Hey to all but specially to the founders of this project,
just recntly i discovered you're fantastic software and nothing but RESPECT !! AWESOME JOB !!
I'm a wind and wave surfer and since 1 year i got a personal site (about my photography) wich i developed in frontpage but goiin along time i discovered some missing features i wanted to add and this is where my road to hell started , guess most of us know the issue if you arn't able to program in Php!!!!!
And for really long time i was looking for suitable template's wich where quite basic but simply and specially adapted to picture management and photographers and then was god , no a friend , lol , told me about your initiative and i am so stoked to find some people working with passion on free software that i'm also more than willing to help where i can!
On marketing level for piwigo but if people have questions about photographing or drawing i am more than happy to help with info
Thx for making people happy and keep on programming !! :-))
Thx again and peace
a very stoked surfer from belgium !!
We'll appreciate a direct link to your Piwigo gallery asap.
A link to your photo gallery would be really nice :-)
wavewatcher wrote:
[...] i'm also more than willing to help where i can!On marketing level [...]
That sounds interesting? There are several ways to help at marketing level, as described on the "Contribute" page:
* register on Ohloh and declare you use Piwigo
* subscribe to Piwigo project on Freshmeat and give a vote
* rate Piwigo on Hotscripts
* write about Piwigo on your blog
* write about Piwigo in photography communities when it's relevant
* write a testimonial
* bookmark piwigo.org on Delicious-like websites
Maybe you have other ideas that are not listed here? Anyway, we're very interested in such contributions. The project is really lacking of marketing :-/
here you can find the result of my work till now www.wavewatcher.be/wavewatcher2 ; any remarks welcome !
don't watch the minor bugs , i'm newbie to php :-)
And ofcourse plg, i'll try to help where ever i can with the marketing , later this week i'l pass thrue your checklist , i'll keep you updated :-)