Simple Grey is now compatible with piwigo 2.1: [extension by plg] Simple Grey
Last edited by saimon (2010-09-24 00:08:41)
I have just packaged a child of SimpleGrey : [extension by plg] Simple Black. This theme is darker than its parent SimpleGrey. See it in action.
Thank you to Freddy Berriau for this contribution.
saimon wrote:
if you want to hack it or contribute, feel free :-).
I admit that the "right to left" thumbnails is really disturbing and unexpected. Can you tell me how to proceed if I want to send you a patch and so on?
plg wrote:
I admit that the "right to left" thumbnails is really disturbing and unexpected.
yes, I already changed this on the dev version and I hope to release soon: http://bitbucket.org/saimon/simple-piwi … 1f92497d63
Can you tell me how to proceed if I want to send you a patch and so on?
to get the last version of the code:
$ hg clone http://bitbucket.org/saimon/simple-piwigo
for small changes a diff is fine (diff -u > patch.diff), or if you want to you can use mercurial and send me an a tarball with your commits.
Here is a small tutorial (with a french translation): http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/Tutorial
new version of simple grey is available: http://piwigo.org/ext/extension_view.php?eid=308
many thanks for splendid theme!)
one question:
where are words "rated 1 times, standard deviation = undefined" in templates or scripts or langs?
i would like to translate this in russian, but did`t find it anywhere.
kiddy-admin wrote:
one question:
where are words "rated 1 times, standard deviation = undefined" in templates or scripts or langs?
i would like to translate this in russian, but did`t find it anywhere.
It has been removed for Piwigo 2.1 (nearly nobody understands what a "standard deviation" is). It should be removed from the "Simple" theme.
What can I do right now to comment out these lines (for example - or remove)
kiddy-admin wrote:
What can I do right now to comment out these lines (for example - or remove)
In themes/simple/template/picture.tpl, remove
, standard deviation = %.2f
(twice in the code)
ok, its works correctly now)
and one more question:
my users see error messages (f.e. "reg_err_mail_address") in english,
how can i translate it into russian?
and there is conflict: in my gallery`s main setup switch off "The e-mail address is mandatory for all users", but now if field "e-mail" is empty - user see error
how can i repair?
Last edited by kiddy-admin (2010-06-22 16:35:33)
Hi, I'd like to return to the question of the thumbnail alignment. I note that it has been changed from R to L to L to R in the latest update. Is there anyway to centre the thumbnails? as personally I prefer to see them centred as I believe that it gives a more balanced presentation. Most of the other themes would appear to centre them. Otherwise great theme.... :)
After an upgrade to 2.1.2 I had problems with random picture - on the main page - all well, but on internal - change of pictures does not occur. The first disappears - the second does not appear also I cannot disable show of this block for users
It is a problem of theme or in something anything?
internationalization of the theme is in the todo list, but I will not be available for a moment ... and the same applies for the other issues :-(. I will try to work on the theme but with holidays coming I can not promise when.