omg they are so dumb ... as usual unfortunately...
I can't comment Flop as I dont know enough on how this works :(
All I know is I have a site that currently does not work and I need it running ASAP but I seem to be getting nowhere fast.
I am in the hands of you guys here
Last edited by skpManiac (2012-07-09 20:28:07)
Ask them how to proprely increase post_max_size
Do you have imagemagik installed ? you could try with
do you have access to server log ?
and tell them this is nothing to do with wrong path -500 error wrong path lolissime ; if they don't know how a script works, well don't comment... In fact as usual the hoster says it's the script problem without knowledge on it, and we say it comes from the server because we know it works!
ok, I will send him your comments m8, thanks
I will ask for Imagemagic to be installed and as faras I know, I dpo not have access to server logs but will ask for that too :)
Again, I thank you
Morning guys, just had a reply from Fasthosts, not happy :/
Apologies for the delay in getting back to you.
Just to confirm, it seems that the versions you need are not on our linux shared platform, and we do not have ImageMagick installed.
You may want to think about going to one of our dedicated or virtual servers to enable you to host this site.
Well, that about wraps it up for me & Piwigo I think :(
Good evening chaps,
I have been trying different things to try and remedy this, silly things like changing the (C) info in the EXIF tags, getting rid of NON STANDARD characters like ©, in EXIF & File names - But none of this worked.
I have however just resized an image that has never worked, I scaled it to the MAX settings in the Admin section 1566 or 1242 and the photo uploaded with NO problems
http://www.freezinglifethroughthelens.c … category/1
Does this simply mean my problem is an issue with the site SCALING my images? If so can't pLoader do it BEFORE uploading?
I look forward to any repies :)
MAX settings in the Admin section 1566 or 1242
Did you mean 1656 and 1224 for the sizes - those are my defaults set on instal.
What happens if you try to set the largest size to the size of your image (3456*5184) then upload it?
pewe wrote:
MAX settings in the Admin section 1566 or 1242
Did you mean 1656 and 1224 for the sizes - those are my defaults set on instal.
What happens if you try to set the largest size to the size of your image (3456*5184) then upload it?
Hi Pwew,
Yes, the photo sizes (As you say the defaults for the site, I resized the original pic to these sizes and it uploaded)
Just tried that and it is fails :(
Good idea though
I have turned OFF resize after upload and that fails too - just thought I'd try it and see what happened
Maybe you could try a couple of different sizes to get down to the largest that WILL upload, then bring it to the attention of your host and see if they can explain it.
After all we know Piwigo can handle that specific image - I've got it on my test site full size after successful upload.
I am doing that now :) I know it worked perfect before the upgrade, thats the really annoying part of all this :/
I am also looking at the sizes that Piwigo ihas in the defaults and the scale factor is wrong to my images - maybe that doesn't matter, but I am desperate and will try anything lol
Just resized image to 3000x2000 and that uploaded fine
as did 4000x2666
5000x3333 FAILED
4750x3166 FAILED
4500X2999 FAILED
4250X2832 WORKED
So that seems to be my limit :/
I will message them tomorrow and see what they say
Cheers Pewe, think you're the only one on here trying to help, think the others got fed up with my questions lol
Last edited by skpManiac (2012-07-12 01:02:39)
and what about filesize ?
They have just asked mje the same question :p
I will have to recreate the files - OOPS!!
The file which you sent me which would not upload was 1.95mb, compared to the one which did upload which was 9.91mb.
So the file size was not the problem - the smallest was the problem file.
Last edited by pewe (2012-07-12 12:30:40)
This is the one I uploaded last night, hope this helps
•Original file : Myf in Studio June 2012 0062small.jpg
•Posted 11 hours ago on Thursday 12 July 2012
•Added by admin
•2832×4250 pixels, 1.77MB
•Visited 2 times
•Numeric identifier : 321