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  •  » Complete rewrite of the admin pages

#1 2014-07-30 14:48:37

Former Piwigo Team
Lyon (FR)

Complete rewrite of the admin pages

You can see me coming a mile off...

I would like to rewrite the whole admin template to be fully responsive and touch screen ready, by using the well known Bootstrap and one of the many Admin templates available on the web.

One of the obvious advantage would be to be able to use the uploader with a smartphone without losing some eyes

It's also an occasion the rethink some screens (I am thinking about album permissions summaries and notifications)

It will also be some kind of playground for [Forum, topic 23228] Thoughs about new template-plugin interaction and more generally for a default responsive public theme.

Things to pay attention:
- ensure that plugins pages are generally well displayed without any rewrite
- keep dark and clear themes
- the Batch Manager (it's the most complex screen arround)

ETA: one day or another



#2 2014-07-30 15:59:08


Re: Complete rewrite of the admin pages

I support anything that helps Piwigo's integration with a smartphone, especially since the smartphone is increasingly the camera of choice for a larger and larger percentage of people.



#3 2014-07-30 16:06:24

Piwigo Team
Nantes, France, Europe

Re: Complete rewrite of the admin pages

Smartphones and tablets are the future of web usage for mainstream. I think that is obvious for everyone of us. So yes, a responsive and touch-ready administration would be very very useful.

And you're right, some current admin screen deserve a redesign.

In addition to these advantages, I'm sure we can find a nice looking template for Bootstrap, and then make Piwigo admin screens even more beautiful (than they are already in version 2.6 ;-)

Of course, I fear the impact on plugin and themes administration screens, so we will need a detailed documentation.

It looks like a big project, so the first step is certainly to have a "quick and dirty prototype". What do you think? Do you have a list of bootstrap templates somewhere?



#4 2014-07-30 17:04:13

Former Piwigo Team

Re: Complete rewrite of the admin pages

I don't know anything about bootstrap so i cannot comment on this.
WordPress does a very good job and i dont think it uses anything special.

We should definitely have a responsive admin.



#5 2014-07-30 17:14:40

Piwigo Team

Re: Complete rewrite of the admin pages

not sure about such a framework too. Of course a better mobile support is good but currrently the admin is usable from mobile
A public responsive template would be great too. Maybe the admin part would be the first step before the public part

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#6 2018-07-26 14:39:02

Piwigo Team
Nantes, France, Europe

Re: Complete rewrite of the admin pages

4 years later... as you can see on [Github] Piwigo issue #746 creating an admin theme based on Bootstrap can work :-) I copy what I just wrote on Github:

myself on Github wrote:

I'm currently working with Samuel on administration design: UI and UX.

The current plan follows 2 steps:

1) to refresh the UI for Piwigo 2.10, with mainly CSS changes and very small HTML changes (I will soon post screenshots on forum)

2) to rethink many part of the UX for Piwigo 3.0. Using Bootstrap for the technical integration is the obvious choice and that's where your work will be very useful, that will be a perfect start :-) I consider the implementation of Bootstrap by @Ajtak as a perfect PoC (Proof of Concept)

Using Bootstrap is a very good idea because it will bring responsiveness and some "standards" regarding HTML code and CSS classes. The huge drawback however is that it breaks the content of all pages, including extensions (plugins or theme configuration pages). This is why I can't imagine switching to Bootstrap before Piwigo 3.0 (and it would perfectly justify the change of major release number) : in addition to rewrite all core admin pages, we would need to assist plugin creators to upgrade their pages (and some of them would be quite impossible, like Advanced Menu Manager, I guess).

Piwigo 2.10 is for this year 2018, Piwigo 3.0 is for 2019, in my personal planning :-)


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  •  » Complete rewrite of the admin pages

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