Here it is,
Piwigo 2.5.2
Charlies content 2.5.a
Do you have a link please?
by email if you prefer
I am struggling with getting Charlies plugin to work. My environment is:
Piwigo 2.5.3
Charlies 2.5.a
jplayer .6
under my "photos" directory I created a directory called "Videos"
under the "Videos" directory I created a directory called "pwg_representative"
Scenario A:
using SmartFTP I copied 1 file to "Videos": TwoBells.m4v
in the "pwg_representative" directory: I copied TwoBells.jpg (38.5 KB, 120X90 px)
I went to Administration->Tools->Synchronize
and select the radio button option directories + files and uncheck the box Simulation
I then go to "Visit the Gallery"
My thumbnail appears with "Videos" and 1 photo underneath
I click on "Videos" and I am taken to Home/Videos[1] and I have my thumbnail "TwoBells"
I click on the "TwoBells" thumbnail and I am taken to page with the jplayer controls on it
I click on the "play" icon and the video display window goes black and a few seconds later it returns to
display the "TwoBells" thumbnail
I can click on the "Download this file" icon and the video will download to my computer and then I can
play it using MPC-HC (Media Player Classic)
Scenario B:
Same as above except video is TwoBells_flash.flv and thumbnail is TwoBells_flash.jpg (JPG is identical to 1st one)
When I try to view the .flv I get the error as documented and then when I return to the "Home" all files in the "Videos" directory are gone!
Trying to reload 4 images for previous post
I use it for all y videos:
example … egory/5084
Now I am beginning to see what is causing me and a lot of other people problems with using the plugin.
I see this at the bottom of the Charlies configuration window:
[ Note: These options are available with the Maxi FLV Player. More details on all theses options on: FLV Player (neolao production). ]
I do not have Maxi FLV Player and I can not find any documentation anywhere on how to install and configure it with Piwigo. I am not a PHP expert but have been a computer programmer for more than 30 years.
Thanks for the reply.
whitst wrote:
Charlies 2.5.a
jplayer .6
Hi :-)
I think isn't possible use this 2 plugins
I am using the jplayer plugin which says that it supports m4v and flv file formats
Partial success!!!! I disabled the jplayer plugin and now the flv video works. The m4v video does not work but I suppose that format is not supported by Maxi FLV Player. I am now uploading my original mp4 file which is much higher quality but over 100 MB to test.
After uploading an mp4 file, I can not get Charlies plugin to not use Quicktime. I have used it's configuration to uncheck mp4 under quicktime_player and to check mp4 under flv_player but after saving configuration changes nothing is saved. I have seen other users say the same thing.
Any suggestions?
whitst wrote:
After uploading an mp4 file, I can not get Charlies plugin to not use Quicktime. I have used it's configuration to uncheck mp4 under quicktime_player and to check mp4 under flv_player but after saving configuration changes nothing is saved. I have seen other users say the same thing.
Any suggestions?
Can you test to save, retour home and became to see option
Regardless of what I check or uncheck Charlies always says that "Your configuration is saved" and then displays the original settings.
What file are the settings kept in? Could I have a permissions problem (read-only)?
I use the latest version of Firefox. I just ran the Charlies' configuration test using Internet Explorer 9 with the exact same results. Regardless of what I check or uncheck as file types everything returns to its original settings after saving the configuration.
whitst wrote:
What file are the settings kept in? Could I have a permissions problem (read-only)?
Have you qui page after and go again in page
error sreen
I completely uninstalled Charlies plugin and then re-installed. Same results.