I don't know what has happened to the thumbnails on my website, some are normal size and some are ridiculously over-sized. Does anyone have an idea how I can fix this? BTW I'm not so clever with code so a basic step by step would be appreciated.
Website concerned http://photospeye.com/gallery
How do you added the pictures to your gallery? (FTP + Sychronisation, pLoader, Admin Panel?)
Can you attach a screenshot because I see no problem on your gallery (your thumbnails are bigger than maximum dimensions so it would be good to change default settings for thumbnails display, see [Forum, topic 16545] Accomodating larger thumbnails in gally/* themes?)
Emmerax wrote:
How do you added the pictures to your gallery? (FTP + Sychronisation, pLoader, Admin Panel?)
Admin panel.
I have now seemingly 3 different sizes of thumbnail. I have tried to rectify it but I don't see how or either where I am supposed to do that [shrug]
plg wrote:
Can you attach a screenshot because I see no problem on your gallery (your thumbnails are bigger than maximum dimensions so it would be good to change default settings for thumbnails display, see [Forum, topic 16545] Accomodating larger thumbnails in gally/* themes?)
I tried what you said about thumb size and I see no change.
I suspect a conflict but I have no idea where to even begin looking.
See images to see the visual problem I have with the thumbs, so far I see 3 different sizes on the same page.
I just realized that the images had not uploaded...size problem.
please see images regarding the different sizes of thumbs.
I have noticed to files in localfiles editor/templates,
###1-- my-thumbnails.tpl (code as follows)###
<!-- This is a sample of template extensions -->
{if !empty($thumbnails)}
<ul class="thumbnails">
{foreach from=$thumbnails item=thumbnail}
<span class="wrap1">
<span class="wrap2">
<a href="{$thumbnail.URL}">
<img class="thumbnail" src="{$thumbnail.TN_SRC}" alt="{$thumbnail.TN_ALT}" title="{$thumbnail.TN_TITLE}">
<span class="thumbLegend" style="color:#F36;">
© 2008 Piwigo<br>
{if !empty($thumbnail.NAME)}{$thumbnail.NAME}{/if}
{if !empty($thumbnail.ICON_TS)}{$thumbnail.ICON_TS}{/if}
{if isset($thumbnail.NB_COMMENTS)}
<span class="{if 0==$thumbnail.NB_COMMENTS}zero {/if}nb-comments">
{$pwg->l10n_dec('%d comment', '%d comments',$thumbnail.NB_COMMENTS)}
{if isset($thumbnail.NB_HITS)}
<span class="{if 0==$thumbnail.NB_HITS}zero {/if}nb-hits">
{$pwg->l10n_dec('%d hit', '%d hits',$thumbnail.NB_HITS)}
###2-- my-thumbnails2.tpl (code as follows)###
<!-- This is a sample of template extensions -->
{if !empty($thumbnails)}
{html_head}<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./template-extension/distributed/samples/my-thumbnails2.css">{/html_head}
<ul class="thumbnails">
{foreach from=$thumbnails item=thumbnail}
<fieldset class="fld1">
<legend class="thumbLegend">
{if !empty($thumbnail.NAME)}{$thumbnail.NAME}{/if}
<a href="{$thumbnail.URL}" class="lap2">
<span><img class="thumbnail" src="{$thumbnail.TN_SRC}" alt="{$thumbnail.TN_ALT}" title="{$thumbnail.TN_TITLE}"></span>
Is it here where the problem lies?
Thanks so much for any help.
Last edited by smaperry (2010-11-02 21:19:48)