Last night I tried to update to v2.6.1 (from 2.5.3).
I first tried the automatic update via the administration page. After a screen full of errors or other messages (I made a screenshot, if needed I can post it) and a screen refresh I got a Piwigo screen that mentioned that all plugins were inactive similar like the screen mentioned the the manual update procedure.
After this I was revered back to the index.php of my site. There I got another load of errors.
As mentioned in the forum I uploaded the complete installation by ftp (overwriting all) but this did nothing.
When I go to my site I still get the errors , also when I try to go to the admin part.
Here some info:
Site: www.eijdenberg.nl
Piwigo 2.5.3 to 2.6.1
PHP: 5.4
PHP knowledge: zero to nothing
Can you please help me?
Grt, Jan
Hi :-)
what theme use you ?
Have you update your theme ?
I used the simple grey theme.
Grt, Jan
Hi :-)
Simple grey theme isn't compatible with Piwigo 2.6
I will test this afternoon
I just wanted to see the new version and didn't think the impact would be that great, how sorry for me ;-(
So when the update for the simple grey arrives I can copy this into the correct folder via ftp and hope for the best? Or did I completely F*&$ up my site and have to start from scratch?
Grt, Jan
b.t.w. if you want to see the errors again use www.eijdenberg.nl/index.php (I placed an index.htm to say that the site is currently down...)
can you go to database
table piwigo_users_infos (or yourprefixrtable_users_infos)
remplace for you and guest theme by elegant
How do I do that? I have no access to the administration part of the site (www.eijdenberg.nl/admin.php , same kind of errors)
Can I access this by FTP but where do I look?
I also can export/import the database via the webhost.
Grt, Jan
Hi :-)
eijdenberg wrote:
I also can export/import the database via the webhost.
You can go on your database for change information?
I exported the database direct from the webhost and renamed it to a txt file (for easy reading):
This file I can edit, but I don't know how the import function works (yet).
When I look at the file it looks like there are some extra lines added to the file.
But will there be a realistic change that I can make the site work again or will it be easier just to start from scratch again?
Grt, Jan
Hi :-)
dump isn't compete
Would you want give me acces by e-mail for I look ?
Have a nice day
I did it! I changed my theme for myself and the guest to elegant.
Also the guest change set me thinking: what happens when I access the site as guest, so I deleted all history and passwords in Chrome and went to the site.
As guest I see that the site is locked (which I did not mention before ;-) but did that when I started with the update).
I got the message that the site is locked and when clicking on the link I get redirected to the identification screen.... with the errors...
Maybe helpfull????
Grt, Jan
I make severals test but I canrt repair for the time.
Can you ask your webhosting why all CHMOD is xxx ?
He can update CHMOD ?
Thank you very much for the effort.
To get this version working will probably take a lot of trouble. On this point it will probably easier to start from scratch again ;-(
I probably will have some questions about transferring data from the old to the new, but that will be a new post.
Thanks anyway.
Grt, Jan
Problem is serveur Windows ISS plg contact you
would you want I test upgrade to 2.5.3