I have my piwigo gallery site, and recently, the website is blocked due to overload querries.
Piwigo version: v2.5.1
PHP version: php3
MySQL version: unknown
Piwigo URL: http://ku.8964.com/tongxue/
The web hosting companies asked me to do:
To resolve the problem you can configure your Piwigo CMS website not to send these queries and optimize database to reduce it's size.
I have no idea how to do that, and I need your kind assistance, thank you
Jun Wang
Hi :-)
junwang wrote:
PHP version: php3
What version piwigo use you ?
Have you accès on admin panel piwigo ?
Have you acces database ?
Thank you very much for your help.
What version piwigo use you ?
> version 2.5.1
Have you accès on admin panel piwigo ?
> the site is blocked by the hosting company due to overload of querries to the database.
Have you acces database ?
> yes, I can still get access to the database, but I am not good at database and do not know how to do with it.
THank you
Jun Wang
by the way, I just checked out that the database version is: MySQL 5.1.68-community-log - MySQL Community Server (GPL)
Ask them to provide your the slow querry log: if they don't provide it, that's a lack of professionalism
This is what I got just now (is it enough with this?):
I would like to let you that you may find copy of your database in FTP root: C292742_image.sql.gz
Also our administrators provided following slow query:
Time: 87% (6523 sec)
Amount: 91% (635 queries)
Rows Examined/Sent: 237857101 / 6313
Used databases: [C292742_image]
Query example: use C292742_image; SELECT com.id AS comment_id, com.image_id, com.author, com.author_id, u.mail_address AS user_email, com.email, com.date, com.website_url, com.content, com.validated FROM piwigo_image_category AS ic INNER JOIN piwigo_comments AS com ON ic.image_id = com.image_id LEFT JOIN piwigo_users As u ON u.id = com.author_id WHERE 1=1 AND validated='true' AND (category_id NOT IN (82,81,78,77,76,75,21,74,72,19,71,70,18,66,65,32,16,69,68,67,29,13,40,39,38,37,44,42,41,28,9,48,47,8,62,61,51,50,49,6,64,63,54,52,57,56,60,59)) GROUP BY comment_id, com.image_id, com.author, com.author_id, com.date, com.content, com.validated ORDER BY ... [too long]
Could you use pastebin to share the whole queries please? Thanks
thanks flop25,
can you tell me where the bin is? I browsed the the whole directory, and I can not find that.
Jun Wang