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Manual installation

Manual installation

In the manual installation process, you download the full archive of Piwigo, extract its content and transfer it on your web server.

Step 1 - Download the full archive

Download the full archive and unzip it.

Step 2 - Upload the archive content

Transfer the archive content to your web server with any FTP client.

The Piwigo team recommends FileZilla as an FTP client because, just like Piwigo, it is free and compatible with Windows and Linux.

Start FileZilla and fill the following connection settings with the information given by your web hosting provider:

Click the Quickconnect button. You are now connected to your web server.

  • Host
  • Username
  • Password

1.Create a directory “photos” on your web server.

2.On you hard disk drive, open the “piwigo” extracted directory.

3.Select all the files and transfer them on your server in the “photos” directory.

Connect and transfer

Step 3 - Configuration

Once all files are transfered, go to the web address with a web browser, for example Piwigo will detect nothing is installed yet, and redirect you to the installation page.

Now comes the MySQL database settings and the webmaster account to administer your gallery

You can also install Piwigo at the website root, the “photos” directory is not mandatory. Whatever directory name you choose, it is recommended to avoid showing Piwigo release number.

Fill in MySQL database connection settings, as given by your web hosting provider::

  • Host
  • User ( Warning, your web hosting provider may provide separate connection settings for FTP and MySQL.)
  • Password
  • Database name
  • A prefix for Piwigo table names (Most often, web hosting providers allow a single database per customer, but you can create as many tables as you want in the same database. To avoid conflicts with other web applications, or allow several Piwigo installations on the same website, the table names have a prefix. By default, this prefix is ”piwigo_”, but you can change it (only alphanumeric characters are allowed).)

The following is required to create the webmaster account:

  • An account identifier, chosen by you
  • A password you have to enter twice, for checking
  • Your email address, so that visitors can contact you

Run the “Start Install” action.

Installation side

You will be informed about either success or failure of the installation process.

Successful installation

Step 4 - First connection

Once the installation is finished, you can go into your gallery. Login with your webmaster account, and you can reach the administration panel.

Piwigo is installed

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