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2022-07-04 01:43:53

Its not UPLOAD ALL, sorry for that.

I mean DOWNLOAD ALL / SELECTIVE DOWNLOAD. Example Result 2, Result 4, Result 7 Result 12 Only of 25 Results.

Not every one is Developer or have access to the server so SYNCHRONIZATION IS IMPOSSIBLE. Please add UPLOAD and MANAGE VIDEOS.

But everything is so great! Its so simple and easy to use.

2022-07-01 05:33:43

I really like the Linked Albums redesign so far. I would love to see something like that for the batch manager. Sometimes it's very hard to scroll through (or even type) to search for tags and albums, especially if there are dozens or worse - hundreds.

So happy to see the Album Manager update! Really looking forward to using that, too

The album editor mockup could use some work. I think perhaps the action buttons could be moved underneath the album form, toggle buttons, and thumbnail rather than the top right. The album statistics could also be redesigned. I quite like the way the album statistics are mapped out now or am just used to it. The mockup just looked a bit "bland" comparatively.

Still, you're doing great!

2022-06-23 03:26:39

Nice one especially the Album Manager.

Please add Upload Videos (Piwigo will become Picture and Video Repository) without plug-ins required. Easy tagging, uploading and managing of Videos. Please also add View ALL, Select ALL and Upload ALL in the Search result page/s.

Thanks in advance

2022-05-27 06:53:03

As far as I know, Piwigo is compatible with Piwigo 8.0

Ubuntu 22 has PHP 8.1, not 8.0.  Is there a forecast for compatibility with that?  I did have to modify things a little bit even with the v13 beta to get rid of error messages.

2022-05-27 06:12:16

Buon Giorno
avrei piacere di provare la nuova versione Beta
gradirei riceverla via mail se è possibile

buona giornata

2022-05-11 01:34:02

plg wrote:

As far as I know, Piwigo is compatible with Piwigo 8.0.

I doubt that. For example, there's still a patch lingering since last year

Maybe you have problems with plugins?

Probably dozens. Unapplied under Piwigo since last year as well:

I gave up on chasing things after as pull requests aren't getting merged nor rejected with a reason.

2022-05-10 14:49:34

With version 13, it did seem to work, but I got a ton of warnings.  Mostly about a null value being invalid for certain function parameters.  Most of the fiddling I did with the code to get rid of the warnings was to detect a null variable and replace it with an empty string if found.

2022-05-10 12:13:48

elyograg wrote:

When might we expect a Piwigo version that fully supports PHP 8.x?  I've been having this problem with a LOT of php software.  Apparently PHP 8.x has implemented some fairly disruptive changes.

As far as I know, Piwigo is compatible with Piwigo 8.0. Maybe you have problems with plugins? we need more details :-D

2022-05-06 20:08:32

I upgraded my server from Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04.  This changed the PHP version from 7.4 to 8.1.  The fully up to date version of Piwigo that I had started having problems.

I was really hoping that installing the beta of version 13 would bring compatibilty with the new PHP version, but it still showed errors.  I have gone in and manually changed the code to eliminate errors as I find them, and I think it's mostly handled.

When might we expect a Piwigo version that fully supports PHP 8.x?  I've been having this problem with a LOT of php software.  Apparently PHP 8.x has implemented some fairly disruptive changes.

2022-05-04 13:55:42

ErwinG wrote:

Personally I don't use the api's so less interesting to me.

I understand. In next videos, we will separate "changes for users" and "changes for developers"

2022-05-04 11:58:50

dstahlberg wrote:

Is it possible to add some "set some property on several selected albums"?

We already have that for public/private, locked/unlocked, commentable/notCommentable

Would you like to have some kind of possibility to edit all album titles at once? or description?

2022-05-03 10:14:47


Personally I don't use the api's so less interesting to me.
The new album manager looks very nice and I think it's quite an improvement.
Keep up the good work !

Greetings from Belgium...

2022-05-03 06:22:26

Thank you for taking time to post the video!

The feature I liked best was the new album manager - I have spent a lot of time clicking back-and-forth between albums and subalbums. As a newbie, I sometimes find I "should have done this on all albums" and need to go through several albums by hand. Is it possible to add some "set some property on several selected albums"?


2022-05-03 05:35:38

New album manager does seem clever and all updates looks like steps forward.

I personally use Piwigo mainly via API and sync my personal photos from Nextcloud to Piwigo automatically and create albums and tags via API.

2022-05-02 12:29:54

On March 30th, we announced the release of Piwigo 13 in beta version.

In this new version, you will discover improvements and redesigns for various features: history search engine, plugin installer, related album selecter, tag renaming, API explorer, album list and album editing.

We decided to try something new for this version 13: I present you all the new features, including the ones that are still in development, in a video. We want to get a maximum of feedback from the community!

So take the time to watch this video, and above all, give us your opinion in comments!

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