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#61 2010-03-04 15:22:02


Re: pLoader for Windows, prepare and upload photos from your computer

hi plg,

I am using piwigo 2.0.9 but unable to open ploader(2.07c).

when i click the ploader.exe it pop ups for user id and password after entering the details northing happens. i tried with wrong password then is shows error.

iam using windows vista and website is .

when my site is with Piwigo 2.08 it worked fine. i tried with piwigo domain still same .


#62 2010-04-03 00:44:45

Former Piwigo Team

Re: pLoader for Windows, prepare and upload photos from your computer



#63 2010-04-03 07:57:11

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: pLoader for Windows, prepare and upload photos from your computer



Add nl_NL  Dutch Thanks to Kees Hessels

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#64 2010-04-13 08:18:04


Re: pLoader for Windows, prepare and upload photos from your computer


I'm kind of confused, as there is no installer in my pLoader folder that I just downloaded. Is this because I'm using windows 7?
I can still run pLoader by going in to the bin folder and running the pLoader file there. but everywhere I look, I see instructions for an installer.. Confused.

And point number two on my list and by far the most important one;
Tags dont work! My images are exported with lightroom/picasa/viewNX, makes no difference.
I can not see any tags in the pLoader tags section. I can not add any new tags there either.
When i uppload my pictures, piwigo displays the information of the smaller and newly generated 640x480 image, and not the original.
when I download an original image from my piwigo site, i get the tag back again.

I want piwigo to display the miniature image with the tags and information from the big original image.
Actually, add the tags and information to thumbs and smaller generated images. Then they are searchable..



#65 2010-08-06 18:04:39


Re: pLoader for Windows, prepare and upload photos from your computer

@birtles - I don't think there is an installer.. I'm also running from bin directory

@developers - I've read that people on Windows had problem with ploader strating, they click "ConnecT" and it just disappears (and is off in Task manager).

I had the same problem. Solution, while temporary stopgap, is to go to "C:\Users\<your_username>\AppData\Local\.pLoader" for Windows 7, so I'm assuming it's "C:\Documents & Settings\<your_username>\Aplication data\Local Settings\.pLoader" (or something similar) for XP. Once there, delete contents of that folder, and ploader should start again.

It's ugly way to clear all the settings, but it worked for me.

One more thing. I've got PLoader setup so it uploads a thumbnail + 1280*1024  image (max) + original for HD viewing. Option to rotate pictures is on as well.
But when a rotated picture is uploaded, and I go to download "original" it's smaller than original. Yes, picture is in correct resolution, but it's smaller in kilobytes (weight). So, a 3072x2304 picture is rotated to 2304x3072 which is ok, but it's weight goes from 1.9 to 1.8 MB for example. If I was to guess, I'd say that the "95%" option kicked in, but that one shouldn't be functioning if it says "copy of original" not a resize. Besides, in the same place 1600x1200 stands, and picture is obviously not resized.

Best thing is - if I upload picture that doesn't need rotating, than it's 100% true copy of the original.

Can't PLoader do a lossless rotate of JPEG pictures?

Last edited by LuxZg (2010-08-06 18:33:02)



#66 2010-08-07 12:06:01

Former Piwigo Team

Re: pLoader for Windows, prepare and upload photos from your computer

pLoader uses ImageMagick for image processing. As explained here : … amp;t=5899 the rotate is lossless but not lossless when writing back the data.



#67 2010-08-07 13:31:40


Re: pLoader for Windows, prepare and upload photos from your computer

ron wrote:

pLoader uses ImageMagick for image processing. As explained here : … amp;t=5899 the rotate is lossless but not lossless when writing back the data.

Thank you ron, seems I'll have to live with it.. I was just hoping for keeping originals "backed up" in a way, while using those in Piwigo at the same time.



#68 2010-08-08 02:04:34


Re: pLoader for Windows, prepare and upload photos from your computer

plg wrote:

I just came back from holidays, I made my biggest upload today with pLoader on client side and on server side: 233 photos resized and uploaded with success :-) (in a single action), it took 1020 seconds (17 minutes).

I know a year had passed.. but I've just discovered both Piwigo and PLoader.. and both are great.. And I'm just finalizing my upload of 500+ photos, and out of those 480+ are already visible online. My Internet connection is VERY slow, and I'm uploading files with high-def originals, and it had been probably more than 16 hours since I started upload. Since than my connection was reset, I worked with bunch of things on computer, etc, and nothing interrupted PLoader. It just kept pushing those pictures online, one by one, slowly but steady. I'm impressed.. specially with the connection dropping.

My only problem now is that I'll need 3 months to upload all photos I've got ;D But that's nothing to do with PLoader or Piwigo.. you guys did hell of a job! Thank you!

EDIT: OK, 15 hours.. (53770 seconds) And 8 pictures failed to upload due to that connection drop something like 3 hours into upload. But all nice and fine.. I'm reuploading those 8 images right now, all nice and easy :) EDIT2: 891 seconds and all done.. nice.. :)

Last edited by LuxZg (2010-08-08 11:31:13)



#69 2010-08-13 10:58:02

Piwigo Team
Nantes, France, Europe

Re: pLoader for Windows, prepare and upload photos from your computer

LuxZg wrote:

EDIT: OK, 15 hours.. (53770 seconds) And 8 pictures failed to upload due to that connection drop something like 3 hours into upload. But all nice and fine.. I'm reuploading those 8 images right now, all nice and easy :) EDIT2: 891 seconds and all done.. nice.. :)

Nice to read this! pLoader makes upload reliable.

* pLoader mission: add photos to your Piwigo gallery.
* pLoader specifications: simple and reliable



#70 2010-08-13 23:37:25


Re: pLoader for Windows, prepare and upload photos from your computer

plg wrote:

LuxZg wrote:

EDIT: OK, 15 hours.. (53770 seconds) And 8 pictures failed to upload due to that connection drop something like 3 hours into upload. But all nice and fine.. I'm reuploading those 8 images right now, all nice and easy :) EDIT2: 891 seconds and all done.. nice.. :)

Nice to read this! pLoader makes upload reliable.

* pLoader mission: add photos to your Piwigo gallery.
* pLoader specifications: simple and reliable

Nicely put :)



#71 2011-02-25 02:12:22


Re: pLoader for Windows, prepare and upload photos from your computer

1. There are any way to set the new category created on pLoader as private?
2. There are any way to transfer the photos to a directory instead database?


Cassiano Camargos



#72 2011-02-27 17:49:18

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: pLoader for Windows, prepare and upload photos from your computer

ccamargos wrote:

1. There are any way to set the new category created on pLoader as private?

It is in Piwigo you can define it
Would you like to learn more about this configuration setting?

ccamargos wrote:

2. There are any way to transfer the photos to a directory instead database?

The pictures are not sent to the database, it is only the information on the photo that are in the database

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#73 2011-03-04 11:19:15


Re: pLoader for Windows, prepare and upload photos from your computer

I´m interested in learn more about configuration setting.


Cassiano Camargos



#74 2011-03-05 07:58:11

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: pLoader for Windows, prepare and upload photos from your computer

ccamargos wrote:

I´m interested in learn more about configuration setting.

plg gave you the answer ;-)
[Forum, post 119722 by plg in topic 17146] how can I set the default access to a category as private?

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#75 2012-05-04 01:47:50


Re: pLoader for Windows, prepare and upload photos from your computer

First of all, thank you for the great piece of software.

Secondly, I'd like to suggest 2 things:

1. While creating new album within pLoader I'd like to be able to choose between Public and Private settings. Currently every new album created inside pLoader is Public by default. Or am I missing something?

2. The pLoader application seems to response slowly when I toggle between the applications in Windows XP. Other application windows become active normally, while pLoader seems to be frozen, or sleepy.

Hope my remark are helpful. Keep up good work!

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