Hi petitssuisses,
I'm reviewing the code of [extension by petitssuisses] Share Album and I have some questions/feedbacks.
* Uninstall
Instead of performing deletes in tables user_access + user_infos + users (without using the configurable column names), you'd better use the delete_user function : much more reliable/complete and providing a trigger for other plugins.
Same for groups with delete_groups function.
* Install
You have 2 different codes for methods "install" and "update" in your ShareAlbum_maintain class. I do prefer doing, like in Community, something like:
function update($old_version, $new_version, &$errors=array()) { $this->install($new_version, $errors); }
and in the "install" method you check the existence of such table/column before adding it. Both ways work, but I like the one I use on Community better. It avoids code duplication.
Thanks for the suggestions, they completely make sense.
Code is being updated, will be released in 12.2
Seems fine BUT I have encountered a problem. I had to manually ask for a purge of compiled templates in order to see the new version of the configuration page. I don't understand why yet.