For Piwigo Version 2.6, I would like to remind people of the following 'bug' requests, mostly raised by me and some by plg, in the hope that others will support them and they will be implemented:-
[Bugtracker] ticket 2808:
In Batch Manager I think it would be useful to have a Predefined filter: "My Favorites" which would work in the same way as the others e.g. Caddie.
[Bugtracker] ticket 2810:
For some time now I have found the Batch Manager definition of "Duplicate" as very limited, as it only looks for photos with exactly the same filename.
I think it would be useful to have some (optional) additional tests:
1) To also test if the Creation Date (and Time) is the same, as well as the Filename.
2) To possibly test if the Pixel Dimensions (Width and Height) are also the same.
[Bugtracker] ticket 2790:
We already have the "no tag" prefilter, the same for description/title/author/created would be useful too.
[Bugtracker] ticket 2791:
we can already filter on image dimensions, filtering on file weight/size would be useful.
Thanks for your interest!
Last edited by Tadjio (2013-04-16 19:23:06)
Thank you for your interest and energy! Thx to people like you, we gain energy and willpowee
We will try to achieve some of the one you quoted
Tadjio wrote:
[Bugtracker] ticket 2790:
We already have the "no tag" prefilter, the same for description/title/author/created would be useful too.
Hi :-)
I thinks is better use plugin for add option in bath manager
exemple [extension by ddtddt] Batch Manager, Photo Description
Thanks flop25 and ddtddt for responding to my requests.
Bear in mind that it was plg that submitted the last two 'bug' requests 2790 & 2791.
I see you have created an 'instant' plugin today for filtering by Description.
I don't know much about creating plugins and as a user can't test them instantly without plg installing them.
If we were to have all my requests, could they all be done in one plugin or several or what?
Would they then appear seamlessly in Batch Manager alongside those already present?
My request about Duplicates might be more complicated.
(I'm looking forward to managing my baths properly ;)
Tadjio wrote:
(I'm looking forward to managing my baths properly ;)
ddtddt wrote:
I thinks is better use plugin for add option in bath manager
exemple [extension by ddtddt] Batch Manager, Photo Description
Thanks for this example extension, which I have tried. It works just as I would like it.
My concern is that we could have a plethora of plug-ins for all the new requested batch manager features.
This would be very confusing, especially if users don't know they exist.
I would prefer a longer list of options in the core program.
Can I suggest that we have one new plug-in "Batch Manager Extensions"?
This way we would get the best of both worlds - coding done in a plug-in but all improvements available together?
Too many options in the Batch Manager (option = filter or action) is a bad thing. A configuration screen to say which options are available in the Batch Manager is also a bad thing. I think we should have plugins to add options to Batch Manager.
I would prefer a few plugins like "Batch Manager Prefilters" with several options merged into a single plugin. This is just what I "would prefer", but Piwigo Team can't control contributions (and that's a good thing). Sometimes we would like things to be designed differently but it's better to have the feature "another way" than not done at all.
I don't know how will be implemented options listed in the bugtracker. Maybe some core options should be moved to a plugin (I think about the "filter on dimensions"), other options should be moved from a plugin to core.
Anyway Tadjio, I think your requests are relevant and no matter the way you will have them (core or plugins) I will work on them :-)
Thanks for your reply, Pierrick. I am glad to hear you are working on my requests!
One other filter that ddtddt mentioned was a "Rating filter" which I think would be useful, with Actions.
My only concerns now are that it should be sensible grouping of Filters in each Plugin and that it should be straightforward to identify and incorporate them (especially when using