
  •  » Engine
  •  » Piwigo 12 is coming. Time to make extensions compatible!

#1 2021-09-23 17:08:26

Piwigo Team
Nantes, France, Europe

Piwigo 12 is coming. Time to make extensions compatible!

Piwigo 12 is just a few days (or weeks) ahead and many extensions (plugins and themes) won't be automatically compatible. They won't need a lot of changes, but your extensions will need some updates.

Matthieu and I have prepared a page with the a checklist on Technical changes in Piwigo 12. Here is the short summary:

* "Has Settings" is now mandatory
* Prefilters slightly changed with the new version of Smarty template engine
* Smarty template variables need to be checked before being used
* for remote applications, you must (strongly encouraged to) declare the end of upload
* MySQL and reserved keywords ("groups" and "rank") must be escaped

A) if you have changes on your code, publish a new revision of your extension, compatible 12

B) if you have no change and don't feel the need to have a new revision, mark your latest revision as compatible with version 12

We're here if you need any help :-)



#2 2021-09-23 17:09:46

Piwigo Team
Nantes, France, Europe

Re: Piwigo 12 is coming. Time to make extensions compatible!

Some administration pages have been rewritten, like the user manager. So if your plugin interacts with the user manager, you will certainly need a bit more time to adapt your code.


  •  » Engine
  •  » Piwigo 12 is coming. Time to make extensions compatible!

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