We would like to change sort order labels for Piwigo 2.4.
Instead of "file name/creation date/post date/most visited/rank/id", "ascending/descending"..., we propose the following list:
file name, A → Z
file name, Z → A
photo title, A → Z
photo title, Z → A
date created, new → old Vs most recently created first
date created, old → new Vs most recently created last
date posted, new → old Vs most recently posted first
date posted, old → new Vs most recently posted last
rating score, high → low Vs highest rating score first
rating score, low → high Vs highest rating score last
visits, high → low Vs most visited first
visits, low → high Vs most visited last
manual sort order
numeric identifier, 1 → 9
numeric identifier, 9 → 1
edit 1 by plg on 2012-02-08: "taken" replaced by "created", "added" replaced by "posted", "views" replaced by "visits"
edit 2 by plg on 2012-02-08: "recently" replaced by "most recently"
actually the question is: are these labels good in english? When I write "Vs", which version is the best on a user point of view? do you have better propositions?
They look fine in English either way. The first choice for all of them is clearer, less ambiguous, but there's no real problem with the second choices.
To be compliant with the "pattern", maybe "rating score, high → low" is better than "rating score (highest first)".
what about
- keep one list as today
- add a <hr>
- add a link "reverse" which will automatically reverse whatever choosen ( one simple arary_reverse at the end of section_init ...)
And let's keep the wording "created"/"posted" (instead of taken/added) or change it everywhere...
rvelices wrote:
what about
- keep one list as today
- add a <hr>
- add a link "reverse" which will automatically reverse whatever choosen
There are 2 places where we need the sort criteria: 1) on gallery side 2) on admin side. I suppose you're talking about the gallery side.
On gallery side, you propose something like this?
date created
date posted
✔ file name
rating score
✔ reverse
rvelices wrote:
And let's keep the wording "created"/"posted" (instead of taken/added) or change it everywhere...
Yes, you're right (and also replace "views" by "visits")
plg wrote:
taken date, old → new Vs recently taken first
taken date, new → old Vs recently taken last
added date, old → new Vs recently added first
added date, new → old Vs recently added last
I do prefer the suggested "date created" and "date posted" and would add to the second options above a preceding "most" to make "most recently created first" or "most recently added last", etc., etc.
If you are going to keep the "created" and "added" are the second options going to change as well? For example, "most recently created first" instead of "most recently taken first".
OK, in the first post of this topic, I've applied some changes...
But what's better between "date created, old → new" and "most recently created last" ?
I think I like better the first one because it keeps the pattern "property, from → to" and I think it's easier to read, but I'm not a native english speaker.
Billr votes for the first proposition (clearer, less ambiguous) and I agree.
Hi team, let me tell you i love this photo gallery, tanks a lot.
My message it´s because I can´t find "sort by photo title" or "sort by title", not filename, i need by title because i have principally nature photographs and we wont to have it ordered by name.
And i see you tell it as a possibility in this thread, but i couldn´t find it anyway.
Could you help me please?
Thank you very much.
Lago Puelo, Patagonia Argentina
Leopuelo wrote:
My message it´s because I can´t find "sort by photo title" or "sort by title", not filename, i need by title because i have principally nature photographs and we wont to have it ordered by name.
It's a new feature in Piwigo 2.4 (not stable yet)
Oops, excuse me. Thank you for your answer.