Holy crap how much is left? :)
Wallster wrote:
Holy crap how much is left? :)
There're 23 files Help, 9 are translate to Sweden
There is also the upgrade file that isn't translated (16 keys)
3 descriptions standards plugin (more 5 keys)
updates files with changes Piwigo -> post:16904
and extensions (plugins, themes)
What is already translated can use Piwigo in good condition :-)
The rest will be with the availability of each ;-)
smile thats much...
Hmm first part
<h2>Redigera en kategori</ h2>
<li><strong>namn</ strong>: Byt namn på kategori (virtuellt namn byte
av en fysisk kategori).</li>
<li><strong>beskrivning</strong>: en kort text ger en allmän uppfattning om innehållet,
Denna text kommer att visas längst ned på miniatyrer sidan.</li>
<p>Om kategorin är virtuell, kan du flytta den. Flytta en kategori innebär
att ändra den överordnade kategorin.</p>
<h3>Alternativ</ h3>
<li><strong>Åtkomsttyp</strong>: Behörigheter hantering. Om du gör en
kategori privat, så blir alla dess underordnade kategorier blir privata. Om du gör en
kategori allmän, blir alla dess överordnade kategorier allmäna.</li>
<li><strong> Låst</strong>: Den kategori och dess underkategorier kommer att
vara tillfällig inaktiverad för underhåll.</li>
<li><strong>Kommentarer</strong>: Auktorisera användare kan kommentera delar av dena
kategorin. </ li>
<li><strong>Auktoriserad att ladda upp</strong>: Auktorisera användare kan ladda upp
bildfiler. Det här alternativet är tillgängligt för fysisk (inte
virtuella) kategorier. </li>
<p> Du kan också hantera dessa alternativ på "Egenskaper"
management skärmen (screens<span class="pwgScreen">Ladda upp</span>,<span
class = "pwgScreen"> Kommentarer</span>,<span class="pwgScreen">Låst</ span>,
<span class="pwgScreen">Offentlig-Privata</span>,<span
class = "pwgScreen">Representant</span> tillgänglig från <span
class = "pwgScreen">Administration, kategorier, Egenskaper</span>).</p>
<p>Använd standard sorteringsordningen för bilderna.</p>
<p> Ange om denna sorteringsordningen kommer att gälla även underkategorier. </p>
<p> Välj specifika sorterings kriterier som skall användas med på den här kategorin.</p>
<li><strong>Skapande datum</strong>: Bild fotograferingsdatum</li>
<li><strong>Publilerings datum</strong>: Synkronisering datum</li>
<li><strong>Genomsnittskurs (*)</strong>: Genomsnittlig kan ändras av besökarnas röstning </li>
<li><strong>Mest besökta (*)</strong>: Det aktuella besöket kan ändra mest besökta ordning</li>
<li><strong>Filnamn</strong>: Namn anges i information område </ li>
<li><strong>Id </ strong>:. Internt id (senare kategorierna har ett högre id än tidigare </li>
<p><strong>(*)</strong>Varning: Var noga med att testa dessa sorteringsordningar av dig själv,för de kan ge oväntade resultat </ p>.
Thanks :-)
[Subversion] r9194
end file ' cat_modify.html'
<p>The album representative is the thumbnail displayed on the main page (<span class="pwgScreen">category.php</span>) to represent
the album when
it contains only sub-albums and no direct photo (just as the root album).</p>
photo of a album :</p>
<li><span class="pwgScreen">Photo page</span>: one of the action buttons let you set the current photo as the representative for the
displayed album. This button is available only for administrators.</li>
<li><span class="pwgScreen">Modify informations about a photo</span> in
administration. This screen can be reached from <span
class="pwgScreen">picture.php</span> or <span class="pwgScreen">Batch
management</span> in <em>unit mode</em>. See the help of this screen for
<li><span class="pwgScreen">Administration » Albums » Properties,
Representative</span>. See the help of this screen for details.</li>
<li><span class="pwgScreen">Edit album</span> (the present screen).</li>
<p>The choice of a representative depends on the
<code>allow_random_representative</code> configuration parameter (see <span
<p>In default mode (<code>allow_random_representative</code> set to false),
each album containing at least one element is represented by a fixed
element. Once set (at album creation), the representative changes only
when an administrator ask for it. If the representative is not appropriate,
you can ask to <strong>Find a new representant by random</strong>.</p>
<p>If the <code>allow_random_representative</code> configuration parameter is
set to true, a category containing photos may have no fixed
representant. Just use <strong>Delete representant</strong> button.</p>
<p>If the album contains only sub-albums and no photo, it can nonetheless be represented by any element thanks to <span class="pwgScreen">Modify
informations about a photo</span> screen. The only option on the current screen
is the <strong>Delete representant</strong> button.</p>
<h3>Link all album photos to a new album</h3>
<li><strong>Virtual album name</strong>: Name of the new album to be created,
all photos of the current category will be linked to the new one.</li>
<li><strong>Parent album</strong>: Where the new album will be,
leave empty to create it at root.</li>
<h3>Link all album photos to existing albums</h3>
<li><strong>Albums</strong>: Choose the destination album.</li>
<h3>Send an information email to group members</h3>
<li><strong>Group</strong>: recipients group</li>
<li><strong>Mail content</strong>: Free text to send to them.</li>
I was just added to Swedish and would like to know of any coordination efforts?
Hi :-)
If you wan't give information for all translator SE, you can write on page talk language
http://piwigo.org/translate/misc.php?ta … uage=sv_SE
For SE they're no coordinator now
Hi all,
I've recently been added to the Swedish translation group and would welcome any feedback on the parts I've done so far.
Some lines are pretty cumbersome to translate, as it seem it might have been translated to english from another language and some gist/meaning was lost in translation.
I guess though over time, the wrinkles will be smoothed out. 8-)
I'm pretty new to Piwigo and am still learning the admin-backend and also don't use too many of the available plugins.
With that said, is anybody actually doing any proof-reading and checking that the translations are making any sense at all for the various plugins done so far?
That is my impression as well, Adrian.
But the translation tool is pretty awesome, so good job on that Piwigo Team
I have not done any proofreading or any thing like that. I do not know whether there are any active translators that pop in from time to time, and without coordination we might end up with several different ways to use different words in the translation.
Heh, figures.
Well then, maybe we'll just to get it all translated first and then fix any "bugs". 8-)
Hi :-)
You can add chose for SE here -> http://piwigo.org/translate/misc.php?ta … uage=sv_SE
ddtddt wrote:
Hi :-)
You can add chose for SE here -> http://piwigo.org/translate/misc.php?ta … uage=sv_SE