IcyHot wrote:
I just upgraded to version 0.6.0 and now I am seeing an error that says "Plugin Error: /admin.php is not a valid file.
It goes away when I de-activate the plugin and returns when activated. When I try to launch the User Tag Administration Options I see this error.
Notice: Undefined index: section in /home/administrator/sites/hunkforo/photos/admin/plugin.php on line 32 Invalid plugin URL
I confirm even if I don't understand ! :-(
IcyHot wrote:
I just upgraded to version 0.6.0 and now I am seeing an error that says "Plugin Error: /admin.php is not a valid file.
the same at me
I find a way to make it work when restoring the plugin :
Of course, the token must be replaced by the correct one.
I just fix the installation issue with release 0.6.1. Thanks to ddtddt.
Thanks for the quick response! Much appreciated.
When I add and activate the user tag extension, the word "array" in white text appears underneath my header image on my gallery pages?
bkcorwin wrote:
When I add and activate the user tag extension, the word "array" in white text appears underneath my header image on my gallery pages?
Can you give an url (in private if you want). I think that there's a problem with another plugin, not mine
I will send you a link in a PM shortly. I can deactivate all other plugins and only have user_tags active. Then toggle on and off and watch the word "array" toggle.
Actually, here is some additional info. The word does not appear when viewed in safari. Only in firefox 5?
edit: even more info. The words only appear when logged in. When viewing as guest it does not occur.
Last edited by bkcorwin (2011-08-09 20:53:32)
Sorry, apparently in my debugging efforts I got confused. It happens in both safari and firefox, but only happens when I am logged in with my administrator account.
It does not occur when logged in as a guest or non admin user.
I didn't remember exactly but I already saw that behavior.
Edit : I remembered. Did you install plugin autosize ? If you installed it can you removed it and tell me if you see the problem ?
Last edited by nicolas (2011-08-09 21:11:32)
I did not install the autosize plugin. My total plugin list is
Advanced metadata
localfiles editor
photo update
user tags
check upgrades
piwigo autoupgrade
pwg stuffs
It happens even when I deactivate all plugins but user tags. Is it possible for inactive but installed plugins to still have an effect on the way a page renders?
thanks much
Also, I can leave all of my plugins active, and then only deactivate user-tags and the problem goes away.
It appears in the source of my page as
<body id="thePicturePage">
<div id="the_page">
<div id="theHeader"><h1>bkc</p></div>
<div id="imageHeaderBar">
<div class="browsePath">
Last edited by bkcorwin (2011-08-09 21:43:08)
Hi Nicolas,
i think you are debugging an array variable somewhere, like echo "$myArrayVariable" or print
id say a search with CTRL-F to these will find them ;)
Last edited by Mattias (2011-08-10 22:17:40)