UAM version 2.20.4 : Add a new option to display or not the user's password in information email
Eric wrote:
It is done! The final stable 2.20.0 version is available !
New features :
- Compliance with Piwigo 2.2
- Add of a dedicated UAM block in PWG Stuffs plugin to inform unvalidated users on their status
I cannot figure out why but the UAM block never appears for unvalidated users for me when used with PWG Stuffs plugin. When I check the users they are in the "Waiting" Group that I created.
Also is there a way for a user to re-request the validation email if they lose it or something?
Hi IcyHot,
You're right, there is a bug with this feature. I'll fix it as soon as possible.
Thank you for your feedback.
Eric wrote:
Hi IcyHot,
You're right, there is a bug with this feature. I'll fix it as soon as possible.
Thank you for your feedback.
Thanks, I was going crazy trying to figure out what I had done wrong. It's nice to know I am not totally crazy. This module is great and I appreciate the work you are putting into it.
New version 2.20.5 : Fixes a problem with UAM block for PWG_Stuffs.
A directory was missing in the previous releases... I'm sorry for this unfortunate inconvenience :-/
Warning: An update issue may appear when updating to UAM version 2.20.5. In fact, I've noticed the problem on my online galleries but is not systematic and it was impossible to reproduce in my local testing environment.
In a previous version (perhaps 2.20.0 or 2.20.1), some database tables update may not have been done correctly. This is illustrated by a bad version number in the #_plugins table and / or an empty value in the entry "UserAdvManager_Version" in #_config table.
In a good way, the plugin version in #_plugins table is managed by Piwigo when installing the plugin. I do not understand how this data can not be updated.
About "UserAdvManager_Version" in #_config table, it's usually updated automatically at each deactivation / reactivation of the plugin. So at each update at least. Despite several tests I was not able to reproduce a blank value at this location nor the bad version in #_plugins table.
Anyway, if you encounter a SQL error when upgrading from an UAM version between 2.20.0 and 2.20.4 to version 2.20.5, please use the following process:
1 - Leave UAM unactive
2 - In your database (via phpMyAdmin for example):
-> Check the #_plugins table, that the version of UAM matches the one installed. Normally, to date, it should be "2.20.5". If necessary, modify it manually.
-> Check #_config table, parameter "UserAdvManager_Version" that the "value" field is not empty and the version number displayed matches the version of UAM installed. Change manually the value if necessary.
3 - You can then reactivate the plugin and everything should be fine.
Last edited by Eric (2011-04-29 22:24:32)
thanks for the info I had a problem, but I uninstalled and re-installed and it seemed OK..but i still checked my phpMyAdmin for version "2.20.5" and its OK..
Just one qustion I now have a error log within UAM folder?
[29-Apr-2011 23:29:54] PHP Warning: filemtime() [<a href='function.filemtime'>function.filemtime</a>]: stat failed for ./../.././../../plugins/Icons_Set/icons/s26/outline_ffffff.css in /home/xxxxx/public_html/include/template.class.php on line 1267
[29-Apr-2011 23:30:42] PHP Warning: filemtime() [<a href='function.filemtime'>function.filemtime</a>]: stat failed for ./../.././../../plugins/Icons_Set/icons/s26/outline_ffffff.css in /home/xxxxxx/public_html/include/template.class.php on line 1267
[29-Apr-2011 23:42:30] PHP Warning: filemtime() [<a href='function.filemtime'>function.filemtime</a>]: stat failed for ./../.././../../plugins/Icons_Set/icons/s26/outline_ffffff.css in /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/include/template.class.php on line 1267
[29-Apr-2011 23:47:02] PHP Warning: filemtime() [<a href='function.filemtime'>function.filemtime</a>]: stat failed for ./../.././../../plugins/Icons_Set/icons/s26/outline_ffffff.css in /home/xxxxxx/public_html/include/template.class.php on line 1267
any help regards philip
Hi Philip,
I'm afraid your problem is not related with UAM. I think you should check what is the folder "../plugins/Icons_Set/". This is not a standard Piwigo folder nor a standard plugin folder. And UAM doesn't use any sub-folder called "Icons_Set".
You may present your problem again in a new dedicated topic ;-)
Hi eric the plugin was
Eric wrote:
Hi Philip,
I'm afraid your problem is not related with UAM. I think you should check what is the folder "../plugins/Icons_Set/". This is not a standard Piwigo folder nor a standard plugin folder. And UAM doesn't use any sub-folder called "Icons_Set".
You may present your problem again in a new dedicated topic ;-)
I don't know much about [extension by flop25] Icons Set. I'm not the owner ;-)
Please open a new topic to expose your problem with this extension. flop25, who coded it, will answer you and help you better than I can.
Hi Eric
seem to have a problem with email its not adding password..
please find here your information to log in the gallery :
User : stansoft
any idea why?
philip wrote:
Hi Eric
seem to have a problem with email its not adding password..
please find here your information to log in the gallery :
User : stansoft
any idea why?
Maybe you have not activate the option "Password in clear text in the information email" ?
This is a new feature added in version 2.20.4 because some users of the plugin did not want the password appears in clear texte in the email. A security reason...
By default this option is not enabled.
eric have password on in emails
if you turn it off you get no email at all..??
Eric wrote:
philip wrote:
Hi Eric
seem to have a problem with email its not adding password..
please find here your information to log in the gallery :
User : stansoft
any idea why?Maybe you have not activate the option "Password in clear text in the information email" ?
This is a new feature added in version 2.20.4 because some users of the plugin did not want the password appears in clear texte in the email. A security reason...
By default this option is not enabled.
Philip, you're right ! There is a bug in the new feature "Password in clear text in the information email". It does not work the right way.
The right way should be: If enabled, no password is sent in email. If disabled, password is sent. But now, the opposite happens :-(
I'll fix this bug as soon as possible. In the meantime, you can use it with the reverse logic. ;-)
The new 2.20.6 version will fix the problem on receiving password in information email.