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  •  » [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

#16 2011-01-09 12:24:43

Translation Team

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية



$lang['Upgrade'] = 'تحديث';
$lang['This page proposes to upgrade your database corresponding to your old version of Piwigo to the current version. The upgrade assistant thinks you are currently running a <strong>release %s</strong> (or equivalent).'] = '
معالجة التحديث يقترح تحديث قاعدة البيانات القديمة الخاصة بـ Piwigo من الاصدار القديم إلى الاصدار الجديد . مساعد الترقية يتعقد انك جاليا ً تشغل<strong> %s الأصدار </strong> ( أو ما يعادلها ).';
$lang['Upgrade from version %s to %s'] = '%s إلى %s التحديث من الأصدار';
$lang['Statistics'] = 'إحصاءات';
$lang['total upgrade time'] = 'الوقت الذي يحتاجه التحديث';
$lang['total SQL time'] = 'الوقت الذي يجتاجه المزو SQL';
$lang['SQL queries'] = ' SQLمزود الاستعلامات';
$lang['Upgrade informations'] = 'ترقية المعلومات ';
$lang['Perform a maintenance check in [Administration>Tools>Maintenance] if you encounter any problem.'] = 'للفحص والتدقيق والصيانى  [الإدارة>أدوات>الصيانة] إذا واجهتك أي مشكلة  ';
$lang['As a precaution, following plugins have been deactivated. You must check for plugins upgrade before reactiving them:'] = 'كأجراء وقائي يجب تعطيل الاضافات ، كما ينبغي التأكد من وجود تحديثات جديدة لهذه الاضافات';
$lang['Only administrator can run upgrade: please sign in below.'] = 'فقط يمكن للمسؤول تشغيل الترقية : الرجاء تسجيل الدخول أدناه.';
$lang['You do not have access rights to run upgrade'] = 'ليس لديك حقق الوصول  في تشغيل الترقية';
$lang['All sub-albums of private albums become private'] = 'جميع البومات الفرعية من الألبومات الخاصة أصبحت خاصة';
$lang['User permissions and group permissions have been erased'] = 'تم مسح للمستخدمين وأذونات المجموعات';
$lang['Only thumbnails prefix and webmaster mail address have been saved from previous configuration'] = 'تم حفظ بدائة الصور المصغرة ، و عنواين مدير الموقع حفظت من التكوين السابق';
$lang['In <i>%s</i>, before <b>?></b>, insert:'] = 'في <i>%s</i>, قبل <b>?></b>, إدراج:';

To lose or to waste an opportunity will result in  grief and sorrow -



#17 2011-01-09 17:39:21

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

Thanks :-)

[Subversion] r8550

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#18 2011-01-09 17:45:48

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

for plublic file 'about.html'  http://piwigo.us/l10n/trunk/about.php

Can you translate

<p>This photo gallery is based on Piwigo.</p>

<p>Piwigo is a photo gallery software for the web, built by an active
community of users and developers. Extensions make Piwigo easily
customizable. Icing on the cake, Piwigo is free and opensource.</p>

<p id="linkToPiwigo"><a href="http://piwigo.org">Visit Piwigo website</a></p>

<p>The Arabic translation is maintained by (in alphabetical order):

        <li><a href="http://de.piwigo.org/forum/profile.php?id=5100">mohammed</a></li>

           .... many thanks to you</p>



You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#19 2011-01-09 21:47:56

Translation Team

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

<p>معرض الصور بدعم من Piwigo</p>

piwigo برنامج  معرض الصور برنامج  لشبكة الانترنت ، أنشأه مجموعه من المطورين و المستخدمين ،  وجود الإضافات جعلت من Piwigo سهل التخصيص ، كتبريد الحلوه ، برنامج Piwigo  برنامج مجاني و مفتوح .</p>

<p id="linkToPiwigo"><a href="http://piwigo.org">زيارة موقع Piwigo</a></p>

<p>تم ترجمته الى اللغة العربية  حسب ( الترتيب الأبجدي ) بواسطة :

        <li><a href="http://de.piwigo.org/forum/profile.php?id=5100">mohammed</a></li>

           .... جزيل الشكر و الامتنان لك </p>



I'm in the service

Regards ..

To lose or to waste an opportunity will result in  grief and sorrow -



#20 2011-01-09 22:02:33

Translation Team

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

Dear ddtddt

Can I replace the My Profile link in the forum with a link to my site :  http://photos.boayoob.com ?

If possible:)

To lose or to waste an opportunity will result in  grief and sorrow -



#21 2011-01-09 22:27:26

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#22 2011-01-09 22:34:47

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

For base plugin, can you translate 'LocalFilesEditor'

description -> Edit local files from administration panel.

$lang['locfiledit_onglet_localconf'] = 'Local config';
$lang['locfiledit_onglet_css'] = 'CSS';
$lang['locfiledit_onglet_tpl'] = 'Templates';
$lang['locfiledit_onglet_lang'] = 'Languages';
$lang['locfiledit_onglet_plug'] = 'Personal Plugin';
$lang['locfiledit_cant_save'] = 'Current file isn\'t writeable. Check if a directory "include/" is writeable (chmod).';
$lang['locfiledit_newfile'] = 'File is not existing and will be created by LocalFiles Editor';
$lang['locfiledit_save_config'] = 'File written successfully.';
$lang['locfiledit_show_default'] = 'Display reference file: ';
$lang['locfiledit_save_bak'] = 'Backup copy will be created on save.';
$lang['locfiledit_saved_bak'] = 'Backup file created (%s)';
$lang['locfiledit_save_file'] = 'Save file';
$lang['locfiledit_choose_file'] = 'Choose the file to be edited';
$lang['locfiledit_edit'] = 'Edit';
$lang['locfiledit_restore'] = 'Restore the backup file';
$lang['locfiledit_restore_confirm'] = 'Please confirm? Restore won\'t be effective till next save.';
$lang['locfiledit_bak_loaded1'] = 'Backup file loaded.';
$lang['locfiledit_bak_loaded2'] = 'You must save file to restore it.';
$lang['locfiledit_syntax_error'] = 'Syntax error! File can\'t be saved.';
$lang['locfiledit_enable_editarea'] = 'Enable Editarea';
$lang['locfiledit_disable_editarea'] = 'Disable Editarea';
$lang['locfiledit_new_tpl'] = 'Create new file';
$lang['locfiledit_new_filename'] = 'File name';
$lang['locfiledit_model'] = 'Model';
$lang['locfiledit_empty_page'] = 'Empty page';
$lang['locfiledit_parent_directory'] = 'Parent directory';
$lang['locfiledit_filename_error'] = 'Forbidden characters in file name.';
$lang['locfiledit_file_already_exists'] = 'File already exists.';
$lang['locfiledit_model_error'] = 'You must choose a model.';
$lang['locfiledit_empty_filename'] = 'You must fill file name.';
$lang['locfiledit_webmaster_only'] = 'Only webmasters can create or modify local files.';


You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#23 2011-01-10 06:14:27

Translation Team

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية


'محرر الملفات المحلي LocalFilesEditor'

الوصف > تحرير الملفات داخل لوحة التحكم

$lang['locfiledit_onglet_localconf'] = 'تهيئة محلية';
$lang['locfiledit_onglet_css'] = 'CSS';
$lang['locfiledit_onglet_tpl'] = 'القوالب';
$lang['locfiledit_onglet_lang'] = 'اللغة';
$lang['locfiledit_onglet_plug'] = 'مساعد شخصي';
$lang['locfiledit_cant_save'] = 'الملف المحلي قابل او غير غابر للكتابه ، تأكد من الوصول و الكتابة الى المجلد"include/"';
$lang['locfiledit_newfile'] = 'الملف غير موجود ، سوف يتم إنشاءه عن طريق تحرير الملفات المحلي';
$lang['locfiledit_save_config'] = 'تمت كتابة الملف بنجاح .';
$lang['locfiledit_show_default'] = 'عرض مرجع الملف :  ';
$lang['locfiledit_save_bak'] = 'نسخة احتياطية أنشأت عن طريق الحفظ ';
$lang['locfiledit_saved_bak'] = ' (%s) تم إنشاء  نسخة احتياطية من الملف';
$lang['locfiledit_save_file'] = 'حفظ الملف ';
$lang['locfiledit_choose_file'] = 'حدد ملف لتحريره ';
$lang['locfiledit_edit'] = 'تحرير';
$lang['locfiledit_restore'] = 'استعادة من  النسخة الاحتياطية';
$lang['locfiledit_restore_confirm'] = 'نجرو التأكيد؟استعادة الملف كي يتم الحفظ في ملفات تالية';
$lang['locfiledit_bak_loaded1'] = 'تم تحميل التخسة الاحتياطية';
$lang['locfiledit_bak_loaded2'] = 'يجب حفظه ليتم استعادته ';
$lang['locfiledit_syntax_error'] = 'خطأ في تركيب الجمل ، لا / يمكن حفظ المف';
$lang['locfiledit_enable_editarea'] = 'تمكين المحرر';
$lang['locfiledit_disable_editarea'] = 'تعطيل المحرر';
$lang['locfiledit_new_tpl'] = 'أنشأ ملف جديد';
$lang['locfiledit_new_filename'] = 'أسم الملف';
$lang['locfiledit_model'] = 'نموذج';
$lang['locfiledit_empty_page'] = 'صفحة فارغه';
$lang['locfiledit_parent_directory'] = 'أصل الدليل';
$lang['locfiledit_filename_error'] = 'الحروف الغير مسموح بها في أسم الملف ';
$lang['locfiledit_file_already_exists'] = 'الملف الموجود';
$lang['locfiledit_model_error'] = 'يجب أختيار نموذج';
$lang['locfiledit_empty_filename'] = 'يجب كتابة أسم الملف';
$lang['locfiledit_webmaster_only'] = 'فقط مدير الموقع يمكن استخدام محرر الملفات المحلي';


To lose or to waste an opportunity will result in  grief and sorrow -



#24 2011-01-10 07:04:59

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#25 2011-01-10 12:18:36

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

For other base plugin, can you translate

---------------------- plugin admin_multi_view

description -> Allows administrators to view gallery as guests and/or change the language and/or theme on the fly. Practical to debug changes...

---------------------- plugin language_switch

description -> Switch to another language from flags on your gallery home page.

---------------------- plugin c13y_upgrade

description -> Check integrity of upgrades.

$lang['c13y_upgrade_no_anomaly'] = 'No anomaly detected after application upgrade, "Check upgrades" plugin was deactivated.';
$lang['c13y_dbl_email_user'] = 'Users with same email address';
$lang['c13y_correction_dbl_email_user'] = 'Delete duplicate users';
$lang['c13y_obsolete_plugin'] = 'Obsolete plugin';
$lang['c13y_correction_obsolete_plugin'] = '"%s" plugin has been included in this application version and you must uninstall it.';



You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#26 2011-01-10 12:56:10

Translation Team

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

For other base plugin

---------------------- plugin admin_multi_view

الوصف  -> يسمح للمسؤولين لمشاهدة المعرض كضيوف و / أو تغيير لغة و / أو واجهة عرض  . عملية لتصحيح التغييرات...

---------------------- plugin language_switch

الوصف -> التبديل إلى لغة أخرى من الأعلام على الصفحة الرئيسية لمعرض الصور.

---------------------- plugin c13y_upgrade

الوصف -> التحقق من سلامة ترقيات.

$lang['c13y_upgrade_no_anomaly'] = 'الكشف عن أي شذوذ بعد ترقية التطبيق، "فحص التحديثات "البرنامج المساعد والمعطلة. ';
$lang['c13y_dbl_email_user'] = 'المستخدمين مع نفس عنوان البريد الإلكتروني';
$lang['c13y_correction_dbl_email_user'] = 'احذف المستخدمين المكررين';
$lang['c13y_obsolete_plugin'] = 'اضافات مهملة';
$lang['c13y_correction_obsolete_plugin'] = ' أضافة موجودة في هذا الاصدار، يجب إلغاء تثبيتها "%s"';


To lose or to waste an opportunity will result in  grief and sorrow -



#27 2011-01-10 14:19:08

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

Thanks :-)

[Subversion] r8577

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#28 2011-01-10 14:20:01

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

For plugin autoupdate, can you translate

description -> Upgrade your gallery automatically.

$lang['Click here to upgrade automatically'] = 'Click here to upgrade automatically';
$lang['autoupdate_alert'] = 'Are you sure you want to autmatically upgrade piwigo?\nWarning!!! Files manually modified could be overwritten.';
$lang['autoupdate_success'] = 'Piwigo has been successfully upgraded (version %s)';
$lang['autoupdate_fail'] = 'An error occured during upgrade.';

$lang['autoupdate_extract_fail'] = 'An error occured during extract. Please check files permissions of your piwigo installation.<br><a href="%s">Click here to show log error</a>.';

$lang['Piwigo cannot retrieve upgrade file from server'] = 'Piwigo cannot retrieve upgrade file from server';
$lang['Click here to see Piwigo %s release notes'] = 'Click here to see Piwigo %s release notes';
$lang['Some upgrades are available for you plugins'] = 'Some upgrades are available for you plugins';
$lang['Click here see upgrade plugins page'] = 'Click here see upgrade plugins page';
$lang['Gallery and plugins are up to date'] = 'Gallery and plugins are up to date';
$lang['Unable to check upgrades...'] = 'Unable to check upgrades...';
$lang['Click here to check upgrades now'] = 'Click here to check upgrades now';

$lang['Notify on admin homepage'] = 'Notify on admin homepage';
$lang['Don\'t notify on admin homepage'] = 'Don\'t notify on admin homepage';

$lang['Upgrade in progress... Please wait.'] = 'Upgrade in progress... Please wait.';
$lang['Checking upgrades for gallery and plugins...'] = 'Checking upgrades for gallery and plugins...';

$lang['Upgrade to Piwigo %s'] = 'Upgrade to Piwigo %s';
$lang['Two upgrades are available'] = 'Two upgrades are available';
$lang['This is a minor upgrade, with only bug corrections.'] = 'This is a minor upgrade, with only bug corrections.';
$lang['This is a major upgrade, with <a href="%s">new exciting features</a>.'] = 'This is a major upgrade, with <a href="%s">new exciting features</a>.';
$lang['Some themes and plugins may be not available yet.'] = 'Some themes and plugins may be not available yet.';
$lang['You can upgrade to Piwigo %s directly, without upgrading to Piwigo %s (recommended).'] = 'You can upgrade to Piwigo %s directly, without upgrading to Piwigo %s (recommended).';
$lang['autoupdate_step_1'] = 'First Step';
$lang['autoupdate_step_2'] = 'Second Step';
$lang['autoupdate_step_3'] = 'Third Step';
$lang['Save Template Directory'] = 'Save template directory';
$lang['Dump Database'] = 'Dump Database';
$lang['Include history data (Warning: server memory limit may be exceeded)'] = 'Include history data (Warning: server memory limit may be exceeded)';
$lang['Unable to write new local directory.'] = 'Unable to write new local directory.';
$lang['Unable to send template directory.'] = 'Unable to send template directory.';
$lang['Unable to dump database.'] = 'Unable to dump database.';


You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#29 2011-01-10 18:51:35

Translation Team

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

For plugin autoupdate..

الوصف -> ترقية المعرض آلياً

$lang['Click here to upgrade automatically'] = 'أضغط هنا للترقية الآلية';
$lang['autoupdate_alert'] = 'هل تريد فعلا ترقية  Piwigoآلياً؟ قد يكتب على الملفات المعدلة يدوياً ';
$lang['autoupdate_success'] = ' (%s الأصدار) بحمد الله تم تحديث Piwigo الى';
$lang['autoupdate_fail'] = 'حصل خطأ ما أثناء الترقية.';

$lang['autoupdate_extract_fail'] = 'حدث خطأ أثناء الأستخراج. يرجى التحقق من أذونات الملفات من التثبيت piwigo الخاص.<br><a href="%s">اضغط هنا لإظهار الخطأ</a>.';

$lang['Piwigo cannot retrieve upgrade file from server'] = 'لا يمكن Piwigo استرداد ملف الترقية من الملقم';
$lang['Click here to see Piwigo %s release notes'] = 'Piwigo  اضغط هنا  %s لمشاهدة ملاحظات الاصدار';
$lang['Some upgrades are available for you plugins'] = 'بعض الترقيات متاحة للإضافات';
$lang['Click here see upgrade plugins page'] = 'أضغط هنا لرؤيات الترقيات الموجودة للإضافات';
$lang['Gallery and plugins are up to date'] = 'المعرض و الاضافات حتى الآن';
$lang['Unable to check upgrades...'] = 'لا يمكن فحص التحديثات ...';
$lang['Click here to check upgrades now'] = 'أضغط هنا لفحص التحديثات الآن .';

$lang['Notify on admin homepage'] = 'تنبيه المشرف على الصفحة الرئيسية';
$lang['Don\'t notify on admin homepage'] = 'لا تنبه المشرف على الصفحة الرئيسة';

$lang['Upgrade in progress... Please wait.'] = 'يتم معالجة التحديثات ،لحظات الانتظار .. املئها بالاستغفار';
$lang['Checking upgrades for gallery and plugins...'] = 'فحص الترقيات للمعرض والإضافات...';

$lang['Upgrade to Piwigo %s'] = ' Piwigo %s الترقية إلى ';
$lang['Two upgrades are available'] = 'هناك ترقيتان متاحة';
$lang['This is a minor upgrade, with only bug corrections.'] = 'هذه ترقية ثانوية لتصحيح بعض الأخطاء.';
$lang['This is a major upgrade, with <a href="%s">new exciting features</a>.'] = 'هذه تحديثات رئيسية مع <a href="%s"> ملحقات جديدة و مميزة</a>.';
$lang['Some themes and plugins may be not available yet.'] = 'بعض الواجهات مع بعض الإضافات قد لا يمكن تشغليها في الوقت الحالي';
$lang['You can upgrade to Piwigo %s directly, without upgrading to Piwigo %s (recommended).'] = '
تستطيع ترقية Piwigo إلى %s مباشرة ، بدون  تحديث Piwigo إلى %s (مستحسن )';
$lang['autoupdate_step_1'] = 'الخطوة الأولى';
$lang['autoupdate_step_2'] = 'الخطوةالثاني';
$lang['autoupdate_step_3'] = 'الخطوة الثالثة';
$lang['Save Template Directory'] = 'حفظ نماذج الدليل';
$lang['Dump Database'] = 'تفريغ قاعدة البيانات';
$lang['Include history data (Warning: server memory limit may be exceeded)'] = 'تضمين تاريخ البيانات (تنبيه:يجب توسيع ذاكرة الخادم)ـ';
$lang['Unable to write new local directory.'] = 'غير قادر على الكتابة  في الدليل المحلي الجديد.';
$lang['Unable to send template directory.'] = '.غير قادر على ارسال نماذج الدليل';
$lang['Unable to dump database.'] = 'غير قادرعلى تفريق قاعدة البيانات.';



To lose or to waste an opportunity will result in  grief and sorrow -



#30 2011-01-10 19:23:07

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.


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  •  » [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

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