I am working on making my own theme based on the default theme and turning it into a HTML 5 ready website.
I have made a new folder for the theme and I have started to mess around with footer.tpl and header.tpl
Problem I am getting is the smarty {get_combined_css} it outputting the CSS fine but where do I find the line that has the <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="_data/combined/9dypdj.css">. I want to close the link tag />
and what a so great news
unfortunately, it've been written on the marble : line 461 template.class.php
$content[] = '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.$href.'">';
Last edited by flop25 (2012-07-06 11:26:37)
Thank you flop25 for the quick and accurate response.
I am not sure what is meant by "unfortunately, it've been write on the marble". I assume its a French saying that is lost of translation.
I like to produce HTML to a standard and have it validate. This is a good excuse to have a go as my website is being rebuilt as I have had to change gallery providers.
mendip_discovery wrote:
I am not sure what is meant by "unfortunately, it've been write on the marble". I assume its a French saying that is lost of translation.
like "It's written in stone"
I'm reading the w3c doc http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/the-link-ele … nk-element but I don't see where they recommend an end tag
I am using,
Its like the difference between the <br> and <br />. All tags must be closed, <p>Text</p> we have been doing for a while but now its considered good manners to close tags br and hr.
I am really interested in what this article talks about,
thx for sharing !!
you can add a ticket in our bugtracker http://piwigo.org/bugs
mendip_discovery wrote:
Problem I am getting is the smarty {get_combined_css} it outputting the CSS fine but where do I find the line that has the <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="_data/combined/9dypdj.css">. I want to close the link tag />
Why do you want to close it? The link declaration that you cite is perfectly compliant with html5 ...
okay now I do remember : xhtml (5 or whatever) requires to close it, but html doesn't
Trying to validate a page I kept getting an error on the head and body tags. Turns out there was a div tag added within the head area by the facebookplug plugin.
I thought it was due to a HTML error because of tags not being closed.