•  » Requests
  •  » Please separate translations-labels for 1.photographer, 2.commentator

#1 2017-02-16 12:02:15


Please separate translations-labels for 1.photographer, 2.commentator


Visitors who view my Piwigo website and want to leave a reaction, encounter an ambiguity, that leads to severe confusion:
To enter comments on a photo they are obliged to fill in the name field, however, many visitors believe they should fill in the name of the photographer/artist in stead of their own name.
This is especially the case in the Dutch translation, where the general label 'Author' has been translated to 'Photographer', so the visitor reads the word 'Photographer:' in stead of 'Your name:' .
I suspect that the following is going on:
The PHP language-tag which is used here, it is likely to be: Author.
This author-label is not only used (underwater) for the name of the creator of the photos, but also for the name of any random visitor who wants to leave a comment.
These are two different types of users of the website and should therefore not be confused. The one is producer, the other is consumer!
My request: Can the translator or Piwigo programmer make a second translation-label for the name field to the comment block?
For example:
Author-label = the person who puts pictures on the website in his albums (this is the photographer or art-creator).
Visitor-label = person / visitor that provides a text-reaction to the above mentioned pictures.

Friendly regards,

Piwigo version: 2.8.5
PHP version: 5.6.0
MySQL version: 5.5.41
Piwigo URL: http://www.rolfsnijders.net/?br=pwf


  •  » Requests
  •  » Please separate translations-labels for 1.photographer, 2.commentator

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