For Estonian language (et_EE)
We would like to propose Piwigo to Estonian
The translation is not started, but translating it a few lines that will no longer be true ;-)
If you want to help translate these few lines and gradually we will propose Estonian for all
Replaces the second part (orange on the first line) by the Estonian translation
$lang_info['language_name'] = "English";
$lang_info['country'] = "Great Britain";
$lang_info['direction'] = "ltr";
$lang_info['code'] = "en";
$lang_info['zero_plural'] = "1";
$lang['%d album updated'] = '%d album updated';
$lang['%d albums updated'] = '%d albums updated';
$lang['%d comment to validate'] = '%d comment to validate';
$lang['%d comments to validate'] = '%d comments to validate';
$lang['%d new comment'] = '%d new comment';
$lang['%d new comments'] = '%d new comments';
$lang['%d comment'] = '%d comment';
$lang['%d comments'] = '%d comments';
$lang['%d hit'] = '%d hit';
$lang['%d hits'] = '%d hits';
$lang['%d new photo'] = '%d new photo';
$lang['%d new photos'] = '%d new photos';
$lang['%d new user'] = '%d new user';
$lang['%d new users'] = '%d new users';
$lang['About'] = 'About';
$lang['All tags'] = 'All tags';
$lang['Any tag'] = 'Any tag';
$lang['At least one listed rule must be satisfied.'] = 'At least one listed criterion must be satisfied.';
$lang['At least one tag must match'] = 'At least one tag must match';
$lang['Author'] = 'Author';
$lang['Average rate'] = 'Average rate';
$lang['Albums'] = 'Albums';
$lang['Album'] = 'Album';
$lang['Close this window'] = 'Close this window';
$lang['Complete RSS feed (photos, comments)'] = 'Complete RSS feed (photos, comments)';
$lang['Confirm Password'] = 'Confirm Password';
$lang['Connection settings'] = 'Connection settings';
$lang['Login'] = 'Login';
$lang['Contact webmaster'] = 'Contact webmaster';
$lang['Create a new account'] = 'Create a new account';
$lang['Created on'] = 'Created on';
$lang['Creation date'] = 'Creation date';
$lang['Current password is wrong'] = 'Current password is wrong';
$lang['Dimensions'] = 'Dimensions';
$lang['Display'] = 'Display';
$lang['Each listed rule must be satisfied.'] = 'Each listed criterion must be satisfied.';
$lang['Email address'] = 'Email address';
$lang['Enter your personnal informations'] = 'Enter your personnal data';
$lang['Error sending email'] = 'Error when sending email';
$lang['File name'] = 'File name';
$lang['File'] = 'File';
$lang['Filesize'] = 'Filesize';
$lang['Filter and display'] = 'Filter and display';
$lang['Filter'] = 'Filter';
$lang['Forgot your password?'] = 'Forgot your password?';
$lang['Go through the gallery as a visitor'] = 'Navigate the gallery as a visitor';
$lang['Help'] = 'Help';
$lang['Identification'] = 'Identification';
$lang['Photos only RSS feed'] = 'Photos only RSS feed';
$lang['Keyword'] = 'Keyword';
$lang_info['language_name'] = "Estonian";
$lang_info['country'] = "Estonia";
$lang_info['direction'] = "ltr";
$lang_info['code'] = "et";
$lang_info['zero_plural'] = "1";
$lang['%d album updated'] = '%d album uuendatud';
$lang['%d albums updated'] = '%d albumit uuendatud';
$lang['%d comment to validate'] = '%d kommentaar kinnitada';
$lang['%d comments to validate'] = '%d kommentaari kinnitada';
$lang['%d new comment'] = '%d uus kommentaar';
$lang['%d new comments'] = '%d uut kommentaari';
$lang['%d comment'] = '%d kommentaar';
$lang['%d comments'] = '%d kommentaari';
$lang['%d hit'] = '%d tabamus';
$lang['%d hits'] = '%d tabamust';
$lang['%d new photo'] = '%d uus foto';
$lang['%d new photos'] = '%d uut fotot';
$lang['%d new user'] = '%d uus kasutaja';
$lang['%d new users'] = '%d uut kasutajat';
$lang['About'] = 'About';
$lang['All tags'] = 'Kõik sildid';
$lang['Any tag'] = 'Mistahes silt';
$lang['At least one listed rule must be satisfied.'] = 'Vähemalt üks loetletud reeglitest peab olema rahuldatud.';
$lang['At least one tag must match'] = 'Vähemalt üks silt peab sobima';
$lang['Author'] = 'Autor';
$lang['Average rate'] = 'Keskmine hinne';
$lang['Albums'] = 'Albumid';
$lang['Album'] = 'Album';
$lang['Close this window'] = 'Sule see aken';
$lang['Complete RSS feed (photos, comments)'] = 'Täielik RSS voog (pildid, kommentaarid)';
$lang['Confirm Password'] = 'Kinnita parool';
$lang['Connection settings'] = 'Ühenduse seaded';
$lang['Login'] = 'Kasutajanimi';
$lang['Contact webmaster'] = 'Kontakteeru webmasteriga';
$lang['Create a new account'] = 'Loo uus konto';
$lang['Created on'] = 'Loodud';
$lang['Creation date'] = 'Koostamise kuupäev';
$lang['Current password is wrong'] = 'Praegune parool on vale';
$lang['Dimensions'] = 'Dimensioonid';
$lang['Display'] = 'Näita';
$lang['Each listed rule must be satisfied.'] = 'Kõik loetletud reeglid peavad olema rahuldatud.';
$lang['Email address'] = 'E-posti aadress';
$lang['Enter your personnal informations'] = 'Sisesta isiklikud andmed';
$lang['Error sending email'] = 'Viga e-posti saatmisel';
$lang['File name'] = 'Faili nimi';
$lang['File'] = 'Fail';
$lang['Filesize'] = 'Failisuurus';
$lang['Filter and display'] = 'Filtreeri ja kuva';
$lang['Filter'] = 'Filtreeri';
$lang['Forgot your password?'] = 'Unustasid parooli?';
$lang['Go through the gallery as a visitor'] = 'Vaata galerii läbi külastajana';
$lang['Help'] = 'Abi';
$lang['Identification'] = 'Identiditseerimine';
$lang['Photos only RSS feed'] = 'Ainult piltide RSS voog';
$lang['Keyword'] = 'Märksõna';
Thanks :-)
Can you translate also
$lang['day'][0] = 'Sunday';
$lang['day'][1] = 'Monday';
$lang['day'][2] = 'Tuesday';
$lang['day'][3] = 'Wednesday';
$lang['day'][4] = 'Thursday';
$lang['day'][5] = 'Friday';
$lang['day'][6] = Saturday';
$lang['month'][10] = 'October';
$lang['month'][11] = 'November';
$lang['month'][12] = 'December';
$lang['month'][1] = 'January';
$lang['month'][2] = 'February';
$lang['month'][3] = 'March';
$lang['month'][4] = 'April';
$lang['month'][5] = 'May';
$lang['month'][6] = 'June';
$lang['month'][7] = 'July';
$lang['month'][8] = 'August';
$lang['month'][9] = 'September';
$lang['New password confirmation does not correspond'] = 'New password confirmation does not match';
$lang['New password sent by email'] = 'New password sent by email';
$lang['No email address'] = 'No email address';
$lang['No classic user matches this email address'] = 'No classic user matches this email address';
$lang['Notification'] = 'Notification';
$lang['Number of items'] = 'Number of items';
$lang['Original dimensions'] = 'Original dimensions';
$lang['Password forgotten'] = 'Password forgotten';
$lang['Password'] = 'Password';
$lang['Post date'] = 'Post date';
$lang['Posted on'] = 'Posted on';
$lang['Profile'] = 'Profile';
$lang['Quick connect'] = 'Quick connect';
$lang['RSS feed'] = 'RSS feed';
$lang['Rate'] = 'Rate';
$lang['Register'] = 'Register';
$lang['Registration'] = 'Registration';
$lang['Related tags'] = 'Related tags';
$lang['Reset'] = 'Reset';
$lang['Retrieve password'] = 'Retrieve password';
$lang['Search rules'] = 'Search criteria';
$lang['Search tags'] = 'Search tags';
$lang['Search'] = 'Search';
$lang['display available tags'] = 'display available tags';
$lang['Send new password'] = 'Send new password';
$lang['Since'] = 'Since';
$lang['Sort by'] = 'Sort by';
$lang['Sort order'] = 'Sort order';
$lang['Tag'] = 'Tag';
$lang['Tags'] = 'Tags';
$lang['day'][0] = 'Pühapäev';
$lang['day'][1] = 'Esmaspäev';
$lang['day'][2] = 'Teisipäev';
$lang['day'][3] = 'Kolmapäev';
$lang['day'][4] = 'Neljapäev';
$lang['day'][5] = 'Reede';
$lang['day'][6] = Laupäev';
$lang['month'][10] = 'Oktoober';
$lang['month'][11] = 'November';
$lang['month'][12] = 'Detsember';
$lang['month'][1] = 'Jaanuar';
$lang['month'][2] = 'Veebruar';
$lang['month'][3] = 'Märts';
$lang['month'][4] = 'Aprill';
$lang['month'][5] = 'Mai';
$lang['month'][6] = 'Juuni';
$lang['month'][7] = 'Juuli';
$lang['month'][8] = 'August';
$lang['month'][9] = 'September';
$lang['New password confirmation does not correspond'] = 'Uus paroolikinnitus ei sobi';
$lang['New password sent by email'] = 'Uus parool saadetud e-postiga';
$lang['No email address'] = 'E-posti aadress puudu';
$lang['No classic user matches this email address'] = 'Mitte ükski klassikaline kasutaja ei sobitu selle e-postiga';
$lang['Notification'] = 'Teadaanne';
$lang['Number of items'] = 'Ühikute arv';
$lang['Original dimensions'] = 'Originaal mõõtmed';
$lang['Password forgotten'] = 'Unustatud parool';
$lang['Password'] = 'Parool';
$lang['Post date'] = 'Postituse kuupäev';
$lang['Posted on'] = 'Postitatud';
$lang['Profile'] = 'Profiil';
$lang['Quick connect'] = 'Kiirühendus';
$lang['RSS feed'] = 'RSS voog';
$lang['Rate'] = 'Hinda';
$lang['Register'] = 'Registreeru';
$lang['Registration'] = 'Registreerimine';
$lang['Related tags'] = 'Seotud märksõnad';
$lang['Reset'] = 'Algseadista';
$lang['Retrieve password'] = 'Tagasta parool';
$lang['Search rules'] = 'Otsingu eeskirjad';
$lang['Search tags'] = 'Otsingu märksõnad';
$lang['Search'] = 'Otsi';
$lang['display available tags'] = 'kuva võimalikud märksõnad';
$lang['Send new password'] = 'Saada uus parool';
$lang['Since'] = 'Alates';
$lang['Sort by'] = 'Sorteeri';
$lang['Sort order'] = 'Sorteerimisjärjestus';
$lang['Tag'] = 'Märksõna';
$lang['Tags'] = 'Märksõnad';
Thanks :-)
can you translate also
$lang['Unknown feed identifier'] = 'Unknown feed identifier';
$lang['User comments'] = 'User comments';
$lang['Username'] = 'Username';
$lang['Visits'] = 'Visits';
$lang['Webmaster'] = 'Webmaster';
$lang['Week %d'] = 'Week %d';
$lang['About Piwigo'] = 'About Piwigo';
$lang['You are not authorized to access the requested page'] = 'You are not authorized to access the requested page';
$lang['add to caddie'] = 'add to caddie';
$lang['add this photo to your favorites'] = 'add this photo to your favorites';
$lang['Administration'] = 'Administration';
$lang['all'] = 'all';
$lang['ascending'] = 'ascending';
$lang['author(s) : %s'] = 'author(s) : %s';
$lang['Expand all albums'] = 'Expand all albums';
$lang['posted after %s (%s)'] = 'posted after %s (%s)';
$lang['posted before %s (%s)'] = 'posted before %s (%s)';
$lang['posted between %s (%s) and %s (%s)'] = 'posted between %s (%s) and %s (%s)';
$lang['posted on %s'] = 'posted on %s';
$lang['Best rated'] = 'Best rated';
$lang['display best rated photos'] = 'display best rated photos';
$lang['caddie'] = 'Caddie';
$lang['Calendar'] = 'Calendar';
$lang['All'] = 'All';
$lang['display each day with photos, month per month'] = 'display each day with photos, month per month';
$lang['View'] = 'View';
$lang['chronology_monthly_calendar'] = 'Monthly calendar';
$lang['chronology_monthly_list'] = 'Monthly list';
$lang['chronology_weekly_list'] = 'Weekly list';
$lang['Click here if your browser does not automatically forward you'] = 'Click here if your browser does not automatically forward you';
$lang['comment date'] = 'comment date';
$lang['Comment'] = 'Comment';
$lang['Your comment has been registered'] = 'Your comment has been registered';
$lang['Anti-flood system : please wait for a moment before trying to post another comment'] = 'Anti-flood system : please wait for a moment before trying to post another comment';
$lang['Your comment has NOT been registered because it did not pass the validation rules'] = 'Your comment has NOT been registered because it did not pass the validation rules';
$lang['An administrator must authorize your comment before it is visible.'] = 'An administrator must authorize your comment before it becomes visible.';
$lang['This login is already used by another user'] = 'This login is already used by another user';
$lang['Comments'] = 'Comments';
$lang['Add a comment'] = 'Add a comment';
$lang['created after %s (%s)'] = 'created after %s (%s)';
$lang['created before %s (%s)'] = 'created before %s (%s)';
$lang['created between %s (%s) and %s (%s)'] = 'created between %s (%s) and %s (%s)';
$lang['created on %s'] = 'created on %s';
$lang['Customize'] = 'Customize';
$lang['Your Gallery Customization'] = 'Your gallery customization';
$lang['Default'] = 'Default';
$lang['delete this photo from your favorites'] = 'delete this photo from your favorites';
$lang['Delete'] = 'Delete';
$lang['descending'] = 'descending';
$lang['download'] = 'download';
$lang['download this file'] = 'download this file';
$lang['edit'] = 'edit';
$lang['wrong date'] = 'wrong date';
$lang['excluded'] = 'excluded';
$lang['Your favorites'] = 'Your favorites';
$lang['display your favorites photos'] = 'display your favorites photos';
$lang['Favorites'] = 'Favorites';
$lang['First'] = 'First';
$lang['Unknown feed identifier'] = 'Tundmatu voo identifikaator';
$lang['User comments'] = 'Kasutaja kommentaarid';
$lang['Username'] = 'Kasutajanimi';
$lang['Visits'] = 'Külastust';
$lang['Webmaster'] = 'Veebmaster';
$lang['Week %d'] = 'Nädal %d';
$lang['About Piwigo'] = 'Piwigost lähemalt';
$lang['You are not authorized to access the requested page'] = 'Sa ei ole autoriseeritud sellele lehele juurdepääsuks';
$lang['add to caddie'] = 'lisa caddie-sse';
$lang['add this photo to your favorites'] = 'lisa see foto oma lemmikutesse';
$lang['Administration'] = 'Administreerimine';
$lang['all'] = 'kõik';
$lang['ascending'] = 'kasvav';
$lang['author(s) : %s'] = 'autor(it) : %s';
$lang['Expand all albums'] = 'Laienda kõik albumid';
$lang['posted after %s (%s)'] = 'postitatud peale %s (%s)';
$lang['posted before %s (%s)'] = 'postitatud enne %s (%s)';
$lang['posted between %s (%s) and %s (%s)'] = 'postitatud %s (%s) ja %s (%s) vahel';
$lang['posted on %s'] = 'postitatud %s';
$lang['Best rated'] = 'Kõrgeimalt hinnatud';
$lang['display best rated photos'] = 'kuva kõrgeimalt hinnatud fotod';
$lang['caddie'] = 'Caddie';
$lang['Calendar'] = 'Kalender';
$lang['All'] = 'Kõik';
$lang['display each day with photos, month per month'] = 'kuva iga fotodega päev, kuust kuusse';
$lang['View'] = 'Vaade';
$lang['chronology_monthly_calendar'] = 'Kuukalender';
$lang['chronology_monthly_list'] = 'Kuu nimekiri';
$lang['chronology_weekly_list'] = 'Nädala nimekiri';
$lang['Click here if your browser does not automatically forward you'] = 'Kui su internetilehitseja ei suuna sind automaatselt edasi, vajuta siia';
$lang['comment date'] = 'kommentaari kuupäev';
$lang['Comment'] = 'Kommentaar';
$lang['Your comment has been registered'] = 'Sinu kommentaar on registreeritud';
$lang['Anti-flood system : please wait for a moment before trying to post another comment'] = 'Kuritarvitusvastane süsteem : palun oota natuke, enne kui proovid uut kommentaari postitada';
$lang['Your comment has NOT been registered because it did not pass the validation rules'] = 'Sinu kommentaari ei registreeritud, kuna see EI vasta valideerimisreeglitele.';
$lang['An administrator must authorize your comment before it is visible.'] = 'Administraator peab sinu kommentaari enne avalikustamist heaks kiitma.';
$lang['This login is already used by another user'] = 'See kasutajanimi on kasutusel juba teise kasutaja poolt';
$lang['Comments'] = 'Kommentaarid';
$lang['Add a comment'] = 'Lisa kommentaar';
$lang['created after %s (%s)'] = 'loodud peale %s (%s)';
$lang['created before %s (%s)'] = 'loodud enne %s (%s)';
$lang['created between %s (%s) and %s (%s)'] = 'loodud %s (%s) ja %s (%s) vahel';
$lang['created on %s'] = 'loodud %s';
$lang['Customize'] = 'Kohanda';
$lang['Your Gallery Customization'] = 'Sinu galerii kohandamine';
$lang['Default'] = 'Vaikimisi';
$lang['delete this photo from your favorites'] = 'kustuta see foto oma lemmikutest';
$lang['Delete'] = 'Kustuta';
$lang['descending'] = 'kahanev';
$lang['download'] = 'allalaadimine';
$lang['download this file'] = 'lae see fail alla';
$lang['edit'] = 'redigeeri';
$lang['wrong date'] = 'vale kuupäev';
$lang['excluded'] = 'välja arvatud';
$lang['Your favorites'] = 'Sinu lemmikud';
$lang['display your favorites photos'] = 'kuva oma lemmikfotod';
$lang['Favorites'] = 'Lemmikud';
$lang['First'] = 'Esimene';
i'm not sure about the word 'caddie', but the result should be fine.
Thanks :-)
[Subversion] r12164
daddo wrote:
i'm not sure about the word 'caddie', but the result should be fine.
You can read [Forum, topic 15929] Caddy - real dumb question... for explain caddy ;-)
can you translate also
$lang['The gallery is locked for maintenance. Please, come back later.'] = 'The gallery is locked for maintenance. Please, come back later.';
$lang['Page generated in'] = 'Page generated in';
$lang['guest'] = 'guest';
$lang['Hello'] = 'Hello';
$lang['available for administrators only'] = 'available for administrators only';
$lang['display this album'] = 'display this album';
$lang['display last user comments'] = 'display last user comments';
$lang['customize the appareance of the gallery'] = 'customize the look of the gallery';
$lang['search'] = 'search';
$lang['Home'] = 'Home';
$lang['in this album'] = 'in this album';
$lang['in %d sub-album'] = 'in %d sub-album';
$lang['in %d sub-albums'] = 'in %d sub-albums';
$lang['included'] = 'included';
$lang['Invalid password!'] = 'Invalid password!';
$lang['Language'] = 'Language';
$lang['last %d days'] = 'last %d days';
$lang['Last'] = 'Last';
$lang['Logout'] = 'Logout';
$lang['E-mail address'] = 'E-mail address';
$lang['obligatory'] = 'mandatory';
$lang['The gallery is locked for maintenance. Please, come back later.'] = 'Galerii on hoolduse ajaks lukustatud. Palun proovi natukese aja pärast uuesti.';
$lang['Page generated in'] = 'Leht genereeritud';
$lang['guest'] = 'külaline';
$lang['Hello'] = 'Tere';
$lang['available for administrators only'] = 'saadaval vaid administraatoritele';
$lang['display this album'] = 'kuva see album';
$lang['display last user comments'] = 'kuva viimased kasutajate kommentaarid';
$lang['customize the appareance of the gallery'] = 'kohanda galerii välimust';
$lang['search'] = 'otsi';
$lang['Home'] = 'Avaleht';
$lang['in this album'] = 'selles albumis';
$lang['in %d sub-album'] = '%d alamalbumis';
$lang['in %d sub-albums'] = '%d alamalbumites';
$lang['included'] = 'kaasa arvatud';
$lang['Invalid password!'] = 'Vigane salasõna!';
$lang['Language'] = 'Keel';
$lang['last %d days'] = 'viimased %d päeva';
$lang['Last'] = 'Viimane';
$lang['Logout'] = 'Logi välja';
$lang['E-mail address'] = 'E-posti aadress';
$lang['obligatory'] = 'kohustuslik';
Thanks :-)
[Subversion] r12167
Can you translate also
$lang['Maximum photo height'] = 'Maximum photo height';
$lang['Maximum height must be a number superior to 50'] = 'Maximum height must be a number greater than 50';
$lang['Maximum photo width'] = 'Maximum photo width';
$lang['Maximum width must be a number superior to 50'] = 'Maximum width must be a number greater than 50';
$lang['display a calendar by creation date'] = 'display a calendar by creation date';
$lang['display all photos in all sub-albums'] = 'display all photos in all sub-albums';
$lang['return to normal view mode'] = 'return to normal view mode';
$lang['display a calendar by posted date'] = 'display a calendar by posted date';
$lang['Most visited'] = 'Most visited';
$lang['display most visited photos'] = 'display most visited photos';
$lang['The number of photos per page must be a not null scalar'] = 'The number of photos per page must be a nonzero integer';
$lang['Number of photos per page'] = 'Number of photos per page';
$lang['Unknown identifier'] = 'Unknown identifier';
$lang['New password'] = 'New password';
$lang['Rate this photo'] = 'Rate this photo';
$lang['Next'] = 'Next';
$lang['no rate'] = 'no rate';
$lang['Photos posted within the last %d day.'] = 'Photos posted within the last %d day only.';
$lang['Photos posted within the last %d days.'] = 'Photos posted within the last %d days only.';
$lang['password updated'] = 'password updated';
$lang['Recent period must be a positive integer value'] = 'Recent period must be a positive integer value';
$lang['photo'] = 'photo';
$lang['Click on the photo to see it in high definition'] = 'Click on the photo to see it in high definition';
$lang['Show file metadata'] = 'Show file metadata';
$lang['Powered by'] = 'Powered by';
$lang['Preferences'] = 'Preferences';
$lang['Previous'] = 'Previous';
$lang['Random photos'] = 'Random photos';
$lang['display a set of random photos'] = 'display a set of random photos';
$lang['Recent albums'] = 'Recent albums';
$lang['display recently updated albums'] = 'display recently updated albums';
$lang['Recent period'] = 'Recent period';
$lang['Recent photos'] = 'Recent photos';
$lang['display most recent photos'] = 'display most recent photos';
$lang['Redirection...'] = 'Redirection...';
$lang['Maximum photo height'] = 'Maksimaalne foto kõrgus';
$lang['Maximum height must be a number superior to 50'] = 'Maksimaalne kõrgus peab olema suurem kui 50';
$lang['Maximum photo width'] = 'Maksimaalne foto laius';
$lang['Maximum width must be a number superior to 50'] = 'Maksimaalne laius peab olema suurem kui 50';
$lang['display a calendar by creation date'] = 'kuva kalender loomiskuupäeva järgi';
$lang['display all photos in all sub-albums'] = 'kuva kõik fotod kõikidest alamalbumitest';
$lang['return to normal view mode'] = 'naase tavalisse kuvarežiimi';
$lang['display a calendar by posted date'] = 'kuva kalender postitamiskuupäeva järgi';
$lang['Most visited'] = 'Enim vaadatud';
$lang['display most visited photos'] = 'kuva enim vaadatud fotod';
$lang['The number of photos per page must be a not null scalar'] = 'Fotode arv ühel leheküljel peab olema nullist suurem arvsümbol';
$lang['Number of photos per page'] = 'Fotode arv leheküljel';
$lang['Unknown identifier'] = 'Tundmatu identifikaator';
$lang['New password'] = 'Uus salasõna';
$lang['Rate this photo'] = 'Hinda seda fotot';
$lang['Next'] = 'Järgmine';
$lang['no rate'] = 'hindamata';
$lang['Photos posted within the last %d day.'] = 'Ainult viimase %d päeva jooksul postitatud fotod.';
$lang['Photos posted within the last %d days.'] = 'Ainult viimase %d päeva jooksul postitatud fotod.';
$lang['password updated'] = 'salasõna uuendatud';
$lang['Recent period must be a positive integer value'] = 'Viimatine periood peab omama positiivset arvsümboli väärtust';
$lang['photo'] = 'foto';
$lang['Click on the photo to see it in high definition'] = 'Klikka fotol selle kõrgeralduses vaatamiseks';
$lang['Show file metadata'] = 'Näita faili metaandmeid';
$lang['Powered by'] = 'Toob teieni';
$lang['Preferences'] = 'Eelistused';
$lang['Previous'] = 'Eelmine';
$lang['Random photos'] = 'Juhuvalikus fotod';
$lang['display a set of random photos'] = 'kuva juhufotode kogum';
$lang['Recent albums'] = 'Hiljutised albumid';
$lang['display recently updated albums'] = 'kuva viimati uuendatud albumid';
$lang['Recent period'] = 'Viimatine periood';
$lang['Recent photos'] = 'Viimased fotod';
$lang['display most recent photos'] = 'kuva kõige viimased fotod';
$lang['Redirection...'] = 'Ümbersuunamine...';
Thanks :-)
[Subversion] r12174
Can you translate also
Last edited by ddtddt (2012-03-25 10:04:44)
To continue to translate Estonian, thank you for using the translation tool
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