In the description, FCK editor plugin is described as a WYSIWYG editor for piwigo textareas, additional page and PWG Stuffs plugins.
Two questions, maybe related?
1. When I enable FCK Editor plugin, I get the following error on the Configuration - Options page:
Notice: Undefined index: FCKEditor in /home/.../plugins/FCKEditor/ on line 28
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by
(output started at /home/.../plugins/FCKEditor/ in
/home/.../include/page_header.php on line 105
The editor seems to be working.
2. Is the photo properties page one of these textareas, or is it not?
I don't see any configuration options for the plugin. In the gallery's Configuration - Options page there is a link to turn the FCK Editor On/Off, but nothing on the photo properties page. There is also no FCK Editor.
All plugins and installation up to date. Using wipi theme as default.
Just putting this out there for now, have not had time to experiment yet.
I have since deactivated and reactivated the plugin.
The Undefined index: FCKEditor error has gone away. Not exactly sure, but maybe some other problem... Was not able to reproduce the error.
But the Configuration - Options page is the only text area where the FCK editor seem to be working.