I'm currently setting up Piwig as a photo sharing site for a bunch of friends/family trips.
For this I have enabled the community plugin. It is almost what I need but I'm having an issue.
When normal users upload pictures, everything is fine. When I make a user administrator, he can no longer properly upload images. After uploading the image, the thumbnail works (most of the thime), but when I access the image is appears broken (always).
The moment admin users (and normal users) access the upload foto's link an error appears on the bottom of the page.
Warning: [mysql error 1265] Data truncated for column 'section' at row 1 INSERT INTO piwigo_history ( date, time, user_id, IP, section, category_id, image_id, image_type, tag_ids ) VALUES ( CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_TIME, 5, '', 'add_photos', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ; in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\include\dblayer\functions_mysql.inc.php on line 770
Any advice please?
Last edited by finalbeta (2012-11-24 19:32:16)
The SQL error has been fixed.
I followed the tips provided on this post: http://piwigo.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=18849
Edit the table "history". The field section so the enum also has 'add_photos'.
The error is gone. And I think the picture uploading works.
However, when I make a user "webadministrator" uploading of images fails.
So I would still apriciate help on that.
Last edited by finalbeta (2012-11-24 22:11:25)
A little extra information I found:
Normal users. Flash plugin for uploading works fine.
Administrator users.
* Flash plugin generates broken images.
* Alternative plugin works. But when going to the album, the first image is broken, all other images from that upload are working.
finalbeta wrote:
A little extra information I found:
Normal users. Flash plugin for uploading works fine.
Administrator users.
* Flash plugin generates broken images.
* Alternative plugin works. But when going to the album, the first image is broken, all other images from that upload are working.
did you tried yourself from an admin account and a normal one? Just want to know if the browser/OS has changed between accounts
Because in certain particular cases, there might have issue with flash and the browser