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#1 2012-01-26 22:38:18

Piwigo Team
Nantes, France, Europe

2011 in review and expectations for 2012

The Piwigo Team wishes you a happy new year 2012!

What happened in 2011?

* 2 major versions 2.2 and 2.3, 8 minor versions and 9 beta versions were released. The release cycle was shortened to 6 months. An increased coding activity with 4,400 commits in the source code manager. 11 new languages: Piwigo now supports 45 languages.

* a page for Piwigo on Google+ to publish news about Piwigo on this new social media and let our fans discuss about Piwigo.

* applications Piwigo for iOS (iPhone/iPad) and Piwigo for Android: share your photos from your smartphone with simplicity

* the Piwigo Showcase was born this summer. It currently gathers more than 300 examples of Piwigo galleries. The best galleries are tagged as Featured and 2 of them are randomly shown on home page.

* mistic100 has joined the team and has quickly found his feet as developer

* launch of an online translation plateform on, created by mistic100

* donations to the Piwigo Association have covered our hosting fees, domain names and various licenses required for coding and distribution. If you haven't done it yet, be aware that your donation is welcome, that it is guaranteed painless and that it will be really useful for us.

What can you expect for 2012? (at least regarding Piwigo...)

* (for sure) export plugin for iPhoto

* (for sure) Piwigo 2.4 during spring with important changes such as multiple size and a new default theme. Piwigo 2.5 expected for fall.

* (for sure) small redesign on website with new pages: team members, logos and graphics, desktop and mobile applications, testimonials, more ideas for participation, a press review, a real blog instead of the forum for announcements...

* (for sure) Zaphod joins Piwigo team. Zaphod has created theme Stripped.

* (very likely) opening membership to the Piwigo Association

* (likely) export photos from Aperture

* (likely) ebook about Piwigo

* (likely) a basket plugin that let your visitors select some photos in order to download them or send them to a printing service

* (dreamed) an export plugin for Picasa

As you can read the year 2012 looks promising, at least you are warned!


#2 2012-03-19 23:43:38

Robert Lender

Re: 2011 in review and expectations for 2012

Just testing Piwigo. Looks fine.

I would like to see a better Twitter Support. Could it be possible to twitter upload messages (automatically)?

Thumbs up :)

#3 2012-03-20 19:39:20

Former Piwigo Team
Lyon (FR)

Re: 2011 in review and expectations for 2012

Please create a new topic to discuss about that


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  •  » 2011 in review and expectations for 2012

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