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  •  » PWG 1.4.1 almost valid XHTML 1.0 strict

#1 2005-08-12 17:09:28

BZH, France

PWG 1.4.1 almost valid XHTML 1.0 strict


I try to modify Phpwebgallery to render it (X)HTML strict valid.

I started with version 1.4.1 on the default template to simplify the job.

I had to modify the template and also small things in the php core code
You can try it at

The whole user-interface seems to be valid XHTML 1.0 strict (excepted 1 strange bug on thumbnail page).

Download mod source at …

Hope to hear from PWG developpers team and/or tester.
Feel free to discuss in English or French.


List of modifications
phpwebgallery core bugs
line 344: function get_html_menu_category() -> modified to return valid HTML menu

line 44:
not sure of what is doing ".$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']"
result was 3 session id in returned URL with 2 & that are not escaped
removed ".$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']" in "add_session_id(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'category.php?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])"
TO BE CHECKED PWG developpers

line 86: missing 'F_ACTION'=>add_session_id(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'comments.php'),

line 434: same as line 44 in about.php

line 145: character "&" not escaped
replace 'Session & Cookie' by 'Session & Cookie'

line 132 133 < and > replaced by their escaped html equivalent

Problem of text with blank space in tag <a>,  it is a problem in all string used in mail subject

line 290: strings used in URL blank spaces are not accepted by the Tidy validator even accepted by W3C one.
replace all " " by "%20" (blank spaces)  => '[phpwebgallery]%20une%20remarque%20sur%20ton%20site'
used in identification, about pages

insert between line 91/92 : ident_forgotten_pass_mail_subject with %20 coded mail subject
template identification.tpl and identification.php modified in accordance

insert line 80:    'L_FORGET_TEXT' => $lang['ident_forgotten_pass_mail_subject'],
see /language/fr_FR.iso-8859-1/common.lang.php modification for details

These  hacks with %20  may be replaced by an ASCII encoder function for mail subject

many modifications: none seems to impact on the interface -> to be tested by IE user ;-)
See in archive /template/default/MODIFbyDROOPY.txt

Todo list
one problem identified but not solved ( I am  quite sure that is is in the php code and not the template )
On main PWG page ( thumbnail page ), when a lign is full, PWG returns an empty lign
<tr></tr>  at the end of the table ( not HTML valid )
ex: thumnail 3x3
if there are 3, 6, or 9 pictures
the html code is:
<table  class="thumbnail">
<tr> 3 td with     right parameters  </tr>
<tr> empty and useless lign </tr>
if there are 1, 2, 4 ... not a multiple of 3 pictures, the empty line does not appear.
that is not depending on which thumbnail size is selected.

admin pages

Error messages: ??



#2 2005-08-12 18:01:54

Former Piwigo Team

Re: PWG 1.4.1 almost valid XHTML 1.0 strict

Nice conversion, good job. :)

Just a few remarks :

- The registration page is not centered in IE
- In order to fully respect the W3C recomandations, maybe you could try to replace all the tables with divs (this could help a lot :
- Is it possible to have an admin access, to see how the admin interface renders now ?



#3 2005-08-12 18:35:58

Piwigo Team
Nantes, France, Europe

Re: PWG 1.4.1 almost valid XHTML 1.0 strict

In my opinion, being XHTML valid is a first step, but surely not the most important. Indeed, being semantically correct is far more important. This is the purpose of Yodan template. This is the way I understand Yodan's work. This is why I think that...

Sephi wrote:

- In order to fully respect the W3C recomandations, maybe you could try to replace all the tables with divs

... is not very interesting.

Second point : Gweltas is responsible of the template, so he should give his opinion... if he's still alive (I haven't heard anything from him for months). If Gweltas does not take your work into account, I'll do.



#4 2005-08-12 19:15:13

BZH, France

Re: PWG 1.4.1 almost valid XHTML 1.0 strict

Removing tables is not a graal  if the syntax is still correct. I do not want to redesign the default template , guys as Yodan are better than me on design (and I prefer his template than the default one). I modify the minimum on the default template.
One table that could be removed is the one that contain left menu and thumbnail ( for fun ??).

To Sephi: thanks for the register info,   fu... IE.
concerning the admin pages, I don't change anything yet.

To zOrglub: Thanks, I'd appreciate if a PWG developper could check my remarks on the PWG core. I'm quite sure it can help "being semantically correct" in HTML or XHTML.


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  •  » PWG 1.4.1 almost valid XHTML 1.0 strict

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