#91 2017-02-18 20:43:53


Re: Plugin User Tags

Plugin conflicts with PWG stuff. When the plugin is enabled, then a personal block of PWG stuff is not visible on the page with the photo.



#92 2017-10-30 16:00:54


Re: Plugin User Tags

Is it possible to add group-based permissions rather thank rank-based permissions? At the moment, the system is all-or-nothing - either you only allow admins to tag, or you allow everyone. I just want to allow a group of trusted users (not admins) to tag. Is there any way to enable/configure this?



#93 2021-11-30 06:29:46


Re: Plugin User Tags

Hi - seems to be working on 12.1



#94 2022-10-28 05:35:50


Re: Plugin User Tags

Fantastic plugin- I shoot pictures of High School mountain biking races and post them for everyone.  This lets teams tag their pictures.  And combined with the export plugin is providing training data for a machine learning approach. 

I just upgraded to 13, and after upgrading to 0.95 the plugin says it's enabled, and from the administration side it looks good (I can control the settings).  However the user side interface isn't there.  There's no "keywords" field any more.



#95 2023-01-01 03:06:44


Re: Plugin User Tags

Unfortunately, the specified support of Piwigo Version 13 does not correspond to the facts! The last version in which the plugin "User Tags" works is Piwigo in version 12.3.0. From version 13.0.0, the corresponding point is no longer displayed with the photos! It would of course be happy if it could be possible to remedy this, because this function makes it possible for my family to name events and people. This does not work in a different way, otherwise I would have to give rights that would enable a too deep interference in the database (Administration of Piwigo).



#96 2023-01-01 08:22:28

Former Piwigo Team

Re: Plugin User Tags

mpu72 wrote:

Unfortunately, the specified support of Piwigo Version 13 does not correspond to the facts! The last version in which the plugin "User Tags" works is Piwigo in version 12.3.0. From version 13.0.0, the corresponding point is no longer displayed with the photos! It would of course be happy if it could be possible to remedy this, because this function makes it possible for my family to name events and people. This does not work in a different way, otherwise I would have to give rights that would enable a too deep interference in the database (Administration of Piwigo).

I didn't change any code in the plugin for Piwigo 13. Which theme do you use ?



#97 2023-01-01 12:48:17


Re: Plugin User Tags

I first noticed the problem with Piwigo in version 13.2.0 because I lacked the time to take care of the photos. So I didn't know exactly since when the problem occurred and whether it might be due to a problem on the system. So yesterday I carried out a test with different versions, starting with version 2.9.5 and the same constellation - the standard theme and only the plugin "User Tags" installed, database always a new one for each version, as well as a new Piwigo directory . The standard theme has always been "Modus" since version 2.10. So at this time all versions can still continue to be called up. The test took place with version 2.9.5, 2.10.2, 11.5.0, 12.3.0, 13.0.0 and 13.4.0 - the last one was tested also with a new installation again! In all previous versions, the plugin works correctly - from version 13.0.0, the point for the tags is only displayed when a tag has already been assigned - but it is not displayed if this is not yet the case. I forgot that yesterday in the comment to mention. This means if there is no tag yet, also cannot be added a new tag via the user interface - if there is already a tag, the point appears in the user interface and another new tag can then be added too! Very strange behavior - somehow this seems to be connected with a query of existing tags.



#98 2023-01-06 06:19:27


Re: Plugin User Tags

I'm experiencing the same issue mpu72 describes.
Piwigo version 13.4.0
User Tags version 0.9.5
Themes: Modus, Elegant, Smart Pocket

Images that already have tags assigned will show the Keywords area and edit option.
Images that do not have any tags assigned will not show the Keywords field or the option to add/edit.

Worth noting that when switching to the 'Smart Pocket' theme the Keywords field will appear, but if the edit icon is clicked the field disappears and nothing is editable. This is the case whether the photo has tags assigned or not.



#99 2023-09-12 07:39:23


Re: Plugin User Tags

Coming back to this since it's a new mountain biking season.
The plugin is still broken, but there is a workaround. 

Based on mpu72's comments, I went and
-dumped a .csv of my database
-pruned it down to the images in my current set
-kept two columns - the photo name, and a new column with a generic tag. 
-used the "Photo properties mass update" plugin  to apply the generic tag to all the photos in the set

Now, since those photos have a tag, the tags icon (pencil) is there and I'm able to add tags as a user.

Not the ideal solution, but it does bring the functionality back.

Piwigo 13.8.0
Theme: Smart Pocket .  Also tested in Dark, with the same result.
User Tags: 0.9.5



#100 2023-11-16 05:35:20


Re: Plugin User Tags

Hi, I recently migrated my Piwigo installation to a new hosting service, and I'm encountering an issue with  User Tags plugin.

I'm getting the following warning message:

Warning: Undefined array key "related_tags" in /home/mydomain/public_html/galeria/_data/templates_c/6sqiv8_1ds7xna^a554f1a8bdf4c8122cd174be6e03e3d4bc2f7194_0.file.picture_info_sidebar.tpl.php on line 116

Warning: Attempt to read property "value" on null in /home/mydomain/public_html/galeria/_data/templates_c/6sqiv8_1ds7xna^a554f1a8bdf4c8122cd174be6e03e3d4bc2f7194_0.file.picture_info_sidebar.tpl.php on line 116

line 116:
$_from = $_smarty_tpl->smarty->ext->_foreach->init($_smarty_tpl, $_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['related_tags']->value, 'tag', false, NULL, 'tag_loop', array (

I would greatly appreciate any help on solving this issue.

Piwigo 13.8.0
Theme: Bootstrap Darkroom
User Tags: 0.9.5



#101 2023-11-16 10:03:51

Only trying to help

Re: Plugin User Tags

Either disable displaying deprecated and warning messages (because it effectively may break functionality of a page even if nothing else is broken), in local config

$conf['show_php_errors_on_frontend'] = false;

or fine tune message classes to display, see [Forum, post 183126 by erAck in topic 31852] Menubar tags issue after 12.2.0 upgrade, or better, log to file instead.
See [Forum, post 180778 by erAck in topic 31258] Error Message.

Running Piwigo at https://erack.net/gallery/



#102 2023-11-16 22:43:27


Re: Plugin User Tags

Have you tried initializing a tag for all your pictures?  The "Photo Properties Mass Update" plugin can be useful for this.  That should give a value to that property. 

Yes, the code should handle the case where it's undefined/null, but meanwhile there seems to be a workaround.



#103 2023-11-17 00:46:46


Re: Plugin User Tags

nobody_special wrote:

Have you tried initializing a tag for all your pictures?  The "Photo Properties Mass Update" plugin can be useful for this.  That should give a value to that property. 

Yes, the code should handle the case where it's undefined/null, but meanwhile there seems to be a workaround.

Thanks you for your hint! After your suggestions, I managed to solve the issue by executing the following SQL code:

insert into piwigo_image_tag (image_id , tag_id)
select img.id, 999999 from piwigo_images img
left join piwigo_image_tag tag
on img.id = tag.image_id
where tag.tag_id is null;

This SQL code identifies all images in piwigo_images that do not have tags assigned in piwigo_image_tag and inserts a new tag (with tag_id 999999) for each of those images.

Now no errors or warnings are displayed.



#104 2024-01-05 00:32:13


Re: Plugin User Tags

Upgraded to 14.1,  user_tags 1.01.  User_tags had an error on line 18 that brought things to a halt- it would give an error on trying to disable the plugin or delete it.

Updated php to 8.1.18 from 7.4.x.  That resolved the issue.

Checked if the "add user tag icon" issue was resolved - no.  It still doesn't appear unless there is an existing tag on the image - then it appears to work fine. 

So far only tested on Modus Theme.

Maybe someday I'll have time to dig into it and see what change in Piwigo core between 12 and 13 caused this.

Nicolas: thanks for a good plugin.



#105 2024-01-05 00:58:13


Re: Plugin User Tags

Apologies- my php is really rusty, so hopefully the below is reasonably coherent:

I spent a few minutes poking around, and on comparing 2 pages - one where there were tags initialized, and one where there weren't- I found this difference in the generated HTML.

Working page:
<form style="display:none" name="t4u-update-tags" id="t4u-update-tags" action="ws.php?format=json&method=user_tags.tags.update" method="post">
  <input type="hidden" id="t4u-image-id" name="image_id" value="196580">
  <input type="hidden" id="t4u-referer" name="referer" value="picture.php%3F%2F196580%2Fcategory%2F191">

  <select id="t4u-tags" name="tags">
    <option value="~~162~~">tag1</option>
    <option value="~~25~~">tag2</option>
    <option value="~~2914~~">tag3</option>
  <input id="t4u-update" type="submit" disabled="disabled" class="t4u-disabled" value="Update tags">

Non-working page
<form style="display:none" name="t4u-update-tags" id="t4u-update-tags" action="ws.php?format=json&method=user_tags.tags.update" method="post">
  <input type="hidden" id="t4u-image-id" name="image_id" value="124912">
  <input type="hidden" id="t4u-referer" name="referer" value="picture.php%3F%2F124912%2Fcategory%2F161">

  <select id="t4u-tags" name="tags">
<br />
<b>Warning</b>:  Undefined array key "T4U_RELATED_TAGS" in <b> ...../htdocs/piwigo/piwigo/_data/templates_c/u526d0^4303f314a4a6a6c40d2461d9c1f404cccac653dc_0.file.add_tags.tpl.php</b> on line <b>69</b><br />
<br />
<b>Warning</b>:  Attempt to read property "value" on null in <b>...../htdocs/piwigo/piwigo/_data/templates_c/u526d0^4303f314a4a6a6c40d2461d9c1f404cccac653dc_0.file.add_tags.tpl.php</b> on line <b>69</b><br />
  <input id="t4u-update" type="submit" disabled="disabled" class="t4u-disabled" value="Update tags">

it looks like T4U_RELATED_TAGS is used on line 21 of template/add_tags.tpl and might be initialized on line 57 of src/userTags/Content.php.

I'm guessing that the problem is really in Content.php.  If $related_tags is null because there are no existing tags, then things go sideways.



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