There isn't an option to sync that album, since it wasn't an FTP upload initially. I eventually want the PDFs in an album with many photos, the album will be created by API from Lightroom using - so I don't want to create the whole album by FTP upload and sync.
I did try creating another test album, copying the PDF into galleries/orrison-photos and the JPG into galleries/orrison-photos/pwg_representative and syncing, and that has worked fine:
The problem is just updating (or creating) the thumbnail on a PDF that was uploaded by the web form...
Last edited by r.orrison (2018-03-25 10:12:37)
Aha! I can put the PDFs and manually created thumbnails into a separate album, synchronise that, then link them into the album where I really want them. A bit convoluted, but I think it will work.
Thanks again - and let me know if there's a better way!
In fact I don't know.
I tried to reproduce what you did and couldn't even upload the pdf file with the form. I guess you changed some config file to allow the upload? do you remember which?
I also noticed that the thumbnail is created (for jpg) in the upload folder, with the same name as the image with "-th" added just after the name and before the .jpg
may be adding the thumbnail will be seen?
thanks testing
No - I didn't change anything to be able to upload it. See the attached image - PDF is one of the options. The only change I've made to the plugin was the version numbers in to get rid of the version compatibility error.
And I don't have any -th.jpg files in my upload folders - not for any of my images!
Interesting... My uploads folder is /upload but I've just found /_data/i/upload which is where the thumbnails appear to be. So maybe I could find out what filename the PDF was uploaded as, and use FTP to upload the -th.jpg thumbnail file to _data/i/upload...
I think I'll just stick with the method I've figured out, uploading PDF+JPG directly to a folder and synchronising that.
It would be nice if it was possible in the Edit photo page to upload the thumbnail, but I suspect that would be quite a bit of work.
Thanks again,
I see. It seems like there is a problem in my local config. I once changed the default file (in the default file editor plugin), and now he default config file is no more used. Not your problem, so I will investigate when time permits :-)
J'ai téléchargé la version 3.2.1 et via ftp copier le répertoire charlies dans plugin : il y a une erreur dans l'administration qui indique que c'est la version 3.0.1.
J'ai vérifié le fichier et effectivement il y a d'indiqué 3.0.1 et non 3.2.1 alors que le zip lui est bien en 3.2.1 : j'ai mis le bon n° de version dans le fichier et plus d'ereur. MAIS le plugin Charlies Content qui est bien listé dans la liste des plugins activé n'apparait pas dans la liste sous "Gérer" et je ne peux rien configurer : il n'y a rien à configurer ?
Sorry, i go to the french forum !
Last edited by augras (2018-12-29 12:04:27)
there is little to configure. Writing a configuration page is over my knowledge and the inital one when I began maintaining Charlie's what nit working anyway.
The only thing I see that may be useful is the width and height of the video, and this is easy to change directly on the files
r.orrison wrote:
Aha! I can put the PDFs and manually created thumbnails into a separate album, synchronise that, then link them into the album where I really want them. A bit convoluted, but I think it will work.
Thanks again - and let me know if there's a better way!
Would it be possible for you to make a quick screencast video of this procedure and share via youtube or another service of your choice? I am really struggling to understand how you guys are getting the PDF thumbnails to work and browsing the directories and automatically renamed files uploaded by the standard piwigo interface is a daunting task for me. It would be greatly appreciated and i am sure many would appreciate it.
I attempted to use the script provided in the french link on page 6 however I must not be doing something correctly as this fails also.
-much appreciated!
This is a great plugin. I am using it to upload 3D pdfs. They upload fine and I can open them in Piwigo, but the 3D functionality is absent. That is, I can't click on the image to activate the 3D model.
I am wondering if there might be a way of doing that?
Charlie's is completely dependent of your browser capacity. It only add this to the page:
src="{$SRC_IMG}" type="application/pdf" toolbar="false" scrollbar="true" pagemode="none" transparent="true" width="98%" height=750px href="{$SRC_IMG}"
with $SCR_IMG being your pdf
try to load your pdf as file in your brower to see.
for example, here under Linux, the file … Helico.pdf
do not show any 3d capability :-(
I have uploaded a wav file, which I believe is enabled through my use of Charlie's Content plugin.
However when I click on the thumbnail in the album, I get an error:
Fatal error: Uncaught --> Smarty: Unable to load template file '/home/my user/my domain/plugins/charlies/charlie_music.tpl' <-- thrown in /home/my user/my domain/include/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php on line 139
When I look in the Charlies plugin folde, the charlie_music.tpl does not exist.
Thanks for the plugin!
I am running 3.2.4. I installed it through the built in installer. I have also tried installing the 3.2.4-2 manually by ftp. I get the same results.
It seems that charlie_music.tpl was included in the 2.5.a version but not in 3.0. Throwing caution to the wind, I have uploaded the file from 2.5.a into my current directory and now the plugin works.
Last edited by piwent (2021-04-03 07:44:39)
piwent wrote:
When I look in the Charlies plugin folder, the charlie_music.tpl does not exist.
It seems that charlie_music.tpl was included in the 2.5.a version but not in 3.0. Throwing caution to the wind, I have uploaded the file from 2.5.a into my current directory and now the plugin works.
hello, thanks for the message and the search.
For whatever reason, the music.tpl *is* in my own charlie's install but not in the shared one. Reason may be because it don't works for me. … egory/7456
Reading the tpl, it asks for Windows media player. I guess you run Windows, when I run Linux.
Of course I can run wav files on linux, but right now I don't know how to do it from Firefox at least (nor Chrome, by the way).
I will have to find a compatible way to have wav run on browser both on linux and Windows
I may have removed it at the very beginning of my work as maintainer and forgot to write it to the changelog file
Ah, ok that makes sense now. I have hobbled together so many plugins to do what I need, I forget which does what, and what the expected outcome should be.
When I read this in the description... "Did you ever want to add none picture files to your gallery" I never considered that the point of the plugin was to ensure that there was an in-browser player. I (mistakenly) thought that the plugin just allowed the upload of the file.
Personally I'm happy to just have wav files be downloaded using the download. When I add back in the above mentioned .tpl file, that's all I'm getting anyway.
Am I going to break anything by putting that .tpl file back in?
(BTW, in the plugin description it should be "non picture")
Thanks again for the plugin!
piwent wrote:
Am I going to break anything by putting that .tpl file back in?
not that I'm aware of, but your file wont be read by linux users (and probably any non Windows user)