Hey :)
I'm kind of looking for general directions here, about 2 different solutions to:
my Problem:
The picture page should preview more thumbnails
a. from the same tag category
b. from the default sorting order
I'm using Elegant theme right now, which previews 1 Next- and 1 Prev-Thumbnail. Somehow I would like to increase that.
So if there are any plugins or themes that do something similar or close to that, I'd appreciate any directions :)
What I've found via search could not give me any solutions so far, like:
2012-07-15: Similar images plugin Request
2010-11-03: Next and Previous Thumbnail Setting in Image-viewing Page
there is nothing already done, but that could be done. Any customization can be done
How true *g*.
It sounded like a "show similar images"-extension is time extensive and complicated to make.
So instead the simplest workaround I can think of right now, would be to replace the Prev/Next Thumbnails on the picture.tpl with just more Prev/Next Thumbnails to create more of an incentive(appeal) to use the picture page more extensively for browsing.
For example, having 2(rows) x6 thumbnails on the right side in the "imageinfos":
With the CSS part I could work myself through somehow, but the php part is my kryptonite ;)
Could you advice me on what to change in default theme - picture.tpl to achieve my divine prophecy :) ?
<div id="imageInfos"> {if $DISPLAY_NAV_THUMB} <div class="navThumbs"> {if isset($previous)} <a class="navThumb" id="linkPrev" href="{$previous.U_IMG}" title="{'Previous'|@translate} : {$previous.TITLE|@escape}" rel="prev"> <span class="thumbHover prevThumbHover"></span> <img src="{$previous.derivatives.square->get_url()}" alt="{$previous.TITLE|@escape}"> </a> {/if} {if isset($next)} <a class="navThumb" id="linkNext" href="{$next.U_IMG}" title="{'Next'|@translate} : {$next.TITLE|@escape}" rel="next"> <span class="thumbHover nextThumbHover"></span> <img src="{$next.derivatives.square->get_url()}" alt="{$next.TITLE|@escape}"> </a> {/if} </div> {/if} </div>
greets from austria