lang['Automatic upgrade'] = 'Automatic upgrade';
$lang['Download file'] = 'Download file';
$lang['Plugin list'] = 'Plugins list';
$lang['Check for updates'] = 'Check for updates';
$lang['Other plugins'] = 'Other plugins available';
$lang['Last revisions'] = 'Last revisions';
$lang['Delete'] = 'Delete';
$lang['Are you sure you want to delete this plugin?'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this plugin?';
$lang['Are you sure you want to install this plugin?'] = 'Are you sure you want to install this plugin?';
$lang['Are you sure to install this upgrade? You must verify if this version does not need uninstallation.'] = 'Are you sure you want to install this upgrade? You must verify if this version does not need prior uninstallation.';
$lang['%s has been successfully upgraded.'] = '%s has been successfully upgraded.';
$lang['Plugin has been successfully copied'] = 'The plugin has been successfully copied';
$lang['You might go to plugin list to install and activate it.'] = 'Go to the plugins list to install and activate it.';
$lang['Can\'t create temporary file.'] = 'Temporary file cannot be created.';
$lang['Can\'t download archive.'] = 'Archive cannot be downloaded.';
$lang['Can\'t read or extract archive.'] = 'Archive cannot be read or extracted.';
$lang['An error occured during extraction (%s).'] = 'An error occured during the files (%s) extraction.';
$lang['Please check "plugins" folder and sub-folders permissions (CHMOD).'] = 'Please check "plugins" folder and sub-folders permissions (CHMOD).';
$lang['Can\'t connect to server.'] = 'Connection to server impossible.';
$lang['Purge compiled templates'] = 'Purge compiled templates';
$lang['Show upload link every time'] = 'Show upload link all the time';
$lang['User access level to upload'] = 'User access level for uploading';
$lang['ACCESS_0'] = 'Free access';
$lang['ACCESS_1'] = 'Access to all';
$lang['ACCESS_2'] = 'Access to registered users';
$lang['ACCESS_3'] = 'Access to administrators';
$lang['ACCESS_4'] = 'Access to webmasters';
$lang['ACCESS_5'] = 'No access';
$lang['Support'] = 'Support';
$lang['Documentation'] = 'Documentation';
$lang['A new version of Piwigo is available.'] = 'A new version of Piwigo is available.';
$lang['Piwigo Administration'] = 'Piwigo Administration';
$lang['Piwigo version'] = 'Piwigo version';
$lang['You are running the latest version of Piwigo.'] = 'You are running Piwigo latest version.';
$lang['The version of %s [%s] installed is not compatible with the version required [%s]'] = 'The version of %s [%s] installed is not compatible with the version required [%s]';
$lang['You need to upgrade your system to take full advantage of the application else the application will not work correctly, or not at all'] = 'You should upgrade your system to take full advantage of the application, otherwise the application could work improperly, or not at all';
$lang['Deleted on'] = 'Deleted on';
$lang['Last hit'] = 'Last hit';
$lang['GD library is missing'] = 'GD library is missing';
$lang['Templates'] = 'Templates';
$lang['Extend for templates'] = 'Extend templates';
$lang['Replacement of original templates by customized templates from template-extension subfolder'] = 'Replacement of original templates by customized templates from the template-extension subfolder';
$lang['Replacers (customized templates)'] = 'Substitutes (customized templates)';
$lang['Original templates'] = 'Original templates';
$lang['Optional URL keyword'] = 'Optional URL keyword';
$lang['Templates configuration has been recorded.'] = 'Templates configuration has been recorded.';
$lang['All optimizations have been successfully completed.'] = 'All optimizations have been successfully completed.';
$lang['Optimizations have been completed with some errors.'] = 'Optimizations have been completed with some errors.';
$lang['Modify information'] = 'Modify information';
$lang['edit album'] = 'edit album';
$lang['nothing'] = 'nothing';
$lang['overrides existing values with empty ones'] = 'overrides existing values with empty ones';
$lang['manage image ranks'] = 'manage image ranks';
$lang['Manage image ranks'] = 'Manage image ranks';
$lang['Edit ranks'] = 'Edit ranks';
$lang['No element in this album'] = 'No element in this album';
$lang['Images manual order was saved'] = 'Images manual order saved';
$lang['ranks'] = 'ranks';
$lang['By rank'] = 'By rank';
$lang['Manual order'] = 'Manual order';
$lang['Drag to re-order'] = 'Click-and-drag to re-order';

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#35 2011-01-04 22:33:50

Translation Team

Re: [Norway] Search translator

a new list translated


$lang['Reinitialize check integrity'] = 'Re initialier integritets sjekk';
$lang['Check all'] = 'Sjekk alle';
$lang['Uncheck all'] = 'Avsjekk alle';
$lang['Check automatic corrections'] = 'Sjekk endringer automatisk';
$lang['Apply selected corrections'] = 'Legg til valgte endringer';
$lang['Ignore selected anomalies'] = 'Ignorer valgte unormaliteter';
$lang['Refresh'] = 'Oppdater';
$lang['The anomaly will be ignored until next application version'] = 'Unormalitet vil bli ignorert  frem til neste program versjon';
$lang['Correction the anomaly will cancel the fact that it\'s ignored'] = 'Rettet unormalitet vil ikke lenger bli ignorert';
$lang['%d anomaly has been ignored.'] = '%d unormalitet har blitt ignorert.';
$lang['%d anomalies have been ignored.'] = '%d unormaliteter har blitt ignorert.';
$lang['Plugins which need upgrade'] = 'Tilleggsverktøy som trenger oppdatering ';
$lang['Plugins up to date'] = 'Tilleggsverktøy er oppdaterte';
$lang['Plugin versions can\'t be checked'] = 'Tilleggsverktøy hvor versjon ikke kan sjekkes';
$lang['Current<br>version'] = 'Gjeldende<br>versjon';
$lang['Available<br>version'] = 'Tilgjengelig<br>versjon';
$lang['Automatic upgrade'] = 'Automatisk oppdatering';
$lang['Download file'] = 'Last ned fil';
$lang['Plugin list'] = 'Liste over tilleggsverktøy';
$lang['Check for updates'] = 'Sjekk for oppdateringer';
$lang['Other plugins'] = 'Andre tillegsverktøy tilgjengelige';
$lang['Last revisions'] = 'Siste revisjon';
$lang['Delete'] = 'Slett';
$lang['Are you sure you want to delete this plugin?'] = 'Er du sikker på å slette tilleggsverktøy?';
$lang['Are you sure you want to install this plugin?'] = 'Er du sikker på å installere tilleggsverktøy?';
$lang['Are you sure to install this upgrade? You must verify if this version does not need uninstallation.'] = 'Er du sikker på at du vil installere den

oppgraderingen? Du må verifisere om ikke denne versjonen trenger avinstallasjon først.';
$lang['%s has been successfully upgraded.'] = '%s har blitt suksessfult installert.';
$lang['Plugin has been successfully copied'] = 'Tilleggsverktøyet har blitt suksessfult kopiert';
$lang['You might go to plugin list to install and activate it.'] = 'Gå til tilleggsverktøy liste for å installere og aktivere det.';
$lang['Can\'t create temporary file.'] = 'Midlertidig fil kan ikke bli laget.';
$lang['Can\'t download archive.'] = 'Arkiv kan ikke bli nedlastet.';
$lang['Can\'t read or extract archive.'] = 'Arkiv kan ikke leses eller pakkes ut.';
$lang['An error occured during extraction (%s).'] = 'En feil oppstod under utpakking:(%s)';
$lang['Please check "plugins" folder and sub-folders permissions (CHMOD).'] = 'Vennligst sjekk "plugins" mappe og under-mappers rettigheter (CHMOD).';
$lang['Can\'t connect to server.'] = 'Tilkobling til server ikke mulig.';
$lang['Purge compiled templates'] = 'Tøm kompilerte maler (templates)';
$lang['Show upload link every time'] = 'Vis "last opp" link hele tiden';
$lang['User access level to upload'] = 'Bruker tilgangs nivå for opplasting';
$lang['ACCESS_0'] = 'Fri tillgang';
$lang['ACCESS_1'] = 'Tilgjengelig for alle';
$lang['ACCESS_2'] = 'Tilgjengelig for registrerte brukere';
$lang['ACCESS_3'] = 'Tilgjengelig for administratorer';
$lang['ACCESS_4'] = 'Tilgjengelig for webmastere';
$lang['ACCESS_5'] = 'Ingen adgang';
$lang['Support'] = 'Hjelp';
$lang['Documentation'] = 'Dokumentasjon';
$lang['A new version of Piwigo is available.'] = 'En ny versjon av Piwigo er tilgjengelig.';
$lang['Piwigo Administration'] = 'Piwigo Administrasjon';
$lang['Piwigo version'] = 'Piwigo versjon';
$lang['You are running the latest version of Piwigo.'] = 'Du kjører siste versjon av Piwigo.';
$lang['The version of %s [%s] installed is not compatible with the version required [%s]'] = 'Versjon av %s [%s] installert er ikke kompatibel med den

ønskede versjon [%s]';
$lang['You need to upgrade your system to take full advantage of the application else the application will not work correctly, or not at all'] = 'du bør

oppgradere systemet dit for å kunne få full utnyttelse av programmet, ellers kan programmet virke ustabilt eller ikke i det hele tatt';
$lang['Deleted on'] = 'Slettet den';
$lang['Last hit'] = 'Siste treff';
$lang['GD library is missing'] = 'GD bibliotek mangler';
$lang['Templates'] = 'Maler (templates)';
$lang['Extend for templates'] = 'Utivd maler (templates)';
$lang['Replacement of original templates by customized templates from template-extension subfolder'] = 'Erstattning av orginal mal med egentilpasset mal

fra template-extension grunn-mappe';
$lang['Replacers (customized templates)'] = 'Alternativer (egentilpassete maler)';
$lang['Original templates'] = 'Orginal mal (templates)';
$lang['Optional URL keyword'] = 'Alternativ URL nøkkel ord';
$lang['Templates configuration has been recorded.'] = 'Mal konfigurasjon er blitt registrert.';
$lang['All optimizations have been successfully completed.'] = 'All optimalisering har blitt utført.';
$lang['Optimizations have been completed with some errors.'] = 'Optimalisering har blitt utført med feil.';
$lang['Modify information'] = 'Endre informasjon';
$lang['edit album'] = 'rediger album';
$lang['nothing'] = 'ingen ting';
$lang['overrides existing values with empty ones'] = 'overskriver eksisterende verdier med tomme';
$lang['manage image ranks'] = 'behandle bilde rangering';
$lang['Manage image ranks'] = 'Behandle bilde rangering';
$lang['Edit ranks'] = 'Rediger rangering';
$lang['No element in this album'] = 'Ingen elementer i dette album';
$lang['Images manual order was saved'] = 'Bilders manuelle rekkefølge lagret';
$lang['ranks'] = 'rangering';
$lang['By rank'] = 'Etter rangering';
$lang['Manual order'] = 'Manuell rekefølge';
$lang['Drag to re-order'] = 'Dra og slipp for å endre rekkefølge';



#36 2011-01-05 06:45:52

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [Norway] Search translator

Thanks :-)

an new list

$lang['Quick Local Synchronization'] = 'Quick Local Synchronization';
$lang['No photo can be deleted'] = 'No photo can be deleted';
$lang['Delete selected photos'] = 'Delete selected photos';
$lang['%d photo was deleted'] = '%d photo deleted';
$lang['%d photos were deleted'] = '%d photos deleted';
$lang['Downloads'] = 'Downloads';
$lang['Released on'] = 'Released on';
$lang['Number of downloads'] = 'Number of downloads';
$lang['Piwigo Announcements Newsletter'] = 'Piwigo Announcement Newsletter';
$lang['Keep in touch with Piwigo project, subscribe to Piwigo Announcement Newsletter. You will receive emails when a new release is available (sometimes including a security bug fix, it\'s important to know and upgrade) and when major events happen to the project. Only a few emails a year.'] = 'Keep in touch with Piwigo project, subscribe to Piwigo Announcement Newsletter. You will be sent emails when a new release is available (sometimes including a security bug fix, it is important to know and upgrade) and when major events happen to the project. Only a few emails a year.';
$lang['Subscribe %s'] = 'Subscribe %s';
$lang['Subscribe %s to Piwigo Announcements Newsletter'] = 'Subscribe %s to Piwigo Announcements Newsletter';
$lang['Purge search history'] = 'Purge search history';
$lang['Hide'] = 'Hide';
$lang['Password is missing. Please enter the password.'] = 'Password is missing. Please enter the password.';
$lang['Password confirmation is missing. Please confirm the chosen password.'] = 'Password confirmation is missing. Please confirm the chosen password.';
$lang['Password confirmation error.'] = 'Password confirmation error.';
$lang['Allow users to edit theirs owns comments'] = 'Allow users to edit their own comments';
$lang['Allow users to delete theirs owns comments'] = 'Allow users to delete their own comments';
$lang['Email administrators when a comment is modified'] = 'Email administrators when a comment is modified';
$lang['Email administrators when a comment is deleted'] = 'Email administrators when a comment is deleted';
$lang['Cannot delete the old permalink !'] = 'The old permalink cannot be deleted!';
$lang['Hit'] = 'Hit';
$lang['Tools'] = 'Tools';
$lang['Photos'] = 'Photos';
$lang['Themes'] = 'Themes';
$lang['Instructions to use Piwigo'] = 'Instructions to use Piwigo';
$lang['Installed Themes'] = 'Installed Themes';
$lang['Add New Theme'] = 'Add a new theme';
$lang['Forbid this theme to users'] = 'Forbid this theme to users';
$lang['Set as default theme for unregistered and new users'] = 'Set as default theme for unregistered and new users';
$lang['unknown'] = 'unknown';
$lang['Upload Photos'] = 'Upload Photos';
$lang['Drop into album'] = 'Drop into album';
$lang['+ Add an upload box'] = '+ Add an upload box';
$lang['Create the "%s" directory at the root of your Piwigo installation'] = 'Create the "%s" directory at the root of your Piwigo installation';
$lang['Give write access (chmod 777) to "%s" directory at the root of your Piwigo installation'] = 'Give write access (chmod 777) to "%s" directory at the root of your Piwigo installation';
$lang['existing album'] = 'existing album';
$lang['create a new album'] = 'create a new album';
$lang['Album name'] = 'Album name';
$lang['Album "%s" has been added'] = 'Album "%s" has been added';
$lang['Uploaded Photos'] = 'Uploaded Photos';
$lang['%d photos uploaded'] = '%d photos uploaded';
$lang['Privacy level set to "%s"'] = 'Privacy level set to "%s"';
$lang['Album "%s" now contains %d photos'] = 'Album "%s" now contains %d photos';
$lang['Manage this set of %d photos'] = 'Manage this set of %d photos';
$lang['Select files'] = 'Select files';
$lang['JPEG files or ZIP archives with JPEG files inside please.'] = 'JPEG files or ZIP archives with JPEG files inside please.';
$lang['Everybody'] = 'Everybody';
$lang['Who can see these photos?'] = 'Who can see these photos?';
$lang['Who can see this photo?'] = 'Who can see this photo?';
$lang['... or switch to the old style form'] = '... or switch to the old style form';
$lang['... or switch to the multiple files form'] = '... or switch to the multiple files form';
$lang['The websize maximum width must be a number between %d and %d'] = 'The websize maximum width must be a number between %d and %d';
$lang['The websize maximum height must be a number between %d and %d'] = 'The websize maximum height must be a number between %d and %d';
$lang['The websize image quality must be a number between %d and %d'] = 'The websize image quality must be a number between %d and %d';
$lang['The thumbnail maximum width must be a number between %d and %d'] = 'The thumbnail maximum width must be a number between %d and %d';
$lang['The thumbnail maximum height must be a number between %d and %d'] = 'The thumbnail maximum height must be a number between %d and %d';
$lang['The thumbnail image quality must be a number between %d and %d'] = 'The thumbnail image quality must be a number between %d and %d';
$lang['Settings'] = 'Settings';
$lang['Web size photo'] = 'Web size photo';
$lang['Resize'] = 'Resize';
$lang['Maximum Width'] = 'Maximum Width';
$lang['pixels'] = 'pixels';
$lang['Maximum Height'] = 'Maximum height';
$lang['Image Quality'] = 'Image quality';
$lang['Save Settings'] = 'Save Settings';
$lang['Your configuration settings are saved'] = 'Your configuration settings are saved';
$lang['Active Themes'] = 'Active Themes';
$lang['Add write access to the "%s" directory'] = 'Add write access to the "%s" directory';
$lang['Administration Home'] = 'Administration Home';
$lang['Change Admin Colors'] = 'Change administration colors';
$lang['Delete this theme'] = 'Delete this theme';
$lang['Directory does not exist'] = 'Directory does not exist';
$lang['Download,'] = 'Download,';
$lang['FTP + Synchronization'] = 'FTP + Synchronization';
$lang['Get Support on Piwigo Forum'] = 'Get support on Piwigo forum';
$lang['Help Me'] = 'Help Me';

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#37 2011-01-05 10:57:47

Translation Team

Re: [Norway] Search translator

a new list translated

$lang['Quick Local Synchronization'] = 'Rask lokal synkronisering';
$lang['No photo can be deleted'] = 'Ingen foto kan slettes';
$lang['Delete selected photos'] = 'Slett valgte foto';
$lang['%d photo was deleted'] = '%d foto slettet';
$lang['%d photos were deleted'] = '%d foto slettet';
$lang['Downloads'] = 'Nedlastinger';
$lang['Released on'] = 'Sluppet den';
$lang['Number of downloads'] = 'Antall nedlastinger';
$lang['Piwigo Announcements Newsletter'] = 'Piwigo nyhets brev';
$lang['Keep in touch with Piwigo project, subscribe to Piwigo Announcement Newsletter. You will receive emails when a new release is available (sometimes including a security bug fix, it\'s important to know and upgrade) and when major events happen to the project. Only a few emails a year.'] = 'Hold deg oppdatert i Piwigo prosjektet, abonner på Piwigo nyhetsbrev. Du vil få tilsendt email når en ny versjon er tilgjengelig (til tider med sikkerhets fix, noe som er viktig å oppdaere) og når større hendelser skjer i prosjektet. Kun noen få mail per år.';
$lang['Subscribe %s'] = 'Abonner %s';
$lang['Subscribe %s to Piwigo Announcements Newsletter'] = 'Abonner %s på Piwigo nyhets brev';
$lang['Purge search history'] = 'Tøm søke historikk';
$lang['Hide'] = 'Gjem';
$lang['Password is missing. Please enter the password.'] = 'Passord mangler. Vennligst skriv passord.';
$lang['Password confirmation is missing. Please confirm the chosen password.'] = 'Passord bekreftelse mangler. Vennligst bekreft det valgte passord.';
$lang['Password confirmation error.'] = 'Passord bekreftelse feil.';
$lang['Allow users to edit theirs owns comments'] = 'Tillat bruker å redigere sine egne kommentarer';
$lang['Allow users to delete theirs owns comments'] = 'Tillat brukere å slette sine egne kommentarer';
$lang['Email administrators when a comment is modified'] = 'Email administrator når en kommentar er endret';
$lang['Email administrators when a comment is deleted'] = 'Email administrator når en kommentar er slettet';
$lang['Cannot delete the old permalink !'] = 'Gammel permalink kan ikke slettes!';
$lang['Hit'] = 'Treff';
$lang['Tools'] = 'Verktøy';
$lang['Photos'] = 'Foto';
$lang['Themes'] = 'Temaer';
$lang['Instructions to use Piwigo'] = 'Instruksjoner i bruk av Piwigo';
$lang['Installed Themes'] = 'Installerte temaer';
$lang['Add New Theme'] = 'Legg til et nytt tema';
$lang['Forbid this theme to users'] = 'Nekt dette tema for brukere';
$lang['Set as default theme for unregistered and new users'] = 'Set som standard tema for uregistrerte og nye brukere';
$lang['unknown'] = 'unkjent';
$lang['Upload Photos'] = 'Last opp foto';
$lang['Drop into album'] = 'Slipp inn i album';
$lang['+ Add an upload box'] = '+ legg til en opplastings boks';
$lang['Create the "%s" directory at the root of your Piwigo installation'] = 'Lag "%s" mappe i roten av din Piwigo installasjon';
$lang['Give write access (chmod 777) to "%s" directory at the root of your Piwigo installation'] = 'Gi skrive tilgang (chmod 777) til "%s" mappe i roten av din Piwigo installasjon';
$lang['existing album'] = 'eksisterende album';
$lang['create a new album'] = 'lag et nytt album';
$lang['Album name'] = 'Album navn';
$lang['Album "%s" has been added'] = 'Album "%s" har blitt lagt til';
$lang['Uploaded Photos'] = 'Opplastede bilder';
$lang['%d photos uploaded'] = '%d foto opplastet';
$lang['Privacy level set to "%s"'] = 'Privat nivå satt til "%s"';
$lang['Album "%s" now contains %d photos'] = 'Album "%s" består nå av %d bilder';
$lang['Manage this set of %d photos'] = 'Behandle disse %d bildene';
$lang['Select files'] = 'Velg filer';
$lang['JPEG files or ZIP archives with JPEG files inside please.'] = 'JPEG filer eller ZIP arkiv med JPEG filer inni.';
$lang['Everybody'] = 'Alle';
$lang['Who can see these photos?'] = 'Hvem kan se disse bildene?';
$lang['Who can see this photo?'] = 'Hvem kan se dette bildet?';
$lang['... or switch to the old style form'] = '... eller bytt til gammel stil format';
$lang['... or switch to the multiple files form'] = '... eller bytt til flere filer format';
$lang['The websize maximum width must be a number between %d and %d'] = 'Websidens maksimums bredde må være et nummer mellom %d og %d';
$lang['The websize maximum height must be a number between %d and %d'] = 'Websidens maksimums høyde må være et nummer mellom %d og %d';
$lang['The websize image quality must be a number between %d and %d'] = 'Websidens bilde kvalitet må være et nummer mellom %d og %d';
$lang['The thumbnail maximum width must be a number between %d and %d'] = 'Miniatyrbildets maksimumme bredde må være et nummer mellom %d og %d';
$lang['The thumbnail maximum height must be a number between %d and %d'] = 'Miniatyrbildets maksimumme høyde må være et nummer mellom %d og %d';
$lang['The thumbnail image quality must be a number between %d and %d'] = 'Miniatyrbildets kvalitet må være et nummer mellom %d og %d';
$lang['Settings'] = 'Instillinger';
$lang['Web size photo'] = 'Web størrelse bilde';
$lang['Resize'] = 'Endre størrelse';
$lang['Maximum Width'] = 'Maksimum bredde';
$lang['pixels'] = 'piksler';
$lang['Maximum Height'] = 'Maksimum høyde';
$lang['Image Quality'] = 'Bilde kvalitet';
$lang['Save Settings'] = 'Lagre innstillinger';
$lang['Your configuration settings are saved'] = 'Dine konfigurasjons instillinger er lagret';
$lang['Active Themes'] = 'Aktive temaer';
$lang['Add write access to the "%s" directory'] = 'Legg til skriver tilgang på "%s" mappe';
$lang['Administration Home'] = 'Administrasjon Hjem';
$lang['Change Admin Colors'] = 'Endre administrasjons farger';
$lang['Delete this theme'] = 'Slett dette tema';
$lang['Directory does not exist'] = 'mappen eksisterer ikke';
$lang['Download,'] = 'Last ned,';
$lang['FTP + Synchronization'] = 'FTP + synkronisering';
$lang['Get Support on Piwigo Forum'] = 'Få hjelp på Piwigo forum';
$lang['Help Me'] = 'Hjelp meg';



#38 2011-01-05 12:02:34

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [Norway] Search translator

Thanks :-)

a new list
$lang['Impossible to activate this theme, the parent theme is missing: %s'] = 'This theme could not be activated, as the parent theme is missing: %s';
$lang['Impossible to delete this theme. Other themes depends on it: %s'] = 'This theme cannot be deleted, because other themes depends on it: %s';
$lang['Inactive Themes'] = 'Inactive themes';
$lang['Install on your computer,'] = 'Install on your computer,';
$lang['Make this theme available to users'] = 'Make this theme available to users';
$lang['Page end'] = 'Page end';
$lang['Piwigo Uploader'] = 'Piwigo Uploader';
$lang['Read Piwigo Documentation'] = 'Read Piwigo Documentation';
$lang['Start pLoader and add your photos.'] = 'Start pLoader and add your photos.';
$lang['Switch to clear or dark colors for administration'] = 'Switch to clear or dark colors for administration';
$lang['Theme has been successfully installed'] = 'Theme has been successfully installed';
$lang['Visit Gallery'] = 'Visit the gallery';
$lang['Visit Piwigo project website'] = 'Visit Piwigo project website';
$lang['pLoader stands for <em>Piwigo Uploader</em>. From your computer, pLoader prepares your photos and transfer them to your Piwigo photo gallery.'] = 'pLoader stands for <em>Piwigo Uploader</em>. From your computer, pLoader prepares your photos and transfer them to your Piwigo photo gallery.';
$lang['Guest Settings'] = 'Guest settings';
$lang['Main Page'] = 'Main page';
$lang['Photo Page'] = 'Photo page';
$lang['Activate Navigation Bar'] = 'Activate navigation bar';
$lang['Activate Navigation Thumbnails'] = 'Activate navigation thumbnails';
$lang['Activate icon "%s"'] = 'Activate icon "%s"';
$lang['Activate field "%s"'] = 'Activate field "%s"';
$lang['Photo Properties'] = 'Photo properties';
$lang['Allow user customization'] = 'Allow user customization';
$lang['Languages'] = 'Languages';
$lang['Installed Languages'] = 'Installed Languages';
$lang['Add New Language'] = 'Add New Language';
$lang['Language has been successfully installed'] = 'Language has been successfully installed';
$lang['Select:'] = 'Select:';
$lang['None'] = 'None';
$lang['Invert'] = 'Invert';
$lang['Impossible to deactivate this theme, you need at least one theme.'] = 'Impossible to deactivate this theme, you need at least one theme.';
$lang['Webmaster status is required.'] = 'Webmaster status is required.';
$lang['Bound Theme'] = 'Bound Theme';
$lang['Allow rating'] = 'Allow rating';
$lang['Select at least one comment'] = 'Select at least one comment';
$lang['Active Plugins'] = 'Active Plugins';
$lang['Inactive Plugins'] = 'Inactive Plugins';
$lang['Missing Plugins'] = 'Missing Plugins';
$lang['Uninstalled Plugins'] = 'Uninstalled Plugins';
$lang['By %s'] = 'By %s';
$lang['Visit plugin site'] = 'Visit plugin site';
$lang['Active Languages'] = 'Active Languages';
$lang['Delete this language'] = 'Delete this language';
$lang['Forbid this language to users'] = 'Forbid this language to users';
$lang['Impossible to deactivate this language, first set another language as default.'] = 'Impossible to deactivate this language, first set another language as default.';
$lang['Impossible to deactivate this language, you need at least one language.'] = 'Impossible to deactivate this language, you need at least one language.';
$lang['Inactive Languages'] = 'Inactive Languages';
$lang['Make this language available to users'] = 'Make this language available to users';
$lang['Set as default language for unregistered and new users'] = 'Set as default language for unregistered and new users';
$lang['Add Photos'] = 'Add Photos';
$lang['Download'] = 'Download';
$lang['The following tag was deleted'] = 'The following tag was deleted';
$lang['Miscellaneous'] = 'Miscellaneous';
$lang['User Upload'] = 'User Upload';
$lang['Virtual Links'] = 'Virtual Links';
$lang['There is no other language available.'] = 'There is no other language available.';
$lang['There is no other plugin available.'] = 'There is no other plugin available.';
$lang['There is no other theme available.'] = 'There is no other theme available.';
$lang['Add another set of photos'] = 'Add another set of photos';
$lang['Order of menubar items has been updated successfully.'] = 'Order of menubar items has been updated successfully.';
$lang['This theme was not designed to be directly activated'] = 'This theme was not designed to be directly activated';
$lang['Pending Comments'] = 'Pending Comments';
$lang['In your php.ini file, the upload_max_filesize (%sB) is bigger than post_max_size (%sB), you should change this setting'] = 'In your php.ini file, the upload_max_filesize (%sB) is bigger than post_max_size (%sB), you should change this setting';
$lang['Exif extension not available, admin should disable exif use'] = 'Exif extension not available, admin should disable exif use';
$lang['The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini: %sB'] = 'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini: %sB';
$lang['The uploaded files exceed the post_max_size directive in php.ini: %sB'] = 'The uploaded files exceed the post_max_size directive in php.ini: %sB';
$lang['The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form'] = 'The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form';
$lang['The uploaded file was only partially uploaded'] = 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded';
$lang['No file was uploaded'] = 'No file was uploaded';
$lang['Missing a temporary folder'] = 'Missing a temporary folder';
$lang['Failed to write file to disk'] = 'Failed to write file to disk';
$lang['File upload stopped by extension'] = 'File upload stopped by extension';
$lang['Unknown upload error'] = 'Unknown upload error';
$lang['Error on file "%s" : %s'] = 'Error on file "%s" : %s';

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#39 2011-01-07 10:49:14

Translation Team

Re: [Norway] Search translator

a new list translated
$lang['Impossible to activate this theme, the parent theme is missing: %s'] = 'Dette tema kan ikke aktiveres, da temaet mangler: %s';
$lang['Impossible to delete this theme. Other themes depends on it: %s'] = 'Dette temaet kan ikke slettes, andrfe temaer er avhengig av det: %s';
$lang['Inactive Themes'] = 'Innaktive temaer';
$lang['Install on your computer,'] = 'Installer på din maskin,';
$lang['Make this theme available to users'] = 'Gjør dette temaet tilgjengelig for brukere';
$lang['Page end'] = 'Slutten av side';
$lang['Piwigo Uploader'] = 'Piwigo opplaster';
$lang['Read Piwigo Documentation'] = 'Les Piwigo dokumentasjon';
$lang['Start pLoader and add your photos.'] = 'Start pLoader og legg til dine bilder.';
$lang['Switch to clear or dark colors for administration'] = 'Bytt til lyse eller mørke farger for administrasjon';
$lang['Theme has been successfully installed'] = 'Temaet er installert';
$lang['Visit Gallery'] = 'Besøk galleriet';
$lang['Visit Piwigo project website'] = 'Besøk Piwigo prosjektets webside';
$lang['pLoader stands for <em>Piwigo Uploader</em>. From your computer, pLoader prepares your photos and transfer them to your Piwigo photo gallery.'] = 'pLoader står for <em>Piwigo Opplaster</em>. Fra din maskin, pLoader klargjør dine bilder og overfører demtil ditt Piwigo photo galleri.';
$lang['Guest Settings'] = 'Instillinger for gjester';
$lang['Main Page'] = 'Hovedside';
$lang['Photo Page'] = 'Bilde side';
$lang['Activate Navigation Bar'] = 'Aktiver navigasjon bar';
$lang['Activate Navigation Thumbnails'] = 'Aktiver navigasjon miniatyrbilder';
$lang['Activate icon "%s"'] = 'Aktiver icon "%s"';
$lang['Activate field "%s"'] = 'Aktiver felt "%s"';
$lang['Photo Properties'] = 'Bilde egenskaper';
$lang['Allow user customization'] = 'Godkjenn brukers egne instillinger';
$lang['Languages'] = 'Språk';
$lang['Installed Languages'] = 'Installerte språk';
$lang['Add New Language'] = 'Legg til nytt språk';
$lang['Language has been successfully installed'] = 'Språkpakke har blitt installert';
$lang['Select:'] = 'Velg:';
$lang['None'] = 'Ingen';
$lang['Invert'] = 'Inverter';
$lang['Impossible to deactivate this theme, you need at least one theme.'] = 'Umulig å deaktivere dette tema, du må minst et tema aktivt.';
$lang['Webmaster status is required.'] = 'Webmaster status er nødvendig.';
$lang['Bound Theme'] = 'Bundet tema';
$lang['Allow rating'] = 'Godta gradering';
$lang['Select at least one comment'] = 'Velg minst 1 kommentar';
$lang['Active Plugins'] = 'Aktive tilleggsprogram';
$lang['Inactive Plugins'] = 'Inaktive tilleggsprogram';
$lang['Missing Plugins'] = 'Manglende tilleggsprogram';
$lang['Uninstalled Plugins'] = 'Avinstallerte tilleggsprogram';
$lang['By %s'] = 'Av %s';
$lang['Visit plugin site'] = 'Besøk tilleggsprogram side';
$lang['Active Languages'] = 'Aktive språk';
$lang['Delete this language'] = 'Slett denne språkpakken';
$lang['Forbid this language to users'] = 'Forby dette språket for brukere';
$lang['Impossible to deactivate this language, first set another language as default.'] = 'Umulig å deaktivere dette språket, sett et annet språk som standard først.';
$lang['Impossible to deactivate this language, you need at least one language.'] = 'Umulig å deaktivere dette språket, du trenger minst et språk.';
$lang['Inactive Languages'] = 'Inaktive språk';
$lang['Make this language available to users'] = 'Gjør dette språket tilgjengelig for brukere';
$lang['Set as default language for unregistered and new users'] = 'Sett som standard språk for uregistrerte og nye brukerer';
$lang['Add Photos'] = 'Legg til bilder';
$lang['Download'] = 'Last ned';
$lang['The following tag was deleted'] = 'Følgende tag er slettet';
$lang['Miscellaneous'] = 'Diverse';
$lang['User Upload'] = 'User Upload';
$lang['Virtual Links'] = 'Virtual Links';
$lang['There is no other language available.'] = 'Det er ingen andre språk tilgjengelig.';
$lang['There is no other plugin available.'] = 'Det er ingen andre tilleggsprogrammer tilgjengelig.';
$lang['There is no other theme available.'] = 'Det er ingen andre temaer tilgjengelig.';
$lang['Add another set of photos'] = 'Legg til et annet sett med bilder';
$lang['Order of menubar items has been updated successfully.'] = 'Sorteringen av meny elementer har blitt opppdatert.';
$lang['This theme was not designed to be directly activated'] = 'Dette tema er ikke laget for å bli direkte aktivert';
$lang['Pending Comments'] = 'Ventende kommentarer';
$lang['In your php.ini file, the upload_max_filesize (%sB) is bigger than post_max_size (%sB), you should change this setting'] = 'I din php.ini fil, om upload_max_filesize (%sB) er større en post_max_size (%sB), bør du endre denne instillingen';
$lang['Exif extension not available, admin should disable exif use'] = 'Exif tillegg ikke tilgjengelig, administrator bør gjøre bruk av exif utilgjengelig';
$lang['The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini: %sB'] = 'Den opplastede filen overgår upload_max_filesize direktivet i php.ini: %sB';
$lang['The uploaded files exceed the post_max_size directive in php.ini: %sB'] = 'Den opplastede filen overgår post_max_size direktivet i php.ini: %sB';
$lang['The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form'] = 'Den opplastede filen overgår MAX_FILE_SIZE direktivetsom er spesifisert i HTML skjemaet';
$lang['The uploaded file was only partially uploaded'] = 'Filen ble bare delvis opplastet';
$lang['No file was uploaded'] = 'Ingen filer ble lastet opp';
$lang['Missing a temporary folder'] = 'Mangler en midlertidig mappe';
$lang['Failed to write file to disk'] = 'Feilet i å skrive til disk';
$lang['File upload stopped by extension'] = 'Fil| opplastingen stoppet av tillegg';
$lang['Unknown upload error'] = 'Ukjent opplastings feil';
$lang['Error on file "%s" : %s'] = 'Feil på fil "%s" : %s';



#40 2011-01-07 11:47:06

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [Norway] Search translator

Thanks :-)

there'se 719/760 line translate for admin part gest

A new list

$lang['Menu Management'] = 'Menus';
$lang['automatic order'] = 'automatic order';
$lang['manual order'] = 'manual order';
$lang['Albums automatically sorted'] = 'Albums automatically sorted';
$lang['Keep high definition'] = 'Keep high definition';
$lang['The high definition maximum width must be a number between %d and %d'] = 'The high definition maximum width must be a number between %d and %d';
$lang['The high definition maximum height must be a number between %d and %d'] = 'The high definition maximum height must be a number between %d and %d';
$lang['The high definition image quality must be a number between %d and %d'] = 'The high definition image quality must be a number between %d and %d';
$lang['Batch Manager'] = 'Batch Manager';
$lang['include child albums'] = 'include child albums';
$lang['Selection'] = 'Selection';
$lang['Action'] = 'Action';
$lang['Set author'] = 'Set author';
$lang['Set title'] = 'Set title';
$lang['Set creation date'] = 'Set creation date';
$lang['Apply action'] = 'Apply action';
$lang['on the %d selected photos'] = 'on the %d selected photos';
$lang['%d of %d photos selected'] = '%d of %d photos selected';
$lang['No photo selected, %d photos in current set'] = 'No photo selected, %d photos in current set';
$lang['All %d photos are selected'] = 'All %d photos are selected';
$lang['remove this filter'] = 'remove this filter';
$lang['predefined filter'] = 'predefined filter';
$lang['last import'] = 'last import';
$lang['with no virtual album'] = 'with no virtual album';
$lang['duplicates'] = 'duplicates';
$lang['Add a filter'] = 'Add a filter';
$lang['Remove all filters'] = 'Remove all filters';
$lang['Refresh photo set'] = 'Refresh photo set';
$lang['The whole page'] = 'The whole page';
$lang['The whole set'] = 'The whole set';
$lang['thumbnails per page'] = 'thumbnails per page';
$lang['No photo in the current set.'] = 'No photo in the current set.';
$lang['No photo selected, no action possible.'] = 'No photo selected, no action possible.';
$lang['Choose an action'] = 'Choose an action';
$lang['remove author'] = 'remove author';
$lang['Type here the author name'] = 'Type here the author name';
$lang['remove title'] = 'remove title';
$lang['Type here the title'] = 'Type here the title';
$lang['remove creation date'] = 'remove creation date';
$lang['with no album'] = 'with no album';
$lang['with no tag'] = 'with no tag';

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#41 2011-01-07 13:37:06

Translation Team

Re: [Norway] Search translator

A new list

$lang['Menu Management'] = 'Menyer';
$lang['automatic order'] = 'automatisk sortering';
$lang['manual order'] = 'manuell sortering';
$lang['Albums automatically sorted'] = 'Album automatisk sortert';
$lang['Keep high definition'] = 'Behold høy oppløsning';
$lang['The high definition maximum width must be a number between %d and %d'] = 'Høy oppløsnings maksimum bredde må være et nummer mellom %d og %d';
$lang['The high definition maximum height must be a number between %d and %d'] = 'Høy oppløsnings maksimum høyde må være et nummer mellom %d og %d';
$lang['The high definition image quality must be a number between %d and %d'] = 'Høy oppløslig bilde kvalitet må være et nummer mellom %d og %d';
$lang['Batch Manager'] = 'Batch Behandler';
$lang['include child albums'] = 'inkluder under album';
$lang['Selection'] = 'Utvalg';
$lang['Action'] = 'Tiltak';
$lang['Set author'] = 'Sett forfatter';
$lang['Set title'] = 'Sett tittel';
$lang['Set creation date'] = 'Sett opprettelses dato';
$lang['Apply action'] = 'Aktiver handlinger';
$lang['on the %d selected photos'] = 'på de %d valgte bildene';
$lang['%d of %d photos selected'] = '%d av %d bilder valgt';
$lang['No photo selected, %d photos in current set'] = 'Ingen foto valgt, %d foto i forrige sett';
$lang['All %d photos are selected'] = 'Alle %d bilder er valgt';
$lang['remove this filter'] = 'fjern filter';
$lang['predefined filter'] = 'Redefiner filter';
$lang['last import'] = 'siste importering';
$lang['with no virtual album'] = 'uten virtuelle album';
$lang['duplicates'] = 'duplikater';
$lang['Add a filter'] = 'Legg inn filter';
$lang['Remove all filters'] = 'Fjern alle filtere';
$lang['Refresh photo set'] = 'Oppdater bilde sesjonen';
$lang['The whole page'] = 'Hele siden';
$lang['The whole set'] = 'Hele sesjonen';
$lang['thumbnails per page'] = 'miniatyr bilder per side';
$lang['No photo in the current set.'] = 'Ingen foto i gjeldende sesjon.';
$lang['No photo selected, no action possible.'] = 'Ingne bilder valgt, ingen tilltak mulig.';
$lang['Choose an action'] = 'Velg et tilltak';
$lang['remove author'] = 'fjern forfatter';
$lang['Type here the author name'] = 'Skriv forfatter navn her';
$lang['remove title'] = 'fjern tittel';
$lang['Type here the title'] = 'Skriv tittel her';
$lang['remove creation date'] = 'fjern  opprettelse dato';
$lang['with no album'] = 'uten album';
$lang['with no tag'] = 'uten tag';



#42 2011-01-07 13:46:31

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [Norway] Search translator

Thanks :-)

[Subversion] r8490 … lang=no_NO

Can you confirm as EN and NO translation is a same for

$lang['%d tag'] = '%d tag';
$lang['%d tags'] = '%d tags';
$lang['Database'] = 'Database';
$lang['Permalink'] = 'Permalink';
$lang['Plugins'] = 'Plugins';
$lang['Representant'] = 'Representant';
$lang['Representative'] = 'Representative';
$lang['Status'] = 'Status';
$lang['Main'] = 'Main';
$lang['email'] = 'Email';
$lang['Parameter'] = 'Settings';
$lang['Send'] = 'Send';
$lang['test'] = 'test';
$lang['status'] = 'status';
$lang['user_status_admin'] = 'Administrator';
$lang['user_status_webmaster'] = 'Webmaster';
$lang['IP'] = 'IP';
$lang['Element'] = 'Element';
$lang['Tags'] = 'Tags';
$lang['Element type'] = 'Element type';
$lang['%d anomalies have been detected.'] = '%d anomalies have been detected.';
$lang['User Upload'] = 'User Upload';
$lang['Virtual Links'] = 'Virtual Links';

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#43 2011-01-07 13:55:03

Translation Team

Re: [Norway] Search translator

4 lines changed

$lang['%d tag'] = '%d tag';
$lang['%d tags'] = '%d tager';
$lang['Database'] = 'Database';
$lang['Permalink'] = 'Permalink';

$lang['Plugins'] = 'Tilleggsprogram';

$lang['Representant'] = 'Representant';
$lang['Representative'] = 'Representative';
$lang['Status'] = 'Status';
$lang['Main'] = 'Main';
$lang['email'] = 'Email';
$lang['Parameter'] = 'Settings';
$lang['Send'] = 'Send';
$lang['test'] = 'test';
$lang['status'] = 'status';
$lang['user_status_admin'] = 'Administrator';
$lang['user_status_webmaster'] = 'Webmaster';
$lang['IP'] = 'IP';
$lang['Element'] = 'Element';
$lang['Tags'] = 'Tags';
$lang['Element type'] = 'Element type';

$lang['%d anomalies have been detected.'] = '%d unormaliteter har blitt oppdaget.';
$lang['User Upload'] = 'Bruker opplasting';
$lang['Virtual Links'] = 'Virtuelle Linker';



#44 2011-01-07 14:08:00

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [Norway] Search translator

Thansk :-)

[Subversion] r8491

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#45 2011-01-07 14:11:02

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [Norway] Search translator

For install part, can you translate (49 lines)

$lang['Installation'] = 'Installation';
$lang['Basic configuration'] = 'Basic configuration';
$lang['Default gallery language'] = 'Default gallery language';
$lang['Database configuration'] = 'Database configuration';
$lang['Admin configuration'] = 'Admin configuration';
$lang['Start Install'] = 'Start installation';
$lang['mail address must be like xxx@yyy.eee (example :'] = 'mail address must be like xxx@yyy.eee (example :';
$lang['Webmaster login'] = 'Webmaster login';
$lang['It will be shown to the visitors. It is necessary for website administration'] = 'It will be shown to the visitors. It is necessary for website administration';
$lang['Connection to server succeed, but it was impossible to connect to database'] = 'Connection to server successful, but the connection to the database is impossible';
$lang['Can\'t connect to server'] = 'Cannot connect to server';
$lang['Database type'] = 'Database type';
$lang['The type of database your piwigo data will be store in'] = 'The type of database your Piwigo data will be store in';
$lang['Host'] = 'Host';
$lang['localhost,,'] = 'localhost,,';
$lang['User'] = 'User';
$lang['user login given by your host provider'] = 'user login given by your host provider';
$lang['Password'] = 'Password';
$lang['user password given by your host provider'] = 'user password given by your host provider';
$lang['Database name'] = 'Database name';
$lang['also given by your host provider'] = 'also given by your host provider';
$lang['Database table prefix'] = 'Database tables prefix';
$lang['database tables names will be prefixed with it (enables you to manage better your tables)'] = 'database tables names will be prefixed with it (enables you to manage your tables better)';
$lang['enter a login for webmaster'] = 'enter a login for webmaster';
$lang['webmaster login can\'t contain characters \' or "'] = 'webmaster login can\'t contain characters \' or "';
$lang['please enter your password again'] = 'please enter your password again';
$lang['Webmaster password'] = 'Webmaster password';
$lang['Keep it confidential, it enables you to access administration panel'] = 'Keep it confidential, it enables you to access administration panel';
$lang['Password [confirm]'] = 'Password [confirm]';
$lang['verification'] = 'verification';
$lang['Need help ? Ask your question on <a href="%s">Piwigo message board</a>.'] = 'Need help? Ask your question on <a href="%s">Piwigo message board</a>.';
$lang['Webmaster mail address'] = 'Webmaster mail address';
$lang['Visitors will be able to contact site administrator with this mail'] = 'Visitors will be able to use this mail to contact the site administrator';
$lang['PHP 5 is required'] = 'PHP 5 is required';
$lang['It appears your webhost is currently running PHP %s.'] = 'It appears your webhost is currently running PHP %s.';
$lang['Piwigo may try to switch your configuration to PHP 5 by creating or modifying a .htaccess file.'] = 'Piwigo may try to switch your configuration to PHP 5 by creating or modifying a .htaccess file.';
$lang['Note you can change your configuration by yourself and restart Piwigo after that.'] = 'Note you can change your configuration by yourself and restart Piwigo after that.';
$lang['Try to configure PHP 5'] = 'Try to configure PHP 5';
$lang['Sorry!'] = 'Sorry!';
$lang['Piwigo was not able to configure PHP 5.'] = 'Piwigo was not able to configure PHP 5.';
$lang['You may referer to your hosting provider\'s support and see how you could switch to PHP 5 by yourself.'] = 'You should refer to your hosting provider\'s support and see how you can switch to PHP 5 by yourself.';
$lang['Hope to see you back soon.'] = 'Hope to see you back soon.';
$lang['Congratulations, Piwigo installation is completed'] = 'Congratulations, Piwigo installation is completed';
$lang['An alternate solution is to copy the text in the box above and paste it into the file "local/config/" (Warning : must only contain what is in the textarea, no line return or space character)'] = 'An alternate solution is to copy the text in the box above and paste it into the file "local/config/" (Warning : must only contain what is in the textarea, no line return or space character)';
$lang['Creation of config file local/config/ failed.'] = 'Creation of config file local/config/ failed.';
$lang['Download the config file'] = 'Download the config file';
$lang['You can download the config file and upload it to local/config directory of your installation.'] = 'You can download the config file and upload it to local/config directory of your installation.';
$lang['SQLite and PostgreSQL are currently in experimental state.'] = 'SQLite and PostgreSQL are currently in experimental state.';
$lang['Learn more'] = 'Learn more';


You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



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