#1 2012-06-27 20:03:21

Salem, Massachusetts

IPTC and Keywords

I'm new to Piwigo,just began a tryout recently. I'd like to use it to replace a large website of images that I currently run with Menalto Gallery.  I'm attracted by Piwigo's search capabilities, but haven't been able to find definitive info about how metadata already entered into photos will be dealt with upon upload to Piwigo.

All the image files I will upload include IPTC metadata such as caption/description, copyright credits, and keywords. Is there a straightforward way to make sure that this info stays with the photo upon upload, is displayable, and can be searched on?

Thanks much



#2 2012-06-27 21:23:53

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: IPTC and Keywords

Piwigo read metadata ;-)

You can read this -> http://piwigo.org/doc/doku.php?id=user_ … n:metadata

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#3 2012-06-28 01:07:16


Re: IPTC and Keywords

Isn't this document out of date (with regard to V2.4) as - for example - the file 'include/config.inc.php' does not exist in V2.4.

Or am I mistaken?



#4 2012-06-28 06:22:49

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: IPTC and Keywords

pewe wrote:

Isn't this document out of date (with regard to V2.4) as - for example - the file 'include/config.inc.php' does not exist in V2.4.

Or am I mistaken?

It'the principle

you can update wiki ;-)

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#5 2012-07-10 22:52:39


Re: IPTC and Keywords

I have a question similar in nature, I have read the referenced help doc relating to metadata (http://piwigo.org/doc/doku.php?id=user_ … n:metadata) and have reviewed the config.inc.php file in the tools directory.  However, if I copy the config.inc.php to the include directory, will the IPTC 'keywords' populate to the 'tags' within the DB (creating tags if they do not exist)?

IF so, as I am no php programmer/coder, is there a sample I can use to populate the DB with the meta tags?

My goal is to use the tags within the photos instead of creating them manually. That way they are consistent in different software.


#6 2012-07-12 18:51:25


Re: IPTC and Keywords

Anyone who can provide assistance with using IPTC keywords into Tags (added to DB)?


#7 2012-07-12 19:51:52

Piwigo Team

Re: IPTC and Keywords

as you can see, we are pretty busy in our life ; we are volunteers and there is much more urgent problem to deal with

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#8 2012-07-12 21:02:47


Re: IPTC and Keywords

flop25 wrote:

as you can see, we are pretty busy in our life ; we are volunteers and there is much more urgent problem to deal with

A simple not yet supported would have been sufficient.  You took the time to post a reply. Why not answer the question?

Negativity not necessary.  God loves you!


#9 2012-07-12 21:50:03

Piwigo Team

Re: IPTC and Keywords

I'm not negative ; I'm just explaining why you don't get answer. Because people are busy and I don't know the answer

To get a better help : Politeness like Hello-A link-Your past actions precisely described
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#10 2012-07-13 11:42:44

Former Piwigo Team
Pourrières (83) [FR]

Re: IPTC and Keywords

Michael wrote:

I have a question similar in nature, I have read the referenced help doc relating to metadata (http://piwigo.org/doc/doku.php?id=user_ … n:metadata) and have reviewed the config.inc.php file in the tools directory.  However, if I copy the config.inc.php to the include directory, will the IPTC 'keywords' populate to the 'tags' within the DB (creating tags if they do not exist)?

IF so, as I am no php programmer/coder, is there a sample I can use to populate the DB with the meta tags?

My goal is to use the tags within the photos instead of creating them manually. That way they are consistent in different software.


Please do not copy the entire contents of the configuration file. You just copy what you need.
If you copy over it will have problems again later.
You'll help plugin LocalFiles Editor.

Now, to adapt the configuration to suit your Piwigo photos (IPTC keywords of your training) you will use one of your pictures.
- Then in Ronnomez sample.jpg
- Place it in ./piwigo/tools
- With your browser, launch the URL http://my-website.com/piwigo/tools/metadata.php

You can find the specifications for your photos and you'll be able to adapt the configuration of Piwigo.



#11 2012-07-16 23:12:46


Re: IPTC and Keywords

Unfortunately, my noob experience with this software, I do not have enough info to complete my objective.  Using the default 2.4.1 /tools/config.inc.php file


// this file is provided as an example. It does not modify the configuration
// as long as it remains in "tools" directory. Move it to "include"
// directory if you want to modify default configuration.

$conf['prefix_thumbnail'] = 'thumb_';
$conf['show_gt'] = true;

Using the instructions: "you can test a tools/sample.jpg file for viewing all included metadata thanks to script tools/metadata.php."  The sample file (and tags) were read, however tags were not populated.   

I'm sure there's changes required for the conf, but I do not know the required file or IPTC parameters.

Is it possible for uploaded photos (via album) with 'tags' (IPTC Keyworkds) be included in Piwigo's tag database?

I'm running a fresh install of 2.4.1, with commuunity plugin.  I would like to use the photo's tag to populate Piwigo's tag database.

Last edited by Michael950 (2012-07-16 23:14:41)



#12 2012-10-26 15:06:22


Re: IPTC and Keywords

Hello pemphoto,

I have developed a band-aid solution for the same problem I had encountered after starting my site. Please keep in mind, I am not a programmer, just an user. After following some suggestions on this forum and looking into the issue I have done the next:

1. Copied file config_default.inc.php onto my computer using Filezilla.

2. I renamed it to config_default.inc.php_120929 where six digits in the end were current date. This was my backup original file in case something goes wrong.

3. I have replaced few lines of the code to turn on and expand the IPTC mapping. First of all, the IPTC mapping is included into a Piwigo code, but it is not full and strangely enough, it is turned off by default. Why? I don't know. To keep it simple, below is a copy of the entire METADATA part of the config file the way it looks now in my installation. I'd like to hear from the real Piwigo developers on this practice. It works for me, but I believe one may have to do this trick again after any serious upgrade initiated by Piwigo team, unless they decide to include my code into a new installation. So here, this is the code, that replaces entire METADATA portion of the config file in the Piwigo 2.4.5:

// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// |                               metadata                                |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+

// show_iptc: Show IPTC metadata on picture.php if asked by user
$conf['show_iptc'] = true;

// show_iptc_mapping : is used for showing IPTC metadata on picture.php
// page. For each key of the array, you need to have the same key in the
// $lang array. For example, if my first key is 'iptc_keywords' (associated
// to '2#025') then you need to have $lang['iptc_keywords'] set in
// language/$user['language']/common.lang.php. If you don't have the lang
// var set, the key will be simply displayed
// To know how to associated iptc_field with their meaning, use
// tools/metadata.php
$conf['show_iptc_mapping'] = array(
  'iptc_headline'     => '2#105',
  'iptc_caption'         => '2#120',
  'iptc_city'         => '2#090',
  'iptc_sublocation'     => '2#092',
  'iptc_province_state'  => '2#095',
  'iptc_country'     => '2#101',
  'iptc_country_code'     => '2#100',
  'iptc_keywords'        => '2#025',
  'iptc_caption_writer'  => '2#122',
  'iptc_byline'         => '2#080',
  'iptc_byline_title'    => '2#085',
  'iptc_object_attribute'=> '2#004',
  'iptc_newscode'     => '2#012',
  'iptc_date_created'     => '2#055',
  'iptc_writer_editor'     => '2#122',
  'iptc_instructions'     => '2#040',
  'iptc_job_id'         => '2#103',
  'iptc_object_name'     => '2#005',
  'iptc_copyright_notice'=> '2#116',
  'iptc_credit'         => '2#110',
  'iptc_source'         => '2#115',
  'iptc_contact'     => '2#118'

// use_iptc: Use IPTC data during database synchronization with files
// metadata
$conf['use_iptc'] = true;

// use_iptc_mapping : in which IPTC fields will Piwigo find image
// information ? This setting is used during metadata synchronisation. It
// associates a piwigo_images column name to a IPTC key
$conf['use_iptc_mapping'] = array(
  'iptc_headline'     => '2#105',
  'iptc_caption'         => '2#120',
  'iptc_city'         => '2#090',
  'iptc_sublocation'     => '2#092',
  'iptc_province_state'  => '2#095',
  'iptc_country'     => '2#101',
  'iptc_country_code'     => '2#100',
  'iptc_keywords'        => '2#025',
  'iptc_caption_writer'  => '2#122',
  'iptc_byline'         => '2#080',
  'iptc_byline_title'    => '2#085',
  'iptc_object_attribute'=> '2#004',
  'iptc_newscode'     => '2#012',
  'iptc_date_created'     => '2#055',
  'iptc_writer_editor'     => '2#122',
  'iptc_instructions'     => '2#040',
  'iptc_job_id'         => '2#103',
  'iptc_object_name'     => '2#005',
  'iptc_copyright_notice'=> '2#116',
  'iptc_credit'         => '2#110',
  'iptc_source'         => '2#115',
  'iptc_contact'     => '2#118'

// show_exif: Show EXIF metadata on picture.php (table or line presentation
// avalaible)
$conf['show_exif'] = true;

// show_exif_fields : in EXIF fields, you can choose to display fields in
// sub-arrays, for example ['COMPUTED']['ApertureFNumber']. for this, add
// 'COMPUTED;ApertureFNumber' in $conf['show_exif_fields']
// The key displayed in picture.php will be $lang['exif_field_Make'] for
// example and if it exists. For compound fields, only take into account the
// last part : for key 'COMPUTED;ApertureFNumber', you need
// $lang['exif_field_ApertureFNumber']
// for PHP version newer than 4.1.2 :
// $conf['show_exif_fields'] = array('CameraMake','CameraModel','DateTime');
$conf['show_exif_fields'] = array(

// use_exif: Use EXIF data during database synchronization with files
// metadata
$conf['use_exif'] = true;

// use_exif_mapping: same behaviour as use_iptc_mapping
$conf['use_exif_mapping'] = array(
  'date_creation' => 'DateTimeOriginal'


What it does? It adds the IPTC METADATA tab next to the EXIF METADATA only if you have the IPTC data in your image, like so: http://www.ottawastockimages.com/pictur … ategory/27

Otherwise the tab would not appear at all, which I believe is very smart, but I can't take credit for that.

Please let us all know how it works (or does not) for you. I wish wider Piwigo community took part in IPTC related discussion.



#13 2012-10-26 15:12:25

Piwigo Team

Re: IPTC and Keywords

Thx for sharing
Never ever change the default files. Use Localfiles editor instead
Just a detail you repeated twice the show exif and use iptc

To get a better help : Politeness like Hello-A link-Your past actions precisely described
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My gallery : an illustration of how to integrate Piwigo in your website



#14 2012-10-26 15:27:16


Re: IPTC and Keywords

Thanks flop25.

I used Localfiles editor only once, and it crashed my entire installation. I had to start from square one. Won't do it again.

I placed the portion of the code for the Piwigo team attention, so may (just may be) they (or you) will make the changes permanent so then unexperienced users like myself don't ruin their installations.



#15 2012-10-26 15:29:42

Piwigo Team

Re: IPTC and Keywords

If you don't want to use Localfiles editor for any reason use the local config in /local/config/config.inc.php

To get a better help : Politeness like Hello-A link-Your past actions precisely described
Check my extensions : more than 30 available
who I am and what I do : http://fr.gravatar.com/flop25
My gallery : an illustration of how to integrate Piwigo in your website



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