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2024-09-02 17:09:56

Judi wrote:

I hope that I can leave a message here ... I'm trying to learn how to use Piwigo, as of this time, I really have no idea of what I'm going and my partner is in worst shape as me. Is there any way someone can contact me, I live in Fresno, Ca
I'm getting dispirit.
Thank you ...

Hey Judi,
It is exactly why we have spent time to create this new documentation :)
If you want to use Piwigo and have no idea where to start, you can begin by reading this first article :
Understand everything about Piwigo in 2 minutes
And then I suggest that you browse the documentation according to the topics that interest you (albums, tags, photo import, user management...) :
Hope this will help :)

2024-09-01 02:48:49

I hope that I can leave a message here ... I'm trying to learn how to use Piwigo, as of this time, I really have no idea of what I'm going and my partner is in worst shape as me. Is there any way someone can contact me, I live in Fresno, Ca
I'm getting dispirit.
Thank you ...

2024-08-27 14:30:57

thank you for the update, looks great!

2024-08-25 05:53:42

Awesome! Piwigo ROCKS !  :D

2024-08-24 04:09:54

Very nice! Thank you for doing this.


2024-08-23 21:08:37

Fantastic news!
Thank you all guys, for great work on Piwigo project.

2024-08-23 19:46:23

Excellent work.
For example, I have just learnt how to visualize HEIC format and to se videos in my self-hosted piwigo.
Will try them out!


Paul Wright
2024-08-23 18:25:31

Woohoo!  This is what I have needed.

2024-08-23 17:29:36

Great move! Kudos to Anaël and Claire!

2024-08-23 16:23:09

Very nice! Huge difference. Now my users can manage much more themselves

2024-08-23 14:42:07

Wow, that is a huge step forward! Chapeau!

2024-08-23 12:05:44

It's been in the works for months with our team members Anaël and Claire, now is the time to unveil the brand new documentation for Piwigo. It is targeted towards users*. This documentation touches on most topics related to the use and customization of your Piwigo gallery.

Discover the documentation on

* Developers have access to a dedicated documentation on GitHub.

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