Since I call Piwigo from a website, I'd like "Home" to refer to my website, not Piwigo's album home.
There is some text close to the top of the page just to the right and slightly above "Albums" that says "Home/album name [13]" and when I click on Home it takes me to the list of Albums. Can I change that text "Home" to "Gallery" without breaking everything? If so, how?
Thank you
Piwigo 2.8.0
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Operating system: Linux
PHP: 5.2.17 (Show info) [2016-08-09 17:49:03]
MySQL: 5.6.29-log [2016-08-09 17:49:03]
Graphics Library: External ImageMagick 6.2.8
Piwigo URL: http://http://oakridgecameraclub.org/MemberAlbums/