•  » Translations
  •  » [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

#1 2010-12-31 09:21:49

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

[ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

http://piwigo.us/l10n/trunk/tools/trans … lang=ar_SA

Can you translate in the first time
(public part)

$lang['Reset to default values'] = 'Reset to default values';
$lang['delete all images from your favorites'] = 'delete all images from your favorites';
$lang['Sent by'] = 'Sent by';
$lang['Cookies are blocked or not supported by your browser. You must enable cookies to connect.'] = 'Cookies are blocked or not supported by your browser. You must enable cookies to log in.';
$lang['Some info about this picture'] = 'Information about this picture';
$lang['Some more (technical) info about this picture'] = 'More (technical) information about this picture';
$lang['edit this comment'] = 'edit this comment';
$lang['Edit a comment'] = 'Edit a comment';
$lang['(!) This comment requires validation'] = '(!) This comment requires validation';
$lang['Welcome'] = 'Welcome';
$lang['Welcome to your Piwigo photo gallery!'] = 'Welcome to your Piwigo photo gallery!';
$lang['... or browse your empty gallery'] = '... or browse your empty gallery';
$lang['... or please deactivate this message, I will find my way by myself'] = '... or please deactivate this message, I will find my way by myself';
$lang['Hello %s, your Piwigo photo gallery is empty!'] = 'Hello %s, your Piwigo photo gallery is empty!';
$lang['I want to add photos'] = 'I want to add photos';
$lang['Manage this user comment: %s'] = 'Manage this user comment: %s';
$lang['This author modified following comment:'] = 'This author modified following comment:';
$lang['This author removed the comment with id %d'] = 'This author removed the comment with id %d';
$lang['validate this comment'] = 'validate this comment';

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#2 2011-01-07 14:38:30

Translation Team

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية


(public part)

$lang['Reset to default values'] = 'ارجع للقيم الافتراضية';
$lang['delete all images from your favorites'] = 'احذف كل الصور من مفضلتي';
$lang['Sent by'] = 'أرسل بواسطة : ';
$lang['Cookies are blocked or not supported by your browser. You must enable cookies to connect.'] = 'ملفات الارتباط محضورة في متصفحك أو غير معتمده ،يجب تمكين الكوكيز للتمكن من التسجيل';
$lang['Some info about this picture'] = 'معلومات عن هذه الصورة';
$lang['Some more (technical) info about this picture'] = 'معلومات أكثر ( تقنية ) عن هذه الصورة';
$lang['edit this comment'] = 'عدل هذا التعليق';
$lang['Edit a comment'] = 'حرر تعليق';
$lang['(!) This comment requires validation'] = '(!) التعليق يحتاج تصريح';
$lang['Welcome'] = 'مرحبا بك';
$lang['Welcome to your Piwigo photo gallery!'] = ' Piwigo مرحبا بك في  معرض الصور الخاص بك';
$lang['... or browse your empty gallery'] = '... أومتصفح معرض الصور فارغ';
$lang['... or please deactivate this message, I will find my way by myself'] = '... أو يرجى تعطيل هذه الرسالة ، وسوف أجد طريقي بنفسي';
$lang['Hello %s, your Piwigo photo gallery is empty!'] = 'مرحبا بك %s، معرض الصور Piwigo فارغ ';
$lang['I want to add photos'] = 'أريد أن اضيف صور';
$lang['Manage this user comment: %s'] = ' %s حرر تعليق المستخدم :';
$lang['This author modified following comment:'] = 'هذا الكاتب عدل في تعليقه : ';
$lang['This author removed the comment with id %d'] = 'هذا الكاتب أزال تعليقه : %d';
$lang['validate this comment'] = 'السماح بهذا التعليق ';

I hope I succeeded in translation   :)

Last edited by mohammed (2011-01-07 14:42:51)

To lose or to waste an opportunity will result in  grief and sorrow -



#3 2011-01-07 17:23:11

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

Thanks :-)

[Subversion] r8496

For update admin part can you translate (step1)

$lang['Processing treatment.'] = 'Processing treatment.';
$lang['Please wait...'] = 'Please wait...';
$lang['By rank'] = 'By rank';
$lang['Manual order'] = 'Manual order';
$lang['Password is missing. Please enter the password.'] = 'Password is missing. Please enter the password.';
$lang['Password confirmation is missing. Please confirm the chosen password.'] = 'Password confirmation is missing. Please confirm the chosen password.';
$lang['Password confirmation error.'] = 'Password confirmation error.';
$lang['Allow users to edit theirs owns comments'] = 'Allow users to edit their own comments';
$lang['Allow users to delete theirs owns comments'] = 'Allow users to delete their own comments';
$lang['Email administrators when a comment is modified'] = 'Email administrators when a comment is modified';
$lang['Email administrators when a comment is deleted'] = 'Email administrators when a comment is deleted';
$lang['Cannot delete the old permalink !'] = 'The old permalink cannot be deleted!';
$lang['Hit'] = 'Hit';
$lang['Tools'] = 'Tools';
$lang['Photos'] = 'Photos';
$lang['Themes'] = 'Themes';
$lang['Instructions to use Piwigo'] = 'Instructions to use Piwigo';
$lang['Installed Themes'] = 'Installed Themes';
$lang['Add New Theme'] = 'Add a new theme';
$lang['Forbid this theme to users'] = 'Forbid this theme to users';
$lang['Set as default theme for unregistered and new users'] = 'Set as default theme for unregistered and new users';
$lang['unknown'] = 'unknown';
$lang['Upload Photos'] = 'Upload Photos';
$lang['Drop into album'] = 'Drop into album';
$lang['+ Add an upload box'] = '+ Add an upload box';
$lang['Create the "%s" directory at the root of your Piwigo installation'] = 'Create the "%s" directory at the root of your Piwigo installation';
$lang['Give write access (chmod 777) to "%s" directory at the root of your Piwigo installation'] = 'Give write access (chmod 777) to "%s" directory at the root of your Piwigo installation';
$lang['existing album'] = 'existing album';
$lang['create a new album'] = 'create a new album';
$lang['Album name'] = 'Album name';
$lang['Album "%s" has been added'] = 'Album "%s" has been added';
$lang['Uploaded Photos'] = 'Uploaded Photos';
$lang['%d photos uploaded'] = '%d photos uploaded';
$lang['Privacy level set to "%s"'] = 'Privacy level set to "%s"';
$lang['Album "%s" now contains %d photos'] = 'Album "%s" now contains %d photos';
$lang['Manage this set of %d photos'] = 'Manage this set of %d photos';
$lang['Select files'] = 'Select files';
$lang['JPEG files or ZIP archives with JPEG files inside please.'] = 'JPEG files or ZIP archives with JPEG files inside please.';
$lang['Everybody'] = 'Everybody';
$lang['Who can see these photos?'] = 'Who can see these photos?';
$lang['Who can see this photo?'] = 'Who can see this photo?';
$lang['... or switch to the old style form'] = '... or switch to the old style form';
$lang['... or switch to the multiple files form'] = '... or switch to the multiple files form';
$lang['The websize maximum width must be a number between %d and %d'] = 'The websize maximum width must be a number between %d and %d';
$lang['The websize maximum height must be a number between %d and %d'] = 'The websize maximum height must be a number between %d and %d';
$lang['The websize image quality must be a number between %d and %d'] = 'The websize image quality must be a number between %d and %d';
$lang['The thumbnail maximum width must be a number between %d and %d'] = 'The thumbnail maximum width must be a number between %d and %d';
$lang['The thumbnail maximum height must be a number between %d and %d'] = 'The thumbnail maximum height must be a number between %d and %d';
$lang['The thumbnail image quality must be a number between %d and %d'] = 'The thumbnail image quality must be a number between %d and %d';
$lang['Settings'] = 'Settings';
$lang['Web size photo'] = 'Web size photo';
$lang['Resize'] = 'Resize';
$lang['Maximum Width'] = 'Maximum Width';
$lang['pixels'] = 'pixels';
$lang['Maximum Height'] = 'Maximum height';
$lang['Image Quality'] = 'Image quality';
$lang['Save Settings'] = 'Save Settings';
$lang['Your configuration settings are saved'] = 'Your configuration settings are saved';
$lang['Active Themes'] = 'Active Themes';
$lang['Add write access to the "%s" directory'] = 'Add write access to the "%s" directory';
$lang['Administration Home'] = 'Administration Home';
$lang['Change Admin Colors'] = 'Change administration colors';
$lang['Delete this theme'] = 'Delete this theme';
$lang['Directory does not exist'] = 'Directory does not exist';
$lang['Download,'] = 'Download,';
$lang['FTP + Synchronization'] = 'FTP + Synchronization';
$lang['Get Support on Piwigo Forum'] = 'Get support on Piwigo forum';
$lang['Help Me'] = 'Help Me';
$lang['Impossible to activate this theme, the parent theme is missing: %s'] = 'This theme could not be activated, as the parent theme is missing: %s';
$lang['Impossible to delete this theme. Other themes depends on it: %s'] = 'This theme cannot be deleted, because other themes depends on it: %s';
$lang['Inactive Themes'] = 'Inactive themes';
$lang['Install on your computer,'] = 'Install on your computer,';
$lang['Make this theme available to users'] = 'Make this theme available to users';
$lang['Page end'] = 'Page end';
$lang['Piwigo Uploader'] = 'Piwigo Uploader';
$lang['Read Piwigo Documentation'] = 'Read Piwigo Documentation';
$lang['Start pLoader and add your photos.'] = 'Start pLoader and add your photos.';
$lang['Switch to clear or dark colors for administration'] = 'Switch to clear or dark colors for administration';
$lang['Theme has been successfully installed'] = 'Theme has been successfully installed';
$lang['Visit Gallery'] = 'Visit the gallery';
$lang['Visit Piwigo project website'] = 'Visit Piwigo project website';
$lang['pLoader stands for <em>Piwigo Uploader</em>. From your computer, pLoader prepares your photos and transfer them to your Piwigo photo gallery.'] = 'pLoader stands for <em>Piwigo Uploader</em>. From your computer, pLoader prepares your photos and transfer them to your Piwigo photo gallery.';
$lang['Guest Settings'] = 'Guest settings';
$lang['Main Page'] = 'Main page';
$lang['Photo Page'] = 'Photo page';
$lang['Activate Navigation Bar'] = 'Activate navigation bar';
$lang['Activate Navigation Thumbnails'] = 'Activate navigation thumbnails';
$lang['Activate icon "%s"'] = 'Activate icon "%s"';
$lang['Activate field "%s"'] = 'Activate field "%s"';
$lang['Photo Properties'] = 'Photo properties';
$lang['Allow user customization'] = 'Allow user customization';
$lang['Languages'] = 'Languages';

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#4 2011-01-07 20:08:58

Translation Team

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

[Subversion] r8496

For update admin part can you translate (step1)

$lang['Processing treatment.'] = 'معالجة العرض';
$lang['Please wait...'] = 'لحظات الانتظار أشغلها بالإستغفار ..';
$lang['By rank'] = 'حسب المنزلة';
$lang['Manual order'] = 'دليل النظام';
$lang['Password is missing. Please enter the password.'] = 'لم تكتب كلمة المرور، فضلا ً أكتب كلمة المرور';
$lang['Password confirmation is missing. Please confirm the chosen password.'] = 'لم يتم تأكيد كلمة المرور، فضلا ً لا أمر أكد المرور رحم الله والديك';
$lang['Password confirmation error.'] = 'خطأ في تأكيد كلمة المرور';
$lang['Allow users to edit theirs owns comments'] = 'اسمح للمستخدم بتحريرتعليقه الخاص';
$lang['Allow users to delete theirs owns comments'] = 'اسمح للمستخدم بحذف تعليقه الخاص';
$lang['Email administrators when a comment is modified'] = 'ابلغ المديرعن تعديل التعليم ';
$lang['Email administrators when a comment is deleted'] = 'ابلغ المدير عند حذف تعليق عن طريق البريد';
$lang['Cannot delete the old permalink !'] = 'الروابط الدائمة و القديمة لا يمكن حذفها';
$lang['Hit'] = 'نقرة';
$lang['Tools'] = 'أدوات';
$lang['Photos'] = 'الصور';
$lang['Themes'] = 'واجهة العرض';
$lang['Instructions to use Piwigo'] = 'دليل استخدام Piwigo';
$lang['Installed Themes'] = 'تثبيت واجهات العرض';
$lang['Add New Theme'] = 'اضف واجهة جديدة';
$lang['Forbid this theme to users'] = 'امنع هذه الواجهة عن المستخدمين';
$lang['Set as default theme for unregistered and new users'] = 'اجعلها كواجهة افتراضية لغير المسجلين و المستخدمين الجدد';
$lang['unknown'] = 'غير معروف';
$lang['Upload Photos'] = 'رفع الصور';
$lang['Drop into album'] = 'اتركها داخل الالبوم';
$lang['+ Add an upload box'] = '+ اضف عن طريق برنامج الرفع';
$lang['Create the "%s" directory at the root of your Piwigo installation'] = 'إنشاء "%s" دليل على جذر التثبيت الخاص Piwigo';
$lang['Give write access (chmod 777) to "%s" directory at the root of your Piwigo installation'] = 'اعطي تصريح الكتابة (chmod 777) على مجلد "%s" الذي ثبت فيه المعرض  ';
$lang['existing album'] = 'الالبومات الموجودة';
$lang['create a new album'] = 'انشأ ألبوم جديد ';
$lang['Album name'] = 'أسم الألبوم';
$lang['Album "%s" has been added'] = 'تم اضافته"%s"الألبوم ';
$lang['Uploaded Photos'] = 'رفع الصور';
$lang['%d photos uploaded'] = 'صور تم رفعها %d';
$lang['Privacy level set to "%s"'] = '"%s"اعد مستوى الخصوصية ';
$lang['Album "%s" now contains %d photos'] = ' الألبوم "%s" يحوي الآن %d صورة ';
$lang['Manage this set of %d photos'] = '%d إدارة اعدادت صور';
$lang['Select files'] = 'اختيار الملفات';
$lang['JPEG files or ZIP archives with JPEG files inside please.'] = 'ملفات صور JPEG النقطيبة و ملفات مضغوطةZIP فقط';
$lang['Everybody'] = 'Everybody';
$lang['Who can see these photos?'] = 'من يمكنه رؤية هذه الصور';
$lang['Who can see this photo?'] = 'من يمكنه رؤية هذه الصورة؟';
$lang['... or switch to the old style form'] = '... أو اظهر الواجهة القديمة ';
$lang['... or switch to the multiple files form'] = '... أو التحول إلى شكل ملفات متعددة';
$lang['The websize maximum width must be a number between %d and %d'] = '%d و %d الحد الأعلى لعرض صورة الويب يجب أن تكون';
$lang['The websize maximum height must be a number between %d and %d'] = '%d و %d الحد الأعلى لطول صورة الويب يجب أن تكون بين ';
$lang['The websize image quality must be a number between %d and %d'] = '%d و %d جودة صورة الوب يجب أن تكون بين ';
$lang['The thumbnail maximum width must be a number between %d and %d'] = '%d و %d الحد الأعلى لعرض مصغرات الصور يجب أن يكون بين';
$lang['The thumbnail maximum height must be a number between %d and %d'] = '%d و %dالحد الأعلى لطول  مصغرات الصور يجب ان يكون بين ';
$lang['The thumbnail image quality must be a number between %d and %d'] = '%d و %dجودة مصغرات الصور يجب ان تكون بين ';
$lang['Settings'] = 'الإعدادت';
$lang['Web size photo'] = 'مقاس صورة ويب';
$lang['Resize'] = 'تغيير المقاس';
$lang['Maximum Width'] = 'الحد الأعلى لعرض الصورة';
$lang['pixels'] = 'pixels';
$lang['Maximum Height'] = 'الحد الاعلى لطول الصورة';
$lang['Image Quality'] = 'جودة الصورة';
$lang['Save Settings'] = 'حفظ الإعدادات';
$lang['Your configuration settings are saved'] = 'تم حفظ الإعدادت ';
$lang['Active Themes'] = 'تنشيط الواجهة';
$lang['Add write access to the "%s" directory'] = ' "%s" اعطي تصريح الوصول و الكتابة على المجلد ';
$lang['Administration Home'] = 'الأدارة الرئيسية';
$lang['Change Admin Colors'] = 'تغير الوان لوحة التحكم';
$lang['Delete this theme'] = 'أحذف هذه الواجهة';
$lang['Directory does not exist'] = 'المجلد غير موجود';
$lang['Download,'] = ',تحميل';
$lang['FTP + Synchronization'] = 'أف تي بي + التزامن ';
$lang['Get Support on Piwigo Forum'] = 'أحصل على الدعم الفني من منتدى Piwigo';
$lang['Help Me'] = 'Help Me';
$lang['Impossible to activate this theme, the parent theme is missing: %s'] = ' %s لا يمكن تفعيل هذه الواجهة شيء ما مفقود ';
$lang['Impossible to delete this theme. Other themes depends on it: %s'] = ' %sلا يمكن حذف هذه الواجهة لرتباطها  بأشياء أخرى : ';
$lang['Inactive Themes'] = 'الواجهات المفعلة';
$lang['Install on your computer,'] = 'التثبيب على جهاز الكمبيوتر,';
$lang['Make this theme available to users'] = 'أجعل هذه الواجهة متاحة للمستخدمين';
$lang['Page end'] = 'نهاية الصفحة';
$lang['Piwigo Uploader'] = 'برنامج piwigo للتحميل الصور';
$lang['Read Piwigo Documentation'] = 'وثائق عن Piwigo';
$lang['Start pLoader and add your photos.'] = 'بدء pLoader وإضافة الصور الخاصة بك.';
$lang['Switch to clear or dark colors for administration'] = 'تغير لون لوحة التحكم أسود أو ابيض';
$lang['Theme has been successfully installed'] = 'تم تثبيت واجهة المعرض بنجاح';
$lang['Visit Gallery'] = 'معاينة المعرض';
$lang['Visit Piwigo project website'] = 'زيارة الموقع الرئيسي لمشروع Piwigo ';
$lang['pLoader stands for <em>Piwigo Uploader</em>. From your computer, pLoader prepares your photos and transfer them to your Piwigo photo gallery.'] = 'pLoader اعتمد على <em>Piwigo Uploader</em>. من الكمبيوتر ، pLoader تستعد صورك وتحويلها الى معرض الصور الخاص بك Piwigo.';
$lang['Guest Settings'] = 'اعدادت الضيوف';
$lang['Main Page'] = 'صفحة رئيسية';
$lang['Photo Page'] = 'صفحة الصورة';
$lang['Activate Navigation Bar'] = 'اظهار لوح تبديل و اظهار الصور';
$lang['Activate Navigation Thumbnails'] = 'تنشيط امكانية المشاهدة عن طريق المصغرات أسف صفحة الصورة';
$lang['Activate icon "%s"'] = 'اظهار ايقونة  "%s"';
$lang['Activate field "%s"'] = '"%s"تنشيط الحقل ';
$lang['Photo Properties'] = 'خصائص الصور';
$lang['Allow user customization'] = 'السماح للمستخدم بتغيير خصائص العرض';
$lang['Languages'] = 'اللغة';



To lose or to waste an opportunity will result in  grief and sorrow -



#5 2011-01-07 20:33:30

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

Thanks :-)

[Subversion] r8504

For update admin part can you translate (step2)


$lang['Installed Languages'] = 'Installed Languages';
$lang['Add New Language'] = 'Add New Language';
$lang['Language has been successfully installed'] = 'Language has been successfully installed';
$lang['Select:'] = 'Select:';
$lang['None'] = 'None';
$lang['Invert'] = 'Invert';
$lang['Impossible to deactivate this theme, you need at least one theme.'] = 'Impossible to deactivate this theme, you need at least one theme.';
$lang['Webmaster status is required.'] = 'Webmaster status is required.';
$lang['Bound Theme'] = 'Bound Theme';
$lang['Allow rating'] = 'Allow rating';
$lang['Select at least one comment'] = 'Select at least one comment';
$lang['Active Plugins'] = 'Active Plugins';
$lang['Inactive Plugins'] = 'Inactive Plugins';
$lang['Missing Plugins'] = 'Missing Plugins';
$lang['Uninstalled Plugins'] = 'Uninstalled Plugins';
$lang['By %s'] = 'By %s';
$lang['Visit plugin site'] = 'Visit plugin site';
$lang['Active Languages'] = 'Active Languages';
$lang['Delete this language'] = 'Delete this language';
$lang['Forbid this language to users'] = 'Forbid this language to users';
$lang['Impossible to deactivate this language, first set another language as default.'] = 'Impossible to deactivate this language, first set another language as default.';
$lang['Impossible to deactivate this language, you need at least one language.'] = 'Impossible to deactivate this language, you need at least one language.';
$lang['Inactive Languages'] = 'Inactive Languages';
$lang['Make this language available to users'] = 'Make this language available to users';
$lang['Set as default language for unregistered and new users'] = 'Set as default language for unregistered and new users';
$lang['Add Photos'] = 'Add Photos';
$lang['Download'] = 'Download';
$lang['The following tag was deleted'] = 'The following tag was deleted';
$lang['Miscellaneous'] = 'Miscellaneous';
$lang['User Upload'] = 'User Upload';
$lang['Virtual Links'] = 'Virtual Links';
$lang['There is no other language available.'] = 'There is no other language available.';
$lang['There is no other plugin available.'] = 'There is no other plugin available.';
$lang['There is no other theme available.'] = 'There is no other theme available.';
$lang['Add another set of photos'] = 'Add another set of photos';
$lang['Order of menubar items has been updated successfully.'] = 'Order of menubar items has been updated successfully.';
$lang['This theme was not designed to be directly activated'] = 'This theme was not designed to be directly activated';
$lang['Pending Comments'] = 'Pending Comments';
$lang['In your php.ini file, the upload_max_filesize (%sB) is bigger than post_max_size (%sB), you should change this setting'] = 'In your php.ini file, the upload_max_filesize (%sB) is bigger than post_max_size (%sB), you should change this setting';
$lang['Exif extension not available, admin should disable exif use'] = 'Exif extension not available, admin should disable exif use';
$lang['The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini: %sB'] = 'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini: %sB';
$lang['The uploaded files exceed the post_max_size directive in php.ini: %sB'] = 'The uploaded files exceed the post_max_size directive in php.ini: %sB';
$lang['The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form'] = 'The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form';
$lang['The uploaded file was only partially uploaded'] = 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded';
$lang['No file was uploaded'] = 'No file was uploaded';
$lang['Missing a temporary folder'] = 'Missing a temporary folder';
$lang['Failed to write file to disk'] = 'Failed to write file to disk';
$lang['File upload stopped by extension'] = 'File upload stopped by extension';
$lang['Unknown upload error'] = 'Unknown upload error';
$lang['Error on file "%s" : %s'] = 'Error on file "%s" : %s';
$lang['automatic order'] = 'automatic order';
$lang['manual order'] = 'manual order';
$lang['Albums automatically sorted'] = 'Albums automatically sorted';
$lang['Keep high definition'] = 'Keep high definition';
$lang['The high definition maximum width must be a number between %d and %d'] = 'The high definition maximum width must be a number between %d and %d';
$lang['The high definition maximum height must be a number between %d and %d'] = 'The high definition maximum height must be a number between %d and %d';
$lang['The high definition image quality must be a number between %d and %d'] = 'The high definition image quality must be a number between %d and %d';
$lang['Batch Manager'] = 'Batch Manager';
$lang['include child albums'] = 'include child albums';
$lang['Selection'] = 'Selection';
$lang['Action'] = 'Action';
$lang['Set author'] = 'Set author';
$lang['Set title'] = 'Set title';
$lang['Set creation date'] = 'Set creation date';
$lang['Apply action'] = 'Apply action';
$lang['on the %d selected photos'] = 'on the %d selected photos';
$lang['%d of %d photos selected'] = '%d of %d photos selected';
$lang['No photo selected, %d photos in current set'] = 'No photo selected, %d photos in current set';
$lang['All %d photos are selected'] = 'All %d photos are selected';
$lang['remove this filter'] = 'remove this filter';
$lang['predefined filter'] = 'predefined filter';
$lang['last import'] = 'last import';
$lang['with no virtual album'] = 'with no virtual album';
$lang['duplicates'] = 'duplicates';
$lang['Add a filter'] = 'Add a filter';
$lang['Remove all filters'] = 'Remove all filters';
$lang['Refresh photo set'] = 'Refresh photo set';
$lang['The whole page'] = 'The whole page';
$lang['The whole set'] = 'The whole set';
$lang['thumbnails per page'] = 'thumbnails per page';
$lang['No photo in the current set.'] = 'No photo in the current set.';
$lang['No photo selected, no action possible.'] = 'No photo selected, no action possible.';
$lang['Choose an action'] = 'Choose an action';
$lang['remove author'] = 'remove author';
$lang['Type here the author name'] = 'Type here the author name';
$lang['remove title'] = 'remove title';
$lang['Type here the title'] = 'Type here the title';
$lang['remove creation date'] = 'remove creation date';
$lang['with no album'] = 'with no album';
$lang['with no tag'] = 'with no tag';

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#6 2011-01-08 13:44:54

Translation Team

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية


For update admin part can you translate (step2)


$lang['Installed Languages'] = 'تثبيت لغة';
$lang['Add New Language'] = 'اضف لغة جديدة';
$lang['Language has been successfully installed'] = 'تم تثبيت اللغة بنجاح';
$lang['Select:'] = 'أختيار:';
$lang['None'] = 'لا شيء';
$lang['Invert'] = 'عكس';
$lang['Impossible to deactivate this theme, you need at least one theme.'] = 'لا يمكن حذف الواجهة لانها الأخيرة ، لابد من وجود واجهة واحدة ';
$lang['Webmaster status is required.'] = 'تم تغير حالة المدير العالم .';
$lang['Bound Theme'] = 'واجهة إلزامية';
$lang['Allow rating'] = 'السماح بالتوصويت';
$lang['Select at least one comment'] = 'أختر تعليقا واحدا على الأقل';
$lang['Active Plugins'] = 'تنشيط الإضافات';
$lang['Inactive Plugins'] = 'تعطيل الإضافات';
$lang['Missing Plugins'] = 'إضافات مفقودة';
$lang['Uninstalled Plugins'] = 'اضافات غير مثبته';
$lang['By %s'] = ' %s بواسطة';
$lang['Visit plugin site'] = 'زيارة موقع الاضافة';
$lang['Active Languages'] = 'تنشيط اللغة';
$lang['Delete this language'] = 'اخذف هذه اللغة';
$lang['Forbid this language to users'] = 'أمنع هذه اللغة عن المستخدمين';
$lang['Impossible to deactivate this language, first set another language as default.'] = 'لا يمكن تعطيل هذه اللغة ، أولا ً قم باختيار لغة أخرى كلغة افتراضية';
$lang['Impossible to deactivate this language, you need at least one language.'] = ' لا يمكن تعطيل هذه اللغة ، يجب اختيار لغة واحدة على الأقل';
$lang['Inactive Languages'] = 'تعطيل اللغات';
$lang['Make this language available to users'] = 'اجعل هذه اللغة متاحة للمستخدمين';
$lang['Set as default language for unregistered and new users'] = 'اجعلها كلغة افتراضية لغير المسجلين و المستخدمين الجدد';
$lang['Add Photos'] = 'أضف صور';
$lang['Download'] = 'تحميل';
$lang['The following tag was deleted'] = 'هذه الكلمات الدلائلية حُـذفت';
$lang['Miscellaneous'] = 'متفرقات';
$lang['User Upload'] = 'مستخدم الرفع';
$lang['Virtual Links'] = 'روابط ظاهرة';
$lang['There is no other language available.'] = 'ليس هناك لغة أخرى متاحة.';
$lang['There is no other plugin available.'] = 'ليس هناك اضافة أخرى متاحة.';
$lang['There is no other theme available.'] = 'ليس هناك واجهة عرض أخرى متاحة.';
$lang['Add another set of photos'] = 'اضف مجوعة أخرى من الصور';
$lang['Order of menubar items has been updated successfully.'] = 'تم تحديث ترتيب العناصر بنجاح';
$lang['This theme was not designed to be directly activated'] = 'لم يتم تصميم هذه الواجهة لتفعيلها مباشرة';
$lang['Pending Comments'] = 'تعليقات تحت الانتظار';
$lang['In your php.ini file, the upload_max_filesize (%sB) is bigger than post_max_size (%sB), you should change this setting'] = 'ملف PHP.ini the upload_max_filesize (%sB) أكبر منpost_max_size (%sB), يتوجب عليك تغير الاعدادت';
$lang['Exif extension not available, admin should disable exif use'] = 'خاصية Exif غير متاحة ، ينبغي على المدير تعطيلها';
$lang['The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini: %sB'] = 'الملف الذي تم تحميله يتجاوز upload_max_filesize  مباشرة في php.ini: %sB';
$lang['The uploaded files exceed the post_max_size directive in php.ini: %sB'] = 'الملف الذي تم تحميلة يتجاوز post_max_size مباشرة في php.ini: %sB';
$lang['The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form'] = 'الملف الذي تم تحميلة يتجاور  MAX_FILE_SIZE التوجيه الذي تم تحديده في شكل أتش تي أم أل';
$lang['The uploaded file was only partially uploaded'] = 'الملف الذي رُفع ، تم رفه جزئيا ً ';
$lang['No file was uploaded'] = 'لم يتم رفع الملفات';
$lang['Missing a temporary folder'] = 'مجلد الملفات المؤقته مفقود';
$lang['Failed to write file to disk'] = 'فشل في كتابة الملف للقرص';
$lang['File upload stopped by extension'] = 'تم يقاف رفع الملفات بسبب امتداد الملفات';
$lang['Unknown upload error'] = 'خطأ غير معروف في رفع الملفات';
$lang['Error on file "%s" : %s'] = ' "%s" : %s خطأ في الملف';
$lang['automatic order'] = 'ترتيب آلي';
$lang['manual order'] = 'ترتيب يدوي';
$lang['Albums automatically sorted'] = 'ترتيب الألبومات آليا ً ';
$lang['Keep high definition'] = 'احتفظ بها بدقة عالية';
$lang['The high definition maximum width must be a number between %d and %d'] = ' %d و %d يجب أن يكون الحد الاعلى لعرض الصور العالية الدقة بين ';
$lang['The high definition maximum height must be a number between %d and %d'] = '%d و %d يجب أن يكون الحد الاعلى لطول الصور العالية الدقة بين';
$lang['The high definition image quality must be a number between %d and %d'] = '%d و %d يجب أن يكون الحد الاعلى لجودة  الصور العالية الدقة بين';
$lang['Batch Manager'] = 'دعم المدير';
$lang['include child albums'] = 'تضمين الالبومات الفرعية';
$lang['Selection'] = 'الاختيار';
$lang['Action'] = 'الأداء';
$lang['Set author'] = 'تعيين كاتب';
$lang['Set title'] = 'تعيين عنوان';
$lang['Set creation date'] = 'تعين تاريخ الأنشاء';
$lang['Apply action'] = 'تطبيق الأجراءات';
$lang['on the %d selected photos'] = 'تم اختيار الصور  %d في ';
$lang['%d of %d photos selected'] = '%d من %d اختيار الصور';
$lang['No photo selected, %d photos in current set'] = 'لم يتم اختيار صوره, %d صور في المجموعة الحالية';
$lang['All %d photos are selected'] = 'كل %d الصور المختارة ';
$lang['remove this filter'] = 'ازل هذه المرشح';
$lang['predefined filter'] = 'مُرشح مُسبق';
$lang['last import'] = 'آخر استيراد';
$lang['with no virtual album'] = 'مع عدم وجود ألبوم ظاهري';
$lang['duplicates'] = 'المكرر';
$lang['Add a filter'] = 'أضف مُـرشح';
$lang['Remove all filters'] = 'احذف جميع المُرشحات';
$lang['Refresh photo set'] = 'حدث مجموعة الصور';
$lang['The whole page'] = 'صفحة كاملة';
$lang['The whole set'] = 'مجموعة كلمة';
$lang['thumbnails per page'] = ' المصغرات في كل صفحة';
$lang['No photo in the current set.'] = 'لا صور في المجموعة الحالية';
$lang['No photo selected, no action possible.'] = 'لا توجد صور محددة ، أي إجراء ممكن';
$lang['Choose an action'] = 'اختر اجراء';
$lang['remove author'] = 'احذف الكاتب';
$lang['Type here the author name'] = 'أكتب هنا أسم الكاتب ';
$lang['remove title'] = 'احذف العنوان';
$lang['Type here the title'] = 'أكتب هنا عنوان ';
$lang['remove creation date'] = 'احذف تاريخ الانشاء';
$lang['with no album'] = 'مع عدم وجود الألبوم';
$lang['with no tag'] = 'مع عدم وجود كلمات دلائلية'



To lose or to waste an opportunity will result in  grief and sorrow -



#7 2011-01-08 14:26:58

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

Thanks :-)

[Subversion] r8521

http://piwigo.us/l10n/trunk/tools/trans … lang=ar_SA

Can you confirm ar_SA and EN translation are the same ?

$lang['Filter'] = 'Filter';
$lang['RSS feed'] = 'RSS feed';
$lang['Powered by'] = 'Powered by';
$lang['IP: %s'] = 'IP: %s';

$lang['IP'] = 'IP';
$lang['Group'] = 'Group';
$lang['the wiki'] = 'the wiki';
$lang['overrides existing values with empty ones'] = 'overrides existing values with empty ones';
$lang['Subscribe %s'] = 'Subscribe %s';
$lang['Everybody'] = 'Everybody';
$lang['pixels'] = 'pixels';
$lang['Help Me'] = 'Help Me';

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#8 2011-01-08 16:27:17

Translation Team

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

you welcom  :)


$lang['Filter'] = 'مُرشح ';
$lang['RSS feed'] = 'RSS التغذية الراجعه';
$lang['Powered by'] = 'بدعم من';
$lang['IP: %s'] = 'IP: %s';

$lang['IP'] = 'IP';
$lang['Group'] = 'مجموعه';
$lang['the wiki'] = 'the wiki';
$lang['overrides existing values with empty ones'] = 'استبدل القيم الموجودة بقيم فارغة';
$lang['Subscribe %s'] = ' %s اشتراك ';
$lang['Everybody'] = 'الجميع';
$lang['pixels'] = 'بكسل ';
$lang['Help Me'] = 'ساعدني';



To lose or to waste an opportunity will result in  grief and sorrow -



#9 2011-01-08 16:46:24

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

Thanks :-)

[Subversion] r8525

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#10 2011-01-08 16:46:58

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

For install part, can you translate (49 lines)

$lang['Installation'] = 'Installation';
$lang['Basic configuration'] = 'Basic configuration';
$lang['Default gallery language'] = 'Default gallery language';
$lang['Database configuration'] = 'Database configuration';
$lang['Admin configuration'] = 'Admin configuration';
$lang['Start Install'] = 'Start installation';
$lang['mail address must be like xxx@yyy.eee (example : jack@altern.org)'] = 'mail address must be like xxx@yyy.eee (example : jack@altern.org)';
$lang['Webmaster login'] = 'Webmaster login';
$lang['It will be shown to the visitors. It is necessary for website administration'] = 'It will be shown to the visitors. It is necessary for website administration';
$lang['Connection to server succeed, but it was impossible to connect to database'] = 'Connection to server successful, but the connection to the database is impossible';
$lang['Can\'t connect to server'] = 'Cannot connect to server';
$lang['Database type'] = 'Database type';
$lang['The type of database your piwigo data will be store in'] = 'The type of database your Piwigo data will be store in';
$lang['Host'] = 'Host';
$lang['localhost, sql.multimania.com, toto.freesurf.fr'] = 'localhost, sql.multimania.com, toto.freesurf.fr';
$lang['User'] = 'User';
$lang['user login given by your host provider'] = 'user login given by your host provider';
$lang['Password'] = 'Password';
$lang['user password given by your host provider'] = 'user password given by your host provider';
$lang['Database name'] = 'Database name';
$lang['also given by your host provider'] = 'also given by your host provider';
$lang['Database table prefix'] = 'Database tables prefix';
$lang['database tables names will be prefixed with it (enables you to manage better your tables)'] = 'database tables names will be prefixed with it (enables you to manage your tables better)';
$lang['enter a login for webmaster'] = 'enter a login for webmaster';
$lang['webmaster login can\'t contain characters \' or "'] = 'webmaster login can\'t contain characters \' or "';
$lang['please enter your password again'] = 'please enter your password again';
$lang['Webmaster password'] = 'Webmaster password';
$lang['Keep it confidential, it enables you to access administration panel'] = 'Keep it confidential, it enables you to access administration panel';
$lang['Password [confirm]'] = 'Password [confirm]';
$lang['verification'] = 'verification';
$lang['Need help ? Ask your question on <a href="%s">Piwigo message board</a>.'] = 'Need help? Ask your question on <a href="%s">Piwigo message board</a>.';
$lang['Webmaster mail address'] = 'Webmaster mail address';
$lang['Visitors will be able to contact site administrator with this mail'] = 'Visitors will be able to use this mail to contact the site administrator';
$lang['PHP 5 is required'] = 'PHP 5 is required';
$lang['It appears your webhost is currently running PHP %s.'] = 'It appears your webhost is currently running PHP %s.';
$lang['Piwigo may try to switch your configuration to PHP 5 by creating or modifying a .htaccess file.'] = 'Piwigo may try to switch your configuration to PHP 5 by creating or modifying a .htaccess file.';
$lang['Note you can change your configuration by yourself and restart Piwigo after that.'] = 'Note you can change your configuration by yourself and restart Piwigo after that.';
$lang['Try to configure PHP 5'] = 'Try to configure PHP 5';
$lang['Sorry!'] = 'Sorry!';
$lang['Piwigo was not able to configure PHP 5.'] = 'Piwigo was not able to configure PHP 5.';
$lang['You may referer to your hosting provider\'s support and see how you could switch to PHP 5 by yourself.'] = 'You should refer to your hosting provider\'s support and see how you can switch to PHP 5 by yourself.';
$lang['Hope to see you back soon.'] = 'Hope to see you back soon.';
$lang['Congratulations, Piwigo installation is completed'] = 'Congratulations, Piwigo installation is completed';
$lang['An alternate solution is to copy the text in the box above and paste it into the file "local/config/database.inc.php" (Warning : database.inc.php must only contain what is in the textarea, no line return or space character)'] = 'An alternate solution is to copy the text in the box above and paste it into the file "local/config/database.inc.php" (Warning : database.inc.php must only contain what is in the textarea, no line return or space character)';
$lang['Creation of config file local/config/database.inc.php failed.'] = 'Creation of config file local/config/database.inc.php failed.';
$lang['Download the config file'] = 'Download the config file';
$lang['You can download the config file and upload it to local/config directory of your installation.'] = 'You can download the config file and upload it to local/config directory of your installation.';
$lang['SQLite and PostgreSQL are currently in experimental state.'] = 'SQLite and PostgreSQL are currently in experimental state.';
$lang['Learn more'] = 'Learn more';


You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#11 2011-01-08 21:34:09

Translation Team

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية



$lang['Installation'] = 'التثبيت ';
$lang['Basic configuration'] = 'التكوينات الأساسية';
$lang['Default gallery language'] = 'اللغة الافتراضية للمعرض';
$lang['Database configuration'] = 'تكوين قاعدة البيانات';
$lang['Admin configuration'] = 'اعدادات المدير';
$lang['Start Install'] = 'ابدأ التثبيت';
$lang['mail address must be like xxx@yyy.eee (example : jack@altern.org)'] = 'البريد يجب ان يكون على هذه الهيئة xxx@yyy.ee ( مثلاً : Jack@altern.org)';
$lang['Webmaster login'] = 'دخول المدير';
$lang['It will be shown to the visitors. It is necessary for website administration'] = 'سوف تظهر للزوار ، ضرورية للادارة و لوحة التحكم';
$lang['Connection to server succeed, but it was impossible to connect to database'] = 'تم الاتصال بالخادم الموقع ، لكن لم يتم يتم الاتصال بقاعدة البيانات';
$lang['Can\'t connect to server'] = 'لا يمكن الاتصال بالخادم';
$lang['Database type'] = 'نوع قاعدة البيانات';
$lang['The type of database your piwigo data will be store in'] = 'قاعدة بيانات المعرض Piwigo سوف تخزن ';
$lang['Host'] = 'المضيف';
$lang['localhost, sql.multimania.com, toto.freesurf.fr'] = 'localhost, sql.multimania.com, toto.freesurf.fr';
$lang['User'] = 'المستخدم';
$lang['user login given by your host provider'] = 'اصرح للمستخدم  الدخول بواسطة المضيف الخاص بك';
$lang['Password'] = 'كلمة المرور';
$lang['user password given by your host provider'] = 'اعطي  للمستخدم كلمة المرور  بواسطة المضيف الخاص بك';
$lang['Database name'] = 'Database name';
$lang['also given by your host provider'] = 'ايضا بواسط المضيف الخاص بك ';
$lang['Database table prefix'] = 'بداية جداول قاعدة البيانات';
$lang['database tables names will be prefixed with it (enables you to manage better your tables)'] = 'الاسماءالمبتدأ في جداول قاعدة البيانات ( تمكنك من أدارة قاعدة البيانات بشكل أفضل)ـ';
$lang['enter a login for webmaster'] = 'enter a login for webmaster';
$lang['webmaster login can\'t contain characters \' or "'] = 'دخول المدر لا \ يمكن تتضمن الأحرف  ' أو "';
$lang['please enter your password again'] = 'فضلا ً أعد كتابة كلمة المرور مرةأخرى';
$lang['Webmaster password'] = 'كلمة مرور مدير الموقع';
$lang['Keep it confidential, it enables you to access administration panel'] = 'ابقائه سريا، فإنه يتيح لك الوصول إلى لوحة الإدارة';
$lang['Password [confirm]'] = 'كلمة المرور [confirm]';
$lang['verification'] = 'التحقق';
$lang['Need help ? Ask your question on <a href="%s">Piwigo message board</a>.'] = 'هل تحتاج لمساعده؟ يمكنك السؤال  <a href="%s">Piwigo لجنة الأسئلة في </a>.';
$lang['Webmaster mail address'] = 'بريد مدير الموقع';
$lang['Visitors will be able to contact site administrator with this mail'] = ' سيتمكن الزوار لاستخدام هذا البريد إلى الاتصال بالمسؤول عن الموقع';
$lang['PHP 5 is required'] = 'PHP 5 is required';
$lang['It appears your webhost is currently running PHP %s.'] = 'PHP %s يبدوا أن المضيف يستخدم حاليا ';
$lang['Piwigo may try to switch your configuration to PHP 5 by creating or modifying a .htaccess file.'] = 'قد يحاول تبديل التكوين الخاص بك إلىPHP 5 عن طريق إنشاء أو تعديل ملف htaccess . Piwigo ';
$lang['Note you can change your configuration by yourself and restart Piwigo after that.'] = 'ملاحظة يمكنك تغيير التكوين الخاص بك من نفسك وإعادة Piwigo بعد ذلك.';
$lang['Try to configure PHP 5'] = 'PHP 5 محاولة تكوين ';
$lang['Sorry!'] = 'مـعـذرة !1';
$lang['Piwigo was not able to configure PHP 5.'] = ' Piwigo غير قادر على تكوين PHP 5';
$lang['You may referer to your hosting provider\'s support and see how you could switch to PHP 5 by yourself.'] = 'تحقق من مزود الاستضافة حول دعمه لـ PHP 5';
$lang['Hope to see you back soon.'] = 'نأمل أن نرى عودتك إلى هنا قريبا';
$lang['Congratulations, Piwigo installation is completed'] = 'تم بحمد الله تثبيت معرضPiwigo  بنجاح  ، مبروك ';
$lang['An alternate solution is to copy the text in the box above and paste it into the file "local/config/database.inc.php" (Warning : database.inc.php must only contain what is in the textarea, no line return or space character)'] = 'حل آخر هو نسخ النص في المربع أعلاه ولصقه في ملف"local/config/database.inc.php" (تحذير : database.inc.php يجب أن تحتوي فقط ما هو موجود في   النص،  الخط أو حرف مسافة)';
$lang['Creation of config file local/config/database.inc.php failed.'] = 'فشل في إنشاء ملف التكوين local/config/database.inc.php ';
$lang['Download the config file'] = 'تحميل ملف التكوين';
$lang['You can download the config file and upload it to local/config directory of your installation.'] = 'يمكنك تحميل ملف التكوين وتحميله إلى الدليل المحلي';
$lang['SQLite and PostgreSQL are currently in experimental state.'] = 'تحت التجربية حاليا  SQLite و PostgreSQL ';
$lang['Learn more'] = 'تعلم أكثر';

To lose or to waste an opportunity will result in  grief and sorrow -



#12 2011-01-08 23:42:42

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

Thanks :-)

[Subversion] r8539

Can you confirm translation ar_SA and EN is the same for

$lang['localhost, sql.multimania.com, toto.freesurf.fr'] = 'localhost, sql.multimania.com, toto.freesurf.fr';
$lang['Database name'] = 'Database name';
$lang['enter a login for webmaster'] = 'enter a login for webmaster';
$lang['PHP 5 is required'] = 'PHP 5 is required';

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#13 2011-01-09 09:25:05

Translation Team

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية


$lang['localhost, sql.multimania.com, toto.freesurf.fr'] = 'localhost, sql.multimania.com, toto.freesurf.fr';
$lang['Database name'] = 'أسم قاعدة البيانات';
$lang['enter a login for webmaster'] = 'دخول مدير الموقع';
$lang['PHP 5 is required'] = 'مطلوب  PHP 5 ';

To lose or to waste an opportunity will result in  grief and sorrow -



#14 2011-01-09 10:03:32

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

Thanks :-)

[Subversion] r8547

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#15 2011-01-09 10:04:46

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

for upgrade part, can you translate (16lines)

$lang['Upgrade'] = 'Upgrade';
$lang['This page proposes to upgrade your database corresponding to your old version of Piwigo to the current version. The upgrade assistant thinks you are currently running a <strong>release %s</strong> (or equivalent).'] = 'This page proposes to upgrade the database from your Piwigo old version to the new version. The upgrade assistant thinks you are currently running a <strong>release %s</strong> (or equivalent).';
$lang['Upgrade from version %s to %s'] = 'Upgrade from version %s to %s';
$lang['Statistics'] = 'Statistics';
$lang['total upgrade time'] = 'total upgrade time';
$lang['total SQL time'] = 'total SQL time';
$lang['SQL queries'] = 'SQL queries';
$lang['Upgrade informations'] = 'Upgrade information';
$lang['Perform a maintenance check in [Administration>Tools>Maintenance] if you encounter any problem.'] = 'Perform a maintenance check in [Administration>Tools>Maintenance] if you encounter any problem.';
$lang['As a precaution, following plugins have been deactivated. You must check for plugins upgrade before reactiving them:'] = 'As a precaution, the following plugins have been deactivated. You must check for plugins upgrades before reactivating them:';
$lang['Only administrator can run upgrade: please sign in below.'] = 'Only an administrator can run upgrade: please sign in below.';
$lang['You do not have access rights to run upgrade'] = 'You do not have access rights to run upgrade';
$lang['All sub-albums of private albums become private'] = 'All sub-albums of private albums become private';
$lang['User permissions and group permissions have been erased'] = 'Users and groups permissions have been erased';
$lang['Only thumbnails prefix and webmaster mail address have been saved from previous configuration'] = 'Only thumbnails prefix and webmaster mail address have been saved from previous configuration';
$lang['In <i>%s</i>, before <b>?></b>, insert:'] = 'In <i>%s</i>, before <b>?></b>, insert:';


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