Judi wrote:
I hope that I can leave a message here ... I'm trying to learn how to use Piwigo, as of this time, I really have no idea of what I'm going and my partner is in worst shape as me. Is there any way someone can contact me, I live in Fresno, Ca
I'm getting dispirit.
Thank you ...
Hey Judi,
It is exactly why we have spent time to create this new documentation :)
If you want to use Piwigo and have no idea where to start, you can begin by reading this first article :
Understand everything about Piwigo in 2 minutes
And then I suggest that you browse the documentation according to the topics that interest you (albums, tags, photo import, user management...) : https://doc.piwigo.org/s
Hope this will help :)
I hope that I can leave a message here ... I'm trying to learn how to use Piwigo, as of this time, I really have no idea of what I'm going and my partner is in worst shape as me. Is there any way someone can contact me, I live in Fresno, Ca
I'm getting dispirit.
Thank you ...
thank you for the update, looks great!
Awesome! Piwigo ROCKS ! :D
Very nice! Thank you for doing this.
Fantastic news!
Thank you all guys, for great work on Piwigo project.
Excellent work.
For example, I have just learnt how to visualize HEIC format and to se videos in my self-hosted piwigo.
Will try them out!
Woohoo! This is what I have needed.
Great move! Kudos to Anaël and Claire!
Very nice! Huge difference. Now my users can manage much more themselves
Wow, that is a huge step forward! Chapeau!
It's been in the works for months with our team members Anaël and Claire, now is the time to unveil the brand new documentation for Piwigo. It is targeted towards users*. This documentation touches on most topics related to the use and customization of your Piwigo gallery.
Discover the documentation on doc.piwigo.org
* Developers have access to a dedicated documentation on GitHub.