I have a question. In the Netherlands we have a law that visitors to your website must be informed if the website uses cookies. I don’t know if Piwigo use cookies, but if so is it possible to make an little popup were the administrator can put some text about the cookies? If I speak for myself, then I can write in the popup that they can read more about this in an extra item (Additional Pages).
Again, I don’t know if Piwigo use cookies, but I think the answer is yes, because when the plugin for changing themes is installed and the user chooses a different theme as the ‘standard’ and he return to the website Piwigo shows the theme he/she has chosen.
Currently, the big sites just display a message saying "if you continue the visit you agree to use cookies", so you can do the same inside a bloc menu or content or in the footer ...
Thanks for your reactions. I have now add an line in a menublok so they can read about the cookies.
I'm using a small script, that I placed in the header with the 'add header element' plugin.
The script I use comes from http://www.civicuk.com/cookie-law/index