For Indonesian - Bahasa Indonesia language (id-ID)
We would like to propose Piwigo to Indonesian
The translation is not started, but translating it a few lines that will no longer be true ;-)
If you want to help translate these few lines and gradually we will propose the Indonesian for all
Replaces the second part (orange on the first line) by the Indonesian translation
$lang_info['language_name'] = 'English';
$lang_info['country'] = 'Great Britain';
$lang_info['direction'] = 'ltr';
$lang_info['code'] = 'en';
$lang_info['zero_plural'] = true;
$lang['%d comments'] = '%d comments';
$lang['%d hit'] = '%d hit';
$lang['%d hits'] = '%d hits';
$lang['%d Kb'] = '%d Kb';
$lang['%d new comment'] = '%d new comment';
$lang['%d new comments'] = '%d new comments';
$lang['%d new photo'] = '%d new photo';
$lang['%d new photos'] = '%d new photos';
$lang['%d new user'] = '%d new user';
$lang['%d new users'] = '%d new users';
$lang['Date'] = 'Date';
$lang['day'][0] = 'Sunday';
$lang['day'][1] = 'Monday';
$lang['day'][2] = 'Tuesday';
$lang['day'][3] = 'Wednesday;
$lang['day'][4] = 'Thursday';
$lang['day'][5] = 'Friday';
$lang['day'][6] = 'Saturday;
$lang['month'][10] = 'October';
$lang['month'][11] = 'November';
$lang['month'][12] = 'December';
$lang['month'][1] = 'January';
$lang['month'][2] = 'February';
$lang['month'][3] = 'March';
$lang['month'][4] = 'April';
$lang['month'][5] = 'May';
$lang['month'][6] = 'June';
$lang['month'][7] = 'July';
$lang['month'][8] = 'August';
$lang['month'][9] = 'September';
or login with EN forum and translate tool ->
and I add [id_ID] after ;-)
Last edited by ddtddt (2013-05-01 11:58:35)
Thank you for our attention to Bahasa Indonesia, i will help to improve my Piwigo's site
Hi :-)
Welcome :-)
I'm very happy if you begginnng Indonesian translation ;-)
You translate first line on forum and I add on translate tool after ;-)
Here is the translate
$lang_info['language_name'] = 'Bahasa Indonesia';
$lang_info['country'] = 'Indonesia';
$lang_info['direction'] = 'ltr';
$lang_info['code'] = 'id';
$lang_info['zero_plural'] = true;
$lang['%d comments'] = '%d komentar';
$lang['%d hit'] = '%d pengunjung';
$lang['%d hits'] = '%d pengunjung';
$lang['%d Kb'] = '%d Kb';
$lang['%d new comment'] = '%d komentar baru';
$lang['%d new comments'] = '%d komentar baru';
$lang['%d new photo'] = '%d foto baru';
$lang['%d new photos'] = '%d foto baru';
$lang['%d new user'] = '%d pengguna baru';
$lang['%d new users'] = '%d pengguna baru';
$lang['Date'] = 'Tanggal';
$lang['day'][0] = 'Minggu';
$lang['day'][1] = 'Senin';
$lang['day'][2] = 'Selasa';
$lang['day'][3] = 'Rabu;
$lang['day'][4] = 'Kamis';
$lang['day'][5] = 'Jumat';
$lang['day'][6] = 'Sabtu;
$lang['month'][10] = 'Oktober';
$lang['month'][11] = 'November';
$lang['month'][12] = 'Desember';
$lang['month'][1] = 'Januari';
$lang['month'][2] = 'Februari';
$lang['month'][3] = 'Maret';
$lang['month'][4] = 'April';
$lang['month'][5] = 'Mei';
$lang['month'][6] = 'Juni';
$lang['month'][7] = 'Juli';
$lang['month'][8] = 'Agustus';
$lang['month'][9] = 'September';
Hi :-)
Thanks for translation :-)
[Subversion] r23819
I update translate gallery -> … lang=id_ID
I add on translate tool
thanks piwigo, and add \plugins\language_switch\language_switch --> #languageSwitch .langflag-id_ID
Hi :-)
It's allready done ;-)
I post new release plugin when description is translate to ID ;-)