#1 2022-04-11 07:24:14


Hide or Remove Administration Menu Option

Hi and thanks in advance for any assitance. I have done some searching and seen some discussions but not something quite what I am looking for. In its simplest for, giving my registered users the priviledges of an Administrator User without any ability to administer my piwigo Site iteslf. One of the main reasons I would like to give them that function is they my users can have full Edit functions to the photos they upload, including the Tags Option that is provided when you are an administrato because there and only there do I see the robot for my API integration to Azure. I have tried some of the Tag and Admin Menu plugins and while they let you type and search for a tag there is no option to click on the robot icon to use my API to Azure.

So not sure of truly giving my users admin rights but remove the ability for them to administer my Piwigo is the right way to go about this but hopefully what I am looking for makes sense? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Tom.

Piwigo 12.2.0
Operating system: Linux
PHP: 7.4.28 (Show info) [2022-04-11 01:23:13]
MySQL: 5.5.5-10.4.24-MariaDB-1:10.4.24+maria~focal [2022-04-11 05:23:13]
Graphics Library: External ImageMagick 6.9.10-23
Cache size 40.5 Mo

Plugin List:
LocalFiles Editor
No Stats For Robots
PHP Captcha for Piwigo
Tag Recognition
Take A Tour of Your Piwigo
User Tags



#2 2022-04-11 07:47:29


Re: Hide or Remove Administration Menu Option

I gues poking around some more and looks like a modern day versions of the Icy Picture Modify plugin is what I am looking for. Anyone know if something like this exists?



#3 2022-04-11 10:54:25


Re: Hide or Remove Administration Menu Option

I will follow this thread in case someone finds a solution.
I want to give rights on the content management, not on the container management. The Community plugin is not satisfactory in this aspect: it does not give enough rights.  To manage photos and albums properly, my collaborators need to be given webmaster rights. And also receive all the supervision mails.

https://album.chauvigne.info/ v.15.1.0  PHP: 8.2.25
https://balades.comoni.org/  v.15.1.0 PHP: 8.2.25
Système d'exploitation: Linux - Hébergeur 1&1-Ionos - MySQL: 5.7.42
Bibliothèque graphique: External ImageMagick 6.9.11-60



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