
#1 2013-02-04 14:35:32

Piwigo Team
Nantes, France, Europe

Piwigo 2.5.0RC1

Dear Piwigo beta-testers,

We're two months late compared to the original 2.5 roadmap but here is the first release candidate for Piwigo 2.5. This version is for test only, don't install it on your live website.

For those who have followed the beta versions of the previous months, you already know what Piwigo 2.5 brings. For others, you can read previous announcements:

* announcement for 2.5.0beta1
* announcement for 2.5.0beta2
* announcement for 2.5.0beta3

1) Changes

Here follows the list of changes available in version 2.5.0RC1, compared to version 2.5.0beta3:

* [Bugtracker] ticket 2831
* [Bugtracker] ticket 2425
* [Bugtracker] ticket 2833

* [Bugtracker] ticket 65 (8 years old request, never stop hoping)
* [Bugtracker] ticket 2835
* [Bugtracker] ticket 2834
* [Bugtracker] ticket 2684
* [Bugtracker] ticket 2663
* [Bugtracker] ticket 2823
* [Bugtracker] ticket 2826
* [Bugtracker] ticket 2820
* [Bugtracker] ticket 2798
* [Bugtracker] ticket 2772

* [Bugtracker] ticket 2794
* [Bugtracker] ticket 2816

2) Screenshots

Piwigo gets an improved group manager. Just like the photo batch manager, you can apply an action to several groups at once. New action added "merge groups".

Better default icons for default theme Elegant. That's just the beginning, other icons must be improved too.

Since Piwigo 2.4, when displaying thumbnails, you can sometimes see that the thumbnail is not available because Piwigo has to generate it. With Piwigo 2.5, if the thumbnail is not available we display a default icon.

3) Start your tests

Test Piwigo 2.5 live demo or Download Piwigo 2.5.0RC1

Please, open a new topic in the beta testing forum for each problem you may encounter.

If you can not install this test release, but you still want to test and help us stabilize Piwigo 2.5, we will provide you a "ready to use" test environment. Just ask.

Have a nice time while discovering Piwigo 2.5 new features!

The Piwigo Team


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