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#1 2020-10-27 07:37:57


Suggestions for additions to Glossary page


I noticed that the Glossary page here hasn't been modified since early 2014. And in learning Piwigo I've noticed that there were some terms that were not immediately recognizable to non-coders. I'd like to suggest some additions. Please let me know if these are good to add and if it is possible for me to get edit permission on that wiki page.

Most of these are new, however if you see text in [ ] then that text is the current text for the entry followed by my suggestion.

Album Thumbnail: This is the photo that is shown for a particular album on the page listing all albums.

Batch Manager: Batch Manager is a tool to let you change the information for photos in bulk, many photos at a time. For example you could add a new tag to a group of photos you recently uploaded.

Breadcrumb: This is a navigation that shows you the hierarchy of the page you are looking at. For example "Home / animals / our-big-cat /" Where animals is the name of an album and our-big-cat is the name of the photo.

caddie : This is like a basket that an administrator can put photos into while browsing. Then the admin can go to the Batch Manager and modify all the photos in the caddie. You can also easily see the contents of the caddie by going to Admin>Photos>Caddie

config: The config file allows you to set options that are not available through the regular Configuration area.

Created on: This is usually the original date the photo was created. It is taken from the EXIF data but can be changed once it is uploaded.

EXIF: Characteristics of a photo such as make and model of camera, AperatureFNumber, etc. It is also referred to as metadata

Groups: Groups can be created and users put into groups. These groups can then be given permissions to do or view things across the gallery.

Guest: Anyone who visits the website when not logged in is using the "guest" user. The guest user cannot be deleted and it is created automatically upon installation. You can block guest users using the config file.

Keyword: see tag

Metadata: See EXIF

Numeric identifier: Every photo and album has a unique numeric identifier. This is assigned automatically by the software. End users never see or use the identifier.

Properties page: This is the page in the Admin area where you can change all of the details of a photo.

Related Tags menu item: The tags listed under the Related Tags menu are usually tags that are found in the images on that page. If the listing includes tags with a + sign in front of them, clicking on that tag will narrow the images to only those with that tag and any other tags previously selected.

Status : [the role of the user within the gallery.] The role of the user within the gallery. Some possible statuses are Administrator, User, Webmaster

Synchronization : [During synchronization, Piwigo will scan folders and files under the ”galleries” directory and create corresponding albums and photos in the database.] During synchronization, Piwigo will scan folders and files under the ”galleries” directory on your server and create corresponding albums and photos in the database. You will need to add them to your server using FTP software.

Tag: A tag is a word associated with a photos. Adding tags is a way to give meaning to photos. It is identical to keyword.



#2 2020-10-27 07:50:47

Former Piwigo Team

Re: Suggestions for additions to Glossary page

The glossary page is powered by a wiki. Create an account and feel free to enhance the page.



#3 2020-10-27 08:04:31


Re: Suggestions for additions to Glossary page

@nicolas I don't see a way to register for the wiki. When I use my forum account to log in to the wiki, it tells me that my username or password is wrong. And I don't see a register option on the wiki login page. That's why I assumed that you needed special permission to edit it.

I'd be more than happy to make the changes if someone could help me log in. Is there someone who is in charge of the wiki?



#4 2020-10-27 11:13:14

Only trying to help

Re: Suggestions for additions to Glossary page

I think only Pierrick (plg) can add new accounts.

Running Piwigo at https://erack.net/gallery/



#5 2020-10-27 13:00:36

Piwigo Team
Nantes, France, Europe

Re: Suggestions for additions to Glossary page

@erAck Even I can't add new accounts :-/ The admin panel of the wiki is a blank page. Certainly an incompatibility with our version of PHP and dokuwiki. We really need to restart clean on the documentation (and separate user doc and dev doc)

@piwent I have updated https://piwigo.org/doc/doku.php?id=about:glossary with your suggestions (I changed a few things but I overall copied your text). I also removed some lines that where no longer valid today.



#6 2020-10-27 14:26:10


Re: Suggestions for additions to Glossary page

@plg Thanks so much! I even learned more things seeing your changes.

For "Album", should "Every photo must be in at least one album" be added?

I would suggest changing this:
You can block guest users using the local config and $conf['guest_access'] setting.

You can block guest users by adding the following line to the local config: $conf['guest_access'] = false;

In for a penny, in for a pound, I say. Unless of course there is an article that could be linked to.

If there is some help I could contribute towards the documentation I would be happy to have the chance to give back to this wonderful project.



#7 2020-10-28 07:31:23

Former Piwigo Team

Re: Suggestions for additions to Glossary page

piwent wrote:

@nicolas I don't see a way to register for the wiki. When I use my forum account to log in to the wiki, it tells me that my username or password is wrong. And I don't see a register option on the wiki login page. That's why I assumed that you needed special permission to edit it.

I'd be more than happy to make the changes if someone could help me log in. Is there someone who is in charge of the wiki?

My bad. :-( As Pierrick said, it used to worked as you expected but something has changed.



#8 2020-10-30 12:30:15


Re: Suggestions for additions to Glossary page

Another addition:

Extension: An extension is a way to do more things with Piwigo. Extensions can be plugins, themes, languages, or tools. See https://piwigo.org/ext/

Tool: In Piwigo, a tool is an extension that allows you to connect software you are already using on your computer (like Photoshop) with your Piwigo site.


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  •  » Suggestions for additions to Glossary page

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