Edit : 01 - 09 - 2010
there'se 50/350 line translate for puplique part
We would like to propose Piwigo to Greek
The translation is not started, but translating it a few lines that will no longer be true ;-)
If you want to help translate these few lines and gradually we will propose the Greek for all
Replaces the second part (orange on the first line) by the Greek translation
$lang_info['language_name'] = "English";
$lang_info['country'] = "Great Britain";
$lang_info['direction'] = "ltr";
$lang_info['code'] = "en";
$lang_info['zero_plural'] = "1";
$lang['Upload a picture'] = "Upload a picture";
$lang['useful when password forgotten'] = "useful in case password is forgotten";
$lang['Quick search'] = "Quick search";
$lang['Connected user: %s'] = "Connected user: %s";
The first part by email :-)
$lang_info['language_name'] = "Ελληνικά";
$lang_info['country'] = "Ελλάδα";
$lang_info['direction'] = "ltr";
$lang_info['code'] = "en";
$lang_info['zero_plural'] = "1";
$lang['Upload a picture'] = "ανέβασμα φωτογραφίας";
$lang['useful when password forgotten'] = "χρήσιμο σε περίπτωση απώλειας του password";
$lang['Quick search'] = "Γρήγορη αναζήτηση";
$lang['Connected user: %s'] = "Συνδεμένοι χρήστες: %s";
$lang['IP: %s'] = "IP: %s";
$lang['Browser: %s'] = "Φυλλομετρητής: %s";
$lang['Author: %s'] = "Συγγραφέας: %s";
$lang['Comment: %s'] = "Σχόλιο: %s";
$lang['Comment by %s'] = "Σχόλιο από %s";
$lang['User: %s'] = "Χρήστης: %s";
$lang['Email: %s'] = "Email: %s";
$lang['Admin: %s'] = "Διαχειριστής: %s";
$lang['Registration of %s'] = "Καταχωρήθηκε από of %s";
$lang['Category: %s'] = "Κατηγορία: %s";
$lang['Picture name: %s'] = "Όνομα φωτογραφίας: %s";
$lang['Creation date: %s'] = "Ημέρα δημιουργίας: %s";
$lang['Waiting page: %s'] = "Awaiting page: %s";
$lang['Picture uploaded by %s'] = "Φωτογραφία ανέβηκε από %s";
$lang['Bad status for user "guest", using default status. Please notify the webmaster.'] = "Κακή θέση χρήστη \"επισκέπτης\", θα χρησιμοποιηθεί η προεπιλεγμένη θέση. Παρακαλώ ειδοποιήστε τον webmaster.";
$lang['Administrator, webmaster and special user cannot use this method'] = "Διαχειριστές, webmaster και special χρήστες δεν μπορούν να χρησιμοποιήσουν αυτή τη μέθοδο";
$lang['a user use already this mail address'] = "η διεύθυνση email χρησιμοποιείται ήδη από άλλο χρήστη";
$lang['Category results for'] = "Αποτελέσματα κατηγορίας για ";
$lang['Tag results for'] = "Αποτελέσμα ετικετών για";
$lang['from %s to %s'] = "από %s σε %s";
$lang['Play of slideshow'] = "Παίξε slideshow";
$lang['Pause of slideshow'] = "Παύση slideshow";
$lang['Repeat the slideshow'] = "Επανάληψη slideshow";
$lang['Not repeat the slideshow'] = "Να μην επεναληφθεί το slideshow";
$lang['Reduce diaporama speed'] = "Μείωση ταχύτητας slideshow ";
$lang['Accelerate diaporama speed'] = "Αύξηση ταχύτητας slideshow ";
$lang['Submit'] = "Υποβάλλω";
$lang['Yes'] = "Ναι";
$lang['No'] = "Όχι";
$lang['%d image'] = "%d εικόνα";
$lang['%d images'] = "%d εικόνα";
$lang['%d image is also linked to current tags'] = "%d η εικόνα είναι επίσης συνδεμένη με τις υπάρχοντες ετικέτες";
$lang['%d images are also linked to current tags'] = "%d οι εικόνες είναι είναι επίσης συνδεμένες με τις υπάρχοντες ετικέτες";
$lang['See images linked to this tag only'] = "Εμφάνιση μόνο των εικόνων που είναι συνδεμένες με αυτή την ετικέτα";
$lang['images posted during the last %d days'] = "Εικόνες που αναρτήθηκαν κατά την διάρκεια των τελευταίων %d ημερών";
$lang['Choose an image'] = "Διάλεξε μίαεικόνα";
$lang['Piwigo Help'] = "Piwigo βοήθεια";
$lang['Rank'] = "Βαθμός";
$lang['group by letters'] = "Ομαδοποίηση κατά γράμμα";
$lang['letters'] = "γράμματα";
$lang['show tag cloud'] = "Εμφάνιση ετικετών";
$lang['cloud'] = "σύννεφο";
$lang['Reset to default values'] = "Επαναφορά αρχικών ρυθμίσεων";
$lang['delete all images from your favorites'] = "διαγραφή όλων των αρχείων από τα αγαπημένα";
$lang['Sent by'] = "Αποστολή με";
$lang['Cookies are blocked or not supported by your browser. You must enable cookies to connect.'] = "Τα cookies έχουν μπλοκαριστεί ή δεν υποστηρίζονται από τον φυλλομετρητή σας. Πρέπει να ενεργοποιήσετε τα cookies ώστε να συνδεθείτε..";
a news liste
$lang['Elements posted within the last %d days.'] = "Elements posted within the last %d days only.";
$lang['password updated'] = "password updated";
$lang['Recent period must be a positive integer value'] = "Recent period must be a positive integer value";
$lang['picture'] = "picture";
$lang['Click on the picture to see it in high definition'] = "Click on the picture to see it in high definition";
$lang['Show file metadata'] = "Show file metadata";
$lang['Powered by'] = "Powered by";
$lang['Preferences'] = "Preferences";
$lang['Previous'] = "Previous";
$lang['Random pictures'] = "Random pictures";
$lang['display a set of random pictures'] = "display a set of random pictures";
$lang['Recent categories'] = "Recent categories";
$lang['display recently updated categories'] = "display recently updated categories";
$lang['Recent period'] = "Recent period";
$lang['Recent pictures'] = "Recent pictures";
$lang['display most recent pictures'] = "display most recent pictures";
$lang['Redirection...'] = "Redirection...";
$lang['Please, enter a login'] = "Please, enter a login";
$lang['login mustn\'t end with a space character'] = "login must not end with a space character";
$lang['login mustn\'t start with a space character'] = "login must not start with a space character";
$lang['this login is already used'] = "this login is already used";
$lang['mail address must be like xxx@yyy.eee (example : jack@altern.org)'] = "mail address must be like xxx@yyy.eee (example : jack@altern.org)";
$lang['please enter your password again'] = "please enter your password again";
$lang['Auto login'] = "Auto login";
$lang['remove this tag from the list'] = "remove this tag from the list";
$lang['representative'] = "representative";
$lang['return to homepage'] = "return to home page";
$lang['Search for Author'] = "Search for an author";
$lang['Search in Categories'] = "Search in categories";
$lang['Search by Date'] = "Search by date";
$lang['Date'] = "Date";
$lang['End-Date'] = "End date";
$lang['Kind of date'] = "Kind of date";
$lang['Search for words'] = "Search for words";
$lang['Search for all terms'] = "Search for all terms";
$lang['Search for any terms'] = "Search for any term";
$lang['Empty query. No criteria has been entered.'] = "Empty query. No criteria has been entered.";
$lang['Search Options'] = "Search options";
$lang['Search results'] = "Search results";
$lang['Search in subcategories'] = "Search in subcategories";
$lang['searched words : %s'] = "searched words : %s";
$lang['Contact'] = "Contact";
$lang['set as category representative'] = "set as category representative";
$lang['Show number of comments'] = "Show number of comments";
$lang['Show number of hits'] = "Show number of hits";
$lang['slideshow'] = "slideshow";
$lang['stop the slideshow'] = "stop the slideshow";
$lang['Specials'] = "Specials";
$lang['SQL queries in'] = "SQL queries in";
$lang['display only recently posted images'] = "display only recently posted images";
$lang['return to the display of all images'] = "return to the display of all images";
$lang['the beginning'] = "the beginning";
$lang['Interface theme'] = "Interface theme";
$lang['Thumbnails'] = "Thumbnails";
$lang['Menu'] = "Menu";
Take and the rest, but asI told you yesterday some thing can not be translated very well and some other can not be tranlsated at all...
Here is and the second part
$lang['Elements posted within the last %d days.'] = "Αρχεία που έχουν αναρτηθεί τις τελευταίες %d μέρες.";
$lang['password updated'] = "κωδικός ενημερώθηκε";
$lang['Recent period must be a positive integer value'] = "πρόσφατη περίοδος πρέπει να είναι θετικός ακέραιος αριθμός";
$lang['picture'] = "picture";
$lang['Click on the picture to see it in high definition'] = "Πατήστε πάνω στην εικόνα για να τη δείτε σε μεγάλη ανάλυση";
$lang['Show file metadata'] = "Εμφάνιση δεδομένων";
$lang['Powered by'] = "Powered by";
$lang['Preferences'] = "Προτιμήσεις";
$lang['Previous'] = "Προηγούμενο";
$lang['Random pictures'] = "Τυχαίες εικόνες";
$lang['display a set of random pictures'] = "προβολή μιας ομάδας τυχαίων εικόνων";
$lang['Recent categories'] = "Πρόσφατες κατηγορίες";
$lang['display recently updated categories'] = "Εμφάνιση πρόσφατα ανανεωμένων κατηγοριών";
$lang['Recent period'] = "πρόσφατη περίοδος ";
$lang['Recent pictures'] = "πρόσφατες εικόνες";
$lang['display most recent pictures'] = "προβολή των πιο πρόσφατων εικόνων";
$lang['Redirection...'] = "Ανακατεύθυνση...";
$lang['Please, enter a login'] = "Παρακαλώ εισάγετε login";
$lang['login mustn\'t end with a space character'] = "το login δεν πρέπει να τελειώνει με κενό";
$lang['login mustn\'t start with a space character'] = "το login δεν πρέπει να ξεκινάει με κενό";
$lang['this login is already used'] = "αυτό το login χρησιμοποιείται ήδη";
$lang['mail address must be like xxx@yyy.eee (example : jack@altern.org)'] = "η διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου πρέπει να είναι της μορφής xxx@yyy.eee (παράδειγμα: jack@altern.org)";
$lang['please enter your password again'] = "παρακαλώ εισάγετε το password σας ξανά";
$lang['Auto login'] = "Αυτόματη σύνδεση";
$lang['remove this tag from the list'] = "αφαίρεση ετικέτας από τη λίστα";
$lang['representative'] = "αντιπροσωπευτικός";
$lang['return to homepage'] = "επιστροφή στην αρχική σελίδα";
$lang['Search for Author'] = "αναζήτηση συγγραφέα";
$lang['Search in Categories'] = "αναζήτηση σε κατηγορίες";
$lang['Search by Date'] = "αναζήτηση με ημερομηνία";
$lang['Date'] = "ημερομηνία";
$lang['End-Date'] = "End date";
$lang['Kind of date'] = "είδος ημερομηνίας";
$lang['Search for words'] = "αναζήτηση λέξεων";
$lang['Search for all terms'] = "αναζήτηση για όλους τους όρους";
$lang['Search for any terms'] = "αναζήτηση για οποιοδήποτε όρο";
$lang['Empty query. No criteria has been entered.'] = "Κενή ερώτηση. Δεν έχει εισαχθεί κανένα κρητήριο.";
$lang['Search Options'] = "Επιλογές αναζήτησης";
$lang['Search results'] = "Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης";
$lang['Search in subcategories'] = "αναζήτηση σε υποκατηγορίες";
$lang['searched words : %s'] = "αναζητούμενες λέξεις: %s";
$lang['Contact'] = "επαφή";
$lang['set as category representative'] = "Ορισμός κατηγορίας ως αντιπροσωπευτική";
$lang['Show number of comments'] = "Προβολή αριθμού σχολίων";
$lang['Show number of hits'] = "Προβολή αριθμού εμφανίσεων";
$lang['slideshow'] = "slideshow";
$lang['stop the slideshow'] = "παύση slideshow";
$lang['Specials'] = "Specials";
$lang['SQL queries in'] = "SQL queries in";
$lang['display only recently posted images'] = "Προβολή μόνο προσφάτα αναρτηθέντων εικόνων";
$lang['return to the display of all images'] = "επιστροφή στην προβολή όλων των εικόνων";
$lang['the beginning'] = "Αρχή";
$lang['Interface theme'] = "Θέμα επιφάνειας";
$lang['Thumbnails'] = "Thumbnails";
$lang['Menu'] = "Μενού";
Last edited by Elizap (2010-09-02 10:43:36)
Thanks :-)
There's 110/350 line is translate for public part :-)
a news liste
$lang['display a calendar by creation date'] = 'display a calendar by creation date';
$lang['display all elements in all sub-categories'] = 'display all elements in all categories and sub-categories';
$lang['return to normal view mode'] = 'return to normal view mode';
$lang['display a calendar by posted date'] = 'display a calendar by posted date';
$lang['month'][10] = "October";
$lang['month'][11] = "November";
$lang['month'][12] = "December";
$lang['month'][1] = "January";
$lang['month'][2] = "February";
$lang['month'][3] = "March";
$lang['month'][4] = "April";
$lang['month'][5] = "May";
$lang['month'][6] = "June";
$lang['month'][7] = "July";
$lang['month'][8] = "August";
$lang['month'][9] = "September";
$lang['Most visited'] = 'Most visited';
$lang['display most visited pictures'] = 'display most visited pictures';
$lang['The number of images per row must be a not null scalar'] = 'The number of images per row must be a nonzero integer';
$lang['Number of images per row'] = 'Number of images per row';
$lang['The number of rows per page must be a not null scalar'] = 'The number of rows per page must be a nonzero integer';
$lang['Number of rows per page'] = 'Number of rows per page';
$lang['Unknown identifier'] = 'Unknown identifier';
$lang['New password'] = 'New password';
$lang['Rate this picture'] = 'Rate this picture';
$lang['Next'] = 'Next';
$lang['no rate'] = 'no rate';
$lang['Elements posted within the last %d day.'] = 'Elements posted within the last %d day only.';
$lang['A comment on your site'] = 'A comment on your site';
$lang['today'] = 'today';
$lang['Update your rating'] = 'Update your rating';
$lang['wrong filename'] = 'wrong filename';
$lang['the filesize of the picture must not exceed :'] = 'the picture filesize must not exceed :';
$lang['the picture must be to the fileformat jpg, gif or png'] = 'the picture fileformat must be jpg, gif or png';
$lang['the height of the picture must not exceed :'] = 'the picture height must not exceed :';
$lang['Optional, but recommended : choose a thumbnail to associate to'] = 'Optional, but recommended : choose a thumbnail to associate to';
$lang['the width of the picture must not exceed :'] = 'the width of the picture must not exceed :';
$lang['can\'t upload the picture on the server'] = 'the picture cannot be uploaded onto the server';
$lang['the username must be given'] = 'the username is required';
$lang['A picture\'s name already used'] = 'this picture name is already used';
$lang['You must choose a picture fileformat for the image'] = 'You must choose a picture fileformat for the image';
$lang['Name of the picture'] = 'Picture name';
$lang['Picture uploaded with success, an administrator will validate it as soon as possible'] = 'Picture uploaded with success, an administrator will validate it as soon as possible';
$lang['Some info about this picture'] = 'Information about this picture';
$lang['Some more (technical) info about this picture'] = 'More (technical) information about this picture';
$lang['edit this comment'] = 'edit this comment';
$lang['Edit a comment'] = 'Edit a comment';
$lang['Are you sure?'] = 'Are you sure?';
$lang['(!) This comment requires validation'] = '(!) This comment requires validation';
$lang['Welcome'] = 'Welcome';
$lang['Welcome to your Piwigo photo gallery!'] = 'Welcome to your Piwigo photo gallery!';
$lang['... or browse your empty gallery'] = '... or browse your empty gallery';
$lang['... or please deactivate this message, I will find my way by myself'] = '... or please deactivate this message, I will find my way by myself';
$lang['Hello %s, your Piwigo photo gallery is empty!'] = 'Hello %s, your Piwigo photo gallery is empty!';
$lang['I want to add photos'] = 'I want to add photos';
$lang['Manage this user comment: %s'] = 'Manage this user comment: %s';
$lang['Email address is missing. Please specify an email address.'] = 'Email address is missing. Please specify an email address.';
$lang['This author modified following comment:'] = 'This author modified following comment:';
$lang['This author removed the comment with id %d'] = 'This author removed the comment with id %d';
$lang['delete this comment'] = 'delete this comment';
$lang['validate this comment'] = 'validate this comment';
You got me in good mood ;-)
$lang['display a calendar by creation date'] = 'προβολή ημερολογίου κατά ημέρα δημιουργίας';
$lang['display all elements in all sub-categories'] = 'προβολή όλων των αρχείων σε όλες τις κατηγορίες και υποκατηγορίες';
$lang['return to normal view mode'] = 'επιστροφή σε κανονική προβολή';
$lang['display a calendar by posted date'] = 'προβολή ημερολογίου κατά ημέρα ανάρτησης';
$lang['month'][10] = "Οκτώβριος";
$lang['month'][11] = "Νοέμνριος";
$lang['month'][12] = "Δεκέμβριος";
$lang['month'][1] = "Ιανουάριος";
$lang['month'][2] = "Φεβρουάριος";
$lang['month'][3] = "Μάρτιος";
$lang['month'][4] = "Απρίλιος";
$lang['month'][5] = "Μάιος";
$lang['month'][6] = "Ιουνίος";
$lang['month'][7] = "Ιούλιος";
$lang['month'][8] = "Αύγουστος";
$lang['month'][9] = "Σεπτέμβριος";
$lang['Most visited'] = 'Περισσότερο visited';
$lang['display most visited pictures'] = 'προβολή εικόνων με τη μεγαλύτερη επισκεψιμότητα';
$lang['The number of images per row must be a not null scalar'] = 'Το νούμερο των εικόνων ανά σειρά πρέπει να είναι μη μηδενικό ακέραιο νούμερο';
$lang['Number of images per row'] = 'Αριθμός εικόνων ανά σειρά';
$lang['The number of rows per page must be a not null scalar'] = 'Το νούμερο σειρών ανά σελίδα πρέπει να είναι μη μηδενικός ακέραιος αριθμός';
$lang['Number of rows per page'] = 'Αριθμός σειρών ανά σελίδα';
$lang['Unknown identifier'] = 'Άγνωστο αναγνωριστικό';
$lang['New password'] = 'Νέος κωδικός';
$lang['Rate this picture'] = 'Βαθμολόγησε αυτή την εικόνα';
$lang['Next'] = 'Επόμενο';
$lang['no rate'] = 'χωρίς βαθμό';
$lang['Elements posted within the last %d day.'] = 'Αρχεία που έχουν αναρτηθεί μέσα στις τελευταίες %d ημέρες.';
$lang['A comment on your site'] = 'Ένα σχόλιο στο site σας';
$lang['today'] = 'σήμερα';
$lang['Update your rating'] = 'ανανεώστε τη βαθμολογία σας';
$lang['wrong filename'] = 'λάθος όνομα αρχείου';
$lang['the filesize of the picture must not exceed :'] = 'το μέγεθος αρχείου δεν πρέπει να υπερβαίνει :';
$lang['the picture must be to the fileformat jpg, gif or png'] = 'ο τύπος αρχείου της εικόνμας πρέπει να είναι jpg, gif ή png';
$lang['the height of the picture must not exceed :'] = 'το ύψος της εικόνας δεν πρέπει υπερβαίνει :';
$lang['Optional, but recommended : choose a thumbnail to associate to'] = 'Προαιρετικά, αλλά το συνιστούμε : διάλέξτε ένα thumbnail να συνδέσετε με ';
$lang['the width of the picture must not exceed :'] = 'το πλάτος της εικόνας δεν πρέπει να υπερβαίνει :';
$lang['can\'t upload the picture on the server'] = 'η εικόναδεν μπορεί να ανέβει στο σέρβερ';
$lang['the username must be given'] = 'το όνομα χρήστη είναι απαραίτητο';
$lang['A picture\'s name already used'] = 'το όνομα αρχείου χρησιμοποιείται ήδη';
$lang['You must choose a picture fileformat for the image'] = 'Πρέπει να επιλέξετε έναν τύπο αρχείου για αυτή την εικόνα';
$lang['Name of the picture'] = 'όνομα εικόνας';
$lang['Picture uploaded with success, an administrator will validate it as soon as possible'] = 'Η εικόνα ανέβηκε με επιτυχία, κάποιος διαχειριστής θα την αξιολογήσει το συντομότερο δυντατόν';
$lang['Some info about this picture'] = 'Πληροφορίες γι'αυτή την εικόνα';
$lang['Some more (technical) info about this picture'] = 'Περισσότερες (τεχνικές) πληροφορίες γι'αυτή την εικόνα';
$lang['edit this comment'] = 'επεξεργασία αυτού του σχολίου';
$lang['Edit a comment'] = 'Επεξεργασία ενός σχολίου';
$lang['Are you sure?'] = 'Είστε σίγουρος; ';
$lang['(!) This comment requires validation'] = '(!) Αυτό το σχόλιο απαιτεί επικύρωση ';
$lang['Welcome'] = 'Καλώς ήρθατε';
$lang['Welcome to your Piwigo photo gallery!'] = 'Καλως ήρθατε στην Piwigo φωτογραγραφική γκαλερύ σας!';
$lang['... or browse your empty gallery'] = '... ή περιηγηθείτε στην άδεια σας γκαλερύ';
$lang['... or please deactivate this message, I will find my way by myself'] = '... ή παρακαλώ απενεργοποιήστε αυτό το μήνυμα. Θα βρω τον τρόπο μόνος μου';
$lang['Hello %s, your Piwigo photo gallery is empty!'] = 'Γεια %s, η Piwigo φωτογραφική γκαλερύ σας είναι άδεια!';
$lang['I want to add photos'] = 'Θέλω να προσθέσω φωτογραφίες';
$lang['Manage this user comment: %s'] = 'Διευθέτησε αυτό το σχόλιο χρήστη: %s';
$lang['Email address is missing. Please specify an email address.'] = 'Η διεύθυνση ηλετρονικού ταχυδρομείου λείπει. Παρακαλώ καθορίστε μία διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου.';
$lang['This author modified following comment:'] = 'Αυτός ο συγγραφές τροποποίησε το ακόλουθο σχόλιο:';
$lang['This author removed the comment with id %d'] = 'Αυτός ο συγγραφές αφαίρεσε το σχόλιο με id d %d';
$lang['delete this comment'] = 'διαγραφή αυτού του σχολίου';
$lang['validate this comment'] = 'επικυρώστε αυτό το σχόλιο';
Last edited by Elizap (2010-09-02 12:20:30)
Thanks :-)
There's 170/350 line is translate for public part :-)
a new liste
$lang['An administrator must authorize your comment before it is visible.'] = 'An administrator must authorize your comment before it becomes visible.';
$lang['This login is already used by another user'] = 'This login is already used by another user';
$lang['Comments'] = 'Comments';
$lang['Add a comment'] = 'Add a comment';
$lang['created after %s (%s)'] = 'created after %s (%s)';
$lang['created before %s (%s)'] = 'created before %s (%s)';
$lang['created between %s (%s) and %s (%s)'] = 'created between %s (%s) and %s (%s)';
$lang['created on %s'] = 'created on %s';
$lang['Customize'] = 'Customize';
$lang['Your Gallery Customization'] = 'Your gallery customization';
$lang['day'][0] = "Sunday";
$lang['day'][1] = "Monday";
$lang['day'][2] = "Tuesday";
$lang['day'][3] = "Wednesday";
$lang['day'][4] = "Thursday";
$lang['day'][5] = "Friday";
$lang['day'][6] = "Saturday";
$lang['Default'] = 'Default';
$lang['delete this image from your favorites'] = 'delete this image from your favorites';
$lang['Delete'] = 'Delete';
$lang['descending'] = 'descending';
$lang['download'] = 'download';
$lang['download this file'] = 'download this file';
$lang['edit'] = 'edit';
$lang['wrong date'] = 'wrong date';
$lang['excluded'] = 'excluded';
$lang['My favorites'] = 'My favorites';
$lang['display my favorites pictures'] = 'display my favorites pictures';
$lang['Favorites'] = 'Favorites';
$lang['First'] = 'First';
$lang['The gallery is locked for maintenance. Please, come back later.'] = 'The gallery is locked for maintenance. Please, come back later.';
$lang['Page generated in'] = 'Page generated in';
$lang['guest'] = 'guest';
$lang['Hello'] = 'Hello';
$lang['available for administrators only'] = 'available for administrators only';
$lang['shows images at the root of this category'] = 'shows images at the root of this category';
$lang['See last users comments'] = 'See last users comments';
$lang['customize the appareance of the gallery'] = 'customize the look of the gallery';
$lang['search'] = 'search';
$lang['Home'] = 'Home';
$lang['in this category'] = 'in this category';
$lang['in %d sub-category'] = 'in %d sub-category';
$lang['in %d sub-categories'] = 'in %d sub-categories';
$lang['included'] = 'included';
$lang['Invalid password!'] = 'Invalid password!';
$lang['Language'] = 'Language';
$lang['last %d days'] = 'last %d days';
$lang['Last'] = 'Last';
$lang['Logout'] = 'Logout';
$lang['E-mail address'] = 'E-mail address';
$lang['obligatory'] = 'mandatory';
$lang['Maximum height of the pictures'] = 'Pictures maximum height';
$lang['Maximum height must be a number superior to 50'] = 'Maximum height must be a number greater than 50';
$lang['Maximum width of the pictures'] = 'Pictures maximum width';
$lang['Maximum width must be a number superior to 50'] = 'Maximum width must be a number greater than 50';
Got no mood for work today :-p
$lang['An administrator must authorize your comment before it is visible.'] = 'Κάποιος διαχειριστής πρέπει να αξιολογήσει το σχόλιο σας πριν γίνει ορατό.';
$lang['This login is already used by another user'] = 'Αυτό το login χρησιμοποιείται ήδη από κάποιον άλλον χρήστη';
$lang['Comments'] = 'Σχόλια';
$lang['Add a comment'] = 'Προσθέστε ένα σχόλιο';
$lang['created after %s (%s)'] = 'δημιουργήθηκε μετά από %s (%s)';
$lang['created before %s (%s)'] = 'δημιουργήθηκε πριν από %s (%s)';
$lang['created between %s (%s) and %s (%s)'] = 'δημιουργήθηκε μεταξύ %s (%s) και %s (%s)';
$lang['created on %s'] = 'δημιουργήθηκε στις %s';
$lang['Customize'] = 'Προσαρμόστε';
$lang['Your Gallery Customization'] = 'η γκαλερύ σας προσαρμόστηκε';
$lang['day'][0] = "Κυριακή";
$lang['day'][1] = "Δευτέρα";
$lang['day'][2] = "Τρίτη";
$lang['day'][3] = "Τετάρτη";
$lang['day'][4] = "Πέμπτη";
$lang['day'][5] = "Παρασκευή";
$lang['day'][6] = "Σάββατο";
$lang['Default'] = 'Προεπιλεγμένη';
$lang['delete this image from your favorites'] = 'διεγράψτε αυτή την εικόνα από τα αγαπημένα σας';
$lang['Delete'] = 'Διαγραφή';
$lang['descending'] = 'εξάγεται';
$lang['download'] = 'μεταφόρτωση';
$lang['download this file'] = 'μεταφόρτωση αυτού του αρχείου';
$lang['edit'] = 'επεξεργασία';
$lang['wrong date'] = 'λάθος ημερομηνία';
$lang['excluded'] = 'απαγορευμένο';
$lang['My favorites'] = 'Αγαπημένα';
$lang['display my favorites pictures'] = 'προβολή αγαπημένων εικόνων';
$lang['Favorites'] = 'Αγαπημένα';
$lang['First'] = 'Πρώτο';
$lang['The gallery is locked for maintenance. Please, come back later.'] = 'η γκαλερύ είναι κλειστή για συντήρηση. Παρακαλώ, ελάτε αργότερα.';
$lang['Page generated in'] = 'η σελίδα δημοσιεύτηκε στις';
$lang['guest'] = 'επισκέπτης';
$lang['Hello'] = 'Γεια';
$lang['available for administrators only'] = 'διαθέσιμο μόνο στους διαχειριστές';
$lang['shows images at the root of this category'] = 'προβολή εικόνων στην αρχή αυτής της κατηγορίας';
$lang['See last users comments'] = 'Προβολή σχολίων του τελευταίου χρήστη';
$lang['customize the appareance of the gallery'] = 'Προσαρμογή όψης της γκαλερύ';
$lang['search'] = 'αναζήτηση';
$lang['Home'] = 'Αρχική';
$lang['in this category'] = 'σε αυτή την κατηγορία';
$lang['in %d sub-category'] = 'σε %d υποκατηγορία';
$lang['in %d sub-categories'] = 'σε %d υποκατηγορίες';
$lang['included'] = 'included';
$lang['Invalid password!'] = 'Άκυρος κωδικός!';
$lang['Language'] = 'Γλώσσα';
$lang['last %d days'] = 'τελευταίες %d ημέρες';
$lang['Last'] = 'Τελευταία';
$lang['Logout'] = 'Αποσύνδεση';
$lang['E-mail address'] = 'Διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου';
$lang['obligatory'] = 'εντολέας';
$lang['Maximum height of the pictures'] = 'Μέγιστο ύψος εικόνας';
$lang['Maximum height must be a number superior to 50'] = 'Το μέγιστο ύψος πρέπει να είναι μεγαλύτερο του50';
$lang['Maximum width of the pictures'] = 'Μέγιστο πλάτος εικόνας';
$lang['Maximum width must be a number superior to 50'] = 'Το μέγιστο πλάτος πρέπει να είναι μεγαλύτερου του 50';
Last edited by Elizap (2010-09-02 15:08:24)
Thanks :-)
Let us finish the 350 line now
There's 221/350 line is translate for public part :-)
a new liste
delete list 03/06/2011
Last edited by ddtddt (2011-03-06 13:48:51)
For finish the public part the rest 125 line
Can you translate
$lang['%d album updated'] = '%d album updated';
$lang['%d albums updated'] = '%d albums updated';
$lang['%d comment to validate'] = '%d comment to validate';
$lang['%d comments to validate'] = '%d comments to validate';
$lang['%d new comment'] = '%d new comment';
$lang['%d new comments'] = '%d new comments';
$lang['%d comment'] = '%d comment';
$lang['%d comments'] = '%d comments';
$lang['%d hit'] = '%d hit';
$lang['%d hits'] = '%d hits';
$lang['%d new photo'] = '%d new photo';
$lang['%d new photos'] = '%d new photos';
$lang['%d new user'] = '%d new user';
$lang['%d new users'] = '%d new users';
$lang['About'] = 'About';
$lang['All tags'] = 'All tags';
$lang['Any tag'] = 'Any tag';
$lang['At least one listed rule must be satisfied.'] = 'At least one listed criterion must be satisfied.';
$lang['At least one tag must match'] = 'At least one tag must match';
$lang['Author'] = 'Author';
$lang['Average rate'] = 'Average rate';
$lang['Albums'] = 'Albums';
$lang['Album'] = 'Album';
$lang['Close this window'] = 'Close this window';
$lang['Complete RSS feed (photos, comments)'] = 'Complete RSS feed (photos, comments)';
$lang['Confirm Password'] = 'Confirm Password';
$lang['Connection settings'] = 'Connection settings';
$lang['Login'] = 'Login';
$lang['Contact webmaster'] = 'Contact webmaster';
$lang['Create a new account'] = 'Create a new account';
$lang['Created on'] = 'Created on';
$lang['Current password is wrong'] = 'Current password is wrong';
$lang['Dimensions'] = 'Dimensions';
$lang['Display'] = 'Display';
$lang['Each listed rule must be satisfied.'] = 'Each listed criterion must be satisfied.';
$lang['Email address'] = 'Email address';
$lang['Enter your personnal informations'] = 'Enter your personnal data';
$lang['Error sending email'] = 'Error when sending email';
$lang['File name'] = 'File name';
$lang['File'] = 'File';
$lang['Filesize'] = 'Filesize';
$lang['Filter and display'] = 'Filter and display';
$lang['Filter'] = 'Filter';
$lang['Forgot your password?'] = 'Forgot your password?';
$lang['Go through the gallery as a visitor'] = 'Navigate the gallery as a visitor';
$lang['Help'] = 'Help';
$lang['Identification'] = 'Identification';
$lang['Photos only RSS feed'] = 'Photos only RSS feed';
$lang['Keyword'] = 'Keyword';
$lang['Links'] = 'Links';
$lang['N/A'] = 'N/A';
$lang['New on %s'] = 'New on %s';
$lang['New password confirmation does not correspond'] = 'New password confirmation does not match';
$lang['New password sent by email'] = 'New password sent by email';
$lang['No email address'] = 'No email address';
$lang['No classic user matches this email address'] = 'No classic user matches this email address';
$lang['Notification'] = 'Notification';
$lang['Number of items'] = 'Number of items';
$lang['Original dimensions'] = 'Original dimensions';
$lang['Password forgotten'] = 'Password forgotten';
$lang['Password'] = 'Password';
Last edited by ddtddt (2011-04-18 14:10:54)
As good as I can, because some things are not quite much from English to Greek
ddtddt wrote:
For finish the public part the rest 125 line
Can you translate
$lang['%d album updated'] = '%d ενημερωμένο άλμπουμ';
$lang['%d albums updated'] = '%d ενημερωμένα άλμπουμ';
$lang['%d comment to validate'] = '%d σχόλιο για επικύρωση';
$lang['%d comments to validate'] = '%d σχόλια για επικύρωση';
$lang['%d new comment'] = '%d νέο σχόλιο';
$lang['%d new comments'] = '%d νέα σχόλια';
$lang['%d comment'] = '%d σχόλιο';
$lang['%d comments'] = '%d σχόλια';
$lang['%d hit'] = '%d εμφάνιση';
$lang['%d hits'] = '%d εμφανίσεις';
$lang['%d new photo'] = '%d νέα φωτογραφία';
$lang['%d new photos'] = '%d νέες φωτογραφίες';
$lang['%d new user'] = '%d νέος χρήστης';
$lang['%d new users'] = '%d νέοι χρήστες';
$lang['About'] = 'Περί';
$lang['All tags'] = 'Όλες οι ετικέτες';
$lang['Any tag'] = 'οποιαδήποτε ετικέτα';
$lang['At least one listed rule must be satisfied.'] = 'Πρέπει να τηρείται τουλάχιστον ένα κριτήριοτης λίστας.';
$lang['At least one tag must match'] = 'Πρέπει να ταιριάζει τουλάχιστον μία ετικέτα';
$lang['Author'] = 'Συγγραφέας';
$lang['Average rate'] = 'Μέσος όρος βαθμολογίας';
$lang['Albums'] = 'Αλμπουμ';
$lang['Album'] = 'Άλμπουμ';
$lang['Close this window'] = 'Κλείσιμο παραθύρου';
$lang['Complete RSS feed (photos, comments)'] = 'Ολοκληρωμένο RSS feed (φωτογραφίες, σχόλια)';
$lang['Confirm Password'] = 'Επιβεβαίωση κωδικού';
$lang['Connection settings'] = 'Ρυθμίσεις σύνδεσης';
$lang['Login'] = 'Σύνδεση';
$lang['Contact webmaster'] = 'Επικοινωνία με τον διαχειριστή';
$lang['Create a new account'] = 'Δημιουργία νέου λογαριασμού';
$lang['Created on'] = 'Δημιουργήθηκε στις';
$lang['Current password is wrong'] = 'Λάθος κωδικός';
$lang['Dimensions'] = 'Διαστάσεις';
$lang['Display'] = 'Εμφάνιση';
$lang['Each listed rule must be satisfied.'] = 'Όλα τα κρητία της λίστας πρέπει να τηρούνται.';
$lang['Email address'] = Διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου';
$lang['Enter your personnal informations'] = 'Εισάγετε τα προσωπικά σας δεδομένα';
$lang['Error sending email'] = 'Σφάλμα κατά την αποστολή μηνύματος ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου';
$lang['File name'] = 'Όνομα αρχείου';
$lang['File'] = 'Αρχείου';
$lang['Filesize'] = 'Μέγεθος αρχείου';
$lang['Filter and display'] = 'Φιλτράρισμα και εμφάνιση';
$lang['Filter'] = 'Φιλτράρισμα';
$lang['Forgot your password?'] = 'Υπενθύμιση κωδικού';
$lang['Go through the gallery as a visitor'] = 'Περιήγηση ως επισκέπτης';
$lang['Help'] = 'Βοήθεια';
$lang['Identification'] = 'Αναγνωριστικό';
$lang['Photos only RSS feed'] = 'RSS feed μόνο για φωτογραφίες';
$lang['Keyword'] = 'Keyword';
$lang['Links'] = 'Σύνδεσμοι';
$lang['N/A'] = 'N/A';
$lang['New on %s'] = 'Καινούργιο στις %s';
$lang['New password confirmation does not correspond'] = 'Ο νέος κωδικός δεν ταιριάζει';
$lang['New password sent by email'] = 'Ο νέος κωδικός έχει σταλθεί με μήνυμα ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου';
$lang['No email address'] = 'Χωρίς διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου';
$lang['No classic user matches this email address'] = 'Δεν υπάρχει χρήστης με αυτή τη διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου';
$lang['Notification'] = 'Ειδοποίηση';
$lang['Number of items'] = 'Αριθμός αντικειμένων';
$lang['Original dimensions'] = 'Αρχικές διαστάσεις';
$lang['Password forgotten'] = 'Κωδικός ξεχασμένος';
$lang['Password'] = 'Κωδικός';
Thanks :-)
can you translate also
$lang['Profile'] = 'Profile';
$lang['Quick connect'] = 'Quick connect';
$lang['RSS feed'] = 'RSS feed';
$lang['Rate'] = 'Rate';
$lang['Register'] = 'Register';
$lang['Registration'] = 'Registration';
$lang['Related tags'] = 'Related tags';
$lang['Reset'] = 'Reset';
$lang['Retrieve password'] = 'Retrieve password';
$lang['Search rules'] = 'Search criteria';
$lang['Search tags'] = 'Search tags';
$lang['Search'] = 'Search';
$lang['display available tags'] = 'display available tags';
$lang['Send new password'] = 'Send new password';
$lang['Since'] = 'Since';
$lang['Sort by'] = 'Sort by';
$lang['Sort order'] = 'Sort order';
$lang['Tag'] = 'Tag';
$lang['Tags'] = 'Tags';
$lang['The RSS notification feed provides notification on news from this website : new photos, updated albums, new comments. Use a RSS feed reader.'] = 'The RSS feed provides notification on new events from this website: new photos, updated albums, new comments. To be used with a RSS feed reader.';
$lang['Unknown feed identifier'] = 'Unknown feed identifier';
$lang['User comments'] = 'User comments';
$lang['Username'] = 'Username';
$lang['Visits'] = 'Visits';
$lang['Webmaster'] = 'Webmaster';
$lang['Week %d'] = 'Week %d';
$lang['About Piwigo'] = 'About Piwigo';
$lang['You are not authorized to access the requested page'] = 'You are not authorized to access the requested page';
$lang['add to caddie'] = 'add to caddie';
$lang['add this photo to your favorites'] = 'add this photo to your favorites';
$lang['Administration'] = 'Administration';
$lang['all'] = 'all';
$lang['ascending'] = 'ascending';
$lang['author(s) : %s'] = 'author(s) : %s';
$lang['Expand all albums'] = 'Expand all albums';
$lang['posted after %s (%s)'] = 'posted after %s (%s)';
$lang['posted before %s (%s)'] = 'posted before %s (%s)';
$lang['posted between %s (%s) and %s (%s)'] = 'posted between %s (%s) and %s (%s)';
$lang['posted on %s'] = 'posted on %s';
$lang['Best rated'] = 'Best rated';
$lang['display best rated photos'] = 'display best rated photos';
$lang['caddie'] = 'Caddie';
$lang['Calendar'] = 'Calendar';
$lang['All'] = 'All';
$lang['display each day with photos, month per month'] = 'display each day with photos, month per month';
$lang['View'] = 'View';
$lang['chronology_monthly_calendar'] = 'Monthly calendar';
$lang['chronology_monthly_list'] = 'Monthly list';
$lang['chronology_weekly_list'] = 'Weekly list';
$lang['Click here if your browser does not automatically forward you'] = 'Click here if your browser does not automatically forward you';
$lang['comment date'] = 'comment date';
$lang['Comment'] = 'Comment';
$lang['Your comment has been registered'] = 'Your comment has been registered';
$lang['Anti-flood system : please wait for a moment before trying to post another comment'] = 'Anti-flood system : please wait for a moment before trying to post another comment';
$lang['Your comment has NOT been registered because it did not pass the validation rules'] = 'Your comment has NOT been registered because it did not pass the validation rules';
$lang['Your favorites'] = 'Your favorites';
$lang['display this album'] = 'display this album';
$lang['display last user comments'] = 'display last user comments';
$lang['The number of photos per page must be a not null scalar'] = 'The number of photos per page must be a nonzero integer';
$lang['Number of photos per page'] = 'Number of photos per page';
$lang['this email address is already in use'] = 'this email address is already in use';
$lang['html tags are not allowed in login'] = 'html tags are not allowed in login';
I did this part. I tried to be as compatible as possible with Elizap's translation, since it is possible for some words to have more than one translation.
I would only request to change from Elizap's translation the current:
$lang['Author: %s'] = "Συγγραφέας: %s";
$lang['Author: %s'] = "Συντάκτης: %s";
When we have a file we can use in Piwigo, we will be able to see how the translation actually works and do some fine tuning. ;-)
Here is my part:
$lang['Profile'] = 'Προφίλ';
$lang['Quick connect'] = 'Γρήγορη σύνδεση';
$lang['RSS feed'] = 'RSS feed';
$lang['Rate'] = 'Βαθμολογία';
$lang['Register'] = 'Εγγραφείτε';
$lang['Registration'] = 'Εγγραφή';
$lang['Related tags'] = 'Σχετικές ετικέτες';
$lang['Reset'] = 'Επαναφορά';
$lang['Retrieve password'] = 'Ανάκτηση κωδικού';
$lang['Search rules'] = 'Αναζήτηση με κριτήρια';
$lang['Search tags'] = 'Αναζήτηση στις ετικέτες';
$lang['Search'] = 'Αναζήτηση';
$lang['display available tags'] = 'εμφάνιση διαθέσιμων ετικετών';
$lang['Send new password'] = 'Αποστολή νέου κωδικού';
$lang['Since'] = 'Από';
$lang['Sort by'] = 'Ταξινόμηση βάση';
$lang['Sort order'] = 'Σειρά ταξινόμησης';
$lang['Tag'] = 'Ετικέτα';
$lang['Tags'] = 'Ετικέτες';
$lang['The RSS notification feed provides notification on news from this website : new photos, updated albums, new comments. Use a RSS feed reader.'] = 'Το RSS feed παρέχει ενημερώσεις για τα νέα της σελίδας: νέες φωτογραφίες, ανανεώσεις των άλμπουμ, νέα σχόλια. Χρειάζεται ένα λογισμικό ανάγνωσης RSS feeds.';
$lang['Unknown feed identifier'] = 'Άγνωστο αναγνωριστικό RSS feed';
$lang['User comments'] = 'Σχόλια χρηστών';
$lang['Username'] = 'Όνομα χρήστη';
$lang['Visits'] = 'Επισκέψεις';
$lang['Webmaster'] = 'Υπεύθυνος σελίδας';
$lang['Week %d'] = 'Εβδομάδα %d';
$lang['About Piwigo'] = 'Σχετικά με το Piwigo';
$lang['You are not authorized to access the requested page'] = 'Δεν είστε εξουσιοδοτημένοι για πρόσβαση στη σελίδα που ζητήθηκε';
$lang['add to caddie'] = 'Προσθήκη στο καλάθι';
$lang['add this photo to your favorites'] = 'προσθέστε αυτή τη φωτογραφία στις αγαπημένες';
$lang['Administration'] = 'Διαχείριση';
$lang['all'] = 'όλα';
$lang['ascending'] = 'αύξουσα';
$lang['author(s) : %s'] = 'συντάκτες : %s';
$lang['Expand all albums'] = 'Να φαίνονται πάντα και τα υπο-άλμπουμς';
$lang['posted after %s (%s)'] = 'αναρτήθηκε μετά τις %s (%s)';
$lang['posted before %s (%s)'] = 'αναρτήθηκε πριν τις %s (%s)';
$lang['posted between %s (%s) and %s (%s)'] = 'αναρτήθηκε ανάμεσα στις %s (%s) και %s (%s)';
$lang['posted on %s'] = 'αναρτήθηκε στις %s';
$lang['Best rated'] = 'Με τη υψηλότερη βαθμολογία';
$lang['display best rated photos'] = 'εμφάνιση φωτογραφιών με την υψηλότερη βαθμολογία';
$lang['caddie'] = 'Καλάθι';
$lang['Calendar'] = 'Ημερολόγιο';
$lang['All'] = 'Όλα';
$lang['display each day with photos, month per month'] = 'εμφάνιση φωτογραφιών σε μορφή μηνιαίου ημερολογίου';
$lang['View'] = 'Εμφάνιση';
$lang['chronology_monthly_calendar'] = 'Μηνιαίο ημερολόγιο';
$lang['chronology_monthly_list'] = 'Mηνιαία λίστα';
$lang['chronology_weekly_list'] = 'Εβδομαδιαία λίστα';
$lang['Click here if your browser does not automatically forward you'] = 'Κάντε κλικ εδώ αν δεν μεταφερθείτε αυτόματα';
$lang['comment date'] = 'ημερομηνία σχολίου';
$lang['Comment'] = 'Σχόλιο';
$lang['Your comment has been registered'] = 'Το σχόλιό σας καταχωρήθηκε';
$lang['Anti-flood system : please wait for a moment before trying to post another comment'] = 'Παρακαλώ περιμένετε λίγο πριν προσπαθήσετε να στείλετε ένα ακόμη σχόλιο';
$lang['Your comment has NOT been registered because it did not pass the validation rules'] = 'Το σχόλιο σας δεν καταχωρήθηκε επειδή δεν πέρασε τους κανόνες επικύρωσης';
$lang['Your favorites'] = 'Αγαπημένες';
$lang['display this album'] = 'εμφάνιση του άλμπουμ';
$lang['display last user comments'] = 'εμφάνιση πρόσφατων σχολίων';
$lang['The number of photos per page must be a not null scalar'] = 'Ο αριθμός των φωτογραφίων ανά σελίδα πρέπει να είναι θετικός ακέραιος αριθμός.';
$lang['Number of photos per page'] = 'Φωτογραφίες ανά σελίδα';
$lang['this email address is already in use'] = 'αυτή η διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου χρησιμοποιείται ήδη';
$lang['html tags are not allowed in login'] = 'δεν επιτρέπεται κώδικας html στο όνομα χρήστη';
Thanks :-)
To end the public part
can you translate
// missing translations
$lang['%.2f (rated %d times)'] = '%.2f (rated %d times)';
$lang['%d Kb'] = '%d Kb';
$lang['Post date'] = 'Post date';
$lang['Posted on'] = 'Posted on';
Can you confirm the translation are the same for
// untranslated yet
$lang['IP: %s'] = 'IP: %s';
$lang['Email: %s'] = 'Email: %s';
$lang['Powered by'] = 'Powered by';
$lang['End-Date'] = 'End date';
$lang['slideshow'] = 'slideshow';
$lang['Specials'] = 'Specials';
$lang['SQL queries in'] = 'SQL queries in';
$lang['Thumbnails'] = 'Thumbnails';
$lang['included'] = 'included';
$lang['Keyword'] = 'Keyword';
$lang['N/A'] = 'N/A';
$lang['RSS feed'] = 'RSS feed';