How'll make ploader'ı Turkish?
you can contact "ron" on the "" domain name.
pLoader program directory has a folder named 'locale' that contains sub-folders, one for each translation language.
The translation file is pLoader.po and it has the following structure :
(...) msgid "string to translate" msgstr "translated string" (...)
Only the "translated string" must be changed.
To create a new translation file, you can use locale/fr_FR/pLoader.po file as a template.
Copy that file in a new sub-folder ( for example : tr_TR to add turkish ) and edit the file with an uft-8 compliant file editor.
Once finished, send me the file and it will be part of the next pLoader release.
Glad that this was just discussed recently, I'll do one for Croatian as well. Thanks for the info!