
#1 2010-11-16 18:32:30

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

[is_IS] Íslenska -Icelandic

Wallster is ok to begin Icelandic translation :-)

The publick part it's 357 line

a first list.
Replaces the second part (orange on the first line) by the Icelandic translation

$lang_info['language_name'] = 'English';
$lang_info['country'] = 'Great Britain';
$lang_info['direction'] = 'ltr';
$lang_info['code'] = 'en';
$lang_info['zero_plural'] = '1';

$lang['%.2f (rated %d times)'] = '%.2f (rated %d times)';
$lang['%d Kb'] = '%d Kb';
$lang['%d category updated'] = '%d category updated';
$lang['%d categories updated'] = '%d categories updated';
$lang['%d comment to validate'] = '%d comment to validate';
$lang['%d comments to validate'] = '%d comments to validate';
$lang['%d new comment'] = '%d new comment';
$lang['%d new comments'] = '%d new comments';
$lang['%d comment'] = '%d comment';
$lang['%d comments'] = '%d comments';
$lang['%d hit'] = '%d hit';
$lang['%d hits'] = '%d hits';
$lang['%d new image'] = '%d new image';
$lang['%d new images'] = '%d new images';
$lang['%d new user'] = '%d new user';
$lang['%d new users'] = '%d new users';
$lang['%d waiting element'] = '%d waiting element';
$lang['%d waiting elements'] = '%d waiting elements';
$lang['About'] = 'About';
$lang['All tags'] = 'All tags';
$lang['Any tag'] = 'Any tag';
$lang['At least one listed rule must be satisfied.'] = 'At least one listed criterion must be satisfied.';
$lang['At least one tag must match'] = 'At least one tag must match';
$lang['Author'] = 'Author';
$lang['Average rate'] = 'Average rate';
$lang['Categories'] = 'Categories';
$lang['Category'] = 'Category';
$lang['Close this window'] = 'Close this window';
$lang['Complete RSS feed (images, comments)'] = 'Complete RSS feed (images, comments)';
$lang['Confirm Password'] = 'Confirm Password';
$lang['Connection settings'] = 'Connection settings';
$lang['Login'] = 'Login';
$lang['Contact webmaster'] = 'Contact webmaster';
$lang['Create a new account'] = 'Create a new account';
$lang['Created on'] = 'Created on';
$lang['Creation date'] = 'Creation date';
$lang['Current password is wrong'] = 'Current password is wrong';
$lang['Dimensions'] = 'Dimensions';
$lang['Display'] = 'Display';
$lang['Each listed rule must be satisfied.'] = 'Each listed criterion must be satisfied.';
$lang['Email address'] = 'Email address';
$lang['Enter your personnal informations'] = 'Enter your personnal data';
$lang['Error sending email'] = 'Error when sending email';
$lang['File name'] = 'File name';
$lang['File'] = 'File';
$lang['Filesize'] = 'Filesize';
$lang['Filter and display'] = 'Filter and display';
$lang['Filter'] = 'Filter';
$lang['Forgot your password?'] = 'Forgot your password?';
$lang['Go through the gallery as a visitor'] = 'Navigate the gallery as a visitor';
$lang['Help'] = 'Help';
$lang['Identification'] = 'Identification';
$lang['Image only RSS feed'] = 'Images only RSS feed';
$lang['Keyword'] = 'Keyword';
$lang['Links'] = 'Links';
$lang['Mail address'] = 'Mail address';
$lang['N/A'] = 'N/A';

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#2 2011-03-19 17:33:15

Translation Team
Skaftafell, Iceland

Re: [is_IS] Íslenska -Icelandic

$lang_info['language_name'] = 'Icelandic';
$lang_info['country'] = 'Ísland';
$lang_info['direction'] = 'ltr';
$lang_info['code'] = 'is';
$lang_info['zero_plural'] = '1';

$lang['%.2f (rated %d times)'] = '%.2f (gefið einkun %d sinnum)';
$lang['%d Kb'] = '%d Kb';
$lang['%d category updated'] = '%d flokkur uppfærður';
$lang['%d categories updated'] = '%d flokkar uppfærðir';
$lang['%d comment to validate'] = '%d athugasemd til að staðfesta';
$lang['%d comments to validate'] = '%d athugasemdir til að staðfesta';
$lang['%d new comment'] = '%d ný athugasemt';
$lang['%d new comments'] = '%d nýar athugasemtir';
$lang['%d comment'] = '%d athugasemd';
$lang['%d comments'] = '%d athugasemdir';
$lang['%d hit'] = '%d ýtt á';
$lang['%d hits'] = '%d ýtt á';
$lang['%d new image'] = '%d ný mynd';
$lang['%d new images'] = '%d nýjar myndir';
$lang['%d new user'] = '%d nýr notandi';
$lang['%d new users'] = '%d nýir notendur;
$lang['%d waiting element'] = '%d hlutur á bið';
$lang['%d waiting elements'] = '%d hlutir á bið';
$lang['About'] = 'Um';
$lang['All tags'] = 'Öll merki';
$lang['Any tag'] = 'Hvaða merki sem er';
$lang['At least one listed rule must be satisfied.'] = 'Að minsta kosti einn flokkur verður að vera valinn.';
$lang['At least one tag must match'] = 'Að minsta kosti eitt merki verður að passa';
$lang['Author'] = 'Höfundur';
$lang['Average rate'] = 'Meðal einkun';
$lang['Categories'] = 'Flokkar';
$lang['Category'] = 'Flokkur';
$lang['Close this window'] = 'Loka þessum glugga';
$lang['Complete RSS feed (images, comments)'] = 'Ljúka RSS flæði (myndir, athugasemdir)';
$lang['Confirm Password'] = 'Staðfesta Lykilorð';
$lang['Connection settings'] = 'Stillingar fyrir tengingu';
$lang['Login'] = 'Innskráning';
$lang['Contact webmaster'] = 'Hafa samband við webmaster';
$lang['Create a new account'] = 'Stofnan nýjan aðgang';
$lang['Created on'] = 'Stofnað á';
$lang['Creation date'] = 'Stofnunar dagur';
$lang['Current password is wrong'] = 'Núverandi lykilorð er vitlaust';
$lang['Dimensions'] = 'Stærð';
$lang['Display'] = 'Sýna';
$lang['Each listed rule must be satisfied.'] = 'Hver skráð viðmiðun verður að vera uppfyllt.';
$lang['Email address'] = 'Tölvupóstur';
$lang['Enter your personnal informations'] = 'Settu inn persónu upplýsingar';
$lang['Error sending email'] = 'Villa við sendingu tölvupósts';
$lang['File name'] = 'Nafn skjals';
$lang['File'] = 'Skjal';
$lang['Filesize'] = 'Stærð skjals';
$lang['Filter and display'] = 'Sýja og sýna';
$lang['Filter'] = 'Sýja';
$lang['Forgot your password?'] = 'Gleymt lykilorð?';
$lang['Go through the gallery as a visitor'] = 'Skoða myndasafn sem gestur';
$lang['Help'] = 'Hjálp';
$lang['Identification'] = 'Auðkenni';
$lang['Image only RSS feed'] = 'Aðeins myndir RSS flæði';
$lang['Keyword'] = 'Aðalorð';
$lang['Links'] = 'Hlekkur';
$lang['Mail address'] = 'Tölvupóst';
$lang['N/A'] = 'N/A';



#3 2011-03-19 18:10:35

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [is_IS] Íslenska -Icelandic

Thanks :-)

Can you translate also

$lang['month'][10] = "October";
$lang['month'][11] = "November";
$lang['month'][12] = "December";
$lang['month'][1] = "January";
$lang['month'][2] = "February";
$lang['month'][3] = "March";
$lang['month'][4] = "April";
$lang['month'][5] = "May";
$lang['month'][6] = "June";
$lang['month'][7] = "July";
$lang['month'][8] = "August";
$lang['month'][9] = "September";

$lang['day'][0] = "Sunday";
$lang['day'][1] = "Monday";
$lang['day'][2] = "Tuesday";
$lang['day'][3] = "Wednesday";
$lang['day'][4] = "Thursday";
$lang['day'][5] = "Friday";
$lang['day'][6] = "Saturday";

$lang['Complete RSS feed (photos, comments)'] = 'Complete RSS feed (photos, comments)';
$lang['Photos only RSS feed'] = 'Photos only RSS feed';
$lang['New on %s'] = 'New on %s';
$lang['New password confirmation does not correspond'] = 'New password confirmation does not match';
$lang['New password sent by email'] = 'New password sent by email';
$lang['No email address'] = 'No email address';
$lang['No classic user matches this email address'] = 'No classic user matches this email address';
$lang['Notification'] = 'Notification';
$lang['Number of items'] = 'Number of items';
$lang['Original dimensions'] = 'Original dimensions';
$lang['Password forgotten'] = 'Password forgotten';
$lang['Password'] = 'Password';
$lang['Post date'] = 'Post date';
$lang['Posted on'] = 'Posted on';
$lang['Profile'] = 'Profile';
$lang['Quick connect'] = 'Quick connect';
$lang['RSS feed'] = 'RSS feed';
$lang['Rate'] = 'Rate';
$lang['Register'] = 'Register';
$lang['Registration'] = 'Registration';
$lang['Related tags'] = 'Related tags';
$lang['Reset'] = 'Reset';
$lang['Retrieve password'] = 'Retrieve password';
$lang['Search rules'] = 'Search criteria';
$lang['Search tags'] = 'Search tags';
$lang['Search'] = 'Search';
$lang['display available tags'] = 'display available tags';
$lang['Send new password'] = 'Send new password';
$lang['Since'] = 'Since';
$lang['Sort by'] = 'Sort by';
$lang['Sort order'] = 'Sort order';
$lang['Tag'] = 'Tag';
$lang['Tags'] = 'Tags';
$lang['The RSS notification feed provides notification on news from this website : new photos, updated albums, new comments. Use a RSS feed reader.'] = 'The RSS feed provides notification on new events from this website: new photos, updated albums, new comments. To be used with a RSS feed reader.';
$lang['Unknown feed identifier'] = 'Unknown feed identifier';
$lang['User comments'] = 'User comments';
$lang['Username'] = 'Username';
$lang['Visits'] = 'Visits';
$lang['Webmaster'] = 'Webmaster';
$lang['Week %d'] = 'Week %d';
$lang['About Piwigo'] = 'About Piwigo';
$lang['You are not authorized to access the requested page'] = 'You are not authorized to access the requested page';
$lang['add to caddie'] = 'add to caddie';
$lang['add this photo to your favorites'] = 'add this photo to your favorites';
$lang['Administration'] = 'Administration';
$lang['all'] = 'all';

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#4 2011-03-20 13:31:49

Translation Team
Skaftafell, Iceland

Re: [is_IS] Íslenska -Icelandic

$lang['month'][10] = "Október";

$lang['month'][11] = "Nóvember";

$lang['month'][12] = "Desember";

$lang['month'][1] = "Janúar";

$lang['month'][2] = "Febrúar";

$lang['month'][3] = "Mars";

$lang['month'][4] = "Apríl";

$lang['month'][5] = "Maí";

$lang['month'][6] = "Júní";

$lang['month'][7] = "Júlí";

$lang['month'][8] = "Ágúst";

$lang['month'][9] = "September";

$lang['day'][0] = "Sunnudagur";

$lang['day'][1] = "Mánudagur";

$lang['day'][2] = "Þriðjudagur";

$lang['day'][3] = "Miðvikudagur";

$lang['day'][4] = "Fimmtudagur";

$lang['day'][5] = "Föstudagur";

$lang['day'][6] = "Laugardagur";

$lang['Complete RSS feed (photos, comments)'] = 'Klára RSS flæði (myndir, athugasemdir)';

$lang['Photos only RSS feed'] = 'aðeins myndir RSS flæði';

$lang['New on %s'] = 'Nýtt á %s';                                                    
$lang['New password confirmation does not correspond'] = 'Staðfesting á nýju lykilorði passar ekki';

$lang['New password sent by email'] = 'Nýtt lykilorð verður sent með tölvupósti';

$lang['No email address'] = 'Ekkert tölvupóstfang';

$lang['No classic user matches this email address'] = 'Engin notandi passar við þetta netfang';
$lang['Notification'] = 'Tilkynning';

$lang['Number of items'] = 'fjöldi atriða';

$lang['Original dimensions'] = 'Upprunaleg stærð';

$lang['Password forgotten'] = 'Gleymdir þú lykilorðinu þínu?';

$lang['Password'] = 'Lykilorð';

$lang['Post date'] = 'Birt á';

$lang['Posted on'] = 'Birt á';

$lang['Profile'] = 'Síðan mín';

$lang['Quick connect'] = 'Snögg tengjast';

$lang['RSS feed'] = 'RSS flæði';

$lang['Rate'] = 'Einkun';

$lang['Register'] = 'Nýskráning';

$lang['Registration'] = 'Skráning';

$lang['Related tags'] = 'Svipuð merki';

$lang['Reset'] = 'Endurstilla';

$lang['Retrieve password'] = 'Sækja lykilorð';

$lang['Search rules'] = 'Leitarskilyrði';

$lang['Search tags'] = 'Leita að merki';

$lang['Search'] = 'Leita';

$lang['display available tags'] = 'Sýna tiltæk merki';

$lang['Send new password'] = 'Senda nýtt lykilorð';

$lang['Since'] = 'Frá';

$lang['Sort by'] = 'Flokka eftir';

$lang['Sort order'] = 'Flokkunar röð';

$lang['Tag'] = 'Merki';

$lang['Tags'] = 'Merki';

$lang['The RSS notification feed provides notification on news from this website : new photos, updated albums, new comments. Use a RSS feed reader.'] = RSS flæði gefur tilkynningu um nýja atburði á þessari vefsíðu:  nýjar myndir, uppfærslur albúma, Nýjar athugasemdir. Til að nota með RSS flæða lesara.';

$lang['Unknown feed identifier'] = 'Óþekkt flæði auðkenni';
$lang['User comments'] = 'Athugasemdir notenda';

$lang['Username'] = 'Notendanafn';

$lang['Visits'] = 'Heimsóknir';

$lang['Webmaster'] = 'Webmaster';                                               

$lang['Week %d'] = 'Vika %d';

$lang['About Piwigo'] = 'Um Piwigo';

$lang['You are not authorized to access the requested page'] = 'Þú hefur ekki leyfi til að fá aðgang að umbeðini síðu';

$lang['add to caddie'] = 'Bæta við caddie';

$lang['add this photo to your favorites'] = 'bæta þessari mynd við uppáhalds';                    
$lang['Administration'] = 'Administration';

$lang['all'] = 'allt';



#5 2011-03-20 13:34:04

Translation Team
Skaftafell, Iceland

Re: [is_IS] Íslenska -Icelandic

This one is better....

$lang['month'][10] = "Október";

$lang['month'][11] = "Nóvember";

$lang['month'][12] = "Desember";

$lang['month'][1] = "Janúar";

$lang['month'][2] = "Febrúar";

$lang['month'][3] = "Mars";

$lang['month'][4] = "Apríl";

$lang['month'][5] = "Maí";

$lang['month'][6] = "Júní";

$lang['month'][7] = "Júlí";

$lang['month'][8] = "Ágúst";

$lang['month'][9] = "September";

$lang['day'][0] = "Sunnudagur";

$lang['day'][1] = "Mánudagur";

$lang['day'][2] = "Þriðjudagur";

$lang['day'][3] = "Miðvikudagur";

$lang['day'][4] = "Fimmtudagur";

$lang['day'][5] = "Föstudagur";

$lang['day'][6] = "Laugardagur";

$lang['Complete RSS feed (photos, comments)'] = 'Klára RSS flæði (myndir, athugasemdir)';

$lang['Photos only RSS feed'] = 'aðeins myndir RSS flæði';

$lang['New on %s'] = 'Nýtt á %s';

$lang['New password confirmation does not correspond'] = 'Staðfesting á nýju lykilorði passar ekki';

$lang['New password sent by email'] = 'Nýtt lykilorð verður sent með tölvupósti';

$lang['No email address'] = 'Ekkert tölvupóstfang';

$lang['No classic user matches this email address'] = 'Engin notandi passar við þetta netfang';

$lang['Notification'] = 'Tilkynning';

$lang['Number of items'] = 'fjöldi atriða';

$lang['Original dimensions'] = 'Upprunaleg stærð';

$lang['Password forgotten'] = 'Gleymdir þú lykilorðinu þínu?';

$lang['Password'] = 'Lykilorð';

$lang['Post date'] = 'Birt á';

$lang['Posted on'] = 'Birt á';

$lang['Profile'] = 'Síðan mín';

$lang['Quick connect'] = 'Snögg tengjast';

$lang['RSS feed'] = 'RSS flæði';

$lang['Rate'] = 'Einkun';

$lang['Register'] = 'Nýskráning';

$lang['Registration'] = 'Skráning';

$lang['Related tags'] = 'Svipuð merki';

$lang['Reset'] = 'Endurstilla';

$lang['Retrieve password'] = 'Sækja lykilorð';

$lang['Search rules'] = 'Leitarskilyrði';

$lang['Search tags'] = 'Leita að merki';

$lang['Search'] = 'Leita';

$lang['display available tags'] = 'Sýna tiltæk merki';

$lang['Send new password'] = 'Senda nýtt lykilorð';

$lang['Since'] = 'Frá';

$lang['Sort by'] = 'Flokka eftir';

$lang['Sort order'] = 'Flokkunar röð';

$lang['Tag'] = 'Merki';

$lang['Tags'] = 'Merki';

$lang['The RSS notification feed provides notification on news from this website : new photos, updated albums, new comments. Use a RSS feed reader.'] = RSS flæði gefur tilkynningu um nýja atburði á þessari vefsíðu:  nýjar myndir, uppfærslur albúma, Nýjar athugasemdir. Til að nota með RSS flæða lesara.';

$lang['Unknown feed identifier'] = 'Óþekkt flæði auðkenni';
$lang['User comments'] = 'Athugasemdir notenda';

$lang['Username'] = 'Notendanafn';

$lang['Visits'] = 'Heimsóknir';

$lang['Webmaster'] = 'Webmaster';                                               

$lang['Week %d'] = 'Vika %d';

$lang['About Piwigo'] = 'Um Piwigo';

$lang['You are not authorized to access the requested page'] = 'Þú hefur ekki leyfi til að fá aðgang að umbeðini síðu';

$lang['add to caddie'] = 'Bæta við caddie';

$lang['add this photo to your favorites'] = 'bæta þessari mynd við uppáhalds';                    
$lang['Administration'] = 'Administration';

$lang['all'] = 'allt';



#6 2011-03-20 14:04:33

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [is_IS] Íslenska -Icelandic

Thanks :-)

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#7 2011-03-20 14:04:44

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [is_IS] Íslenska -Icelandic

can you translate also

$lang['%d album updated'] = '%d album updated';
$lang['%d albums updated'] = '%d albums updated';
$lang['%d new photo'] = '%d new photo';
$lang['%d new photos'] = '%d new photos';
$lang['Albums'] = 'Albums';
$lang['Album'] = 'Album';
$lang['ascending'] = 'ascending';
$lang['author(s) : %s'] = 'author(s) : %s';
$lang['Expand all albums'] = 'Expand all albums';
$lang['posted after %s (%s)'] = 'posted after %s (%s)';
$lang['posted before %s (%s)'] = 'posted before %s (%s)';
$lang['posted between %s (%s) and %s (%s)'] = 'posted between %s (%s) and %s (%s)';
$lang['posted on %s'] = 'posted on %s';
$lang['Best rated'] = 'Best rated';
$lang['display best rated photos'] = 'display best rated photos';
$lang['caddie'] = 'Caddie';
$lang['Calendar'] = 'Calendar';
$lang['All'] = 'All';
$lang['display each day with photos, month per month'] = 'display each day with photos, month per month';
$lang['View'] = 'View';
$lang['chronology_monthly_calendar'] = 'Monthly calendar';
$lang['chronology_monthly_list'] = 'Monthly list';
$lang['chronology_weekly_list'] = 'Weekly list';
$lang['Click here if your browser does not automatically forward you'] = 'Click here if your browser does not automatically forward you';
$lang['comment date'] = 'comment date';
$lang['Comment'] = 'Comment';
$lang['Your comment has been registered'] = 'Your comment has been registered';
$lang['Anti-flood system : please wait for a moment before trying to post another comment'] = 'Anti-flood system : please wait for a moment before trying to post another comment';
$lang['Your comment has NOT been registered because it did not pass the validation rules'] = 'Your comment has NOT been registered because it did not pass the validation rules';
$lang['An administrator must authorize your comment before it is visible.'] = 'An administrator must authorize your comment before it becomes visible.';
$lang['This login is already used by another user'] = 'This login is already used by another user';
$lang['Comments'] = 'Comments';
$lang['Add a comment'] = 'Add a comment';
$lang['created after %s (%s)'] = 'created after %s (%s)';
$lang['created before %s (%s)'] = 'created before %s (%s)';
$lang['created between %s (%s) and %s (%s)'] = 'created between %s (%s) and %s (%s)';
$lang['created on %s'] = 'created on %s';
$lang['Customize'] = 'Customize';
$lang['Your Gallery Customization'] = 'Your gallery customization';
$lang['Default'] = 'Default';
$lang['delete this photo from your favorites'] = 'delete this photo from your favorites';
$lang['Delete'] = 'Delete';
$lang['descending'] = 'descending';
$lang['download'] = 'download';
$lang['download this file'] = 'download this file';
$lang['edit'] = 'edit';
$lang['wrong date'] = 'wrong date';
$lang['excluded'] = 'excluded';
$lang['Your favorites'] = 'Your favorites';
$lang['display your favorites photos'] = 'display your favorites photos';
$lang['Favorites'] = 'Favorites';
$lang['First'] = 'First';
$lang['The gallery is locked for maintenance. Please, come back later.'] = 'The gallery is locked for maintenance. Please, come back later.';
$lang['Page generated in'] = 'Page generated in';
$lang['guest'] = 'guest';
$lang['Hello'] = 'Hello';
$lang['available for administrators only'] = 'available for administrators only';
$lang['display this album'] = 'display this album';
$lang['display last user comments'] = 'display last user comments';
$lang['customize the appareance of the gallery'] = 'customize the look of the gallery';
$lang['search'] = 'search';
$lang['Home'] = 'Home';
$lang['in this album'] = 'in this album';
$lang['in %d sub-album'] = 'in %d sub-album';
$lang['in %d sub-albums'] = 'in %d sub-albums';


You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#8 2011-03-20 15:50:45

Translation Team
Skaftafell, Iceland

Re: [is_IS] Íslenska -Icelandic

$lang['%d album updated'] = '%d albúm uppfært';

$lang['%d albums updated'] = '%d albúm uppfærð';

$lang['%d new photo'] = '%d ný mynd';

$lang['%d new photos'] = '%d nýjar myndir';

$lang['Albums'] = 'Albúm';

$lang['Album'] = 'Albúm';

$lang['ascending'] = 'hækkandi';

$lang['author(s) : %s'] = 'höfundur/ar : %s';

$lang['Expand all albums'] = 'Stækka öll albúm';

$lang['posted after %s (%s)'] = 'Birt eftir %s (%s)';

$lang['posted before %s (%s)'] = 'Birt fyrir %s (%s)';

$lang['posted between %s (%s) and %s (%s)'] = 'Birt milli %s (%s) og %s (%s)';

$lang['posted on %s'] = 'Birt á %s';

$lang['Best rated'] = 'Besta einkun';

$lang['display best rated photos'] = 'sýna myndir með bestu einkun';

$lang['caddie'] = 'Caddie';

$lang['Calendar'] = 'Dagatal';

$lang['All'] = 'Allt';

$lang['display each day with photos, month per month'] = 'sýna hvern dag með myndum, hvern mánum';

$lang['View'] = 'Skoða';

$lang['chronology_monthly_calendar'] = 'Mánaðar dagatal';

$lang['chronology_monthly_list'] = 'Mánaðalegur listi';

$lang['chronology_weekly_list'] = 'Viku listi';

$lang['Click here if your browser does not automatically forward you'] = 'Smelltu hér ef vafrinn sendir þig ekki áfram sjálfkrafa';

$lang['comment date'] = 'dasetning athugasemdar';

$lang['Comment'] = 'Athugasemd';

$lang['Your comment has been registered'] = 'Athugasemd þín hefur verið skráð';

$lang['Anti-flood system : please wait for a moment before trying to post another comment'] = 'Vörn gegn spam : vinsamlegast bíðið augnablik áður en þið reynið að birta aðra athugasemd';

$lang['Your comment has NOT been registered because it did not pass the validation rules'] = 'Athugasemd þín hefur ekki verið skráð vegna þess að hún stóðst ekki reglur';

$lang['An administrator must authorize your comment before it is visible.'] = 'Stjórnandi verður að heimila athugasemd þína áður en hún verður sýnileg.';

$lang['This login is already used by another user'] = 'Þetta notendanafn er nú þegar í notkun';

$lang['Comments'] = 'Athugasemdir';

$lang['Add a comment'] = 'Bæta við athugasemd';

$lang['created after %s (%s)'] = 'búið til eftir %s (%s)';

$lang['created before %s (%s)'] = 'búið til fyrir %s (%s)';

$lang['created between %s (%s) and %s (%s)'] = 'búið til milli %s (%s) og %s (%s)';

$lang['created on %s'] = 'búið til á %s';
$lang['Customize'] = 'Aðlaga';

$lang['Your Gallery Customization'] = 'Aðlögun á þínu galleríi';

$lang['Default'] = 'Upprunalegt';

$lang['delete this photo from your favorites'] = 'eyða þessari mynd úr uppáhalds';

$lang['Delete'] = 'Eyða';
$lang['descending'] = 'lækkandi';

$lang['download'] = 'niðurhal';

$lang['download this file'] = 'sækja þessa skrá';

$lang['edit'] = 'breyta';
$lang['wrong date'] = 'vitlaus dagsetning';

$lang['excluded'] = 'útilokað';

$lang['Your favorites'] = 'Þínar uppáhalds';

$lang['display your favorites photos'] = 'Sýna uppáhalsd myndirnar þínar';

$lang['Favorites'] = 'Uppáhalds';

$lang['First'] = 'First';

$lang['The gallery is locked for maintenance. Please, come back later.'] = 'Galleríið er lokað vegna viðhalds. Vinsamlegast reynið síðar.';

$lang['Page generated in'] = 'Síða mynduð í';

$lang['guest'] = 'gestur';

$lang['Hello'] = 'Halló';

$lang['available for administrators only'] = 'Aðeins í boði fyrir stjórnendur';

$lang['display this album'] = 'sýna þetta albúm';

$lang['display last user comments'] = 'sýna athugasemdir síðasta notenda';

$lang['customize the appareance of the gallery'] = 'aðlaga útlit gallerís';

$lang['search'] = 'leita';

$lang['Home'] = 'Heim';

$lang['in this album'] = 'í þessu albúmi';

$lang['in %d sub-album'] = 'in %d undir flokkur';
$lang['in %d sub-albums'] = 'in %d undir flokkar';



#9 2011-03-20 15:55:12

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [is_IS] Íslenska -Icelandic

Thanks :-)

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#10 2011-03-20 15:55:35

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [is_IS] Íslenska -Icelandic

Can you translate also

$lang['included'] = 'included';
$lang['Invalid password!'] = 'Invalid password!';
$lang['Language'] = 'Language';
$lang['last %d days'] = 'last %d days';
$lang['Last'] = 'Last';
$lang['Logout'] = 'Logout';
$lang['E-mail address'] = 'E-mail address';
$lang['obligatory'] = 'mandatory';
$lang['Maximum photo height'] = 'Maximum photo height';
$lang['Maximum height must be a number superior to 50'] = 'Maximum height must be a number greater than 50';
$lang['Maximum photo width'] = 'Maximum photo width';
$lang['Maximum width must be a number superior to 50'] = 'Maximum width must be a number greater than 50';
$lang['display a calendar by creation date'] = 'display a calendar by creation date';
$lang['display all photos in all sub-albums'] = 'display all photos in all sub-albums';
$lang['return to normal view mode'] = 'return to normal view mode';
$lang['display a calendar by posted date'] = 'display a calendar by posted date';
$lang['Most visited'] = 'Most visited';
$lang['display most visited photos'] = 'display most visited photos';
$lang['The number of photos per row must be a not null scalar'] = 'The number of photos per row must be a nonzero integer';
$lang['Number of photos per row'] = 'Number of photos per row';
$lang['The number of rows per page must be a not null scalar'] = 'The number of rows per page must be a nonzero integer';
$lang['Number of rows per page'] = 'Number of rows per page';
$lang['Unknown identifier'] = 'Unknown identifier';
$lang['New password'] = 'New password';
$lang['Rate this photo'] = 'Rate this photo';
$lang['Next'] = 'Next';
$lang['no rate'] = 'no rate';
$lang['Photos posted within the last %d day.'] = 'Photos posted within the last %d day only.';
$lang['Photos posted within the last %d days.'] = 'Photos posted within the last %d days only.';
$lang['password updated'] = 'password updated';
$lang['Recent period must be a positive integer value'] = 'Recent period must be a positive integer value';
$lang['photo'] = 'photo';
$lang['Click on the photo to see it in high definition'] = 'Click on the photo to see it in high definition';
$lang['Show file metadata'] = 'Show file metadata';
$lang['Powered by'] = 'Powered by';
$lang['Preferences'] = 'Preferences';
$lang['Previous'] = 'Previous';
$lang['Random photos'] = 'Random photos';
$lang['display a set of random photos'] = 'display a set of random photos';
$lang['Recent albums'] = 'Recent albums';
$lang['display recently updated albums'] = 'display recently updated albums';
$lang['Recent period'] = 'Recent period';
$lang['Recent photos'] = 'Recent photos';
$lang['display most recent photos'] = 'display most recent photos';
$lang['Redirection...'] = 'Redirection...';
$lang['Please, enter a login'] = 'Please, enter a login';
$lang['login mustn\'t end with a space character'] = 'login must not end with a space character';
$lang['login mustn\'t start with a space character'] = 'login must not start with a space character';
$lang['this login is already used'] = 'this login is already used';
$lang['mail address must be like xxx@yyy.eee (example :'] = 'mail address must be like xxx@yyy.eee (example :';
$lang['please enter your password again'] = 'please enter your password again';
$lang['Auto login'] = 'Auto login';
$lang['remove this tag from the list'] = 'remove this tag from the list';
$lang['representative'] = 'representative';
$lang['Search for Author'] = 'Search for an author';
$lang['Search in albums'] = 'Search in albums';
$lang['Search by Date'] = 'Search by date';
$lang['Date'] = 'Date';
$lang['End-Date'] = 'End date';
$lang['Kind of date'] = 'Kind of date';



You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#11 2011-03-20 17:17:19


Re: [is_IS] Íslenska -Icelandic

$lang['included'] = 'innifalið';
$lang['Invalid password!'] = 'ógilt lykilorð!';
$lang['Language'] = 'Tungumál';
$lang['last %d days'] = 'síðustu %d daga';
$lang['Last'] = 'síðasta';
$lang['Logout'] = 'Útsrá';
$lang['E-mail address'] = 'Netfang';
$lang['obligatory'] = 'skylda';
$lang['Maximum photo height'] = 'Hámark hæð myndar';
$lang['Maximum height must be a number superior to 50'] = 'Hámarks hæð verður að vera hærri en 50';
$lang['Maximum photo width'] = 'Hámark breidd myndar';
$lang['Maximum width must be a number superior to 50'] = 'Hámarks beidd verður að vera hærri en 50';
$lang['display a calendar by creation date'] = 'sýna dagatal hjá dagsetningu sem búið til var á';
$lang['display all photos in all sub-albums'] = 'sýna allar myndir í undir flokki';
$lang['return to normal view mode'] = 'aftur í venjulegan skjá';
$lang['display a calendar by posted date'] = 'sýna dagatal hjá dagsetningu sem birt var á';
$lang['Most visited'] = 'Oftast heimsótt';
$lang['display most visited photos'] = 'sýna mest heimsóttar myndir';
$lang['The number of photos per row must be a not null scalar'] = 'Fjöldi mynda í röð verða að vera nonzero heiltala';
$lang['Number of photos per row'] = 'Fjöldi mynda í hverri röð';
$lang['The number of rows per page must be a not null scalar'] = 'Fjöldi raða á síðu verða að vera nonzero heiltala';
$lang['Number of rows per page'] = 'Fjöldi raða á síðu';
$lang['Unknown identifier'] = 'Óþekkt auðkenni';
$lang['New password'] = 'Nýtt lykilorð';
$lang['Rate this photo'] = 'Gefa þessari mynd einkunn';
$lang['Next'] = 'Næsta';
$lang['no rate'] = 'engin einkunn';
$lang['Photos posted within the last %d day.'] = 'Aðeins myndir birtar á síðasta %d degi.';
$lang['Photos posted within the last %d days.'] = 'Aðeins myndir birtar á síðustu %d dögum.';
$lang['password updated'] = 'lykilorð uppfært';
$lang['Recent period must be a positive integer value'] = 'Nýlegt tímabil verður að vera a jákvæð heiltala gildi';
$lang['photo'] = 'mynd';
$lang['Click on the photo to see it in high definition'] = 'Styðjið á myndina til að sjá hana í háskerpu';
$lang['Show file metadata'] = 'Sýna skrá metadata';
$lang['Powered by'] = 'Powered by';
$lang['Preferences'] = 'Valmöguleikar';
$lang['Previous'] = 'Fyrri';
$lang['Random photos'] = 'Myndir af handahófi';
$lang['display a set of random photos'] = 'sýna handahófskent sett af myndum';
$lang['Recent albums'] = 'Nýleg albúm';
$lang['display recently updated albums'] = 'sýna nýlega uppfærð albúm';
$lang['Recent period'] = 'Nýlegt tímabil';
$lang['Recent photos'] = 'Nýlegar myndir';
$lang['display most recent photos'] = 'sýna nýkegustu myndirnar';
$lang['Redirection...'] = 'Áframsending…';
$lang['Please, enter a login'] = 'Vinsamlegast sáið inn notendanafn';
$lang['login mustn\'t end with a space character'] = 'notendanafn má ekki enda á bili';
$lang['login mustn\'t start with a space character'] = 'notendanafn má ekki byrja á bili';
$lang['this login is already used'] = 'þetta notendanafn er nú þegar í notkun';
$lang['mail address must be like xxx@yyy.eee (example :'] = 'netfang verður að vera xxx@yyy.eee (example :';
$lang['please enter your password again'] = 'vinsamlegast sláið lykilorð aftur inn';
$lang['Auto login'] = 'Sjálfvirk innskráning';
$lang['remove this tag from the list'] = 'fjarlægja merki úr lista';
$lang['representative'] = 'Fulltrúi';
$lang['Search for Author'] = 'Leita að höfundi';
$lang['Search in albums'] = 'Leita í albúmum';
$lang['Search by Date'] = 'Leita eftir dagsetningu';
$lang['Date'] = 'Dagsetning';
$lang['End-Date'] = 'loka dagsetning';
$lang['Kind of date'] = 'Hvers konar dagsetning';


#12 2011-03-20 17:30:14

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [is_IS] Íslenska -Icelandic

Thanks -:)

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#13 2011-03-20 17:30:40

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [is_IS] Íslenska -Icelandic

a new list

$lang['Search for words'] = 'Search for words';
$lang['Search for all terms'] = 'Search for all terms';
$lang['Search for any terms'] = 'Search for any term';
$lang['Empty query. No criteria has been entered.'] = 'Empty query. No criteria has been entered.';
$lang['Search Options'] = 'Search options';
$lang['Search results'] = 'Search results';
$lang['Search in sub-albums'] = 'Search in sub-albums';
$lang['searched words : %s'] = 'searched words : %s';
$lang['Contact'] = 'Contact';
$lang['set as album representative'] = 'set as album representative';
$lang['Show number of comments'] = 'Show number of comments';
$lang['Show number of hits'] = 'Show number of hits';
$lang['slideshow'] = 'slideshow';
$lang['stop the slideshow'] = 'stop the slideshow';
$lang['Specials'] = 'Specials';
$lang['SQL queries in'] = 'SQL queries in';
$lang['display only recently posted photos'] = 'display only recently posted photos';
$lang['return to the display of all photos'] = 'return to the display of all photos';
$lang['the beginning'] = 'the beginning';
$lang['Interface theme'] = 'Interface theme';
$lang['Thumbnails'] = 'Thumbnails';
$lang['Menu'] = 'Menu';
$lang['A comment on your site'] = 'A comment on your site';
$lang['today'] = 'today';
$lang['Update your rating'] = 'Update your rating';
$lang['wrong filename'] = 'wrong filename';
$lang['the username must be given'] = 'the username is required';
$lang['useful when password forgotten'] = 'useful in case password is forgotten';
$lang['Quick search'] = 'Quick search';
$lang['Connected user: %s'] = 'Connected user: %s';
$lang['IP: %s'] = 'IP: %s';
$lang['Browser: %s'] = 'Browser: %s';
$lang['Author: %s'] = 'Author: %s';
$lang['Comment: %s'] = 'Comment: %s';
$lang['Comment by %s'] = 'Comment by %s';
$lang['User: %s'] = 'User: %s';
$lang['Email: %s'] = 'Email: %s';
$lang['Admin: %s'] = 'Admin: %s';
$lang['Registration of %s'] = 'Registration of %s';
$lang['Album: %s'] = 'Album: %s';
$lang['Bad status for user "guest", using default status. Please notify the webmaster.'] = 'Bad status for user "guest", default status will be used. Please notify the webmaster.';
$lang['Administrator, webmaster and special user cannot use this method'] = 'Administrator, webmaster and special user cannot use this method';
$lang['this email address is already in use'] = 'this email address is already in use';
$lang['Album results for'] = 'Album results for';
$lang['Tag results for'] = 'Tag results for';
$lang['from %s to %s'] = 'from %s to %s';
$lang['Play of slideshow'] = 'Play slideshow';
$lang['Pause of slideshow'] = 'Pause slideshow';
$lang['Repeat the slideshow'] = 'Repeat slideshow';
$lang['Not repeat the slideshow'] = 'Do not repeat slideshow';
$lang['Reduce diaporama speed'] = 'Reduce slideshow speed';
$lang['Accelerate diaporama speed'] = 'Increase slideshow speed';
$lang['Submit'] = 'Submit';
$lang['Yes'] = 'Yes';
$lang['No'] = 'No';
$lang['%d photo'] = '%d photo';
$lang['%d photos'] = '%d photos';
$lang['%d photo is also linked to current tags'] = '%d photo is also linked to current tags';
$lang['%d photos are also linked to current tags'] = '%d photos are also linked to current tags';
$lang['display photos linked to this tag'] = 'display photos linked to this tag';
$lang['photos posted during the last %d days'] = 'photos posted during the last %d days';


You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#14 2011-03-20 20:01:30

Translation Team
Skaftafell, Iceland

Re: [is_IS] Íslenska -Icelandic

how much is left on the public part?



#15 2011-03-20 20:23:13

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [is_IS] Íslenska -Icelandic

Wallster wrote:

how much is left on the public part?

87 lines including that with the above post

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



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