Hi, I use "ImageMagick GPS" revision 1.6 but when I try to synchronize after I upload pictures and movies on my website I encounter some problems (freeze of the server during many minutes) because it seems that "ImageMagick GPS" try to extract exif informations on mp4 movies !
It's write on the extentions page of piwigo :
"Fixed crash when updating metadata of non picture files like GPX tracks."
I have try to change the version of PHP, ImageMagick, imagick, server ..... but it's allways the same !
Piwigo version: 2.9.4
PHP version: 7.0.32
MySQL version: 5.5.5-10.2.18-MariaDB
Hello bigs38,
the fix for gpx files was only catching an exception when trying to readout exif info from a file which doesen't have such a datastructure and imagemagick is throwing an exception. If you have many files which cases imagemagick to throw an exception this will slow down your server.
I will have a look on it to find a solution, but you have to be a little bit patience.
Hi ZeBe,
Thanks for your answer. When I switch on "ImageMagick GPS" synchronisation is really very slow.
For 100 pictures :
Switched on : 50 s
Switched off : less than 1 s
If I have 2 movies and 100 pictures the server fall down (no more acces to website , mail etc...) after 15mn with a 500 internal error.
For the moment, just before I start to synchronize, I unselect movies. It takes more time than without the plug-in but it works and I have GPS datas and for that I really whant to thank you !
I will be patient !
hello bigs38,
first i made some changes to the plugin to prevent loading video file with imagemagick to solve the crash. The duration for reading exif data with imagemagick is high and depends on the size of the file. This is the trade off for this workaround.
Later i changed on my website the PHP version to 7.2.11. This PHP version is able to read exif data with gps tags and makes my plugin obsolete. If you can use this version, do it and you can remove my plugin.
If you cannot use a PHP version which supports reading gps tag in exif data i can give you a beta version of my plugin. Attaching files is here in this forum not possible. Please let me know then I will send you a link.
On the plugin page of the new beta version in piwigo (https://your-domain/admin.php?page=plugin-ImageMagick_GPS-read) there is an additional link "Show Metadata of tools/sample.jpg" to test the the read_exif_data function of PHP. The details are described here:
https://piwigo.org/doc/doku.php?id=user … n:metadata
I hope this helps you to solve your problem
Last edited by ZeBe (2018-10-29 21:36:44)
Hello ZeBe,
Thank you for the information on PHP version 7.2.11 ! I use it now and all seems to work perfectly.
Also thank you for your extension which helped me and your contribution for piwigo
Last edited by bigs38 (2018-10-30 09:19:58)