I upgraded my server the week the 2.10.2 update came out and everything was wonderful. But this week is the first time I added new photos via web form and had the following issues:
-While importing, when each photo completed, I would see an image of the photo. Now I get the typical photo not existing icon.
-After photos are added I can't see any of the "generated" photos, so there's no album thumbs, or thumb listings, but I can see the actual photos (original) and the slide show works.
By the way I'm using Bootstrap Darkroom theme.
Things I tried that didn't work
-Deleted Multiple sizes images via Photos --> Batch Manager
-Generated Multiple sizes images (ALL) via Photos --> Batch Manager. I only use the following: Square, Thumbnail, S - Small and M - Medium
-Changed my current theme (Bootstrap Darkroom) to modus and had the same issue.
-Installed imageMagick and problem persisted.
Things I tried that did work, but would prefer boostrap or modus themes:
-Had no issue with the following themes: Clear, VerticalWhite, Simple White, Simple Black, Simple Sunset, dark, Sylvia, Simple Grey, SimpleNG and Smart Pocket (Mobile)
--Site Specifications--
Piwigo version: 2.10.2
PHP version: PHP: 5.6.37-1+ubuntu16.04.1+deb.sury.org+1
MySQL version: MySQL: 5.5.5-10.1.44-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.18.04.1
Piwigo URL: https://pics.bosaz.com or https://www.pics.bosaz.com
Graphics Library: External ImageMagick 6.9.7-4 <-- used to be GD
O/S: Ubuntu 18.04
Theme: Bootstrap Darkroom
Thanks in advance for all your help and let me know if you think I should post this problem with the theme developers instead.
Last edited by Gapster (2020-05-20 18:08:48)
per this post (https://piwigo.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=29856) i enabled privacy plugin. works now.