gdThumb plugin is available for download here
Apply Masonry style to album or image thumbs.
Plugin was inspired by GThumb+ but adds new options:
* Apply masonry style to album or image thumbs
* Thumbnails max height
* Margin between thumbnails
* Number of photos per page
* Double the size of the first thumbnail
* Cache the big thumbnails (recommended)
* Scale thumbnails
* Title Display Mode: Overlay Top/Overlay Top (Static)/Overlay Bottom/Overlay Bottom (Static)/Hide
* Meta Data Display Mode
* and more
Post your questions and comments.
Like it? Don't forget to rate it.
As always, I hope you enjoy using it
Last edited by Serge D (2017-01-01 20:35:46)
Hi Serge,
your plugin seems very interesting but unfortunatly I cannot use it as is. How do you manage your code ? Did you use a version control system as subversion, git, mercurial, ... ? Did you use a ticket manager ? Are patch or suggestion welcome ?
Thanks anyway for your work.
This initial release was intended only address issues with gThumb plugin and add some extra functionality around look and feel.
Today's version addressed all remaining known issues and is considered stable.
If you have any comments or suggestions you can post it here or at my blog site for respected post. I do try to address them as they come.
PS: I do not want to deal with external SVN or ticket manager at this time. I survived last 6 years this way while developing for G2/G3 projects and I do not see reason to change that.
Last edited by Serge D (2014-09-08 07:03:16)
Serge D wrote:
I do not want to deal with external SVN or ticket manager at this time.
main reason is to make it available to the translation team :)
and also allow other people to make quick fixes when your are not available
Serge D wrote:
This initial release was intended only address issues with gThumb plugin and add some extra functionality around look and feel.
Today's version addressed all remaining known issues and is considered stable.
If you have any comments or suggestions you can post it here or at my blog site for respected post. I do try to address them as they come.
PS: I do not want to deal with external SVN or ticket manager at this time. I survived last 6 years this way while developing for G2/G3 projects and I do not see reason to change that.
As you want but I don't think the forum (or your blog) is the better place to manage issues.
The main issues I had are related to queries. Can you adapt them to make them working with other database engine ? The main problem is for double quote around values.
For example :
$query = 'DELETE FROM ' . CONFIG_TABLE . ' WHERE param="gdThumb" LIMIT 1;';
replaced by
$query = 'DELETE FROM ' . CONFIG_TABLE . ' WHERE param='gdThumb' LIMIT 1;';
The other issue is for update query with limit. It does not exist for other database engine. You can remove it. No problem because param field is a primary key and there's can be only one line by param.
The last issue is for path to admin.css in admin.tpl template. I think it's better to replace :
{combine_css path="/plugins/GDThumb/template/admin.css"}
{combine_css path="`$GDTHUMB_PATH`template/admin.css"}
where GDTHUMB is defined in admin.php :
$template->assign('GDTHUMB_PATH', PHPWG_PLUGINS_PATH.'GDThumb/');
for update and delete config params there are two methods conf_update_param (also does insert) and conf_delete_param … nc.php#L58 (lines 59 and 123)
@Nicolas: almost nobody is using mantis for plugins here :-)
Handling user requests is personal preference. as I said current method worked so far. Using Mantis, sorry - no, I stay away from it. GIT or rather GitHub could be an option and provides issue tracking, I just do not have time to maintain it there.
I have converted admin handler to class model per mistic100 suggestion but need to test it further
Serge D wrote:
Handling user requests is personal preference. as I said current method worked so far. Using Mantis, sorry - no, I stay away from it. GIT or rather GitHub could be an option and provides issue tracking, I just do not have time to maintain it there.
No problem. I'm understand.
Serge D wrote:
I have converted admin handler to class model per mistic100 suggestion but need to test it further
Don't hesitate if you want help to test, even beta releases.
as 2.7 is very close I must inform you that this class patern changed
see … .class.php (not the same file and new update method)
the old version will continue to work but the new is better
v.1.0.7 has been released
- Plugin maintenance code converted to use PluginMaintain class (Piwigo 2.6). This addresses some inconsistencies in DB operations handling.
Nice plugin.
I've only one suggest for you.
I think it could be interesting to have "big_thumb" picture only in thumb pages, not in category pages.
It could be interesting to have two options: "big_thumb" (for thumb pages only) and "big_thumb_category" (for category).
Interesting suggestion, the only problem would be when you mix catalog and image thumbs - ex: album contains 3 sub-album and 2 image thumbs.
If I allow the different behavior, you would see some albums with big thumb and some without.
Nevertheless, I will include this option, as a user you can decide what work best for you
Main site is ok.
But big gallery with albums it's a little chaos, no difference between photo and album.
Normal view - modus theme, easy "layout".
It's possible to better "mark out" the albums ?
Can you add option for big size in image properties too ? :)
Last edited by viewadam (2014-09-18 14:27:22)
It is designed to use one "list" for all images and albums. This way big thumb does make sense.
I can add marker in the thumb corner to indicate the album.
But I do not see practical reason to have separation. Ideally, you would not combine albums and photos on the same page. Sample 3 is not the layout I find good looking, sorry. This was main reason to create the plugin.
Also please consider upcoming "vertical" masonry layout where thumbs are arranged in columns rather than in rows. There separation would make sense even less
Will marker work?
Any other suggestions?
Also, reason for big_thumb not supporting custom size is that it must be 2x of the regular thumb size so it can align properly.
Unless you want to control multiplier, i.e. have ability to say 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, etc
Last edited by Serge D (2014-09-18 17:25:12)
I think the best "marker" would be to always show album details (title and number of photos)
and perhaps in a different place/form (top and/or no background)