how can I achieve that a click on the Piwigo (Powered Footer Link) is opening a new window?
Cheers and many thanks in advance!
create a template extension (with LocalFilesEditor, tab "Template") with this content
<div id="copyright"> {if isset($debug.TIME)} {'Page generated in'|@translate} {$debug.TIME} ({$debug.NB_QUERIES} {'SQL queries in'|@translate} {$debug.SQL_TIME}) - {/if} {* Please, do not remove this copyright. If you really want to, contact us on http://piwigo.org to find a solution on how to show the origin of the script... *} {'Powered by'|@translate} <a href="{$PHPWG_URL}" class="Piwigo" target="_blank">Piwigo</a> {$VERSION} {if isset($CONTACT_MAIL)} - {'Contact'|@translate} <a href="mailto:{$CONTACT_MAIL}?subject={'A comment on your site'|@translate|@escape:url}">{'Webmaster'|@translate}</a> {/if} {if isset($TOGGLE_MOBILE_THEME_URL)} - {'View in'|@translate} : <a href="{$TOGGLE_MOBILE_THEME_URL}">{'Mobile'|@translate}</a> | <b>{'Desktop'|@translate}</b> {/if} {get_combined_scripts load='footer'} {if isset($footer_elements)} {foreach from=$footer_elements item=v} {$v} {/foreach} {/if} </div> {* copyright *} {if isset($debug.QUERIES_LIST)} <div id="debug"> {$debug.QUERIES_LIST} </div> {/if} </div>{* the_page *} </body> </html>
tehn assign it to footer.tpl in Configuration->Template
Thank you mistic100! With your answer I learned a lot on how things can be modified ... it's like a milestone for me :)
glad to help you :)
This was great, except I had installed PersoFooter too.
Now instead of the PersoFooter info being on the left, and the piwigo info being on the right, both are together on the right.
Any way to change that?
[Sorry, I don't know code, but am darn good at copying.]
Thanks, Gayle