Thanks for the update... and special thanks for making Piwigo happen. I found a platform that is easy to adminster and also easy to share...
Searching for smartpocket helps: topic:32295.
My Piwigo
IMG 20180408 124651IMG 20180408 124701IMG 20180408 124922IMG 20180408 125003IMG 20180408 125038IMG 20180408 125234IMG 20180408 125242IMG 20180408 125411IMG 20180408 135010IMG 20180408 142852IMG 20180408 142858IMG 20180408 145323IMG 20180408 145513
Fatal error: Uncaught --> Smarty Compiler: Syntax error in template "file:/web/htdocs/" on line 20 "document.cookie = 'screen_size='+jQuery(document).width()+'x'+jQuery(document).height()+';path={isset($COOKIE_PATH) ? $COOKIE_PATH : ''}';" - Unexpected " ? ", expected one of: "}" <-- thrown in /web/htdocs/ on line 20
Everything working ok, except Cofiguration---> option--> basic setting (page banner) does not update. save button does not work. As soon you try to save ir took you to blank page. Pls look into it. Thanks in advance. My site is https//
You could had searched for smartpocket and found topic:32295.
Upon upgrading, my ability to see photos in gallery view has disappeared and I get the following message at the bottom of the album view page:
Fatal error: Uncaught --> Smarty Compiler: Syntax error in template "file:/home/poole4/" on line 20 "document.cookie = 'screen_size='+jQuery(document).width()+'x'+jQuery(document).height()+';path={isset($COOKIE_PATH) ? $COOKIE_PATH : ''}';" - Unexpected " ? ", expected one of: "}" <-- thrown in /home/poole4/ on line 20
I'm not sure what happened but if you can tell me how the line should be properly coded, I can edit the file and hopefully be good to go.
Upgrade gave some write permission error, but ... seems to have worked anyway? But failed to upgrade one <webroot>/index.php? Looking at the file date/time it kind of seems it did upgrade the file anyway regardless of the error? So what exactly happened?
edit: ran it again after snapshot restore:
So the initial error I got inside the admin.php from the upgrade thingie (had to check the warning "I decided to upgrade anyway" checkbox):
An error has occured during extract. Please check file permissions of your piwigo installation.
Click here to show log error.
show error log link gave only:
galleries/index.php: write_error
anyway, then clicking anywhere went into https://url/upgrade.php where I was able to click on button "Upgrade from version 12.0.0 to 13.1.0" which seems to have done the upgrade properly.
total upgrade time : 0.214 s
total SQL time : 0.183 s
SQL queries : 17
Upgrade information
As a precaution, the following plugins have been deactivated. You must check for upgradable plugins before reactivating them:
Fotorama, PersoFavicon, PhotoSphere, log_failed_logins
As a precaution, the following themes have been deactivated. You must check for upgradable themes before reactivating them:
Bootstrap Darkroom
Perform a maintenance check in [Administration>Tools>Maintenance] if you encounter any problem.
Just moved to PHP 8.1 .... still an issue :( ... Do we know if this is a bug or something wrong in my setup?
I upgraded to 13.0 (and now 13.1 but on the upgrade the two options below stopped working. But I went to PHP 8.0 rather than PHP 8.1. Do we know if that makes a difference?
If I set as below, then I get an error (Page Not Found) as soon as I click on an album in the opening page.
$conf['question_mark_in_urls'] = false;
$conf['php_extension_in_urls'] = false;
Options +MultiViews
I've tried everything and no luck my end.
erAck wrote:
Works, thanks!
Thank you erAck for your involvement!
Works, thanks!
Never a new major release has been downloaded as much as Piwigo 13.0.0 :-) We have received some bug reports (not many) about some remaining issues. Mainly some warnings with PHP 8.1. Here comes version 13.1.0 with these bugs fixed.
Thank you to all bug reporters and code modifications to fix issues!
Piwigo 13.1.0 release note
Background image by Anton on Unsplash