
#1 2010-02-21 21:07:02


How to set-up remote gallery (easy step by step)

I tried to set up a remote gallery but I  found the documentation not helpful. Maybe it's because my scripting knowledge is not good enough.

Can somebody give me a step by step "manual" for how to set up a remote gallary?

Thanks very much.


#2 2010-02-22 09:22:01

Piwigo Team
Nantes, France, Europe

Re: How to set-up remote gallery (easy step by step)

Hi Laurens,

Are you talking about a remote site in your gallery?



#3 2010-02-22 09:26:59

Piwigo Team
22 France

Re: How to set-up remote gallery (easy step by step)

A rapid search in the wiki give access to 4 detailed pages :

First : Install the create_listing_file.php on your remote site and try to generate the listing.xml file
Second : do the first step before ;-)

« Entre Ce que je pense, Ce que je veux dire, Ce que je crois dire, Ce que je dis, Ce que vous avez envie d'entendre, Ce que vous entendez, Ce que vous comprenez... il y a dix possibilités qu'on ait des difficultés à communiquer. Mais essayons quand même... »
[ Bernard Werber ]
This is more difficult if you don't understand French !
[ Laurent ]



#4 2010-02-22 09:53:10

Laurens Driesser

Re: How to set-up remote gallery (easy step by step)

Thanks for the help so far.

I already found those search topics you meant. (you refered there in an other thread)

I found the create_listing_file.php in the /tools map.
The file has bin transfed to the remote site using a FTP-client. I put it in the root. The photo's stand in a gallery-map.

Then I went to the the browser and filled in the adres (http://"my remote site"/create_listing_file.php

The browser askes if I want to download this file. So I think I can't run the file.

Do I mis something?


#5 2010-02-22 10:13:37

Piwigo Team
22 France

Re: How to set-up remote gallery (easy step by step)

I think your remote site deos not support PHP

Could you send us an Url ?

« Entre Ce que je pense, Ce que je veux dire, Ce que je crois dire, Ce que je dis, Ce que vous avez envie d'entendre, Ce que vous entendez, Ce que vous comprenez... il y a dix possibilités qu'on ait des difficultés à communiquer. Mais essayons quand même... »
[ Bernard Werber ]
This is more difficult if you don't understand French !
[ Laurent ]



#6 2010-02-22 10:31:46


Re: How to set-up remote gallery (easy step by step)

Hi Laurent,

I try to sent you this email. I will post a announcement on the forum (don't know if it's wise to post an URL there).

The site wich I try to get conneted is;


The site where Piwigo is running is;


Thanks for the help so far.

(edit the mail I sent to Laurent)


#7 2010-02-22 11:02:10

Piwigo Team
22 France

Re: How to set-up remote gallery (easy step by step)

As written in my previous post, does not support PHP on your remote site. You can read it here : (I used google translate dutch to french)

So you can not generate the XML file on this server.

« Entre Ce que je pense, Ce que je veux dire, Ce que je crois dire, Ce que je dis, Ce que vous avez envie d'entendre, Ce que vous entendez, Ce que vous comprenez... il y a dix possibilités qu'on ait des difficultés à communiquer. Mais essayons quand même... »
[ Bernard Werber ]
This is more difficult if you don't understand French !
[ Laurent ]



#8 2010-02-23 20:33:01


Re: How to set-up remote gallery (easy step by step)

That's a bummer.

Plan B, use my Synologie server.

Thanks for the support!!


#9 2010-02-23 22:03:57


Re: How to set-up remote gallery (easy step by step)

Oke Plan B;

I created a place on my Synology webserver.

Placed the create_listing_file.php on this server. First it didn't generate thumbnails. After a search found the solution. Set Thumbnails to true in create_listing_file.php.

Then it gave a failure. I created the directory for the thumbnails manually "thumbnails". Then it did create the thumbnails.

Now I facing an other problem;

I got the following failure;

"Warning: filetype() [function.filetype]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(./..) is not within the allowed path(s): (/usr/syno/synoman:/etc:/var/run:/tmp:/var/spool/php:/volume1/@tmp/php:/var/services/web:/var/services/photo:/var/services/blog:/var/services/homes:/var/packages/MailStation/target/roundcubemail) in /volume1/web/create_listing_file.php on line 944"

line 944 in create_listing_file.php contains;
"    switch (filetype($directory."/".$file))"

What did I mis? I tried the to replace "/" on line 944 with "/var/services/web" and "/volume1/web/"

Then the following failure appears;
"Warning: filetype() [function.filetype]: Lstat failed for ./var/services/web/create_listing_file.php.lock in /volume1/web/create_listing_file.php on line 944

Can somebody point me the direction?

Many thanks!


#10 2010-02-23 22:10:23

Piwigo Team
22 France

Re: How to set-up remote gallery (easy step by step)

Could you send me the url by MP ?

« Entre Ce que je pense, Ce que je veux dire, Ce que je crois dire, Ce que je dis, Ce que vous avez envie d'entendre, Ce que vous entendez, Ce que vous comprenez... il y a dix possibilités qu'on ait des difficultés à communiquer. Mais essayons quand même... »
[ Bernard Werber ]
This is more difficult if you don't understand French !
[ Laurent ]



#11 2010-02-24 09:26:06

Piwigo Team
22 France

Re: How to set-up remote gallery (easy step by step)

I think the open_basedir restriction of your server is very strict.

To avoid this problem move the complete tree in a subdirectory. I mean :
1) create a directory <The_name_you_want> in the root dir of your host
2) move Vakantie directory in this new directory
3) move create_listing_file.php in in this new directory

« Entre Ce que je pense, Ce que je veux dire, Ce que je crois dire, Ce que je dis, Ce que vous avez envie d'entendre, Ce que vous entendez, Ce que vous comprenez... il y a dix possibilités qu'on ait des difficultés à communiquer. Mais essayons quand même... »
[ Bernard Werber ]
This is more difficult if you don't understand French !
[ Laurent ]



#12 2012-05-29 00:06:17

Johan Wijnker

Re: How to set-up remote gallery (easy step by step)

To run Piwigo gallery on a Synology web server you have te adjust the file "" on line 319.
The default settig for the library is "auto". To get Piwigo working on Synology you have to change the setting for the library to 'gd' on line 319.
This is the only setting i had to change on my Synology NAS to get Piwigo to work.
// Library used for image resizing. Value could be 'auto', 'imagick',
// 'ext_imagick' or 'gd'. If value is 'auto', library will be choosen in this
// order. If choosen library is not available, another one will be picked up.
$conf['graphics_library'] = 'gd';



#13 2013-01-12 22:42:48


Re: How to set-up remote gallery (easy step by step)

Thanks, Johan this also worked for me.


#14 2013-04-01 13:56:49


Re: How to set-up remote gallery (easy step by step)

laurent.duretz wrote:

Could you send me the url by MP ?

I'm trying to install piwigo on my Synology NAS, but i have issue with thumbnails not being shown.

Reading through this forum it's stated that I need to create/move this file 'create_listing_file.php'

Checked my install zip file and this file is nowhere to be found.

Can someone upload this file pls.

Thank you!


#15 2013-04-03 01:01:06

Translation Team

Re: How to set-up remote gallery (easy step by step)

All you need to do is edit the file:

which you can find in the directory:

change the line:
$conf['graphics_library'] = 'auto';

$conf['graphics_library'] = 'gd';

After it your synology nas should make thumbnails.



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